Quantum QT411-ISSG User Manual

zzzz QT401 QSlide™ enhancement - simplified calibration
zzzz Linear finger-touch capacitive slider control
z Robust Charge-Transfer sensing method
zzzz Extremely simple circuit - no external active components
zzzz SPI slave-mode interface
zzzz Self-calibration and drift compensation
z Spread-spectrum operation for optimal EMC compliance
zzzz 2.5 - 5.5V single supply operation; very low power
z Enhanced power supply & thermal drift rejection
zzzz 14-pin TSSOP Pb-free package
z Compatible with clear ITO over LCD construction
z Inexpensive, simple 1-sided PCB construction possible
y Automotive controlsy Climate controlsy Appliance controlsy Personal electronics
The QT411 QSlide™ IC is a new type of linear capacitive touch ‘slider’ sensor IC based on Quantum’s patented charge-transfer (‘QT’) methods. This unique IC allows designers to create speed or volume controls, menu bars, and other more exotic forms of human interface on the panel of an appliance or personal electronic device. Generally it can be used to replace any form of linear control, through a completely sealed panel.
The device uses a simple, inexpensive resistive sensing element between four connection points. The sense element can be a straight line or curved. The device can report a single rapid touch anywhere along the sense element, or, it can track a finger moving along the sensing surface in real time.
This device uses three channels of synchronous sensing across a resistive element to determine touch position, using mathematical analysis. A positional accuracy of 5% (or better) is relatively easy to achieve. The acquisitions are performed in a burst mode which uses proprietary spread-spectrum modulation for superior noise immunity and ultra-low RF low emissions.
The output of the QT411 can also be used to create discrete controls buttons in a line, by interpreting sets of number ranges as buttons. For example, the number range 0..19 can be button A, 30..49 button B, 60..79 button C etc. Continuous slider action and number-range based discrete control points can be mixed on a single element, or, the element can be reinterpreted differently at different times, for example when used adjacent to or on top of an LCD to act as a menu input device that dynamically changes function in context. The device is compatible with ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) overlays on top of various displays or simply to provide for a backlighting effect.
The QT411 is significantly more stable with temperature and other environmental influences than the QT401 which it is designed to replace. In particular it can tolerate extreme temperature swings without false detection or shifts in reported touch position. Also it does not require special calibration of the endpoints of the slider area. However, unlike the QT401 the QT411 does not have a proximity detection function.
Copyright © 2005 QRG Ltd
QT411-ISSG R6.01/1005
1 Operation
The QT411 uses a SPI slave mode interface for control and data communications with a host controller. Acquisition timings and operating parameters are under host control; there are no option jumpers and the device cannot operate in a stand-alone mode.
The output data is a 7-bit binary number (0...127) indicating angular position.
Like all QProx™ devices, the QT411
1= Detect Output
operates using bursts of charge-transfer pulses; burst mode permits an unusually high level of control over spectral modulation, power consumption, and response time.
The QT411 modulates its bursts in a spread-spectrum fashion in order to heavily suppress the effects of external noise, and to suppress RF emissions.
1.1 Synchronized Mode
Refer also to Figure 3-1, page 6.
Sync mode allows the host device to control the rep etition rate of the acquisition bursts, which in turn govern response time and power consumption.
In sync mode, the device will wait for the SPI slave select line /SS to fall and rise and will then do an acquisition burst; actual SPI clocks and data are optional. The /SS pin thus becomes a ‘sync’ input in addition to acting as the SPI framing control.
Within 35µs of the last rising edge of CLK, the device will enter a low power sleep mode. The rising edge of /SS must occur after this time; when /SS rises, the device wakes from sleep, and shortly thereafter does an acquisition burst. If a more substantial sleep time is desired, /SS should be made to rise some delay period later.
By increasing the amount of time spent in sleep mode, the host can decrease the average current drain at the expense of response time. Since a burst typically requires 31ms (at
3.3V, reference circuit), and an acceptable response time might be ~100ms, the power duty cycle will be 3 1/100 or 31% of peak current.
Figure 1-1 QT411 Wiring Diagram
R3 1k
C3 1nF
R1 22k
Rs3 4.7k
Cs3 100nF
Cs2 100nF
Rs2 4.7k
Cs1 100nF
Rs1 4.7k
Rs5 8.2k
If power is not an issue the device can run constantly under host control, by always raising /SS after 35µs from the last rising edge of CLK. Constant burst operation can be used by the host to gather more data to filter the position data further to suppress noise effects, if required.
Synchronized mode also allows the host device to control the rate of drift compensation, by periodically sending a ‘drift’ command to the device.
