QXS Site Planning Guide, 6-68547-01 Rev A, February 2017, Product of USA.
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Products mentioned herein are for
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Events that the QX and QXS Series may report, and recommended
actions to take in response to those events
Managing a QXS system by using its primary web interface (V3), the
Disk Management Utility
Managing a QX and QXS system by using its secondary web interface
(V2), the Disk Management Utility
* Printed document included with product
QX and QXS Event Descriptions
Reference Guide
QXS Disk Management Utility User
Guide V3
QX and QXS Disk Management Utility
User Guide V2
viQXS Site Planning Guide
Document conventions and symbols
Ta bl e 2 provides document conventions and symbols.
Ta b le 2Document conventions
Blue text Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Blue, underlined text
Bold text• Key names
Italic text
Monospace text• File and directory names
Monospace, italic text• Code variables
Monospace, bold textEmphasis of file and directory names, system output, code,
WARNING! Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily injury.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
Web site addresses
• Text typed into a GUI element, such as into a box
• GUI elements that are clicked or selected, such as menu
and list items, buttons, and check boxes
Tex t emp ha sis
• System output
• Code
• Text typed at the command-line
• Command-line variables
and text typed at the command-line
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP: Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
About This Guidevii
viiiQXS Site Planning Guide
QXS and Cabinet Information
This chapter provides the following information:
• QXS-3/4/6 General Chassis Information
• General Cabinet Information
• QXS-3/4/6 Series Supported Configurations
QXS-3/4/6 General Chassis Information
This section provides general information for the following chassis:
• QXS-312, QXS-324
• QXS-412, QXS-424, QXS-448, QXS-456
• QXS-648, QXS-656
Chapter 1
Chassis with Bezels Installed
The front of the QXS-312, QXS-324, QXS-412, QXS-424, QXS-448, and QXS-648 are all 2U high (3.5
inches/88.9mm) and use the same bezel (2U). The QXS-456 and QXS-656 are 4U high (7
inches/177.8mm) and also use the same bezel (4U). Refer to Figure 1 for images of the chassis with
bezels installed.
Figure 1 System Front View (with Bezel)
1 QXS-312, QXS-324, QXS-412, QXS-424, QXS-448,
and QXS-648 Chassis (2U high)
2 QXS-456 and QXS-656 Chassis (4U high)
QXS and Cabinet Information1
Chassis with Bezels Removed
Figure 2 provides images of the front of the QXS-312, QXS-324, QXS-412, QXS-424, QXS-448,
QXS-648, QXS-456, and QXS-656 with the bezels removed.
Figure 2 Chassis Front View (Bezel Removed)
1 QXS-312 or QXS-412 Chassis
•2U high
• 12 drives installed
3 QXS-448 or QXS-648 Chassis
•2U high
•3 drawers
• 16 drives per drawer
• 48 drives installed
General Cabinet Information
This section includes the following information:
• Standard Cabinet
• Cabinet Height
• Cabinet Vertical Support Rails
• Cabinet Configurations with Chassis and Drives
2 QXS-324 or QXS-424 Chassis
•2U high
• 24 drives installed
4 QXS-456 or QXS-656 Chassis
•4U high
•2 drawers
• 28 drives per drawer
• 56 drives installed
Standard Cabinet
Figure 3 provides an image of a standard cabinet which includes locations of the following:
• Front door
• Rear door
• Vertical support rails
• Air vent
2QXS Site Planning Guide
Figure 3 Standard Cabinet
1 Front door2 Rear door
3 Vertical support rails4 Air vent
Standard features of the cabinet include:
• Front and rear door that can be closed and locked
• Vertical rails, with mounting holes, to allow installation of storage
• 40U high cabinet and 19 inches/48.3cm wide
• Four rolling coasters/wheels
• Four leveling pads (bottom of cabinet)
• A stabilizing foot (after installation of permanent location)
• Access for storage cabling
• AC or DC power source (2 each)
WARNING! Risk of bodily harm and/or injury. Comply with the following:
• Always populate the cabinet from bottom to top to prevent tipping.
• If a cabinet must be moved, use adequate personnel and/or a forklift to relocate the cabinet.
• Push the cabinet from the front when moving.
• A fully populated cabinet can weigh almost 3000 pounds (1360.777kg).
• Cabinets are hard to move, even on a flat surface/floor.
• If moving a cabinet on an incline, always remove the top-half storage arrays/devices to prevent
from tipping.
QXS and Cabinet Information3
NOTE: Install the applicable storage rack on the cabinet support rails, then install the
chassis/expansion storage unit, and then populate the unit with applicable drives (HDDs or SSDs).
Ensure to place the cabinet in a location that allows sufficient space to maintain and service (remove
and replace parts) the applicable units within the cabinet.
Cabinet Height
Cabinets heights might vary. A common cabinet is 40U high.
• A height of 1U equals 1.75-inches (44.45-mm).
• So, a 40U cabinet will have 70 inches (1778 mm/1.778 km) of storage space.
Figure 4 provides a standard cabinet identifying components (callouts) in the front and rear of the
unit. Callout descriptions are provided below the illustration.
Figure 4 Front and Rear View of Cabinet
1 Ventilation cover2 Cable access opening
3 Rear plate4 Support rails
5 Vertical support rails6 Mounting rails
7 Stability foot8 Leveling feet (variable adjust)
9 Power distribution10 AC power entry boxes
11 Front of cabinet12 Rear of cabinet
4QXS Site Planning Guide
Cabinet Vertical Support Rails
The cabinet vertical support rails can contain square holes, round holes, or pre-tapped holes. Refer to
the following documents for rackmount installation information:
QX and QXS 12- and 24-Drive Rackmount Install Guide
QXS 48-Drive Rackmount Install Guide
QXS 56-Drive Rackmount Install Guide
(Doc number: 6-68391-01)
(Doc number: 6-68392-01)
Cabinet Configurations with Chassis and Drives
Ta bl e 3 provides the maximum number of chassis and maximum number of drives that can be
installed within a standard 40U cabinet configuration.
