Quantum P1000 Series User Manual

ATL P1000 Series
Tape Library
User’s Guide
Ve r. 3, Rel. 0
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide, 6221101-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 0, September 1999. Pri nted in the USA.
Copyright 1999 by ATL Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of ATL Products, Inc. is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
Prism Library Architecture, IntelliGrip, WebAdmin, and WebLibrarian are all trademarks of ATL Products, Inc.
Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.
This equipment has been tested a nd foun d to compl y w ith th e limit s fo r a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to prov ide r easonable pr otect ion against harmful int erfer ence when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates , uses, and can radiate radio fr equency ener gy an d, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the user's authority to operate this equipment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be
required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following c onditions: (1) th is device may not cause harmful interference, an d (2) this device must accept any interfer ence r eceived, in cluding interfer ence th at may cause undesired o peration.
Interference-Causing Equipment Standard
ICES-003 Issue 2
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Reglément sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
This is a Class A pr oduct. In a domestic en vironment this product may cause radi o in terference in which case the user may be required to take adequate me asures.
Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb dieses Gerätes Rundfunkstörungen auftreten, in welchen Fällen der Benutzer für entspr echende Gegenmassnahmen verantwortlich ist .
Ceci est un produit de classe A. Dans un environment domestique, ce produit peut causer des interférences radioélectriques. Il appartient alors à l'utilisateur de prendre les mesures appropriées.
6207947-06cA 66
If shipped to USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified below for 100-120 V operation. If shipped to Canada, use the CSA CERTIFIED power cord specified below for 100-120V operation.
Plug Cap Parallel blade with ground pin (NEMA 5-15P configuration)
Cord Socket IEC 320 connector rate d 250V 15A Cord Type: SJT, three 16 AWG or 18 AWG wires
Length Maximum 15 feet (4.5m)
Rating Minimum 10 A, 125 V
En cas d'envoi aux États-Unis, utiliser le cordon d'alimentation CERTIFIÉ UL et convenant pour 100-120 V.
En cas d'envoi au Canada, utiliser le cordon d'alimentation CERTIFIÉ CSA et convenant pour 100-120 V. Fiche Broches parallèles avec une broche de mise à la terre (configuration NEMA 5-15P)
Cordon Type: SJT, trifilaire 16 AWG ou 18 AWG
Longeur Maximum 15 pieds (4.5m) Capacité Minimum 10 A, 125 V
The Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 component on th e ro botic contr oller bo ar d inside t his pr oduct conta ins a lith ium battery. Lithium is a hazardous material that must be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal law.
Båndbiblioteket indeholder et lithiumbatteri. Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 på robotkontroltavlen indeholder et lithiumbatteri. Lithium kan anses for at være et sundhedsfarligt materiale. Kassér dette batteri i overensstemmelse med lokale og nationale lovbestemmelser.
Nauhakirjastossa on litiumparisto. Robottiohjainkortin Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200-puolijohteessa on litiumparisto. Litium voidaan luokitella vaaralliseksi aineeksi. Pariston hävittämisessä on noudatettava viranomaisten antamia ohjeit a ja määräyksiä.
La bibliothèque de bande contient une pile au lithium. Le Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 sur la carte robotic contrôleur contient une pile au lithium. Le lithium peut être considéré comme matériau dangereux. Jeter cette pile conformément aux lois locales, d’état et fédérales.
Die Bandbibliothek enthält eine Lithiumbatterie. Der Halbleiter Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 auf dem Roboter­Controller enthält ein e Lithiumb at terie. Lithium gilt als Schadstoff. Bei der Entsorgung dieser Batterie alle entsprechenden kommunalen, staatlichen und bundesweiten Vorschriften beachten!
La libreria a nastro magnetico contiene una batteria al litio. Il semiconduttore Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 sulla scheda controller robotic contiene una batteria al litio. Il litio può essere considerato un materiale pericoloso. Eliminare queste batterie in conformità alle normative locali e statali vigenti.
Kassettbiblioteket inneholder et litiumbatteri. Enheten Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 på robotkontrollkortet inneholder et litiumbatteri. Litium kan anses som et farlig materiale. Batteriet skal kastes i henhold til lokal og nasjonal lovgivning.
