Quasar CM-6208 User And Installation Manual

Quasar CM-6208
Ultra HD 4K
Mini-Dome IP Camera
User and Installation Guide
Rev. A1 November 9, 2014
65 Challenger Road
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
The contents of this guide may not be
reproduced or reprinted in whole or in
part without the express written
permission of DVTEL, Inc.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Document Information ................................................................................................... vii
2 Overview .........................................................................................................................1
2.1 Features .......................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Package Contents ........................................................................................................... 2
3 Introduction to the CM-6208 IP Mini-Dome Camera ..........................................................3
3.1 Typical CM-6208 Camera ................................................................................................ 3
3.2 CM-6208-11-I Motorized Camera Dimensions ............................................................... 3
3.3 Internal Connectors ........................................................................................................ 4
3.4 System Cable Connectors ............................................................................................... 4
3.4.1 Waterproofing the Camera Cable Connectors ........................................................... 5
3.4.2 Connecting Power to the Camera .............................................................................. 7
3.4.3 Input and Output Connectors .................................................................................... 7
4 System Requirements ......................................................................................................9
5 Installation .................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Indoor Installation ........................................................................................................ 11
5.2 Outdoor Installation ..................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Power and Ethernet Cable Connection ........................................................................ 12
5.4 Initial Camera Configuration ........................................................................................ 12
5.5 Preparing the Camera for Use ...................................................................................... 14
5.6 Mounting Instructions .................................................................................................. 15
5.6.1 Mounting Tips .......................................................................................................... 15
5.6.2 Mounting the Camera for Indoor or Outdoor Use ................................................... 16
6 Using the DNA Utility to Search and Access the Camera .................................................. 19
7 Configuring Communication Settings on the Quasar Camera ........................................... 21
8 Adjusting and Framing-Up the Camera View ................................................................... 25
9 Configuration and Operation .......................................................................................... 27
9.1 Browser-Based Viewer Introduction ............................................................................ 27
9.2 Live Screen .................................................................................................................... 29
9.3 System Settings............................................................................................................. 31
9.3.1 System ...................................................................................................................... 31
9.3.2 Security ..................................................................................................................... 32
9.3.3 Network .................................................................................................................... 42
9.3.4 Events Setup ............................................................................................................. 52
9.3.5 Edge Recording ......................................................................................................... 64
9.3.6 Motion Detection ..................................................................................................... 69
9.3.7 Schedule ................................................................................................................... 73
9.3.8 File Location ............................................................................................................. 74
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
9.3.9 Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 75
9.3.10 Import/Export .......................................................................................................... 82
9.4 Streaming Settings ........................................................................................................ 83
9.4.1 Video Format ............................................................................................................ 84
9.4.2 Video Compression .................................................................................................. 91
9.4.3 Video ROI .................................................................................................................. 92
9.4.4 Video OCX Protocol .................................................................................................. 93
9.4.5 Video Frame Rate ..................................................................................................... 94
9.4.6 Video Mask ............................................................................................................... 95
9.4.7 Audio ........................................................................................................................ 96
9.5 Camera Settings ............................................................................................................ 97
9.5.1 Exposure ................................................................................................................... 98
9.5.2 Picture Adjustment ................................................................................................ 101
9.5.3 Advanced Picture Settings...................................................................................... 102
9.5.4 IR Function ............................................................................................................. 105
9.5.5 Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................... 107
9.6 Log Out ....................................................................................................................... 109
10 Appendices .................................................................................................................. 111
A.1. Technical Specifications .............................................................................................. 112
A.2. Internet Security Settings ........................................................................................... 115
A.3. Install UPnP Components ........................................................................................... 117
A.4. Deleting the Existing DVPlayer ................................................................................... 119
A.5. Deleting Temporary Internet Files .............................................................................. 120
A.6. Mounting Accessories ................................................................................................ 121
Contacting DVTEL ............................................................................................................... 124
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1: Package Contents.................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Typical CM-6208-11-I Camera with Motorized Lens ............................................................... 3
Figure 3: CM-6208-11-1 Camera Dimensions ........................................................................................ 3
