Quasar SR5133B, LP816 Service Manual

Service Manual
Color Video Projection System
Simplified Manual
SR5133B LP816
This Simplified Service Manual is issued to add listed models to the Main Service Manual order No. MTNC000211C1. A complete parts list and service notes are included in this Simplified Manual. For Schematics please see schematics for PT-51G35B in Simplified Service Ma nual order No. MTN C000234A1. Please file a nd use this Simplified S ervice Manual together with Main Service Manual, order No. MTNC000211C1.
WARNING! This Service Manual is desig ned for expe rienced repa ir technici ans only and is not de signed for u se by the general pub lic. It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repai red only by exp erienced profe ssional techn icians. Any attemp t to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this Service Manual by anyone else could result in serious injury or death.”
The service technician is required to read and follow the “Safety Precautions” and “Important Safety Notice” in this Manual.
Copyright 2000 by Matsushita Electric Corporation of America. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law.
Important Safety Notice
Special components are used in this projecti on television which a re important for safety. These components are identified on the schematic diagram by the symbol and printed in BOLD TYPE on the replacement part list. It is
essential that these critic al parts are replac ed with th e manufact urer ’s speci fied repla cement part to prevent x -ray radiation, shock, fire or other hazards. Do not modify the original design without the manufacturer’s permission.
General Guidelines
isolation transformer
during the servicing of a PTV whose chassis is not isolated from AC power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury from electrical shocks. It will also protect the PTV from being damaged by accidental shorting that may occur during servicing. When servicing, observe the original lead dress, especially in the high voltage circuit. Replace all damaged parts (also parts that show signs of overheating.) Always replace protective devices, such as fishpaper, isolation resistors and capacitors, and shields after servicing the PTV. Use only manufacturer ’s recommended rating for fuses, cir cuits breakers, etc. High potentials, as high as 32kV, are present when this PTV is operating. Operation of the PTV without the rear cover introduc es danger for el ectrical sho ck. Servicin g should not be performed by anyone who is not thoroughly familiar with the necessary precautions when servicing high-voltage equipment.
Extreme care should be prac ticed when handling the
picture tube
due to atmospheric pres s ure. (1 4.7 lb s. per sq . i n.). Do not nick or scratch the glass or subject it to any undu e pressure. When handling, use safety goggles and heavy gloves for protection. Discharge the picture tube by shorting the anode to chassis ground (not to the cabinet or to other mounting hardware). When discharging connect cold ground (i.e. DAG ground lead) to the anode with a well insulated wire or use a grounding probe.
. Rough handling may caus e it to implod e
X-ray Precautions
The front area (between the projection tube and the lens) is enclosed by a metal box to ensure positive safety during normal and abnormal conditions when checking and repairing. To fully ensure safety, the following precautions must be observed.
1. Do not remove the lens or metal box.
2. Make sure to turn the power OFF when the le ns is removed or when checkin g the cleanliness of the lens.
3. Do not remove the lens or metal box to check the projection tube for oper ati on by watc hi ng i t di rec tly. Use a mirror or paper to view the image.
Before returning a serv iced PTV to the owner, the service technician must thoroughly test the unit to ensure that is completely safe to operate. Do not use a
line isolation transformer when testing.
Leakage Current Cold Check
Unplug the AC cord and connect a jumper between the two plug prongs. Press the POWER switch ON. Measure the re si stance betw e e n th e j um p ere d AC pl ug and expose metallic parts such as screw heads,
Service Manual
should always be used
Safety Precautions
antenna terminals, control shafts, etc. If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the reading should be between 240kand 5.2MΩ. If the exposed metallic part does not have a return path to the chassis, the reading should be infinite.
Leakage Current Hot Check (See Figure 1)
Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer during the check. Connect a 1.5k 10 watt resistor in parallel with a
0.15µF capacitor between and exposed metallic part and ground. Use earth ground, for example a water pipe. Using a DVM with a 1000 ohms/volt sensitivity or higher, measure the AC potential across the resistor. Repeat the procedure and measure the voltage present with all other expose metallic parts. Verify any potential does not exceed 0.7 5 volt RMS. A leakage current tester (such a Simpson Model 229, Sencore Model PR57 or equivalent) may be used in the above procedure, in which case any current measure must not exceed 1/2 milliamp. If any measurement is out of the specified limits, there is a possibility of a shock hazard and the PTV must be repaired and rechecked before it is returned to the customer.
Insulation Test
Connect an insulation tester between an exposed metallic part and AC line. Apply 1080VAC/60Hz for 1 second. Confirm that the current measurement is 0.5mA ~ 2.0mA. Repeat test with other metallic exposed parts.