La biblioteca de cintas contiene una pila de litio. El semiconductor Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 en el tablero controlador robotic contiene una pila de litio. El litio puede considerarse como un material peligroso. Deseche esta pila de acuerdo con las leyes municipales, estatales y federales.
Magnetbandsbibliot eket inn ehå ller ett lit iumb atter i. Dal las Sem icondu ctor D S1230 AB-20 0 på r ob otsty rkor tet inn ehå ller ett litiumbatteri. Litium kan anses vara ett farligt material. Kassera detta batteri i enlighet med lokala och statliga lagar och förordningar .
Chapter 1
Library Description......................................................................................1
Configuration Options..................................................................................3
Library Elements ...........................................................................................5
Robotics Operation...................................................................... ......... .........7
Operator-Accessible Components..............................................................8
Front Panel...............................................................................................8
Load and Bulk Packs............................................................................10
Back Panel..............................................................................................11
Tape Drives............................................................................................12
Chapter 2
Installing the P1000 Library.....................................................................13
Site Requirements........................................................................................14
Floor Space.............................................................................................14
Floor Clearance .....................................................................................15
Floor Strength and Inclination............................................................15
Overhead Clearance.............................................................................15
Power and Grounding .........................................................................15
Environmental Requirements.............................................................16
Unpacking the P1000 ................................................ ......... .........................17
Unloading Space Requirements .........................................................17
Uncrating the Library...........................................................................18
Checking the Contents.........................................................................20
Installing the Slide Assembly in the Rack.........................................21
Removing the Library from the Pallet...............................................21
Removing the Internal Packing Materials.........................................27
Preparing and Inserting Tape Cartridges................................................30
Labeling a Tape Cartridge...................................................................30
Setting the Write-protect Switch.........................................................32
Placing Tape Cartridges in the Fixed Storage Bins..........................32
Placing Tape Cartridges in the Load and Bulk Packs .....................34
Connecting Host Computers.....................................................................35
SCSI Cabling Guidelines......................................................................35
vATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
SCSI Cabling Examples.......................................................................35
Turning On the Library..............................................................................39
Configuring and Testing the Library.......................................................40
Chapter 3
Basic Operations ........................................................................................41
Using the GUI..............................................................................................42
GUI Components.................................................................................. 42
GUI Screens...........................................................................................45
Obtaining Library Status............................................................................46
Overview Screen................................................................................... 46
Tapes Screen..........................................................................................48
Changing the GUI Security Level.............................................................49
Securing the GUI .............................................. ......... ......... ..................49
Performing Manual Operations................................................................51
Turning On the Library.......................................................................51
Placing the Library On-line.................................................................51
Placing the Library Off-line ................................................................52
Turning Off the Library.......................................................................52
Inserting Tape Cartridges ...................................................................52
Opening the Library Doors.................................................................54
Manually Ejecting a Cartridge............................................................55
Chapter 4
Operator Commands.................................................................................57
Accessing the Operator Screen .................................................................58
Configuring the Library.............................................................................60
Configuring Library Options....................................................................62
Moving a Cartridge ....................................................................................64
Performing an Inventory ...........................................................................66
Calibrating the Library............................................................................... 67
Exercising the Library ................................................................................69
Unloading a Drive ......................................................................................70
Unloading the Load Port ...........................................................................71
Chapter 5
Service Commands....................................................................................73
Accessing the Service Screen.....................................................................74
Generating Reports.....................................................................................76
Testing the Library......................................................................................79
Performing a System Test ...................................................................79
Performing a Service Calibration.......................................................80
vi ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Initializing Nonvolatile Information........................................................81
Changing Passwords ..................................................................................83
Chapter 6
Start-up Problems........................................................................................86
GUI Problems...............................................................................................87
Robotics Problems....................................................................... ......... .......88
Operating Problems....................................................................................90