Figure 4: MicroSDXC Card Drive and Reset Button ............................................................................... 4
Figure 5: CM-6208 Camera Input/Output Connections .......................................................................... 4
Figure 6: Camera Cables ........................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 7: System Cable ........................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 8: System Cable Hose and Wiring ............................................................................................... 6
Figure 9: RJ45 Connector and Plug ........................................................................................................ 6
Figure 10: Thread-Lock Sealing Nut and RJ45 Connector ..................................................................... 6
Figure 11: Loosened Thread-Lock Sealing Nut ...................................................................................... 6
Figure 12: RJ45 Connector and Thread-Lock Sealing Nut ..................................................................... 7
Figure 13: Fastened Thread-Lock Sealing Nut ....................................................................................... 7
Figure 14: Discovered IP Devices ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 15: DNA Assign IP Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 13
Figure 16: Dome Cover ......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 17: Exposed Mini-Dome Camera ............................................................................................... 14
Figure 18: Module-Fastening Screw ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 19: Rotated Lens Assembly ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 20: Base Plate Used as a Template to Mark Drilling Locations ................................................ 16
Figure 21: Windows Firewall Screen .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 22: Discovered IP Devices ......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23: DNA Assign IP – Use DHCP Dialog Box ............................................................................. 22
Figure 24: DNA Assign IP – Static IP Dialog Box ................................................................................. 22
Figure 25: Installing the ActiveX Control ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 26: Security Window .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 27: Camera Tensioning Collar ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 28: CM-6208 Camera – Pan, Rotate and Tilt Angles ................................................................ 25
Figure 29: Browser-Based User Interface ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 30: System Screen ..................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 31: Security > System Screen ................................................................................................... 32
Figure 32: Security > User Screen ........................................................................................................ 33
Figure 33: Edit User Account Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 34
Figure 34: Security > HTTPS Screen.................................................................................................... 35
Figure 35: HTTPS Screen – Create Self-Signed Certificate ................................................................. 35
Figure 36: Create Self-Signed Certificate Dialog Box ........................................................................... 36
Figure 37: Installed Certificate Section ................................................................................................. 36
Figure 38: Certificate Properties ........................................................................................................... 37
Figure 39: HTTPS Screen – Upload Signed Certificate ........................................................................ 37
Figure 40: HTTPS Screen – Install Signed Certificate .......................................................................... 38
Figure 41: Create Certificate Request Dialog Box ................................................................................ 38
Figure 42: Created Request Subject ..................................................................................................... 39
Figure 43: Certificate Request Properties Dialog Box .......................................................................... 39
Figure 44: IP Filter Screen .................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 45: IEEE 802.1X/EAP-TLS Screen ............................................................................................ 41
Figure 46: Network Screen ................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 47: QoS Screen ......................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 48: SNMP Settings Screen ........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 49: UPnP Screen ....................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 50: Direct Access to Camera with UPnP Enabled ..................................................................... 47
Figure 51: DDNS Screen ...................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 52: Mail Screen – SMTP ............................................................................................................ 49
Figure 53: FTP Screen .......................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 54: HTTP Screen ....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 55: IO Screen ............................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 56: Trigger Action – Upload Image by FTP ............................................................................... 53
Figure 57: Send HTTP Notification Option ............................................................................................ 53
Figure 58: Triggered Action – Upload Image by E-Mail ........................................................................ 54
Figure 59: IO– Record Video Clip ......................................................................................................... 55
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
Figure 60: Network Failure Detection Screen ....................................................................................... 56
Figure 61: Tampering Alarm Screen ..................................................................................................... 57
Figure 62: Periodical Event Screen ...................................................................................................... 60
Figure 63: Manual Trigger Screen ........................................................................................................ 62
Figure 64: SD Card Screen ................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 65: Video File Recording List ..................................................................................................... 65
Figure 66: Selected File Window .......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 67: Video File Recording List ..................................................................................................... 66
Figure 68: Selected File Window .......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 69: Recording Screen ................................................................................................................ 68
Figure 70: Motion Detection Screen ..................................................................................................... 69
Figure 71: Motion Detection Screen – with Schedule Drop-Down Menu ............................................. 70
Figure 72: Motion Window without Detection ........................................................................................ 70
Figure 73: Motion Window with Detection ............................................................................................. 71
Figure 74: Pixel Interval Illustration ....................................................................................................... 71
Figure 75: Schedule Screen.................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 76: File Location Screen ............................................................................................................ 74