X-ray Radiation
WARNING: The potential source of X-ray radiation in the
PTV is in the hig h vo ltage section and t he pict ure t ube .
Note: It is important to use an accurate, calibrated
high voltage meter.
Set brightness, picture, sharpness and color controls to Minimum. Measure the High Voltage. The high should be 31.5kV
±1.0kV. If the upper limit is out of tolerance, immediate service and correction is required to insure safe operation and to prevent the possibility of premature component failure.
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Figure 1. Hot Check Circuit
Important Safety Tests
Measuring H.V.
The anode caps are cemented to the CRTs. To gain access for high v oltage measurement, remove the red
CRT’s anode lead from the flyback transforme r (FBT) distributor. Grasp the anode lead protective cap at its bottom and squeeze it against the locking cap body inside. Rotate 1/4 turn coun ter clockwise and pull the anode lead sleeve out of the FBT distributor. Connect a high voltage lead (+) from y our H.V. meter to the FBT
distributor, and the common (-) to cold ground ( ). (See Figure 2).
Grasp protective
Anode lead
rubber cap
Squeeze & rotate
Discharge to CRT Chassis
cap counter­clockwise to remove
FBT Distributor
Figure 2. Removal of FBT leads
Note: Reinsert the anode lead into the FBT
distributor until it is tightly and fully seated. T urn the locking cap clockwise to lock in place.
(EHT) Protector Operation Check
With the cabinet ba ck removed, apply a n ominal 120V AC to the PTV.
Over Voltage Test Preparation:
1. Turn PTV “OFF”
2. Connect an NTSC signal generator to the antenna terminal.
3. Connect DVM (+) TPD4 and ( -) TPD5 on D-Boa rd. (See Figure 3)
4. Connect a H.V. meter (static type, class 0.1 ) with high voltage leads to high voltage distributor on FBT. (See F igure 4)
Figure 4. DVM connected to D-Board.
5. Connect the 8 ~ 15 V DC variable power s upply to (+) TPB10 and (-) TPBGND, on B-Board.
1. Apply a monoscope pattern.
2. Adjust the Picture or Brightness controls so that the DVM reads 17.5 volts ± 0.5 volts.
3. Increase the variable po wer supply until set turns off. The set should turn off at 17.5 volts ± 0.5 volts (DVM) and high voltage less than 35.5kV.
4. If the DVM reading is other than 17.5volt (± 0.5 volts), repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. Turn off the variable supply and confirm that the set will turn on with the Remote Control.
CRT Protect Circuit
This circuit blanks the CRT in the event that there is a loss of vertical sweep. The circuit is not adjustable; however the circuit should be checked each time service is performed.
To check circuit:
1. Turn the PTV On an select an active channel.
2. Adjust Brightnes s and Picture control s for a visible picture.
3. On D-Board momentarily connect a shor t-jumper from TPD2 to TPDGND. The CRT shou ld blank. If this does not occur, repair must be performed before returning PTV to customer.
4. Remove short-jumper.
Figure 3. Measuring H.V.
FTB Distributor
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Service Manual
Important Safety Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Safety Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Service Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PCB Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Receiver Feature Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Remote - Location of Controls
EUR511516. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Parts List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Service Manual
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Service Notes
Note: These components are affixed with glue. Be careful not to break or damage any foil under the
component or at the pins of the ICs when removing. Usually applying heat to the component for a short time while twisting with tweezers will break the component loose.
Leadless Chip Component (surface mount)
Chip components must be replaced with identical chips due to critical foil tr ack spacing. There are n o holes in the board to mount standard transistors or diodes. Some chip capacitor or resis tor board so lder pads may have holes through the board, however the hole diameter limits standard resistor replacement to 1/8 watt. Standard capacitor may also be limited for the same reason. It is recommended that identical components be used. Chip resistor have a three digit numerical resistance code - 1st and 2nd significant digits and a multiplier. Example: 162 = 1 60 0 o r 1 .6 kΩ resistor, 0 = 0(jumper). Chip capacitors generally do not have the value indicated on the capacitor. The color on the component indicates the general range of the capaci tance. Chip transistors are identified by a two let t er c ode . The first letter indica ted the type an d the second letter, the grade of transistor. Chip diodes have a two lette r i den tif icati on c ode as per the code chart an d are a dual diode pack with either common anode or common cathode. Check the parts list for correct diode number.
