Quantum GoVault 40GB, GoVault User Manual

GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide, P/N 20013264-001, June 2007 Product of USA.
Copyright 2007 by Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Quantum Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
Quantum and the Quantum logo are registered trademarks and GoVault is a trademeak of Quantum Corporation.
Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Overview............................................................................................................. 1
Product Description........................................................................................... 2
GoVault Docks ............................................................................................ 3
GoVault Cartridges .................................................................................... 3
GoVault System Application Software.................................................... 4
Backup Application Software ................................................................... 4
GoVault Firmware...................................................................................... 4
Operational Features ......................................................................................... 5
Drive Properties Context........................................................................... 5
Backup Application Interface ................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures 6
System Requirements........................................................................................ 7
Cartridge Handling Precautions ..................................................................... 8
Unpacking and Inspection Procedures........................................................... 8
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock.............................................................. 9
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide iv
Installing the SATA Card .......................................................................... 9
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock..................................................... 10
Installing the External GoVault Tabletop Dock .......................................... 15
Installing the GoVault System Application Software................................. 16
Determining Which System Application Applet to Use..................... 17
Installing the GoVault System Application Software ......................... 17
Installing the Backup Application Software ................................................ 23
Registering GoVault ........................................................................................ 23
Chapter 3 Operation 24
Understanding the Activity LED Indicator Display................................... 25
Inserting and Ejecting Cartridges.................................................................. 26
Inserting Cartridges.................................................................................. 26
Ejecting Cartridges ................................................................................... 27
Attaching Labels to Cartridges ...................................................................... 31
Write Protecting Cartridges............................................................................ 32
Changing the Volume Label of Cartridges .................................................. 33
Reformatting Cartridges ................................................................................. 33
Accessing GoVault System Application Software Features ...................... 34
Using Cartridge Password Protection .......................................................... 37
About Cartridge Password Protection .................................................. 37
Setting Cartridge Password Protection ................................................. 38
Entering the Cartridge Password........................................................... 39
Changing the Cartridge Password......................................................... 41
Performing a Security Erase Cartridge Function ................................. 42
Checking the GoVault Dock and Cartridge Status .....................................44
Dock Status ................................................................................................ 45
Cartridge Status ........................................................................................ 46
Updating the GoVault Firmware................................................................... 47
Handling Operational Fault Conditions....................................................... 49
Abnormal Hardware Conditions ........................................................... 50
SMART Threshold Detection.................................................................. 51
Chapter 4 Specifications 52
Physical Specifications .................................................................................... 53
Power Specifications........................................................................................ 55
Performance Specifications............................................................................. 57
Reliability Specifications ................................................................................. 58
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide v
Environmental Specifications......................................................................... 59
Interface Compliance Specifications ............................................................. 60
Appendix A Changing the Bezel 62
Parts and Tools Required................................................................................ 62
Procedure .......................................................................................................... 63
Appendix B Configuring Windows for DMA Data Transfer Mode 66
About Data Transfer Modes........................................................................... 66
Determining Your Motherboard Configuration.......................................... 67
Changing the Transfer Mode ......................................................................... 69
Appendix C Environmental and Disposal Compliances 73
Environmental Compliance............................................................................ 73
Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment........................................ 74
Appendix D Regulatory Compliances 75
Safety Standard Compliances ........................................................................ 76
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Compliances ................................. 77
Regulatory Agency Certifications ................................................................. 78
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)................................................ 79