Figure 77: System Log Screen ............................................................................................................. 75
Figure 78: User Information Screen ...................................................................................................... 76
Figure 79: User Information – Privileges Screen .................................................................................. 77
Figure 80: Factory Default Screen ........................................................................................................ 78
Figure 81: Partial Restore Screen ......................................................................................................... 79
Figure 82: Software Version Screen ..................................................................................................... 79
Figure 83: Upgrade Screen ................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 84: Software Upgrade – In Process ........................................................................................... 81
Figure 85: Parameter List Screen ......................................................................................................... 82
Figure 86: Import/Export Screen ........................................................................................................... 82
Figure 87: File Download Screen .......................................................................................................... 83
Figure 88: Streaming Tab ..................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 89: Video Rotate Type Screen ................................................................................................... 89
Figure 90: View-1 (Source) ................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 91: View-2 Image Rotated Vertically (Reversed) ....................................................................... 89
Figure 92: Video Compression Screen ................................................................................................. 91
Figure 93: Video ROI Screen ................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 94: Video OCX Protocol Screen ................................................................................................ 93
Figure 95: Video Frame Rate Screen ................................................................................................... 94
Figure 96: Mask Screen ........................................................................................................................ 95
Figure 97: Audio Screen ....................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 98: Camera Settings Screen ...................................................................................................... 97
Figure 99: Camera Settings Screen – Exposure .................................................................................. 98
Figure 100: Camera Settings Screen – Picture Adjustment ............................................................... 101
Figure 101: Advanced Picture Settings Screen – White Balance ....................................................... 102
Figure 102: Advanced Picture Settings Screen – Backlight ............................................................... 103
Figure 103: Advanced Picture Settings Screen – WDR Function ....................................................... 104
Figure 104: Advanced Picture Settings Screen – Noise Reduction.................................................... 105
Figure 105: Advanced Picture Settings Screen – IR Function ............................................................ 106
Figure 106: Camera Settings Screen – Digital Zoom ......................................................................... 107
Figure 107: Camera Settings Screen – TV System ............................................................................ 108
Figure 108: Login Message................................................................................................................. 109
Figure 109: Login Window .................................................................................................................. 109
Figure 110: Command Bar Toolbar – Select Internet Options ............................................................ 115
Figure 111: Internet Options Screen ................................................................................................... 115
Figure 112: Command Bar Toolbar – Internet Options ....................................................................... 116
Figure 113: Schedule Screen ............................................................................................................. 116
Revision History
Revision History
Sep. – Nov. 2014
Alan Singer
Preliminary releases.
A (0.6)
Nov. 2, 2014
Alan Singer
GA release. Updated specifications.
Nov. 9, 2014
Alan Singer
Updated microSDXC card specification.
Document Information
1 Document Information
Document Scope and Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide instructions and installation procedures for physically connecting the Quasar Gen II camera. After completing the physical installation, additional setup and configurations may be required before video analysis and detection can commence.
This document is intended for use by technical users who have a basic understanding of CCTV camera/video equipment and LAN/WAN network connections.
Ce document est destiné aux utilisateurs techniciens qui possèdent des connaissances de base des équipements vidéo/caméras de télésurveillance et des connexions aux réseaux LAN/WAN.
Installation must follow safety, standards, and electrical codes as well as the laws that apply where the units are being installed.
Avertissement :
L'installation doit respecter les consignes de sécurité, les normes et les codes électriques, ainsi que la législation en vigueur sur le lieu d'implantation des unités.
Proprietary Rights and Non-Disclosure
This manual is delivered subject to the following restrictions and conditions:
This document contains proprietary information belonging to DVTEL, Inc. This information is
supplied solely for the purpose of assisting explicitly the licensee of the DVTEL units.
No part of this document contents may be used for any other purpose, disclosed to any third
party or reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express prior written permission of DVTEL, Inc.
Trademarks and Copyrights
This manual and its contents herein are owned by DVTEL, Inc. All rights reserved.
DVTEL, the DVTEL logo, Quasar Gen II CM-6208 are trademarks of DVTEL, Inc.
Products and trademarks mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be registered trademarks of their respective companies.
DVTEL, Inc. makes no representations whatsoever about any other products or trademarks mentioned in the manual.
© DVTEL, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved.
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
Users of DVTEL products accept full responsibility for ensuring the suitability and considering the role of the product detection capabilities and their limitation as they apply to their unique site requirements.
DVTEL, Inc. and its agents make no guarantees
or warranties to the suitability for the users’
intended use. DVTEL, Inc. accepts no responsibility for improper use or incomplete security and safety measures.
Failure in part or in whole of the installer, owner, or user in any way to follow the prescribed procedures or to heed WARNINGS and CAUTIONS shall absolve DVTEL, Inc. and its agents from any resulting liability.
Specifications and information in this guide are subject to change without notice.
Avis de non-responsabilité
Il incombe aux utilisateurs des produits DVTEL de vérifier que ces produits sont adaptés et d'étudier le rôle des capacités et limites de détection du produit appliqués aux exigences uniques de leur site.
DVTEL, Inc. et ses agents ne garantissent d'aucune façon que les produits sont adaptés à l'usage auquel l'utilisateur les destine. DVTEL, Inc. ne pourra être tenu pour responsable en cas de mauvaise utilisation ou de mise en place de mesures de sécurité insuffisantes.
Le non respect de tout ou partie des procédures recommandées ou des messages d'AVERTISSEMENT ou d'ATTENTION de la part de l'installateur, du propriétaire ou de l'utilisateur dégagera DVTEL, Inc. et ses agents de toute responsabilité en résultant.
