Quantum qpod 2e Instruction Manual

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Temperature-Controlled Sample Compartment for Fiber
Optic Spectroscopy
Table of Contents
qpod 2e Temperature-Controlled Sample Compartment for Fiber Optic Spectroscopy 2
Overview 2
Items Included with Your Purchase 2
System Setup 3
Software Installation 4
Optics 4
System Operation 6
Error Conditions 7
Temperature Specifications 7
Other Specifications 7
Optical slits provided with the qpod 8
Appendix 1: Computer Control 9
Appendix 2: Q-Blue Program Commands 13
Appendix 3: Example Script: Temperature Ramping 18
qpod 2e Temperature-Controlled Sample Compartment
for Fiber Optic Spectroscopy
Manual Version 06-04-15
The qpod 2e is a complete sample compartment for fiber optic spectroscopy, including a Peltier­controlled cuvette holder with magnetic stirring, and fused silica lens systems with SMA fiber optic connectors. The qpod 2e housing contains a PID temperature controller that is operated via USB using the computer program Q-Blue.
The qpod 2e is available in three different packages. The CUV-qpod 2e-ABSKIT provides collimating optics to pass light straight through for absorbance, transmittance or turbidity measurements. The CUV-qpod 2e-FLKIT provides imaging lens systems for excitation and detection of fluorescence emission at right angles. The CUV- qpod 2e-MPKIT is a multipurpose kit with a combination of optics that may be used for either absorbance or fluorescence measurements.
The qpod 2e is constructed of a single molded housing. A Peltier-controlled cuvette holder in the center provides temperature control and variable speed magnetic stirring and holds optical slits for limiting light access to the cuvette as needed. A dry gas purge may be used to minimize condensation when working at low temperatures. SMA fiber optic connections and high-quality fused silica optics may be inserted in different combinations into optical ports in the walls surrounding the cuvette holder. Accessories such as polarizers and filter holders may be inserted in the light paths. Spherical mirrors may be used to enhance excitation or emitted light. All optics provide focusing and position adjustments for maximizing signal throughput.
A. qpod 2e and Optics Package
1. qpod 2e with lid and cap
2. one of three optical kits:
ABSKIT - optics for absorbance or
transmission measurements:
a. 2 QCL-UV collimating lenses
FLKIT - optics for fluorescence measurements
a. 2 QIL-UV imaging lenses b. 2 QMP mirror plugs
MPKIT - multipurpose kit
a. 2 QCL-UV collimating lenses b. 2 QIL-UV imaging lenses c. 2 QMP mirror plugs
3. qpod 2e accessory kit containing:
a. 5/64-inch hex driver b. set of optical slits c. stir bar d. 2 blanks for unused optical ports
4. AC adapter
5. USB cable
6. Q-Blue CD with temperature control software,
help file and this qpod 2e manual.
C. BATH 100
1. submersible pump
2. plastic bucket
3. a length of tubing
D. Optional Items - If you ordered any optical
components separately, such as polarizers or optical filter holders, you will find them packed in a separate internal box.
1. If desired, fasten the qpod 2e down to a table
or optical breadboard. The holes in the corners of the base are located and sized such that it will attach via ¼-20 screws to a table with 1-inch centers or with M-6 screws to a table with 25 mm centers.
2. Supply circulating water to the Peltier unit.
Attach tubing from the submersible pump to either one of the water hose barbs on the qpod 2e. Attach another piece of tubing from the qpod 2e back to the bucket. Put water in the bucket, turn on the pump by plugging it into an outlet and check to be sure that water is flowing back into the bucket. Check for leaks. Unplug the pump until you have completed the remainder of the system set up.
3. If you plan to work at low temperatures,
connect a source of dry gas (typically nitrogen) using a length of tubing with 1/8” (3mm) inside
diameter, to the hose barb labeled “gas” on
the side of the qpod 2e. A flow of gas must be used to prevent condensation on the faces of the cuvette when working below the dew point temperature. Set the dry gas flow rate to 50 ­200 cc/min.
The qpod 2e may be controlled using a USB cable. If you will be using USB to control the qpod 2e you must install the software before connecting the hardware to the computer, otherwise the sequence is not important.
4. Insert the Q-Blue software CD into the drive. If
the installation does not start automatically, locate the Setup.exe file in the root directory and run it. The installation process starts with a small black window that is shown during installation of the drivers needed to control the qpod 2e through a USB connection. This window will then be replaced by the software installation window. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.
Setting up for temperature control using USB
5. Connect the qpod 2e to your computer using
the USB cable provided. The New Hardware installation process will begin automatically and take a few moments to finish.
There are two basic optical configurations for the qpod 2e: one to measure absorbance and the other to measure fluorescence.
Optics to measure absorption
Figure 1 - Absorbance configuration
As shown in Figure 1, to set the qpod 2e up for absorbance measurements insert collimating lens
on any two opposite sides of the qpod 2e. Put black plastic blanks from the qpod 2e accessory kit in the other two optical ports. One lens collimates the output from the source fiber into a beam about 5 mm in diameter. The beam passes through the sample and is then focused on the collection fiber. A collimating lens assembly contains a single 6 mm diameter, 12 mm focal length, broadband AR­coated, fused silica lens whose principal point is located 12 mm from the end of the fiber.