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)................................ 79
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide vi
Figure 1 GoVault Docks.............................................................................. 2
Figure 2 Ruggedized Disk Cartridge........................................................ 4
Figure 3 Installing the SATA Card.......................................................... 10
Figure 4 Installing and Securing the Internal GoVault Dock.............. 11
Figure 5 Connecting the SATA Data Cable to the Dock ...................... 12
Figure 6 Connecting the SATA Data Cable to the SATA Card........... 12
Figure 7 Connecting the SATA Power Cable to the Dock................... 13
Figure 8 Connecting the SATA Power Cable to the PC ....................... 13
Figure 9 Successful Configuration Display............................................ 14
Figure 10 GoVault Tabletop Rear Panel................................................... 15
Figure 11 GoVault Setup Wizard .............................................................. 18
Figure 12 License Agreement Dialog........................................................ 19
Figure 13 Select Installation Folder Dialog.............................................. 20
Figure 14 Confirm Installation Dialog ..................................................... 21
Figure 15 Installation Complete Display.................................................. 22
Figure 16 Inserting a Cartridge.................................................................. 27
Figure 17 Manual Cartridge Eject Hole.................................................... 30
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide vii
Figure 18 Cartridge Label Locations......................................................... 31
Figure 19 Cartridge Write Protect Switch ................................................ 32
Figure 20 GoVault System Application Software Menu........................ 35
Figure 21 GoVault Properties Dialog........................................................ 36
Figure 22 Set Cartridge Password Dialog ................................................ 38
Figure 23 Enter Cartridge Password Dialog ............................................ 39
Figure 24 Incorrect Password Eject Message ........................................... 40
Figure 25 Change Cartridge Password Dialog........................................ 41
Figure 26 Removing Cartridge Password Protection............................. 42
Figure 27 Security Erase Cartridge Dialog............................................... 43
Figure 28 GoVault Status Display ............................................................. 45
Figure 29 GoVault Firmware Update Dialog........................................... 48
Figure 30 Ready to Commence Firmware Update Message ................. 48
Figure 31 Firmware Update Complete Message..................................... 49
Figure 32 GoVault Internal Dock Dimensions ........................................ 54
Figure 33 GoVault Tabletop Dock Dimensions....................................... 54
Figure 34 Parts and Tools Required .......................................................... 63
Figure 35 Removing the Side Brackets ..................................................... 63
Figure 36 Releasing the Bezel Clips........................................................... 64
Figure 37 Removing the 5.25-inch Bezel................................................... 64
Figure 38 Installing the 3.5-inch Bezel ...................................................... 65
Figure 39 Device Manager View Menu .................................................... 67
Figure 40 Devices by Connection Listing................................................. 68
Figure 41 GoVault Properties Dialog........................................................ 69
Figure 42 IDE Channel Properties Advanced Settings Tab................... 70
Figure 43 Changing the Transfer Mode.................................................... 71
Figure 44 DMA Mode Configured ............................................................ 72
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide viii
Table 1 Activity LED Indicator Display Definitions........................... 25
Table 2 Resolving Abnormal Hardware Conditions .......................... 51
Table 3 Physical Specifications............................................................... 53
Table 4 Voltage and Current Specifications......................................... 55
Table 5 Performance Specifications....................................................... 57
Table 6 Reliability Specifications ........................................................... 58
Table 7 Environmental Specifications................................................... 59
Table 8 Interface Compliance Specifications........................................ 60
Table 9 Safety Standards......................................................................... 76
Table 10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Regulations.............. 77
Table 11 Regulatory Agencies.................................................................. 78
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide ix
This guide was written for users of the Quantum GoVault™ for Windows dock and cartridge disk drive.
This guide provides the following information about the GoVault disk drive:
• Unpacking and installation instructions
• Basic operating procedures
• Specifications
Document Organization
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1,
Introduction, provides an overview of the GoVault disk
drive, and summarizes the drive’s key operational features.
Chapter 2,
Installation Procedures, provides handling precautions,
unpacking tips, and installation instructions for the GoVault disk drive.
Chapter 3,
Operation, describes how to use the GoVault disk drive
and deal with operating fault conditions.
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide x
Chapter 4, Specifications, provides detailed GoVault dock and cartridge specifications.
Appendix A,
Changing the Bezel, provides instructions for changing
the internal GoVault dock to fit in a 3.5-inch drive bay.
Appendix B,
Configuring Windows for DMA Data Transfer Mode,
provides instructions for configuringWindows to use direct memory access (DMA) transfer speeds to improve GoVault performance if you do not install the GoVault system application software.
Appendix C, Environmental and Disposal Compliances
, identifies GoVault environmental compliances and provides instructions for proper disposal of unwanted electrical and electronic equipment.
Appendix D,
Regulatory Compliances, identifies the GoVault
compliance with safety and EMC regulations.
Notational Conventions
This guide uses the following conventions:
The following subsections identify the Quantum company contacts.
