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Quantum specifications are subject to change.
iiQXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
viiiQXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
This guide provides information for the following 12G QXS systems:
• QXS-G2-312: 12-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-324: 24-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-412: 12-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-424: 24-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-484: 84-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
This guide provides information about initial hardware setup, and removal and installation of
customer-replaceable units (CRUs) for the QXS G2 systems (RAID chassis and expansion chassis).
The QXS G2 systems converged network controller (CNC) I/O modules has the following host
interfaces available:
The QXS G2 systems are SBB-compliant (Storage Bridge Bay) chassis. These chassis support large form
factor (LFF) drives or small form factor (SFF) drives in 2U12, 2U24 and 5U84 chassis. These chassis
form factors support RAID chassis and expansion chassis.
Chassis User Interfaces
The QXS G2 systems support applications for configuring, monitoring, and managing the storage
system. The web-based application GUI and the command-line interface are briefly described:
• The disk management utility is the web interface for the chassis, providing access to all common
management functions for virtual storage.
Refer to the
QXS G2 Disk Management Utility User Guide
for additional information.
About This Guideix
• The command-line interface (CLI) enables you to interact with the storage system using command
syntax entered via the keyboard or scripting.
Refer to the
QXS G2 CLI Reference Guide
CNC Ports Used for Host Connection
QXS G2 systems that use CNC technology allow you to select the desired host interface protocol from
the available Fibre Channel (FC) or Internet SCSI (iSCSI) host interface protocols supported by the
NOTE: Refer to SFP Option for CNC Ports for additional information.
You can use the CLI to set all controller host ports to use either FC or iSCSI protocol using the set
• 16Gb FC
• 8Gb FC
• 10GbE iSCSI
• 1GbE iSCSI
Alternatively, for QXS G2 systems you can use the CLI to set CNC ports to support a combination of
host interface protocols. When configuring a combination of host interface protocols, host ports 0
and 1 are set to FC (either both 16Gb/s or both 8Gb/s), and host ports 2 and 3 must be set to iSCSI
(either both 10GbE or both 1Gb/s), provided the CNC ports use qualified SFP connectors and cables
required for supporting the selected host interface protocol.
CLI command. The QXS G2 systems support the following link speeds:
for additional information.
NOTE: Refer to the
CNC controller modules ship with CNC ports initially configured for FC. When connecting CNC ports
to iSCSI hosts, you must use the CLI (not the disk management utility/GUI) to specify which ports will
use iSCSI. It is best to configure the ports before inserting the iSCSI SFPs into the CNC ports.
QXS G2 CLI Reference Guide
Intended audience
This guide is intended for storage customers and technicians.
NOTE: This guide provides information for initial hardware setup, and removal and installation of
CRUs for the QXS G2 systems (RAID chassis and expansion chassis).
for additional information.
xQXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Prerequisites for planning, installing, and using this product include knowledge of:
• Servers and computer networks
• Network administration
• Storage system installation and configuration
• Storage area network (SAN) management and direct attach storage (DAS)
• Converged Network Controllers (CNCs)
• Fibre Channel (FC) protocols
• Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) protocol
• Internet SCSI (iSCSI) protocol
• Ethernet protocol
Related Documentation
Refer to the following table for related 12G QXS documentation.
Ta b l e 1Related Documentation
For Information AboutSee
Enhancements, known issues, and late-breaking information
not included in product documentation
Overview of hardware installation
Product hardware installation and maintenance
QXS G2 Release Notes
QXS G2 Quick Start Guide
QXS G2 Hardware Installation
and Maintenance Guide
Obtaining and installing a license to use licensed features
Using the web interface to configure and manage the product
QXS G2 Licensing Guide
QXS G2 Disk Management Utility
User Guide
Event codes and recommended actions
QXS G2 Event Descriptions
Reference Guide
Using the command-line interface (CLI) to configure and
manage the product
Cabinet information, QXS G2 specifications, and environment
and requirements
Regulatory compliance and safety and disposal information*
QXS G2 CLI Reference Guide
QXS G2 Site Planning Guide
Product Regulatory Compliance
and Safety
*Printed document included with product.
About This Guidexi
Document conventions and symbols
Ta b l e 2Document conventions
Blue text Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Blue, underlined text
Bold text• Key names
Italic text
Monospace text• File and directory names
Monospace, italic text• Code variables
Monospace, bold textEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code,
WARNING! Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily injury.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Web site addresses
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu
and list items, buttons, and check boxes
Text emph a s i s
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Command-line variables
and text typed at the command-line
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP: Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
xiiQXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Safety Guidelines
This chapter provides information for the following 12-G QXS systems:
• QXS-G2-312: 12-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-324: 24-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-412: 12-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-424: 24-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-484: 84-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
This chapter provides the following sections:
• Safe Handling of Equipment
• Operation of the QXS G2 Systems
• Electrical Safety
• Rack System Safety Precautions
Chapter 1
Safe Handling of Equipment
Always follow these safety cautions when handling the QXS G2 equipment.
