Quantum XTRA Quick User Manual

Vista QXTRA quick user guidel V1.0
Quick user guide for QXTRA range of
Quantum XTRA – Quick User manual
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
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Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
CE Information
The product must be installed according to the currently valid installation regulations for EMC to guarantee the designed use and to prevent EMC problems.
The device supplied with this manual is according to the EC, EMC Directive, 2004/108/EC & LVD 2006/95/EC
Standard used for showing compliance with the essential requirements of the device: EN 55022 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-3 EN 50130-4 EN 55024 LVD: EN60950-1
Safety Precautions
Caution before Use
Please read this manual before installing or using the DVR. Please keep this manual in a safe place, to allow for future reference For the safety and proper use, The DVR is marked with various symbols. Please read these to prevent injury of financial loss.
Installation Site
Ensure installation position is level, secure and adequately ventilated. Avoid installing close to sources of humidity or water.
Contact details
Belgium +32 (0) 3 369 8080 Nederland +31 (0) 76 579 2577 Portugal +351 234 301900 South Africa +27 (0) 11 887 1546 Spain +34 91 503 06 78 Middle East +971 4 881 14332 UK +44 (0) 118 912 5000 Rest of world +44 (0) 118 912 5000
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
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Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 6
1. NAVIGATION ..................................................................................................................... 6
1-1. Mouse Control .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1-2. Menu Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. MONITORING .................................................................................................................... 7
2-1. Live screen OSD Description ................................................................................................................... 7
2-2. Select Channel ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2-3. Digital Zoom ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3. PLAYBACK ....................................................................................................................... 8
3-1. OSD Description ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3-2. Playback Control ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3-3. Playback Search .................................................................................................................................... 10
DATE & TIME, EVENT AND BOOKMARK SEARCH ..................................................................... 11
Calendar / Date and time searches ............................................................................................................... 12
Event Search ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Log search ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Bookmark search ........................................................................................................................................... 15
GOTO SEARCH OPTION .......................................................................................................16
4. ARCHIVING EVIDENCE TO DVD/CD OR USB .....................................................................17
Time and Date archive................................................................................................................................... 17
Event list archiving ......................................................................................................................................... 20
CLIENT VIEWER SOFTWARE ............................................................................................21
1. LIVE MONITORING ...........................................................................................................24
2. REMOTE SEARCH ................................ ................................................................ ............25
2-1. Search .................................................................................................................................................... 25
2-2. Archive.................................................................................................................................................... 27
INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................30
1. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS ................................................................................................30
2. REAR PANEL CONNECTORS .............................................................................................32
3. REMOTE CONTROL ..........................................................................................................34
4. CONNECTION GUIDE ........................................................................................................35
5. TURNING ON THE DVR ....................................................................................................37
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
1. Navigation
You can navigate the on screen menus using the front panel buttons, remote controller or mouse.
1-1. Mouse Control
Right clicking the mouse brings up the following popup menu.
Screen view selection PAN/Tilt Menu Search menu Goto function (only in Search mode) Setup menu icon Sequence icon Eject icon Emergency record icon (Stop/start toggle) Playback mode
1-2. Menu Navigation
To enter the Setup menu, the user has to have the required access rights and be logged on. Press the Menu button or right click with mouse on screen and select the menu icon. The following screen will be displayed asking for password.
Select the user ID. Enter the password.
The default password is 00000000(8 zeros). Press OK, the setup menu will be displayed
on screen.
All menus are navigated around using the Left/ Right/ Up/ Down and the Select button or mouse.
To step back out of the menus, press MENU button or click the right button of the mouse.
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
2. Monitoring
2-1. Live screen OSD Description
The Status Bar on screen shows HDD capacity, network connection, current time, etc.
Archiving in background
- HDD capacity: Used capacity / Total capacity
- Network connection: It is shown that admin or user is connected.
- Mouse connection
~ - Multi-screen Display Buttons
- Current Date/Time
– Click here to temporarily hide the information bar
2-2. Select Channel
Use the Multi-screen display buttons on the status bar to select the display mode.
Example: 9 Channel
Also you can use the DIS button on the remote controller to change the display mode. Display switches in the following order when the DIS button is pressed.
Single Channel 4 Channel 9 Channel 16 Channel 17 Channel
2-3. Digital Zoom
When the system is in full-screen mode, left click and drag your mouse over the area to be enlarged a grey rectangle will appear. Left click the mouse to zoom in on the highlighted
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
area. To exit digital zoom, right click the mouse.
3. Playback
Click the right button on the mouse, the popup menu will be displayed on screen.
(Ensure that the PTZ function is turned off – Otherwise Play back mode will not operate)
3-1. OSD Description
The Control Bar on screen shows Playback control buttons, Progress bar, Display mode buttons, Playback time, etc.
To begin playback, press the Play button on the popup menu.
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
3-2. Playback Control
Play Forward
When the Play Forward button( ) is pressed, the unit will play forward at the rate the data was recorded. While in the play mode, the user may change the playback direction, playback
speed. To return to play forward operations, press the Play Forward button( ).
Reverse Play
To begin reverse playback, press the Reverse Play button( ).
During playback, press the Pause button( ). This feature pauses all full screen and multi­screen images. To release the pause press the pause button for a second time.
Single Frame Advance
During the pause mode, press the Frame Advance button( ) to view the frame directly after the frame displayed on screen.
Single Frame Rewind During the pause mode, press the Frame Rewind button( ) to view the frame directly before
the frame displayed on screen.
Fast Forward
In playback mode, press the Fast Forward button( ) to switch between various fast play modes such as x2, x4, x8, x16 play.
Fast Backward
In reverse playback mode, press the Fast Backward button( ) to switch between various reverse play modes such as x2, x4, x8, x16 reverse play.
To stop playback and return to the live mode, press the Stop button( ).
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
3-3. Playback Search
To search within the recorded video, while in play back mode, right click on the screen, the following menu icon menu will appear,
Cameras Selection
Click the Camera selection icon to display the following box:
Interlace selection
A choice of OFF, D1 or D2 will be offered OFF – Optimized for resolution, but shows 2 individual fields so can produce juddering on
moving objects. D1 - Optimized for moving images, with slight reduction in resolution D2- Optimized for resolution but shows integration artefacts on moving objects
Camera selection
Interlace selection
Date & Time, Event and Bookmark search
GOTO selection
Main menu
Sequence selection
DVD Eject
Emergency record
Return to live
Full screen camera selection
Quad screen selection
Nine way split selection
Sixteen way split selection
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
Click on the Date and time search icon to display the following selection window:
Review screen
Playback of recordings will be displayed in this window, in either full screen or split screen format, format is chosen using icons below the screen.
Playback time
The time at which the recorded images were made is displayed in this box
Bookmark toggle arrows
Click on the right arrow to display the Bookmark search screen, see Book marks below.
Time line
Calendar search, days with recording shown in blue
Date and Time selection
Date and Time / Event search and log selection bar
Toggle to Bookmark search
Review screen split selection
Review screen
Playback time
Archive button
Vista QXTRA User and installation manual V1.0
Calendar / Date and time searches
Time Line
When a specific date is chosen in the calendar search box, cameras with recordings will be graphically displayed in the this box,
Blue – Time-lapse recording
Red – Alarm recording
Yellow – Motion recording
Calendar Search
Select the required month using the arrows, days within this month that have recordings related to them, will be displayed in blue
Time and Date selection
A specific time and date can be chosen; click on the start time, a data entry box will appear, enter the correct start time and press PLAY.
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