Mains Sync: Sync mode can and should be used to sync to mains frequency via the host controller, if mains interference is possible (ie, running as a lamp dimmer control). The host should issue SPI commands synchronously with the mains frequency. This form of operation will heavily suppress interference from low frequency sources (e.g. 50/60Hz), which are not easily suppressed using spread-spectrum pulse modulation.
Cross-talk suppression: If two or more QT411’s are used in close proximity, or there are other QTouch™ type device(s) close by, the devices can interfere strongly with one another to create position jitter or false triggering. This can be suppressed by making sure that the devices do not perform acquisition bursts at overlapping times. The host controller can make sure that all such devices operate in distinctly different timeslots, by using a separate /SS line for each part.
Rs4 8.2k
Acquire Bur st
DRDY from QT
Figure 1-2 Free-Run Timing Diagram ( /SS = high )
~31ms ~31ms
<4ms ~30us
2 QT411-ISSG R6.01/1005
Table 1-1 Pin Descriptions
Positive power pin (+2.5 .. +5V)PowerVDD1 Serial data outputOSDO2 Slave Select pin. This is an active low input that enables serial communicationsI/SS3 Serial clock input. Clock idles highISCLK4 Sense pin (to Cs3, Rs3); connects to both slider ends, each via separate additional 8.2K ohm resistorsI/OSNS3B5 Sense pin (to Cs3)I/OSNS3A6 Sense pin (to Cs2, Rs2); connects to 66% point (from left) of sliderI/OSNS2B7 Sense pin (to Cs2)I/OSNS2A8 Sense pin (to Cs1, Rs1); connects to 33% point (from left) of sliderI/OSNS1B9 Sense pin (to Cs1)I/OSNS1A10 Serial data inputISDI11
Active high touch detected. May be left unconnected. Note (1)
Data ready output. Goes high to indicate it is possible to communicate with the QT411. Note (1) Negative power pinGroundVSS14
Note (1): Pin floats ~400µs after wake from Sleep mode.
1.2 Free-Run Mode
If /SS stays high, the device will acquire on its own repetitively after a timeout of about 30ms (Figure 1-2). In this mode, the DETECT pin can be used to wake up the host when it goes high upon touch.
In free-run mode, the device does not sleep between bursts. In this mode the QT411 performs automatic drift compensation at the maximum rate of one count per 1 20 acquisition burst cycles, or about one count every 7 seconds without host intervention. It is not possible to change this setting of drift compensation in Free-Run mode. See also Section 3.3.3.
1.3 Sleep Mode
After an SPI transmission, the device will enter a low power sleep state; see Figure 3-1, page 6, and Section 3.2.4, page 7 for details. This sleep state can be extended in order to lower average power, by simply delaying the rise of /SS.
Coming out of sleep state when /SS is pulsed, the DETECT and DRDY pins will float for ~400µs. It is recommended that the DRDY pin be pulled to Vss with a resistor and DETECT by bypassed with a capacitor to avoid false signalling if they are being monitored during this time ; see Section 1.4.
Note: Pin /SS clamps to Vss for 250ns after coming out of sleep state as a diagnostic pulse. To prevent a possible pin drive conflict, /SS should either be driven by the host as an open-drain pull-high drive (e.g. with a 100K pullup resistor), or there should be a ~1K resistor placed in series with the /SS pin. See Figure 1-1.
Note that activity on SCLK will also wake the QT411, which in turn will then wait for the /SS to rise. For lowest possible operation in Sleep mode, do not pulse on SCLK until after /SS goes low.
1.4 DETECT Output Pin
This pin drives high when touch is detected and the chip is reporting an angular position. This condition is also found as bit 7 in the standard response.
This output will float for ~400µs during wake from Sleep mode (see Section 1.3). It is recommended that the DETECT pin (if it is used) be shunted to ground with a 1nF capacitor to hold
its state during the 400µs float interval when emerging from Sleep.
Note that in the QT411, detection occurs when one or two of the sensing channels becomes imbalanced with respect to the other channel(s). A touch at one position will always cause such an imbalance. However, a signal change that is balanced among all 3 channels will not cause a detection. For example, if a book is placed on top of the slider element, the channels will all change in the same way and as a result, detection will be suppressed. This feature is significantly different from the way the QT401 operates.
1.5 Position Data
The position value is internally calculated and can be accessed only when the sensor is touched (Detect pin high).
Direction convention: ‘Left’ is defined as the side closest to the connection made by SNS1, and ‘Right’ is defined as the side closest to the SNS2 connection. The ends are both connected to SNS3, each via a resistor which allows the chip to identify left and right as separate positions. See Figure 1-1.