CAUTION: Use this equipment in a manner specified by the manufacturer: failure to do this may
cancel the protection provided by the equipment.
• Permanently unplug the chassis before you move it or if you think that it has become damaged in
any way.
• A safe lifting height is 20U.
• Always remove the power supply units (PSUs) to minimize weight before you move the chassis.
• Do not lift the chassis by the handles on the PSUs—they are not designed to take the weight.
CAUTION: Do not try to lift the chassis by yourself:
• Fully configured 2U12 chassis can weigh up to 32 kg (71 lb).
Safety Guidelines1
• Fully configured 2U24 chassis can weigh up to 30 kg (66 lb).
• Fully configured 5U84 chassis can weigh up to 135kg (298 lb).
• An unpopulated chassis weighs 46 kg (101 lb).
• Use appropriate lifting methods.
• Before lifting the chassis:
• Unplug all cables and label them for reconnection.
• Remove the drives from drawers and verify the drawers are closed and firmly locked.
• Use a minimum of three people to lift the chassis using the lifting straps provided.
• Avoid lifting the chassis using the handles on any of the CRUs because they are not
designed to take the weight.
• Do not lift the chassis higher than 20U. Use mechanical assistance to lift above this height.
• Observe the lifting hazard label affixed to the storage chassis.
Operation of the QXS G2 Systems
• All systems must have the following installed:
• Two controllers in the RAID chassis or two IOMs in the expansion chassis.
• Two PSUs in all chassis.
• Five fans in the 5U84 chassis.
• All drive slots in the 2U12, 2U24, and 5U84 chassis must be filled with drives or drive blanks
• Operation of the chassis with any CRU modules missing will disrupt the airflow, and the chassis
will not receive sufficient cooling.
• It is essential that all slots hold modules before the QXS G2 system is used.
Ensure to follow these operation precautions:
• Observe the module bay caution label affixed to the module being replaced.
• Replace a defective power supply unit (PSU) with a fully operational PSU within 24 hours.
Do not remove a defective PSU unless you have a replacement model of the correct type ready for
• Before removal/replacement of a PSU, disconnect supply power from the PSU to be replaced.
• Observe the hazardous voltage warning label affixed to PSUs.
2QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Electrical Safety
Ensure to follow these electrical precautions:
• The 2U chassis must only be operated from a power supply input voltage range of 100–240 VAC,
50–60 Hz.
• The 5U chassis must only be operated from a power supply input voltage range of 200–240 VAC,
50–60 Hz.
• Provide a suitable power source with electrical overload protection to meet the requirements in
the technical specification.
• The power cord must have a safe electrical earth connection. Check the connection to earth of the
chassis before you switch on the power supply.
IMPORTANT: The chassis must be grounded before applying power.
• The plug on the power supply cord is used as the main disconnect device.
• The 2U and 5U chassis are intended to operate with two PSUs.
• Observe the power-supply disconnection caution label affixed to PSUs.
CAUTION: Do not remove covers from the PSU – there is a danger of electric shock inside.
• Return the PSU to your supplier for repair.
• When bifurcated power cords (Y-leads) are used, these cords must only be connected to a supply
range of 200–240 VAC.
IMPORTANT: The RJ-45 socket on the expansion input/output modules (IOMs) is for the Ethernet
connection only and must not be connected to a telecommunications network.
Rack System Safety Precautions
The following safety requirements must be considered when the chassis is mounted in a rack.
• The rack construction must be capable of supporting the total weight of the installed chassis.
The design should incorporate stabilizing features suitable to prevent the rack from tipping or
being pushed over during installation or in normal use.
• When loading a rack with chassis, fill the rack from the bottom up; and empty the rack from the
top down.
• Always remove all CRUs to minimize weight, before loading the chassis into the rack.
• Do not try to lift the chassis by yourself.
Safety Guidelines3
CAUTION: To avoid danger of the rack falling over, under no circumstances should more than one
chassis be moved out of the cabinet at any one time.
• The system must be operated with low pressure rear exhaust installation.
The back pressure created by rack doors and obstacles is not to exceed 5 pascals (0.5 mm water
• The rack design should take into consideration the maximum operating ambient temperature for
the chassis, which is 35ºC (95ºF) for RAID chassis and 40ºC (104ºF) for expansion chassis.