Tape Drive Problems ......................................................... ......... ................92
Appendix A
Specifications....................................................................................... .......93
Appendix B
Installing the Slide Assembly in the Rack............................................97
Verifying the Rack Requirements.............................................................98
Rack Current Rating Consideration...................................................98
Temperature ..........................................................................................98
Determining the Mounting Position.........................................................99
Installing the Slide Assembly in the Rack..............................................101
Adjusting the Slide Assembly .................................................................103
Adjusting the Slide Assembly on the Mounting Brackets............103
Adjusting the Slide Assembly Tray on the Slide Rails..................105
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide vii
viii ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Figure 1 P1000 Front View, Stand-alone Library..................................1
Figure 2 P1000 Front View, Rack-mount Library.................................2
Figure 3 P1000 Library, Back View.........................................................4
Figure 4 Library Elements............................................. ......... ..................6
Figure 5 P1000 Front Panel ......................................................................8
Figure 6 GUI: Initial Screen......................................................................9
Figure 7 Load and Bulk Packs...............................................................10
Figure 8 Back Panel, Stand-alone Library............................................11
Figure 9 Floor Space Requirements, Stand-alone Library.................14
Figure 10 Floor Space Requirements, Rack-mount Library................15
Figure 11 AC Power Receptacle.............................................. ......... .......16
Figure 12 Unloading Space Requirements, Stand-alone Library.......18
Figure 13 Uncrating the Stand-alone Library........................................19
Figure 14 Uncrating the Rack-mount Library.......................................20
Figure 15 Removing the Foam Supports, Stand-alone Library..........22
Figure 16 Removing the Stand-alone Library from the Pallet............22
Figure 17 Lifting the Rack-mount Library from the Pallet..................24
Figure 18 Placing the Library on the Slide Assembly Tray.................25
Figure 19 Locking the Slide Tray in the Rack........................................26
Figure 20 Removing the Load and Bulk Packs.....................................28
Figure 21 Removing the Shipping Restraint .........................................29
Figure 22 Bar Code Label Dimensions...................................................31
Figure 23 Inserting a Bar Code Label .....................................................31
Figure 24 Setting the Write-protect Switch............................................32
Figure 25 Correct Tape Cartridge Orientation......................................33
Figure 26 Single-Host SCSI Configuration............................................36
Figure 27 Typical Two-Host SCSI Configuration.................................37
Figure 28 Five-Host SCSI Configuration ...............................................38
ixATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Figure 29 GUI: Initial Screen...................................................................42
Figure 30 Navigating through the GUI Screens...................................44
Figure 31 GUI Screens.............................................................................. 45
Figure 32 Overview Screen......................................................................46
Figure 33 Overview Screen with Expanded Tape Drive Status......... 47
Figure 34 Tapes Screen.............................................................................48
Figure 35 Password Screen......................................................................50
Figure 36 Inserting a Tape Cartridge.....................................................54
Figure 37 Enter Password Screen...........................................................58
Figure 38 Operator Screen.......................................................................59
Figure 39 Configure: Library Screen......................................................60
Figure 40 Configure: Library Settings Screen.......................................61
Figure 41 Configure: Options Screen.....................................................63
Figure 42 Control: Move Cartridge Screen ...........................................64
Figure 43 Calibrate Library Screen.........................................................67
Figure 44 Control: Unload Drive Screen ...............................................70
Figure 45 Enter Password Screen...........................................................74
Figure 46 Service Screen ..........................................................................75
Figure 47 Report: Statistics Screen.......................................................... 76
Figure 48 Report: Actuator Status Screen..............................................77
Figure 49 Report: SysTest Library Results Screen................................77
Figure 50 Report: AutoClean Status Screen..........................................78
Figure 51 Test: SysTest Library Screen..................................................79
Figure 52 Confirmation Screen...............................................................82
Figure 53 Service: Change Password Screen ........................................83
Figure 54 Positioning the Slide Assembly.............................................99
Figure 55 Installing the Slide Assembly in the Rack .........................102
Figure 56 Loosening the Outer Nuts....................................................103
Figure 57 Slide Assembly Tray, Fully Extended................................105
Figure 58 Loosening the Inner Nuts ....................................................106
x ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Table 1 Related Documentation........................................................xiv
Table 2 Bar Code Label Specifications................................................30
Table 3 Sample Library Configuration ...............................................40
Table 4 Vertical Bar Buttons and Indicators......................................43
Table 5 Horizontal Bar Buttons...........................................................44
Table 6 GUI Screens ..............................................................................45
Table 7 GUI Security Levels.................................................................49
Table 8 Available Settings, Configure: Options Screen...................62
Table 9 Start-up Problems....................................................................86
Table 10 GUI Problems...........................................................................87
Table 11 Robotics Problems...................................................................88
Table 12 Operating Problems ................................................................90
Table 13 Tape Drive Problems...............................................................92
Table 14 Physical Characteristics ..........................................................93
Table 15 Performance Characteristics...................................................93
Table 16 Environmental Specifications ................................................94
xi ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
xii ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Document Organization
This guide was written for operators of the P1000 library.