Optics to measure fluorescence
Figure 2 - Fluorescence configuration
As shown in Figure 2, to set the qpod 2e up for fluorescence measurements insert an imaging lens to focus light from a source fiber into the center of the sample cuvette. Place another imaging lens at 90° to the source lens images the illuminated volume onto a collection fiber. To enhance collection efficiency, spherical mirrors may be place on the remaining positions of the qpod 2e. One opposite the excitation fiber focuses the excitation source back through the sample and another opposite the collection lens focuses extra emitted light back through the sample to roughly double the amount of emitted light collected.
An imaging lens assembly contains two ½-inch diameter, 30 mm focal length, broadband AR­coated fused silica lenses. The principal point of one lens is located 30 mm from the fiber and the principal point of the second lens is located 30 mm from the center of the cuvette. Thus, the imaging lens pair creates an image of the fiber end, without magnification, in the center of the cuvette, or images the illuminated volume on a collection fiber.
Inserting a lens into the qpod 2e
Figure 3 - Components of a lens assembly
1. Use the 5/64-inch hex screwdriver from the
qpod 2e accessory kit to loosen the set screw (Figure 3).
2. Remove the silver sleeve with a black end
piece from the lens assembly. Set it aside.
3. Screw the empty optical assembly all the way
into the appropriate position in the qpod 2e. If you are using an accessory component such as a filter holder or polarizer. First place the accessory in the qpod 2e. As you screw in the empty lens assembly the accessory will fit over its end and then snap into place.
4. Look for the location of the set screw. If it is in
a difficult position to reach, you may wish to remove the three fiber steering screws, rotate the end of the optical assembly until the set screw is accessible, and reattach the alignment
assembly so the screw is more available. The steering screws compress an o-ring, permitting fine alignment of the end of the fiber relative to the lens.
5. Now, unscrew the silver sleeve from the black
end piece revealing the SMA connector (Figure
Figure 4 - Attaching the fiber optic to the SMA connector
6. Slide the silver sleeve over the end of the fiber
optic connector and cable, leaving the threaded end toward the end of the cable.
7. Attach the fiber optic cable to the SMA
8. Holding the black end piece, screw the silver
sleeve back into place.
9. Insert the SMA connector and silver sleeve into
the hole in the optical assembly. For a first adjustment, insert the assembly until the alignment groove is even with the face of the lens assembly. Later, you can optimize the signal intensity by sliding the SMA connector and silver sleeve in deeper. The alignment grove assumes visible light. For measurements in the UV, the silver sleeve should be inserted further. The calculated position of the alignment groove also assumes that the qpod will contain a standard 10 x 10 mm cuvette filled with water. Other cuvettes and sample
may require minor adjustments to maximize throughput.
1. Use a liquid sample of at least 1.5 ml and place
it in a standard 1 x 1-cm square cuvette. Place the cuvette in the cuvette holder in the center of the qpod 2e. Standard microcuvettes may also be used for smaller volumes. The qpod 2e is designed to hold microcuvettes in which the
“z” dimension (distance between the bottom
of the cuvette and the optical center line) is 8.5 mm.
Note: The qpod 2e is intended to hold a cuvette with a standard wall thickness of 1.25 mm and total width of 12.5 mm. Cuvettes with unusually thick walls will not properly fit and may damage the holder.
2. Place the magnetic stir bar in the cuvette.
Stirring speed will be set by the program Q­Blue.
3. If you wish to monitor the temperature inside
the cuvette, plug a standard Series 400 or Series 500 thermistor probe into the ¼ - inch phone jack located on the corner of the qpod 2e to the left of the front panel. Thread the probe through the split rubber plug in the qpod 2e cap and place it in the cuvette out of the way of the light.
4. Provide a source of light and a detector.
5. Use the 5/64-inch hex driver from the
accessory kit to maximize the signal by adjustments of the three fiber steering screws (Figure 3). This adjustment will make small movements of the position of the fiber end relative to the lens. Also, loosen the set screw to insert the silver sleeve deeper into the lens assembly. Inserting the silver sleeve further into lens assembly moves the end of the fiber closer to the lens, altering the focus of the light. This adjustment is most important at UV wavelengths. (Measurements can be made
without these alignments. However, in the unaligned system the reference spectrum may change with temperature and must be re­measured each time the set temperature is changed. Careful alignment will minimize such artifacts.)
6. Use the optical slits or blanks (provided in the
qpod 2e accessory kit) around the cuvette in a manner that correctly limits the excitation and emission light.
7. Put the cover and cap on the qpod 2e.
8. Turn on the submersible pump by plugging it
in. Cooling water flows through a heat exchanger and removes heat from the thermoelectric device when the temperature of the holder is being lowered. Insufficient flow will allow the heat exchanger temperature to rise. If the temperature of the heat exchanger exceeds a certain cutoff value, temperature control will be automatically shut down to protect the holder.
Cooler circulating water can result in improved performance of the cuvette holder at low temperatures, whereas warmer water can improve performance at very high temperatures. Do not use warm or room
temperature water when setting temperatures near room temperature, as temperature instabilities are likely to arise.
Cool the circulating water by the addition of ice to the bucket.
A refrigerated circulating bath may be used to provide circulating fluid to the qpod 2e. Using such a bath, temperatures well below the specified -30 °C lowest temperature may be readily achieved. Contact us for suggestions on how to achieve very low temperatures.
9. Plug power from the AC adapter into the qpod
2e front panel.
10. Connect the qpod 2e to your computer using
the USB cable.
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