• The rack should have a safe electrical distribution system.
• It must provide over-current protection for the chassis and must not be overloaded by the total
number of chassis installed in the rack.
• When addressing these concerns, consideration should be given to the electrical power
consumption rating shown on the nameplate.
• The electrical distribution system must provide a reliable earth connection for each chassis in the
• Each PSU in each chassis has an earth leakage current of 1.0mA. The design of the electrical
distribution system must take into consideration the total earth leakage current from all the PSUs
in all the chassis.
• The rack will require labeling with “High Leakage Current. Earth connection essential before
connecting supply.”
• The rack—when configured with the chassis—must meet the safety requirements of UL 60950-1
and IEC 60950-1.
4QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
This chapter provides information for the following 12-G QXS systems:
• QXS-G2-312: 12-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-324: 24-Drive (2-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-412: 12-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-424: 24-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
• QXS-G2-484: 84-Drive (4-Port: FC or iSCSI)
Chassis Configurations
The storage system supports three RAID chassis configurations.
• 2U12 (rack space) RAID chassis – see Figure 1:
Chapter 2
System Overview
• Holds up to 12 low profile (1-inch high) 3.5” form factor drives in a horizontal orientation.
• The 2U12 RAID chassis ships with 12 drives installed.
Figure 1 2U12-Drive System (Front)
System Overview5
• 2U24 (rack space) RAID chassis – see Figure 2:
• Holds up to 24 low profile (5/8 inch high) 2.5” form factor drives in a vertical orientation.
• The 2U24 RAID chassis ships with 24 drives installed.
Figure 2 2U24-Drive System (Front)
• 5U (rack space) RAID chassis – see Figure 3:
• Holds up to 84 low profile (1-inch high) 3.5" form factor drives in a vertical orientation within
the drive drawer.
• Two vertically-stacked drawers each hold 42 drives.
• If used, 2.5" drives require 3.5" adapters.
• The 5U84 RAID chassis ships with no drives installed.
• Drives ship in a 42-drive pack (two each 42-drive packs for a total of 84 drives).
Figure 3 5U84-Drive System (Front)
IMPORTANT: These same chassis form factors are used for supported expansion chassis; albeit with
different expansion I/O modules (IOMs). Each individual drive is hot pluggable and replaceable on
6QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
NOTE: Throughout this guide—and the management interfaces documents used with this
guide—the RAID chassis has two RAID controllers installed and the expansion chassis has two
expansion I/O modules (IOMs) installed.
During a power loss or controller failure, data stored in cache is saved off to non-volatile memory
(CompactFlash). The data is restored to cache, and then written to disk after the issue is corrected. To
protect against writing incomplete data to disk, the image stored on the CompactFlash is verified
before committing to disk. The CompactFlash memory card is located at the midplane-facing end of
the controller module. Do not remove the card; it is used for cache recovery only.
NOTE: In dual-controller configurations featuring one healthy partner controller, there is no need to
transport failed controller cache to a replacement controller because the cache is duplicated between
the controllers, provided that volume cache is set to standard on all volumes in the pool owned by
the failed controller.
Supercapacitor Pack
To protect controller module cache in case of power failure, each controller chassis model is equipped
with supercapacitor technology, in conjunction with CompactFlash memory, built into each controller
module to provide extended cache memory backup time.
The supercapacitor pack provides energy for backing up unwritten data in the write cache to the
CompactFlash, in the event of a power failure. Unwritten data in CompactFlash memory is
automatically committed to disk media when power is restored. In the event of power failure, while
cache is maintained by the supercapacitor pack, the Cache Status LED blinks at a rate of 1/10 second
on and 9/10 second off. See also Cache Overview and Status LED Details on page 45.
System Overview7
Front and Rear Views of QXS G2 Systems
This section provides the front and rear views of the QXS G2 Systems.
2U12-Drive System
Figure 4 provides a front view of the 2U12-drive system.
Figure 4 2U12-Drive System (Front)
Figure 5 provides a rear view of the 2U12-drive system. The 2U12 RAID chassis has dual-controllers
(4-port FC/iSCSI model shown) installed.
Figure 5 2U12-Drive System (Rear)
2U12-Drive System Serial Number Label Location
This section provides the system serial number label location for the QXS G2 2U12-drive systems.
NOTE: If you need Quantum support, you will need your system serial number. The 2U12 and the
2U24-drive system serial number label locations are the same.
8QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
The following illustrations provides a representative example of a system serial number label that is
placed on a chassis.
NOTE: Refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7 for the exact location of the system serial number label.