Les spécifications et informations contenues dans ce guide sont sujettes à modification sans préavis.
Document Conventions
WARNING and CAUTION notes are distributed throughout this document, whenever applicable, to alert you of potentially hazardous situations. These may be hazards associated with a task or a procedure you are carrying out or are about to carry out.
The following document conventions are used throughout this manual:
Conventions relatives au document
Les remarques AVERTISSEMENT et ATTENTION sont réparties dans l'ensemble du document, en fonction des besoins, afin de vous avertir des situations potentiellement dangereuses. Il peut s'agir de risques associés à une tâche ou à une procédure que vous effectuez ou êtes sur le point d'effectuer.
Les conventions suivantes sont utilisées dans l'ensemble du document:
A Warning is a precautionary message that indicates a procedure or condition where there are potential hazards of personal injury or death.
Avertissement est un message préventif indiquant qu'une procédure ou condition présente un risque potentiel de blessure ou de mort.
Document Information
A Caution is a precautionary message that indicates a procedure or condition where there are potential hazards of permanent damage to the equipment and or loss of data.
Attention est un message préventif indiquant qu'une procédure ou condition présente un risque potentiel de dommages permanents pour l'équipement et/ou de perte de données.
A Note is useful information to prevent problems, help with successful installation, or to provide additional understanding of the products and installation.
Une Remarque est une information utile permettant d'éviter certains problèmes, d'effectuer une installation correcte ou de mieux comprendre les produits et l'installation.
A Tip is information and best practices that are useful or provide some benefit for installation and use of DVTEL products.
Un Conseil correspond à une information et aux bonnes pratiques utiles ou apportant un avantage supplémentaire pour l'installation et l'utilisation des produits DVTEL.
General Cautions and Warnings
This section contains information that indicates a procedure or condition where there are potential hazards. These may be hazards associated with a task or procedure a user is carrying out or about to carry out. WARNINGS and CAUTIONS are distributed throughout this document, whenever applicable, to alert the user of potentially hazardous situations.
Although the unit is designed and manufactured in compliance with all applicable safety standards, certain hazards are present during the installation of this equipment.
To help ensure safety and to help reduce risk of injury or damage, observe the following:
Précautions et avertissements d'ordre général
Cette section contient des informations indiquant qu'une procédure ou condition présente des risques potentiels. Il peut s'agir de risques associés à une tâche ou à une procédure qu'un utilisateur effectue ou est sur le point d'effectuer. Les notes AVERTISSEMENT et ATTENTION sont réparties dans l'ensemble du document, en fonction des besoins, afin d'avertir l'utilisateur des situations potentiellement dangereuses.
Bien que l'unité soit conçue et fabriquée conformément à toutes les normes de sécurité en vigueur, l'installation de cet équipement présente certains risques.
Afin de garantir la sécurité et de réduire les risques de blessure ou de dommages, veuillez respecter les consignes suivantes:
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
1. The camera covers is an essential part of the product. Do not open or remove
2. Never operate the camera without the cover in place. Operating the camera
without the cover poses a risk of fire and shock hazards.
3. Do not disassemble the camera or remove screws. There are no user
serviceable parts inside the unit.
4. Only qualified trained personnel should service and repair this equipment.
5. Observe local codes and laws and ensure that installation and operation are in
accordance with fire, security and safety standards.
1. Les caches de la caméra sont une partie essentielle du produit. Ne les ouvrez
et ne les retirez pas.
2. N'utilisez jamais la caméra sans que le cache soit en place. L'utilisation de la
caméra sans cache présente un risque d'incendie et de choc électrique.
3. Ne démontez pas la caméra et ne retirez pas ses vis. Aucune pièce se trouvant
à l'intérieur de l'unité ne nécessite un entretien par l'utilisateur.
4. Seul un technicien formé et qualifié est autorisé à entretenir et à réparer cet
5. Respectez les codes et réglementations locaux, et assurez-vous que
l'installation et l'utilisation sont conformes aux normes contre l'incendie et de sécurité.
Caution: To avoid damage from overheating or unit failure, assure that there is sufficient
temperature regulation to support the unit’s requirements (cooling/heating).
Operating temperature should be kept in the range specified for the product (0° to 50°C/32° to 122°F), with no more than 90% non-condensing humidity.
Afin d'éviter tout dommage dû à une surchauffe ou toute panne de l'unité, assurez­vous que la régulation de température est suffisante pour répondre aux exigences de l'unité (refroidissement/chauffage). La température de fonctionnement doit être maintenue dans la plage de température spécifiée pour le produit (0° à 50°C/32° à 122°F), sans condensation d'humidité supérieur à 90%.
