Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide, 6322500-04, Ver. 4, Rel. 0, August 2001 , Made in
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xiiQuantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
This manual introduces the PowerStor L200 Series library (library)
and describes library operations, configuration, servicing, and
basic troubleshooting.
This manual is written for library operators.
This manual provides the following information about the library:
•Installing the library
•Basic library operations
•Operator control panel
•Using the library
•Service commands
•SCSI interface
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide[LLL
This manual uses the following conventions:
Caution:Cautions indicate potential hazard to equipment or
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazard to personal
Note: Note emphasizes important information related to the
main topic.
This manual uses the following conventions:
•Right side of the library — Refers to the right side as you face
the component being described.
•Left side of the library — Refers to the left side as you face the
component being described.
•b — All binary numbers are succeeded by “b.”
•h — All hexadecimal numbers are succeeded by “h.”
•Error or attention conditions are represented in parenthesis
that translate as follows:
S — hexadecimal sense key value
AA — hexadecimal additional sense code
QQ — hexadecimal additional sense code qualifiers
[LYQuantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
The following documents are related to the library:
PowerStor L200 Series
Library Unpacking
Contains information
necessary to receive and
unpack the library
The SCSI-2 communications specification is the proposed
American National Standard for information systems, dated
March 9, 1990. Copies may be obtained from:
Global Engineering Documents
15 Inverness Way, East
Englewood, CO 80112
(800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-2740
To order documentation on the library or other products contact:
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide[Y
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The Quantum|ATL Customer Support Department provides a
24-hour help desk that can be reached at:
Direct:(949) 725-2100
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[YLQuantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overall desc ription of the P owerStor L200
Series library (library) and includes the following sections:
•Library Configuration
•Library Components
Library Configuration1
The library can hold up to ei ght cartridges and houses a single tape
drive. The library is available in rack mount or desktop
configurations and is available with either single-ended or
differential SCSI interfaces.
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide1
Chapter 1 Overview
The library provides the following features:
•Automatic tape operations
•Library status display via the operator control panel (OCP):
•Tape drive status and activity
•Tape drive error status
•Magazine slot status
•Loaded tape cartridge conditions
•Mode control:
•Automatic random access to all tape cartridges
•Sequential access to tape cartridges in a single cycle
•Sequential access to tape cartridges in circular cycles
•Optional bar code reader reads the tape cartridge label bar
•Optional auto clean mode automatically cleans drives
when required
•User selection of cartridges to be loaded into the tape drive
•SCSI ID selection via the OCP
•Tape drive microcode updates via the SCSI bus or cartridge
•Library code or firmware updates via SCSI bus
•Display device microcode and hardware revision numbers
•User directed tests for the library
•Embedded diagnostic software displays status for head
cleaning, library operation, and tape drive operations
2Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Components
Library Components1
The library consists of these major components:
•Library door
•Back panel
•Bar code reader (optional)
•Cartridge handling mechanism (CHM) (also referred to as the
loader, elevator, or medium changer)
•Tape drive
•6-cartridge removable magazine
Operator Control
Panel (OCP)
•2-cartridge fixed internal magazine
Caution:Do not attempt to remove components or perform
maintenance procedures on the library. Maintenance
procedures are performed by field service
The OCP is located on the front panel of the library (see figure 1
and controls all library local functions. The OCP consists of:
•A liquid crystal display (LCD)
•A power indicator light-emitting diode (LED)
•Four buttons: Previous, Next, Select, and Enter
The LCD displays up to two lines of characters that contain a
mixture of messages and field codes (see figure 1
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide3
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Compone nt s
Figure 1 OCP
Using the OCP, you can:
•View tape drive status and activity
•View error messages
•View magazine slot status
•View the drive and loader controller configuration
•Set the SCSI ID for the drive and loader controller
•Lock or unlock the magazine door
•Exercise and test the CHM
See chapter 3, Operat o r C o n t r o l Panel
for more information on the
4Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Components
Library Door1
Figure 2 Library Door
The library door provides access to a 6-cartridge removable
magazine, and a 2-cartridge internal fixed magazine. See Opening
the Library Door on page 41 for more information on opening the
library door.
Magazine handle
Back Panel1
Library door
The back panel of the library (see figure 3
) contains:
•Power switch and connector
•SCSI connectors
•Power supply
•Serial port (only for use by a service representative)
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide5
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Compone nt s
Figure 3 Back Panel
Power switch
Power connector
SCSI connector
Serial port
Optional Bar Code
The optional bar code reader performs cartridge inventories in less
than three minutes. When installed, it occupies a narrow space
inside the library, to the left of the tape cartridge magazine (see
figure 4
The bar code reader assembly contains a scan head that
communicates with the library controller card over an RS-422
communications link. During a cartridge inventory, the scan head
illuminates and reads the bar code labels on the cartridges and
transmits the results to the library controller card.
6Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Figure 4 Bar Code
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Components
Scan head
Bar code reader
Cartridge Handling
The cartridge handling mechanism (CHM) is a compact,
bidirectional roller system that enables simple horizontal
movement between the magazine and the tape drive (see figure 5
This design allows you to add and remove cartridges from the
front of the magazine.
Note: If the CHM, or elevator, is positioned so that it blocks the
rear of the slot where the cartridge is to be loaded or
unloaded, it is not possible to perform a load or unload
operation. The cartridge cannot be pushed far enough
into the slot so that it locks or unlocks into or out of its
position in the magazine. In this instance, the magazine
will have to be removed in order to load or unload that
particular magazine slot.