Do not confuse other “QTM” serial numbers on the chassis as the system serial number.
The 2U12 system serial number is located on a label attached to the rear of the chassis. The serial
number label can be located on the left-rear ear of the chassis or on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
• The primary location of the serial number label is on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
• However, some chassis might have a factory label on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
• When the chassis has a factory label on the left-rear ear, the system serial number label will be
located on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
Figure 6 provides the serial number label location on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
Figure 6 Serial Number Label on Left-rear Ear of Chassis
System Overview9
Figure 7 provides the serial number label location on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
Figure 7 Serial Number Label on Right-rear Ear of Chassis
2U24-Drive System
Figure 8 provides a front view of the 2U24-drive system.
Figure 8 2U24-Drive System (Front)
10QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Figure 9 provides a rear view of the 2U24-drive system. The 2U24 RAID chassis has dual-controllers
(4-port FC/iSCSI model shown) installed.
Figure 9 2U24-Drive System (Rear)
2U24-Drive System Serial Number Label Location
This section provides the system serial number label location for the QXS G2 2U24-drive systems.
NOTE: If you need Quantum support, you will need your system serial number. The 2U12 and the
2U24-drive system serial number label locations are the same.
The following illustrations provides a representative example of a system serial number label that is
placed on a chassis.
NOTE: Refer to Figure 10 and Figure 11 for the exact location of the system serial number label.
Do not confuse other “QTM” serial numbers on the chassis as the system serial number.
The 2U24 system serial number is located on a label attached to the rear of the chassis. The serial
number label can be located on the left-rear ear of the chassis or on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
• The primary location of the serial number label is on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
• However, some chassis might have a factory label on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
• When the chassis has a factory label on the left-rear ear, the system serial number label will be
located on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
System Overview11
Figure 10 provides the serial number label location on the left-rear ear of the chassis.
Figure 10 Serial Number Label on Left-rear Ear of Chassis
Figure 11 provides the serial number label location on the right-rear ear of the chassis.
Figure 11 Serial Number Label on Right-rear Ear of Chassis
12QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
5U84-Drive System
Figure 12 provides a front view of the 5U84-drive system.
Figure 13 provides a rear view of the 5U84-drive system. The 5U84 RAID chassis has dual-controllers
(4-port FC/iSCSI model shown) installed.
Figure 12 5U84-Drive System (Front)
Figure 13 5U84-Drive System (Rear)
5U84-Drive System Serial Number Label Location
This section provides the system serial number label location for the QXS G2 5U84-drive systems.
NOTE: If you need Quantum support, you will need your system serial number.
System Overview13
The following illustrations provides a representative example of a system serial number label that is
placed on a chassis.
The 5U84 system serial number is located on a label attached to the rear of the chassis.
• Top-left of the chassis (right of the factory label)
• Above Controller A or Expansion IOM A
Figure 14 5U84 System Serial Number Label Location
Chassis Variants
The 2U chassis can be configured as a RAID chassis or an expansion chassis. The 5U chassis can be
configured as a RAID chassis or an expansion chassis.
Ta ble 3 provides the QXS G2 chassis variants.
Ta bl e 3Chassis Variants
ProductConfiguration DrivesPSUs
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
12 LFF
• 3.5” SAS
• 3.5” SATA
2U12 Expansion
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
12 LFF
• 3.5” SAS
• 3.5” SATA
14QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
22 ControllersN/A 1
22 Expansion
I/O ModulesFan
Ta bl e 3Chassis Variants
ProductConfiguration DrivesPSUs
I/O ModulesFan
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
24 SFF
• 2.5” SAS
22 ControllersN/A 1
• 2.5” SATA
2U24 Expansion
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
24 SFF
• 2.5” SAS
22 Expansion
• 2.5” SATA
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
84 LFF or SFF
• 2.5” and 3.5” SAS
22 Controllers
• 3.5” SATA
5U84 Expansion
12Gb/s direct
dock drives
84 LFF or SFF
• 2.5” and 3.5” SAS
22 Expansion
• 3.5” SATA
: Redundant PSUs must be compatible modules of the same type (both AC). Power cords are shipped
with all chassis.
: Supported expansion IOMs are used in expansion chassis for adding storage.
Fan Modules
: The fan modules are separate CRUs and not integrated within the PSUs. Fan modules are
only used within the 5U84 drive chassis.
: Bezels ship as follows:
• The 2U12 chassis has a bezel shipped in a separate box and must be installed on site.
• The 2U24 chassis has a bezel shipped in a separate box and must be installed on site.
• The 5U84 chassis ships with the bezels (2 each) installed on the upper drawer (Drawer 0) and the lower
drawer (Drawer 1).