This guide provides procedures for unpacking, installing, operating, and troubleshooting the basic P1000 library with a standard SCSI host interface.
The optional Fibre Channel capabiliti es are detaile d in a separate series of documents (see “Related Documents” on page xiv).
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Library Description,” provides an overview of the
P1000 components and operation.
Chapter 2, “Installing the P1000 Library,” explains how to unpack
and install the P1000.
Chapter 3, “Basic Operations,” introduces the P1000’s touc h scr een
graphical user interface (GUI) and explains how to obtain library
status, change the GUI security level, and perform several manual
operations such as turning the library on and off and i nserting tape
Chapter 4, “Operator Commands,” describes each of the
commands on the Operator screen of the GUI.
Chapter 5, “Service Commands,” describes each of the commands
on the Service screen of the GUI.
Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting,” discusses typical P1000 operating
problems and provides probable solutions.
Appendix A, “Specifications,” pr ovides t he physic al, performance ,
and environmental characteristics of the P1000.
Appendix B, “Installing the Slide Assembly in the Rack,” explains
how to install the slide assembly in the rack (for rack-mount units
only). This guide concludes with a glossary and an index.
xiiiATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are included to prevent damage to equipment.
Notes emphasize important information related to the main topic.
Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and are included to prevent injury.
This manual uses the following:
Right side of the library — Refers to the right side as you face the component being described.
Left side of the library — Refers to the left side as you face the component being described.
Related Documents
Table 1 Related Documentation
This section lists documents related to the ATL P1000 library.
ATL P1000 Documentation
Table 1 lists other manuals associated with the P1000 library.
Document Number Title Description
A TL P100 0 Series Library Unpacking Instructi on s
A TL P ris m FC210 Ro uter Addendum
This document explains how to unpack the P1000 library.
This document provides operating and troubleshooting procedures that are specific to P1000 libraries with the Prism FC210 Router.
For information regardi ng your tape drive, see the appropriate
xiv ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
SCSI-2 Specification
The SCSI-2 communications specification is the proposed American National Standard for information systems, dated March 9, 1990. Copies may be obtained from:
Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way, East Eaglewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-2740
This section provides contact information for ATL Products.
ATL Products Corporate Headquarters
To order documentation for the ATL P1000, contact:
ATL Products, Inc. 101 Innovation Drive Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
When placing an order for a document, please specify its part number.
Technical Publications
To comment on existing documentation send e-mail to:
Visit ATL’s home page at:
Professional Services
The ATL Products Professional Services Department provides a 24-hour help desk that can be reached at:
voice: (949) 477-7924 or (800) 284-5101 fax: (949) 477-7940 e-mail: helpdesk@atlp.com
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide xv
xvi ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Key lock
Bulk pack door
Power switch
Touch screen
Load port
Load pack door
graphical user
interface (GUI)
Chapter 1 Library Description
Figure 1 P1000 Front View, Stand-alone Library
Library Description
The ATL P1000 is an automated tape library system. When fully configured, the P1000 consists of four tape drives and 30 cartridges. The maximum storage capacity of the P1000 is 1050 GB (up to 2100 GB compressed), based on 30 cartridges at 35 GB each (up to 70 GB compressed).
The P1000 library is shipped in either a stand-alone (see figure 1) or rack-mount configuration (see figure 2). The stand-alone P1000 is set on casters. The rack-mount P1000 comes with a slide tray assembl y for installation in a rack.
A rack is not provided with the rack-mount P1000; it must be obtained separately.
1ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Library Description
Figure 2 P1000 Front View, Rack-mount Library
Rack (not included)
Key lock
Bulk pack door
Load pack door
Power switch
Load port
2 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Library Description
Configuration Options
Configuration Options
As shown in figure 1 and figure 2, the P1000 library is available in stand-alone and rack-mount configurations. Other library options include:
the number of tape drives The P1000 holds one to four tape drives.
high-density or low-density tape configuration The high-density configuration consists of up to 30 tape cartridges:
9 in the back storage bins, 5 in the front storage bins, 8 in the load pack, and 8 in the bulk pack.
The low-density configuration consists of 16 tape cartridges housed in the load pack and bulk pack. All fixed storage bins are removed from the low-density library.
single-ended or differential SCSI communication module
optical or copper-based Fibre Channel communication module The P1000 can be supplied with (or upgraded to) various Fibre
Channel host interfaces, including a data router capability that convert Fibre Channel to SCSI within the library. This o ption is described in the
ATL Prism FC210 Router Addendum
(PN 6331101).
multiple SCSI bus capability The P1000 supports one to five host computers, each on a separate
SCSI bus. The library is controlled by these host computers via a SCSI communications link and the SCSI-2 medium changer command set. The host computer SCSI interface port, the RS-232 port for diagnostics, and the power connectors are located on the back panel (see figure 3 on page 4).
As you unpack and install the P1000, verify that the library is configured with the options you require.
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide 3
Chapter 1 Library Description Configuration Options
Figure 3 P1000 Library, Back View
Host port, DIAG port, and library printed circuit boards
Tape drive SCSI connectors
Bus connector
Power connector
4 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Library Description
Library Elements
Library Elements
The P1000 has the following elements (see figure 4 on page 6):
storage bins
nine-pack fixed storage array (bins 0 to 8) (in high-density configuration only)
four-pack fixed storage array (bins 9 to 12) (in high-density configuration only)
one-pack fixed storage array (bin 13) (in high-density configuration only)
bulk pack (bins 14 to 21)
load pack (bins 22 to 29)
In the low-density configuration, the P1000 stores tapes in the load and bulk packs only. All fixed bins are removed from the library.
import export elements
load port (load 0)
load pack (when configured for import or export operation, these bins are numbered Load 1 to Load 8)
up to 4 tape drives (drives 0, 1, 2, and 3)
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide 5
Chapter 1 Library Description Library Elements
Figure 4 Library Elements
Load port
Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12
Load 0
Bin 13
Bin 14 Bin 15 Bin 16 Bin 17 Bin 18 Bin 19 Bin 20 Bin 21
Bin 22 Bin 23 Bin 24 Bin 25 Bin 26 Bin 27 Bin 28 Bin 29
Bulk pack
Load pack
Bin 0 Bin 1 Bin 2
Drive 0
Drive 2
Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5
Bin 6 Bin 7 Bin 8
Drive 1
Drive 3
When configured as an
import/export device, load pack bins are numbered “Load 1” to “Load 8.”
When fewer than four drives are present in the P1000, the drives occupy consecutive bays, starting with drive bay 0.
These bins are present only in the high-density configuration.
6 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Library Description
Robotics Operation
Robotics Operation
Library robotics consist of the following components:
gripper mechanism/bar code reader
vertical actuator
horizontal actuator
extension ac tuator
The vertical and horizontal actuators move the gripper into position to pick and place tape cartridges. The horizontal actuator also rotates the gripper 180 degrees, allowing the gripper to pass cartridges between the front storage bins and the back storage bins or tape drives. The extension actuator extends the gripper forward to make contact with the desired cartridge and then retracts the gripper to remove the cartridge from a bin or drive.
The gripper includes bar code scanners which can read standard six­character, 3 of 9 bar code labels. These scanners are used to maintain an inventory of the tape cartridges within the P1000. For example, an inventory occurs automatically when you turn on the library or close the bulk pack door. You may also initiate an inventory manually from the host computer.
Although the P1000 does not require tape cartridges to have bar code labels, properly labeled tape cartridges and full storage bins speed the inventory process.
The automatic inventory feature can be disabled using the touch screen GUI (see chapter 4). This is useful for systems with unlabeled tape cartridges or partially filled storage bins.
The LED scanner is classified as a Class 1 LED light emitting device by IEC 825. The wavelength is 850 nm (invisible ultraviolet).