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide7
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Compone nt s
Figure 5 Cartridge
Handling Mechanism
The CHM contains sensors that monitor cartridge location, gripper
location and timing information. These sen sors allow the l ibrary to
operate as a random access system that provides direct, quick
access to any of the cartridges in the storage array.
Tape drive
Tape Drive1
The tape drive is mounted to a sturdy metal bracket assembly
which includes a built-in fan unit and SCSI data connectors. It
affords easy access in the event that the drive requires
8Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Components
Figure 6 Library
Magazine (Loaded)
The includes one 6-cartridge tape magazine (see figure 6
accessed from the door on the front of the unit. The magazine
stores up to six data cartridges. The magazi ne can als o be removed
and used for off-site storage.
) that is
The magazine is keyed to prevent improper cartridge insertion and
locks each cartridge in place once inserted. A push on a cartridge
releases it for removal without the need to remove the entire
Note: If the CHM, or elevator, is positioned so that it blocks the
rear of a slot where a cartridge is to be loaded or
unloaded, it is not possible to perform the load or unload
operation. The cartridge cannot be pushed far enough
into the slot so that it locks or unlocks into or out of its
position in the magazine. In this instance, the magazine
will have to be removed in order to load or unload that
particular magazine slot.
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide9
Chapter 1 Overview
Library Compone nt s
Figure 7 Storage
The storage array (see figure 7
•One 6-cartridge magazine
•Two internal storage slots
•One tape drive
) includes:
Tape drive
01 2 3 4 5
2 internal slots
10Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
Chapter 2
2Installing the Library
This chapter contains information needed to install, configure and
operate the library. The installation procedure is divided into the
following general tasks:
•Selecting an Installation Location
•Receiving the Library
•Rack Mount Kit Installation
•Running the Power-on Self-test
•Configuring the Library
•Selecting an Installation Location
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide11
Chapter 2 Installing the Library
Selecting an Installation Location
Selecting an Installation Location2
When selecting an installation location for the library, consider:
•Space requirements
•Installation surface strength and inclination
•Power and grounding
•Environmental specifications
Surface Strength
and Inclination
Power and
Power Cord2
The library requires 6 inches space behind it for cables and
connections. The library also requires 6 inches in front of it for
opening and closing the library door. No extra space is required to
either side of the library. To remove and replace the library
enclosure, you need an overhead clearance slightly greater than
the height of the library (see Physical Specifications
on page 62).
Place the library on a c lean , lev el surface. If the library is placed on
a desk or table, make sure it is sturdy enough to support the
library’s weight, 37 pounds (17 kilograms) (empty).
The electrical ratings for the library a re 100 to 120/ 200 to 240 VAC,
50/60 Hertz.
A 110/120 VAC power cord is supplied with your library. If your
locale does not use 110/120 VAC, the power cord used with this
equipment must meet this criteria:
•A minimum of 18/3 AWG, 60
•UL and CSA certified cordage rated for use at 250 VAC with a
current rating that is at least 125% of the current rating of the
product (in Europe, the cordage must have the HAR mark)
12Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
°C, Type SJT
Chapter 2 Installing the Library
Selecting an Installation Location
•The AC plug must be terminated in a grounding-type male
plug designed for use in your country and it must also have
marks showing certification by an agency acceptable in the
•The connector at the product end must be an IEC 320 type C13
female connector
•The cord must be no longer than 14.5 feet (4.5 meters)
Warning: Do not attempt to modify or use an external 110/120
VAC power cord for 220/240 VAC input power.
Modifying the power cord can cause personal injury
and severe equipment damage.
The installation location should meet the following environmental
specifications for operating the Powerstor library:
•Temperature: 50
°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C)
•Relative humidity: 20% to 80% noncondensing
•Humidity gradient: 10% per hour
•Dry bulb temperature: 50
•Wet bulb temperature: 77
•Temperature gradient: 19.8
•Temperature shock: 18
°F to 104°F (10°C to 40°C)
°F (25°C)
°F (11°C) per hour across the range
°F (10°C) over two minutes
•Altitude: -500 feet to 10,000 feet (-150 meters to 3000 meters)
Free of airborne contaminates (for example dust, paper
particles, fibers, and so on)
Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide13
Chapter 2 Installing the Library
Receiving the Library
Receiving the Library2
When receiving the library from the shipper, unpack the library as
close to the installation location as possible.
Inspect the shipping pallet and carton for damage that may have
occurred during shipment and immediately report any damage to
the shipper.
Warning: The library weighs 37 lbs (17 kg). Two people should
perform any procedure that involves lifting or
moving the library.
Caution:If you are installing the rack mount version of the
library, use the PowerStor Rack Mount Installation Kit.
This kit provides necessary support brackets.
Unpacking the
The unpacking instructions vary depending upon whether it is a
desktop or rack mount library. If it i s a desk top library, you should
have only one shipping carton. If it is a rack mount library, you
will have two shipping cartons. The larger carton contains the
library, and the smaller carton contains the rack mount kit.
To unpack the library (see figure 8
1 Remove the accessory kit.
2 Remove the packing foam from the top of the library.
3 Remove the library from the shipping carton.
4 Remove the library from the shipping bag.
5 Place the library in the insta llation location . If it is a rack mount
library, refer to the instructions supplied with the PowerStor
Rack Mount Kit.
6 Save the box and its packing materials in case the library
requires shipment at a later date.
14Quantum|ATL PowerStor L200 Series Library User’s Guide
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