Note: Ethernet cables are shipped with all RAID chassis.
IMPORTANT: The RAID chassis support dual-controller configuration only. If a partner controller
fails, the storage system will fail over and run on a single controller module until the redundancy is
restored. A RAID controller or expansion IOM must be installed in IOM slot to ensure sufficient air
flow through the chassis during operation.
2U Chassis Core Product
The design concept is based on a chassis subsystem together with a set of plug-in modules. A typical
chassis—as supplied—includes the following:
• A chassis which includes the midplane PCB and an integral operator’s (Ops) panel that is mounted
on the left ear flange at the front of the chassis.
• A bezel shipped in a separate box and must be installed on site.
System Overview15
• Two 580W, 100–240V AC PSUs (with power cords). See also Figure 41 on page 36.
10 1112 1314 15
21 22
• Two RAID controllers (with Ethernet cable) or two expansion IOMs: 2 x SBB-compliant interface
• Up to 12 or 24 drive modules in the 2U chassis.
• Where appropriate the drive carriers will include an Interposer card.
• See also Chassis Variants on page 14. drive blanks must be installed in all empty drive slots.
• A rail kit for rack mounting.
NOTE: The following figures show component locations–together with CRU slot indexing–relative to
2U chassis front and rear panels.
2U12-Drive Chassis Front View
Integers on the drives indicate drive slot numbering sequence (0-11). Figure 15 provides a front view
of the 2U12-drive chassis.
Figure 15 2U12-Drive Chassis Front View
2U24-Drive Chassis Front View
Integers on the drives indicate drive slot numbering sequence (0-23). Figure 16 provides a front view
of the 2U24-drive chassis.
Figure 16 2U24-Drive Chassis Front View
QXS-G2-312 and QXS-G2-324 RAID Chassis Rear View (2-Host Port
NOTE: The 2U12-drive and 2U24-drive RAID chassis (2-host port controllers) rear views look
Figure 19 provides an illustration of the chassis rear view with two CNC controllers (2 FC/iSCSI ports).
16QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
Refer to the numbers on the CRUs, Figure 17, and the table to identify components within the 2U
chassis. PSU and controller modules are available as CRUs. The RAID chassis use 2-port controller
modules. Use expansion chassis for optionally added storage.
QXS-G2-312 and QXS-G2-324 RAID Chassis (CNC Controllers and 2FC/iSCSI ports)
Figure 17 provides a rear view of the 2U12-drive or 2U24-drive RAID chassis with two CNC controllers
Callout 1, Figure 18, is the Controller A location. Callout 2, Figure 18, is the Controller B location.
Both controllers are shown in the closed/locked position.
Figure 18 provides a rear view of the CNC FC/iSCSI controller used in the 2U12-drive or 2U24-drive
systems. You can configure the CNC host interface ports (Ports 0 and 1) with 8/16Gb/s FC SFPs; 10GbE
iSCSI SFPs; or 1Gb/s RJ-45 SFPs.
Figure 18 CNC FC/iSCSI Controller
Controller B
SAS Port
USB Port
CNC Port 1
Ethernet Port
Serial Ports (service only)
CNC Port 0
Lock/Release Handle
System Overview17
QXS-G2-412, QXS-G2-424, and QXS-G2-484 RAID Chassis Rear View (4-Host
Port Controllers)
NOTE: The QXS-G2-412, QXS-G2-424, and QXS-G2-484 RAID chassis (4-host port controllers) rear
views look identical.
Figure 19 provides an illustration of the chassis rear view with two CNC controllers (4 FC/iSCSI ports).
Refer to the numbers on the CRUs, Figure 19, and the table to identify components within the 2U
chassis. PSU and controller modules are available as CRUs. The RAID chassis use 4-port controller
modules. Use expansion chassis for optionally added storage.
RAID Chassis (CNC Controllers and 4 FC/iSCSI ports)
Figure 19 provides a rear view of the 2U12-drive or 2U24-drive RAID chassis with two CNC controllers
Callout 1, Figure 19, is the Controller A location. Callout 2, Figure 19, is the Controller B location.
Both controllers are shown in the closed/locked position.
Figure 20 provides a rear view of the CNC FC/iSCSI controller used in the 2U12-drive or 2U24-drive
systems. You can configure the CNC host interface ports (Ports 0, 1, 2 and 3) with 8/16Gb/s FC SFPs;
10GbE iSCSI SFPs; or 1Gb/s RJ-45 SFPs.
Figure 20 CNC FC/iSCSI Controller
Controller B
18QXS G2 Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide
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