Document Information
Electrical Safety Notice and Warnings
1. Read the installation instructions before you connect the unit to a power
2. Electrical safety should always be observed. All electrical connections must be
performed by a certified electrician.
3. Use the supplied power supply and protect against static electricity, ground
faults and power surges.
4. The unit uses a three-wire power cord to make sure that the product is
properly grounded when in use. This is a safety feature. If the intended power outlet does not support three prongs, one of which is a ground, contact an electrician to install the appropriate outlet. NEVER remove or otherwise attempt to bypass the ground pin of the power cord. Do not operate the unit in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor.
5. If you use an extension cord with this system, make sure that the total ampere
rating on the products plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating.
6. To avoid possible shock hazards or damaging the unit, assure that the positive
and negative of the power leads are properly connected to the terminal block connector before plugging it into the unit or turning on the power source.
7. In the following situations, the electric power should be turned off
immediately and appropriate repairs, replacements or remedies should be
taken if:
The power line is damaged, frayed or shows heavy wear. The unit has been physically crushed or deformed. The unit has been exposed to water. The unit has been exposed to, or shows signs of damage from, fire,
intense heat, heavy smoke, fumes, or vapors.
Electrical connections of the unit become abnormally hot or generate
The unit has been dropped, damaged or shows signs of loose internal
The unit does not operate properly.
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
Avis et avertissements relatifs à la sécurité électrique
1. Lisez les instructions d'installation avant de brancher l'unité à une source
d'alimentation électrique.
2. Les consignes de sécurité électrique doivent toujours être respectées. Toutes les
connexions électriques doivent être effectuées par un électricien qualifié.
3. Utilisez l'alimentation fournie, et protégez l'unité contre l'électricité
statique, les défauts de mise à la terre et les surtensions.
4. Si l'unité utilise un cordon d'alimentation à trois fils, assurez-vous que le produit
est correctement mis à la terre du produit lors de son utilisation. Ne retirez JAMAIS, et ne tentez pas de contourner la broche de mise à la terre du cordon d'alimentation. N'utilisez pas l'unité en l'absence d'un conducteur de mise à la terre installé correctement.
5. Si vous utilisez une rallonge avec ce système, assurez-vous que l'ampérage total
des produits branchés sur la rallonge ne dépasse pas l'ampérage nominal de celle-ci.
6. Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique ou d'endommager l'unité, assurez-
vous que les bornes plus et moins de l'alimentation sont correctement raccordées au connecteur du bloc de jonction avant de le brancher sur l'unité ou d'activer la source d'alimentation.
7. Dans les situations suivantes, l'alimentation électrique doit être coupée
immédiatement, et les réparations, remplacements ou solutions suivants
doivent être effectués si :
Le cordon d'alimentation ou la prise (le cas échéant) est
endommagé, effiloché ou très usé.
L'unité a subi un choc ou a été déformée. L'unité a été exposée à de l'eau. L'unité a été exposée à, ou montre des signes de dégâts par le feu,
une chaleur intense, une fumée épaisse, des émanations ou des vapeurs.
Les connexions électriques chauffent de façon anormale ou produisent de
la fumée.
L'unité est tombée, a été endommagée, ou certaines pièces internes
semblent détachées.
L'unité ne fonctionne pas correctement.
Document Information
Minimizing EMI and RFI
When wires run for a significant distance in an electromagnetic field, electromagnetic interference (EMI) can occur. Strong EMI (e.g. lightning or radio transmitters) can destroy the units and can pose an electrical hazard by conducting power through lines and into the system. Poor quality or worn wiring can result in radio frequency interference (RFI). To minimize the effects of EMI and RFI, consult your reseller.
Minimisation des IEM et des IRF
Lorsque des câbles parcourent une distance importante dans un champ électromagnétique, des interférences électromagnétiques (IEM) peuvent se produire. D'importantes IEM (comme la foudre ou un émetteur radio) peuvent détruire les unités et présenter un risque électrique si elles se propagent sur les câbles et dans le système. Des câbles de mauvaise qualité ou usés peuvent provoquer des interférences radioélectriques (IRF). Pour minimiser les effets des IEM et des IRF, consultez votre revendeur.
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
Site Preparation
There are several requirements that should be properly addressed prior to installation at the site. The following specifications are requirements for proper installation and operation of the unit:
Ambient Environment Conditions: Avoid positioning the unit near heaters or
heating system outputs. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Use proper maintenance to ensure that the unit is free from dust, dirt, smoke, particles, chemicals, smoke, water or water condensation, and exposure to EMI.
Accessibility: The location used should allow easy access to unit connections and
Safety: Cables and electrical cords should be routed in a manner that prevents
safety hazards, such as from tripping, wire fraying, overheating, etc. Ensure that nothing rests on the unit’s cables or power cords.