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide 7
Chapter 1 Library Description Operator-Accessible Components
Front Panel
Figure 5 P1000 Front Panel
Operator-Accessible Components
The following P1000 components are operator-accessible:
front panel
load and bulk packs
back panel
tape drives
The following sections describe each of these components.
The front panel consists of the GUI, the front doors and key lock, the power switch, and the load port (see figure 5).
Key lock
Load pack door
Power switch
Load port
Bulk pack door
The GUI (see figure 6) displays touch screen menus that allow you to determine library status, configure the library, and perform certain diagnostic functions.
8 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Figure 6 GUI: Initial
Horizontal bar
Vertical bar
Main display
Chapter 1 Library Description
Operator-Accessible C om pon ent s
Back Forward
System Off-line
Load Port
Load Pack
The GUI screen consists of:
a horizontal bar (at the top of the screen)
a vertical bar (at the left side of the screen)
a main display area
The main display area contains a series of screens with status, configuration, diagnostic, and operating controls. The horizontal and vertical bars remain the same while the content of the main display area changes.
Overview Tapes Operator
For further information about the GUI, see chapters 3 and 4.
Front Doors
The front doors provide access to the load packs and the tape drives. They allow you to insert and remove tape cartridges and manually perform tape drive functions.
Before opening the front doors of the P1000, make sure the library is in standby mode and the robotics have come to a complete stop. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or damage to the P1000.
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide 9
Chapter 1 Library Description Operator-Accessible Components
The front doors lock to prevent unauthorized access to the P1000. To unlock and open the doors:
If the library is on-line, press the Standby button on the GUI. The system status indicator above the Standby button changes to
indicate that the library is in Standby mode.
Use the key to unlock the load pack door.
Press the Load Pack button on the GUI. This prepares the library for load pack removal. Always press the
Load Pack button before opening the front door to access the load pack.
Open the left door and then open the right door.
Load and Bulk Packs
Figure 7 Load and Bulk Packs
Load Port
The load port enables you to insert a single tape cartridge into the P1000. To open the load port, press the Load Port button on the GUI.
The load and bulk packs are eight-cartridge removable magazines that attach to the front storage bin frame (see figure 7). Use these packs to add or remove multiple tape cartridges.
The load pack can be configured as an additional load port.
Load pack
To install or remove load or bulk packs, see chapters 2 and 3.
10 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Bulk pack
Chapter 1 Library Description
Operator-Accessible C om pon ent s
Back Panel
Figure 8 Back Panel, Stand-alone Library
The back panel of the P1000 (see figure 8) has the following components:
These components provide the P1000 with power and communication links to external systems.
Host SCSI port
Power connector
SCSI ports RS-232C diagnostic (DIAG) port power connector drive access (hot swap) air filters
Actuator driver card
Robotics controller card/ DIAG port
Drive 1 SCSI ports
Drive 3 SCSI ports
Drive 0 SCSI ports
Drive 2 SCSI ports
Air filter
ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide 11
Chapter 1 Library Description Operator-Accessible Components
Tape Drives
The P1000 holds up to four tape drives. When fewer than four tape drives are installed, the tape drives must occupy consecutive drive bays, beginning with drive bay 0 (see figure 4 on page 6).
12 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Installing the P1000 Library
Installing the P1000 Library
This chapter explains how to install the stand-alone and rack-mount configurations of the P1000 library. Installation consists of the following tasks:
verifying that the installation site meets the site requirements
unpacking and positioning the library
preparing and inserting tape cartridges
connecting host computer(s) to the library
turning on the library
configuring and testing the library
13ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the P1000 Library Site Requirements
Floor Space
Figure 9 Floor Space Requirements, Stand-alone Library
Site Requirements
When selecting an installation site for the P1000 library, consider the following requirements:
floor space
floor clearance
overhead clearance
floor strength and inclination
power and grounding
environmental factors
Figure 9 shows the floor space requirements of the stand-alone P1000.
17.5 in. (45 cm)
24 in. (61 cm)
29.5 in. (75 cm)
Library FrontBack
54 in. (137.2 cm)
14 ATL P1000 Series User’s Guide
+ 102 hidden pages