Component Removal
1. Use solder wick to remove s older from compo nent end caps or terminal.
2. Without pulling up, carefully twist the component with tweezers to break the adhesive.
3. Do not reuse removed leadless or chip components since they are subject to stress fracture during removal.
Chip Component Installation
1. Put a small amount of solder on the board soldering pads.
2. Hold the chip component against the soldering pads with tweezers or with a miniature alligator clip and apply heat to th e pad area wi th a 30 watts iro n until solder flows. Do not appl y heat for more than 3 s econds.
Chip Components
How to Replace Flat-IC
- Required Tools -
Soldering iron De-solder braids
Iron wire or small awl • M agn ifi er
1. Remove the solder from all of the pins of a Fla t-IC by using a de-solder braid.
2. Put the iron wire under the pins of the Flat-IC and pull it in the direction indicated while heating the pins using a soldering iron. a small awl can be used instead of the iron wire.
Iron Wire
Soldering Iron
Soldering Iron
3. Remove the solder from all the pads of the Fla t-IC by using a de-solder braid.
Soldering Iron
De-Solder Braid
Flat IC
4. Position the new Flat-I C in place (app ly the pins of the Flat-IC to the soldering pads where the pins need to be soldered). Properly determine the position of the sold ering pads and pins by correctly aligning the polarity symbol.
Polarity Symbol
5. Solder all pins to the soldering pads using a fine tipped soldering iron.
MULTIPLIER =1600 = 1.6k
Soldering Iron
6. Check with a magnifier for solder bridge between the pins or for dry join t between pi ns and sold erin g pads. To rem ove a solder bridge, use a de-solder braid as shown in the figure below.
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Solder Braid
Soldering Iron
Service Manual
Service Notes (Continued)
IMPORTANT: To protect against possible damage to
the solid state devices due to arcing or static discharge, make certain that all ground wires and CRT DA G wire are securely connected.
CAUTION: The power supply circuit is above earth ground and the chassis cannot be polarized. Use an isolation transformer when s ervicing the PTV to avoid damage to the test equipment or to the chassis. Connect the test equipment to the proper ground (( )
or ( )) when servicing, or incorrect voltages will be measured.
WARNING: This PTV has been designed to meet or exceed applicable safety and X-ray radiation protection as specified by gov ernme nt agenci es and i ndepen dent testing laboratories.
To maintain original product safety design standards relative to X-ray radiation and shock and fire hazard,
parts indicated with the symbol on the schematic must be replaced with identical parts. Order parts from
the manufacturer’s parts center using the parts numbers listed in this service manual, or provide the chassis number and the part reference number.
For optimum performance and readability, all other parts should be replaced with components of identical specification.
Service Manual
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PCB Designation
A-Board TXANP1A0RV Main chassis B-Board TNPH0121AG Power supply C-Board TNPA1513 Convergence D-Board TNPA0609AB Protection circuit F2-Board TNP2AA056AA Digital 3-line comb filter G-Board TNP2AA049 Front A/V connections K-Board TNP2AA050 Costumer control s LB-Board TNPA0784BA Blue CRT drive LG-Board TNPA0783BA Green CRT drive LR-Board TNPA0782BA Red CRT drive N-Board TNP2AA027AB 2nd tuner R-Board TNPA0615 Remote sensor T-Board TNP2AA045AD Line filter X-Board TNP2AA063AB A/V inputs Y-Board TNPA1059AC PIP processing
Table 1: PCB Designation
Note: The C & F2-Boards (TNPA1513 &
TNP2AA056AA, respectively) are Non- Serviceable. If either board is defective,
replace the board with a new one, and return the defective board to the Service Center.
Important Notice:
For Schematics please refer to PT-51G35B in Simplified Service Manual No. MTNC000234A1
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Service Manual
Receiver Feature Table
Chassis KP816 Tunning system 40K # of channels 181 Menu language Eng/Span/F Closed Caption X V-Chip(USA/CANADA) X PIP (1T), 2T PIP (2T) 2T(MITSU) 2RF X Remote Model # EUR511516 Comb filter 3DIG H Edge
Correction V/A norm Both MTS/SAP/DBX X AI Sound X Spatializer X Built-in audio
power # of speakers 2
10W/CH (10)%
Audio out FAO:F, VAO:V F,V A/V in (rear/front) 3 (2/1) S-VHS in
(rear/front) Dimension mm
(WxDxH) in Weight (kg/lbs) 109/240 Power source
(V/Hz) Anode voltage 31.5kV ± 1.0kV
Video input jack
Audio input jack
1Vpp 75Ω, phone jack
500mV RMS 47k
Table 2: R eceiver Features
Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Dimensions and weights are approximate.
Service Manual
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Remote - Location of Controls
POWER Button Press to turn ON and OFF. MUTE Button Press to mute sound.