Ample Air Circulation: Leave enough space around the unit to allow free air
Cabling Considerations: Units should be placed in locations that are optimal for
the type of video cabling used between the unit and the cameras and external devices. Using a cable longer than the manufacturer’s specifications for optimal video signal may result in degradation of color and video parameters.
Physical Security: The unit provides threat detection for physical security systems.
In order to ensure that the unit cannot be disabled or tampered with, the system should be installed with security measures regarding physical access by trusted and un-trusted parties.
Network Security: The unit transmits over IP to security personnel for video
surveillance. Proper network security measures should be in place to assure networks remain operating and free from malicious interference. The unit is intended for installation on the backbone of a trusted network.
Electrostatic Safeguards: The unit as well as other equipment connected to it
(relay outputs, alarm inputs, racks, carpeting, etc.) shall be properly grounded to prevent electrostatic discharge.
The physical installation of the unit is the first phase of making the unit operational in a security plan. The goal is to physically place the unit, connect it to other devices in the system, and to establish network connectivity.
2 Overview
The Quasar Gen II CM-6208-11-I is an indoor/outdoor, vandal-proof, mini-dome IP camera with a motorized lens and infrared IR illuminator. The camera provides real-time, 4K, H.264 multi-streaming with the highest quality image. The camera supports four simultaneous video streams at HD2160p,
HD1080p, HD720p and D1 resolutions. Its compact, sophisticated mechanical design and snap-in
camera chassis facilitate easy installation.
If you are using DVTEL Latitude, we recommend that you configure the camera’s settings via the AdminCenter. This is because the camera’s web-based interface might be
overwritten by Latitude settings. Refer to the Latitude online help for information regarding configuring camera settings.
Si vous utilisez DVTEL Latitude, nous vous conseillons de configurer les paramètres de la caméra via l'AdminCenter. En effet, l'interface Internet de la caméra peut être remplacée par les paramètres Latitude. Veuillez consulter l'aide en ligne Latitude pour de plus amples informations sur la configuration des paramètres de la caméra.
2.1 Features
H.264 and MJPEG
HTTP streaming MJPEG
Progressive scan CMOS
Edge motion detection
Motion detection with
region of interest masking
Historical motion detection
levels detected/recorded at frame levels
Detection event driven
Alarm input driven
Relay output actions on
Built-in web
application/web server
FTP upload
(up to two locations)
Upload alarm images to FTP
Dual HTTP notification
server support (up to two servers)
Send images on alarm to
E-mail SMTP alarm
notification (up to two e-mails)
128GB microSDXC
recording support
Record snapshots to
microSDXC card on alarm
Sequential snapshot
SNMP v1/v2/v3 and
SNMP traps
Security IP restricted
access allow/deny list
UPnP support Electronic day/night (ICR)
Analog video output
BNC analog output
Privacy masks
3DNR image noise reduction
ONVIF support
RTSP support
Supports PoE/12VDC/24VAC
Multiple users
Group permissions
Per-user permissions
Tampering detection and
Two encoder streams
Low-lux mode and backlight
Vandal-proof IP66
Motorized lens
Infrared LED illuminator
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
2.2 Package Contents
Before proceeding, please check that the box contains the items listed here. If any item is missing or has defects, do not install or operate the product and contact your dealer for assistance.
Mini-dome camera
(Torx wrench)
Rubber washers (×6)
Self-tapping screws (×4)
(See note below)
Plastic screw anchors (×4)
(Bundled software and
Quick Installation Guide
Figure 1: Package Contents
The self-tapping screws are mainly for softer substrate/material installation such as wood. For other installation materials such as cement ceilings, it is necessary to pre-drill and use plastic anchors before fastening the supplied self-tapping screws into the wall.
Introduction to the CM-6208 IP Mini-Dome Camera
3 Introduction to the CM-6208 IP Mini-Dome Camera
This chapter provides information about the camera hardware for reference before installation. The connectors included on the camera’s system cable are described.
Typical CM-6208 Camera CM-6208-11-1 Motorized Camera Dimensions Internal Connectors Camera Connections
3.1 Typical CM-6208 Camera
The figure below shows a typical CM-6208 camera.
Figure 2: Typical CM-6208-11-I Camera with Motorized Lens
3.2 CM-6208-11-I Motorized Camera Dimensions
The CM-6208-11-I indoor/outdoor vandal-proof motorized IP mini-dome camera dimensions are shown below in inches, followed by millimeters.
Figure 3: CM-6208-11-1 Camera Dimensions
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
3.3 Internal Connectors
As seen in the illustration below, the baseplate of the camera includes a microSDXC card drive, which can store up to 128GB of data. The base of the lens assembly includes a reset button.