NOTE: Configurations depend on customer requirements. Refer to QXS-3/4/6 Series Supported
Configurations on page 5 for RAID chassis and expansion chassis maximum combinations.
Ta b le 3Cabinet Configurations
Chassis TypeMaximum Chassis in CabinetMaximum Drives in Cabinet
QXS-312 or QXS-412
(2U, 12 drive)
QXS-324 or QXS-424
(Doc number: 6-68390-01)
(2U, 24 drive)
QXS-448 or QXS-648
(2U, 48 drive)
QXS-456 or QXS-656
(4U, 56 drives)
QXS-3/4/6 Series Supported Configurations
Ta bl e 4 identifies the supported hybrid QXS supported configurations. Each system configuration
(RAID chassis and expansion chassis) can only contain a specific number of chassis and drives.
Ta b le 4Hybrid QXS Supported Configurations
Max Expansion
SystemChassis TypeRAID Chassis
ChassisMax Total Drives
(4) & 2U12 (2)
QXS and Cabinet Information5
Max Expansion
SystemChassis TypeRAID Chassis
ChassisMax Total Drives
(4) & 2U12 (2)
Note 1: Always consider the max drive number when mixing different chassis combinations.
Note 2: It is impossible to identify all possible chassis combinations within the hybrid QXS supported
CAUTION: Ensure that the cabinet weight (populated with chassis, drives, units) does not exceed
the floor loading specifications.
You should record the total weight of your applicable cabinets (with contents). Use this information
to check floor loading restrictions and/or elevator weight restrictions.
Figure 5 provides a standard cabinet fully populated with storage and servers (front of cabinet, with
door closed).
Figure 5 Fully Populated Cabinet
6QXS Site Planning Guide
QXS-3 Series Specifications
This chapter provides the following information:
• QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Chassis
• QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Physical Requirements
• QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Rackmount Chassis Weights
QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Chassis
Ta bl e 5 identifies physical dimensions of the QXS-312/324 RAID and expansion chassis.
Ta b le 5QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Chassis Physical Dimensions
Chapter 2
(chassis only)
QXS-312 RAID2U (3.5 inches/
QXS-312 Expansion2U (3.5 inches/
QXS-324 RAID2U (3.5 inches/
QXS-324 Expansion2U (3.5 inches/
17.6 inches
17.6 inches
17.6 inches
17.6 inches
(excluding cables)
20.57 inches
20.57 inches
20.46 inches
20.46 inches
Maximum # Drives
12 (LFF: 3.5 inch)
12 (LFF: 3.5 inch)
24 (SFF: 2.5 inch)
24 (SFF: 2.5 inch)
QXS-3 Series Specifications7
Packaged Dimensions and Weight
Ta bl e 6 identifies the packaged dimensions and weight of the QXS-312/324 RAID and expansion
Ta b le 6QXS-312/324 RAID and Expansion Chassis Packaged Dimensions and Weight
QXS-312 RAID (SAS) 10.25 inches/
QXS-312 Expansion10.125 inches/
QXS-324 RAID (SAS) 10.25 inches/
QXS-324 Expansion10.5 inches/
10.75 inches/
10.5 inches/
The QXS 2U drive chassis includes a bezel sub-assembly that attaches to the front panel of the
chassis. The bezel, comprised of a vented cover attached to an electro-magnetic interference (EMI)
shield, is pre-assembled and packed within a box contained in the enclosure master shipping
Instructions for attaching/removing the bezel are provided in the
25.875 inches
25.75 inches/
29 inches/ 73.66cm30 inches/ 76.2cm50 lbs/22.68kg
25.875 inches/
25.75 inches/
26.125 inches/
29 inches/73.66cm 60 lbs/27.22kg
28.75 inches/
28.75 inches/
28.75 inches/
29 inches/73.66cm50 lbs/22.68kg
70 lbs/31.75kg
70 lbs/31.75kg
70 lbs/31.75kg
QXS Bezel Installation Guide
CAUTION: The bezel should be properly installed while the chassis is in operation to ensure
adequate EMI protection for the drives.
8QXS Site Planning Guide
12 Drive Front Panel Components
Left EarRight Ear
Left EarRight Ear
Figure 6 provides the 2U12 drive chassis (for the RAID or expansion chassis) with the bezel removed.
Figure 6 2U12 Drive Chassis (Bezel Removed)
1 Chassis ID LED2 Chassis status LED: Power/Activity
3 Drive status LED: Fault4 Chassis status LED: Unit Locator
5 Chassis status LED: Fault/Service Required6 Chassis status LED: CRU OK
7 Chassis status LED: Temperature FaultNote: 3.5” drive blank not shown
24 Drive Front Panel Components
Figure 7 provides the 2U24 drive chassis (for the RAID or expansion chassis) with the bezel removed.
Figure 7 2U24 Drive Chassis (Bezel Removed)
1 Chassis ID LED2 Chassis status LED: Power/Activity
3 Drive status LED: Fault4 Chassis status LED: Unit Locator
5 Chassis status LED: Fault/Service Required6 Chassis status LED: CRU OK
7 Chassis status LED: Temperature FaultNote: 2.5” drive blank not shown
QXS-3 Series Specifications9
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