A second press resumes sound. Press also to access and delete Closed Caption display.
VCR, DVD, TV, DBS & CBL Buttons Component function buttons VOL (volume) Buttons Press to adjust TV sound level.
Use with Channel buttons to navigate in menus.
R-TUNE (Rapid Tune) Button. Press to switch to the previous
channel. ACTION Button Press to display Main Menu and access or
exit On Screen features and Adjustment Menus.
Component function buttons. DBS EXIT& DBS GUIDE Buttons DBS function buttons.
Figure 5. Location of Controls (Remote EUR511516)
For additional information for this and other remotes listed in the parts list, please refer to the Remote Guides.
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Service Manual
Models: SR5133B
Important Safety Notice: Components printed in BOLD TYPE ha ve special characteristics important
for safety. When replacing any of these components use only manufacturer’s specified parts.
CR2801 EXNG131P365 RES-CAP 130PF/3.6 MEG CR2802 EXNG131P365 RES-CAP 130PF/3.6 MEG
C001 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C004 TCUX1H103KBN CAP,C .01UF-K-50V C005 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C006 ECA1HM4R7 CAP,E 4.7UF/50V C010 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C011 ECJ2VC1H101J CAP,C 100PF-J-50V C012 ECJ2VC1H101J CAP,C 100PF-J-50V C013 ECA1HM220 CAP,E 22UF/50V C014 ECA1HM220 CAP,E 22UF/50V C015 ECJ2VC1H181J CAP,C 180PF-J-50V C016 ECJ2VF1C105Z CAP,C 1.0UF-Z-16V C017 ECJ2VF1C105Z CAP,C 1.0UF-Z-16V C023 ECJ2VC1H181J CAP,C 180PF-J-50V C024 ECA0JM102 CAP,E 1000UF/6.3V C027 ECEA1HNR47U CAP,E .47UF-50V C028 EEANA1E1R0B CAP,E 1.0UF-25V C029 ECA1HM010 CAP,E 1.0UF/50V C031 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C034 ECJ2VB1H272K CAP,C .0027UF-K-50V C039 ECJ2VC1H220J CAP,C 22PF-J-50V C040 ECJ2VC1H270J CAP,C 27PF-J-50V C041 ECA0JM331 CAP,E 330UF/6.3V C042 TCUX1H103KBN CAP,C .01UF-K-50V C043 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C045 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C046 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V
C047 ECA0JM222 CAP,E 2200UF/6.3V C048 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C049 ECA1EM101 CAP, E 100UF /25V C050 ECA1EM471 CAP,E 470UF /25V C051 EEUFC1E470B CAP,E 47UF-25V C052 TACCX103T50V CAP,C .01UF/50V
C053 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C054 TCUX1H103KBN CAP,C .01UF-K-50V C055 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C056 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C081 ECA1HM010 CAP,E 1.0UF/50V C101 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C140 ECJ2VC1H270J CAP,C 27PF-J-50V C301 ECEA1CN470U CAP,E 47UF-16V C302 ECA1HM010 CAP,E 1.0UF/50V C304 ECA1HM010 CAP,E 1.0UF/50V C305 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C306 ECA1HM220 CAP,E 22UF/50V C307 ECJ2VF1H223Z CAP,C .022UF-Z050V C308 ECA1HM3R3 CAP,E 3.3UF/50V C309 ECEA1HN010U CAP,E 1UF/50V C311 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C312 ECA1HM100 CAP,E 10UF/50V C313 ECA1VM470 CAP,E 47UF /35V C314 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C315 ECA1EM220 CAP,E 22UF /25V C316 ECA1HM4R7 CAP,E 4.7UF/50V C317 ECA1HM4R7 CAP,E 4.7UF/50V C318 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C319 ECA1HM101 CAP,E 100UF/50V C320 ECJ2VF1H103Z CAP,C .01UF-Z-50V C321 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C330 ECJ2VC1H101J CAP,C 100PF-J-50V C351 ECA2EM100 CAP,E 10UF /250V C353 ECKD2H103PU CAP,C .01UF-P-500V C354 ECA1CM101 CAP,E 100UF/16V C356 ECKD3D332KB CAP ,C .0033UF-K-2KV C357 ECQB1H104JM CAP,P .1UF-J-50V C359 ECKD3D102KB CAP ,C .001UF-K-2KV C360 ECA1CM470 CAP,E 47UF/16V C361 TACCW101T50V CAP,C 100PF/50V C363 ECKD3D102KB CAP,C .001UF-K-2KV
Parts List
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+ 22 hidden pages