Figure 4: MicroSDXC Card Drive and Reset Button
To perform a hard reset to full factory defaults using the Reset button
1. Insert a pointed object into the Reset button.
2. Press the button for 30 seconds. Both LEDs on the RJ45 connector are extinguished. After
one second, the green network LED flashes once and then remains lighted. The yellow activity LED flashes as soon as it detects network activity.
3. The unit returns to full factory defaults.
3.4 System Cable Connectors
The camera is shipped with a system cable for network, power, I/O, and audio connections. The figure below shows the various connectors included in the system cable of the CM-6208-11-I camera. The connectors, pin numbers and signal definitions are listed below.
Figure 5: CM-6208 Camera Input/Output Connections
Introduction to the CM-6208 IP Mini-Dome Camera
For network and PoE connections
Power (DC 12V*/AC 24V)
(3-pin Terminal Block) 1
DC 12V −
AC 24V 1
Power connection
DC 12V +
AC 24V 2
Alarm I/O
(4-pin Terminal Block)
Alarm In −
Alarm connection
Alarm In +
Alarm Out −
Alarm Out +
Audio I/O Green
Audio Out
Two-way audio transmission Pink
For analog video output
3.4.1 Waterproofing the Camera Cable Connectors
Follow the instructions below to waterproof the connectors for the different types of cables included in the system cable. The cables are shown below.
System Cable
RJ45 Cable
IP66 RJ45 Cable
Figure 6: Camera Cables
System Cable
To waterproof the system cable
1. Connect all the required devices to the system cable.
2. Coat the joints with silicone gel. There should be no gap between the connectors and the
cables. For alarm I/O connector and power connector, make sure the side with wires attached is also sealed with silicone gel.
Figure 7: System Cable
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
3. Seal the end of the rubber coating of the system cable as indicated in the figure below. Use
enough silicone gel to fill in the hose and wrap around each wire in order to properly waterproof the cable.
Figure 8: System Cable Hose and Wiring
RJ45 Cable
To waterproof the RJ45 cable
1. Plug the Ethernet cable to the connector of the RJ45 cable.
Figure 9: RJ45 Connector and Plug
2. Coat the joint with silicone gel. Make sure there is no gap between the Ethernet cable and
the connector in order to properly waterproof the cable.
IP66-Rated RJ45 Cable
To waterproof the IP66-Rated RJ45 cable
1. Remove the supplied connector from the IP66-rated RJ45 plug.
Figure 10: Thread-Lock Sealing Nut and RJ45 Connector
2. Loosen the thread-lock sealing nut on the IP66-rated RJ45 plug.
Figure 11: Loosened Thread-Lock Sealing Nut
Introduction to the CM-6208 IP Mini-Dome Camera
3. Thread the Ethernet cable through the thread-lock sealing nut and the IP66-rated RJ45 plug.
If the Ethernet cable is already attached to a connector, remove it first.
Figure 12: RJ45 Connector and Thread-Lock Sealing Nut
4. Carefully remove a section of rubber coating from the end of the Ethernet cable to reveal
the wires.
5. Inset the wires into the correct pins of the connector.
6. Plug the Ethernet cable into the connector of the IP66-rated RJ45 cable.
7. Fasten the RJ45 plug to the connector of the IP66-rated RJ45 cable.
8. Tighten the thread-lock sealing nut to the plug.
Figure 13: Fastened Thread-Lock Sealing Nut
3.4.2 Connecting Power to the Camera
The camera can be powered by Power over Ethernet or by an external 12VDC/24VAC adaptor (not included in the package).
If using an external power supply, connect the power leads or three-pin power terminal
block to the power supply.
If using PoE, make sure that a Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) device is used in the network
Make sure the camera’s power cable is properly connected. All electrical work must be performed in
accordance with local regulatory requirements.
3.4.3 Input and Output Connectors
The alarm input and output connectors are shown below.
Pin No.
Input (-)
Input (+)
Output (-)
Output (+)
System Requirements
4 System Requirements
To access the camera via a web browser, ensure that your PC has the proper network connection and meets system requirements as described below.
Minimum System Requirement
Personal Computer
Minimum: Intel® Core i5-2430M @ 2.4 GHz, 4GB RAM Recommended: Intel® Core i7-870 @ 2.93 GHz, 8GB RAM
Operating System
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Web Browser
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, or 11
Network Card
10BaseT (10 Mbps), 100Base-TX (100 Mbps), or 1000BaseT (1000Mbps) operation
ActiveX control plug-in for Microsoft IE
5 Installation
Follow the instructions below for indoor and outdoor installation of the Quasar Gen II CM-6208 series camera.