The use of the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ should not be interpreted to mean the device can only be used in one orientation. In fact the strip can be oriented backwards, vertically, or at any angle.
The position on the left end reports as 0, while the position at the right reports as 127. The device reports 45 when touched at the SNS1 node and 83 at SNS2. The position data is a 7-bit number (0..127) that is computed in real time and is returned via a status command.
End stops: The QT411 defines end zones of the slider element as saturated ‘end stops’, which consist of fixed regions where only a reading of ‘0’ or ‘127’ is returned. This is to allow robust position detection of these important locations, so that it is easy for a user to select ‘full off’ and ‘full on’. The left slider end allocates 10% of the slider’s length to location ‘0’, and the right end similarly allocates 10% of the slider’s length to location ‘127’. Only the center 80% of the slider’s length will track changes in touch position in the range of
The position data will update either with a single rapid touch or will track if the finger is moved along the surface of the
3 QT411-ISSG R6.01/1005
Figure 1-3 Conventional PCB Layout (1-sided)
Copper side faces away from the panel; the bare side is glued to the inside of the product.
element. The position data ceases to be reported when touch detection is no longer sensed.
1.6 Calibration
Calibration is possible via two methods:
1) Power up or power cycling (there is no reset input).
2) On command from the host via the SPI port (Command 0x01: see Section 3.3.2).
The calibration period requires 10 burst cycles, which are executed automatically without the need for additional SPI commands from the host. The spacing between each Cal burst is 1ms, and the bursts average about 31ms each, i.e. the Cal command requires ~325ms to execute. The power up calibration has 6 extra bursts to allow for power supply stabilization, and requires a total of ~550ms to begin normal operation.
Calibration should be performed when there is no hand proximity to the element, or the results may be in error. Should this happen, the error flag (bit 1 of the standard response, see Section 3.3) will activate when the hand is withdrawn. In most cases this condition will self-correct if drift compensation is used, and it can thus be ignored. See Section 1.9 below.
Note: During calibration, the device cannot communicate. DRDY will remain low during this interval.
electrode afterwards, so that the drift compensation mechanism does not artificially create a threshold offset during the iteration process. Between threshold changes, the probe must be removed to at least 100mm from the panel.
1.8 Drift Compensation
The device features an ability to compensate for slow drift due to environmental factors such as temperature changes or humidity. Drift compensation is performed under host control via a special drift command. See Section 3.3.3 for further details.
1.9 Error Status
An error flag status is provided via a special command. An error can only occur when a finger was touching the sensing strip during power-on or recalibration, and then removed. In this sequence of events, the finger is ‘calibrated away’ and is not recognized as a touch. When the finger is removed, the signals from the device are inverted and a position is reported as though the strip has been touched. However, this position report is in error.
After any calibration event (i.e. a power-on cycle or a CAL command) the next detection event should be checked to see if it is in error by using the special error command. If it an error is reported, the device should be immediately calibrated again to restore normal function (Section 3.3.2).
1.7 Sensitivity Setting
The sensitivity of the slider area to finger detection is dependent on the values of the three Cs capacitors (Section
2.2) and the threshold setting (Section 3.3.5). Larger values of Cs increase sensitivity and also reduce granularity (missing codes), at the expense of higher power consumption due to longer acquisition bursts.
The threshold setting can be used to fine tune the sensitivity of the sensing element. When setting the threshold, use the smallest finger size for which detection is desired (normally a 6mm diameter spot), and probe at one of the two center connection points where sensitivity is weakest. The linear stretches between connection points are generally slightly higher in sensitivity due to the collection of charge from two channels.
A ‘standard finger’ probe can be made by taking a piece of metal foil of the required diameter, gluing it on the end of a cylinder of sponge rubber, and connecting it to ground with a wire. This probe is pressed against the panel centered on one of the middle two connection points; the threshold parameter is iterated until the sensor just detects. It is important to push the probe into the panel quickly and not let it linger near the
2 Wiring & Parts
The device should be wired according to Figure 1-1. An examples of a PCB layout is shown in Figure 1-3.
2.1 Electrode Construction
The strip electrode should be a resistive element of between 200K to 500K ohms (400K nominal target value) between each set of connection points, of a suitable length and width. Under heavy capacitive loading (for example if the element
Table 1-2 Recommended Cs vs. Materials
4 QT411-ISSG R6.01/1005
Borosilicate glass
5.6nF10nF 10nF22nF 22nF47nF 39nF100nF 47nF-
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