Related Links
Indoor Installation
Outdoor Installation
Power and Ethernet
Cable Connection
Initial Camera Configuration
Removing the Base Plate
Mounting Instructions
5.1 Indoor Installation
Read the instructions provided in this chapter thoroughly before installing the CM-6208-11-I. Following are additional considerations for indoor installation:
There must be a fuse or circuit breaker at the starting point of the electrical wiring
For indoor installations, such as industrial applications, the camera must be protected from
hostile external elements (e.g. corrosive environment, metallic dust, extreme temperatures, soot, moisture, over spray, etc.).
Do not place the camera on or near radiators and heat sources. All electrical work must be performed in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
5.2 Outdoor Installation
Read the instructions provided in this chapter thoroughly before installing the CM-6208-11-I camera. Following are additional considerations for outdoor installation:
For outside wiring installation, always use weatherproof equipment, such as boxes,
receptacles, connectors, etc.
For electrical wiring, use the properly rated sheathed cables for conditions to which the
cable will be exposed (for example, moisture, heat, UV, physical requirements, etc.).
Plan ahead to determine where to install infrastructure weatherproof equipment. Whenever
possible, ground components to an outdoor ground.
Use best security practices to design and maintain secured camera access, communications
infrastructure, tamper-proof outdoor boxes, etc.
All electrical work must be performed in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
5.3 Power and Ethernet Cable Connection
Make sure the camera’s power cable is properly connected. Refer to Camera Connections. If using Power over Ethernet (PoE), make sure Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) is available on the connected network. All electrical work must be performed in accordance with local regulatory requirements.
5.4 Initial Camera Configuration
To perform the initial camera configuration
1. Unpack the camera.
2. Remove the screws from the dome cover.
3. Remove the PE cloth sheet and lens cap.
4. Attach the dome cover to the body.
5. Connect one end of the network Cat 5 Ethernet cable to the RJ45 connector on the camera’s
system cable.
6. Connect the other end of the network cable to a Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) device,
such as a switch.
7. Verify that the LEDs on the RJ45 connector illuminate green (indicating a stable network
connection) and flashing yellow (to indicate network activity).
8. Do one of the following:
From the Latitude Sidebar, run the Unified Configurator by selecting Applications >
Device Configuration Tool. Then, on the Unified Configurator screen, click DVTEL Quasar Gen II Series.
Copy and run dna.exe (see note below) from the included CD.
DNA is an enhanced software alternative to Device Search. Either of these programs may be used. They are supplied on the included CD.
Click the icon. Select the unit requiring IP assignment.
Figure 14: Discovered IP Devices
Right-click the mouse and select the assigned IP address or click the Assign IP button
to open the DNA Assign IP dialog box.
The camera default IP Address and the subnet mask IP Address are automatically supplied by the DHCP server.
In the dialog box that is displayed, enter values for the IP Address, Gateway and
Click Update and wait for OK status to be displayed.
Figure 15: DNA Assign IP Dialog Box
Disconnect the Ethernet cable. The camera is ready for deployment (mounting) in a site installation.
1. The camera can be connected to a PC for bench installation via an Ethernet cross-
2. The camera default IP Address is automatically set by the DHCP server. If using
Latitude, the Address must be set manually.
A camera setup adapter, such as Veracity Pinpoint, can be used to connect a laptop directly to the camera when using PoE.
Quasar CM-6208 User and Installation Guide
5.5 Preparing the Camera for Use
Before using the camera, you must release the lens assembly, which is in a fixed position for shipping from the factory.
Releasing the lens assembly for use
1. Removed the mini-dome cover by opening the rubber tabs and unscrewing the screws
located under the tabs with the star-bit tool supplied with the camera.
Figure 16: Dome Cover
2. Separate the top and bottom sections of the cover in order to access the camera module
Figure 17: Exposed Mini-Dome Camera
3. Unscrew the module-fastening screw sufficiently so that the lens assembly can rotate by 90°.
Figure 18: Module-Fastening Screw
4. Twist the lens assembly 90° in either direction in order to verify that the module can easily
pan, tilt and rotate in any position.
Figure 19: Rotated Lens Assembly
5. Reinstall the dome cover, replace the screws, tighten them, and snap the rubber tabs back
into position.
5.6 Mounting Instructions
The following are mounting instructions for the CM-6208 series cameras.
CM-6208-11-I Mounting Tips Mounting the CM-6208-11-I for Indoor or Outdoor Use
5.6.1 Mounting Tips
To eliminate IR reflection
1. Clean the bubble from dirt and finger prints.
2. Make sure the bubble has no scratches.
3. Fasten the screw that secures the snap-in chassis in order to have the rubber sealed against
the bubble.
4. Avoid aiming the IR where there are nearby objects closer than the scene of interest which
might reflect back into the lens.
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