Note: Notes emphasize important information related to the main
Tech Tip: Tech Tips provide technical information which may be
helpful in performing the procedure.
Caution: Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are
included to prevent damage to equipment.
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and
are included to prevent injury.
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide xi
Quantum Corporate Headquarters 0
To order documentation on GoVault Tabletop or other products, contact:
Quantum Corporation P.O. Box 57100 Irvine, CA 92619-7100 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
Technical Publications 0
To comment on existing documentation send e-mail to:
Quantum Home Page 0
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Getting More Information or Help
More information about this product is available on the Service and Support website at www.quantum.com/support
. The Service and Support website contains a collection of information, including answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). You can also access software, firmware, and drivers through this site.
For further assistance, or if training is desired, contact Quantum:
Quantum Technical Assistance Center in the USA: 800-284-5101
For additional contact information: www.quantum.com/support
To open a Service Request:: www.quantum.com/esupport
For the most up-to-date information on Quantum Global Services, please visit: www.quantum.com/support
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide xii
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 1
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an introductory overview of the Quantum GoVault™ for Windows dock and cartridge disk drive. Topics include:
on page 1
Product Description
on page 2
Operational Features
on page 5
The GoVault drive is an easy-to-use, cost-effective, high-performance removable-disk data protection device for the following Microsoft
Windows-based workstation and server systems:
• Windows 2000 (Professional and Server), SP 4 and later
• Windows 2003 (32- and 64-bit, Standard and Server)
• Windows XP (32- and 64-bit)
• Windows Vista (all editions)
Chapter 1 Introduction
Product Description
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 2
Product Description
As shown in figure 1, GoVault is available in two models:
• Internal—Mounts in a 3.5- or 5.25-inch bay of your computer workstation or server system
• External (GoVault Tabletop)—Is already mounted inside a standalone enclosure
The following subsections provide a brief description of each GoVault component:
• Hardware components:
•GoVault docks
•GoVault cartridges
• Software components:
GoVault system application software
Backup application software
• GoVault firmware
Figure 1 GoVault Docks
Chapter 1 Introduction
Product Description
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 3
GoVault Docks 1
Each GoVault dock provides:
• The electromechanical load and unload (eject) mechanisms for the removable disk cartridge
• A Serial ATA (SATA) I/O port for interfacing with the removable disk cartridge
• A green activity LED indicator
• Instant availability of the cartridge to the host workstation or server system
Additionally, each:
GoVault Cartridges 1
GoVault removable Ruggedized Disk Cartridges (see figure 2) are currently available in capacities from 40 to 160 Gbytes. The cartridges are all read/write compatible, interchangeable, and can be used with any GoVault dock.
Each GoVault cartridge:
• Is a removable disk that can withstand a 1-meter drop to a hard surface and has a robust SATA connector that is rated for 5,000 matings with the GoVault dock.
• Provides safe data storage for up to 10 years, under proper storage conditions.
. . . GoVault dock Provides . . .
internal • A SATA I/O port for interfacing with the
host workstation or server system
• A DC power connector that accepts +12 VDC and +5 VDC from the workstation or server system power supply
external (Tabletop) • A Mini-B type USB port for interfacing with
the host workstation or server system
• A DC power jack that accepts +12 VDC from a 115/230 VAC power adapter/converter
Chapter 1 Introduction
Product Description
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 4
• Has a write-protect switch to guard against accidental data overwrite.
• Is preformatted for the Microsoft New Technology File System (NTFS).
Figure 2 Ruggedized Disk Cartridge
GoVault System Application Software 1
The highly recommended GoVault system application software provides tools that you can use to:
• Download updated firmware to the GoVault dock
• Set cartridge passwords to protect data on the cartridges
• See warning messages about the fan, or if the operating temperature or voltages are out of range (internal dock only)
• View operating statistics about the GoVault dock and individual cartridges
• Determine if a Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) threshold is set on the cartridge
• Reformat GoVault cartridges with the FAT32 file system
Backup Application Software 1
With each GoVault for Windows, Quantum provides robust backup application software that simplifies the automation and management of data backup and recovery operations.
GoVault Firmware 1
GoVault firmware resides on the GoVault dock and provides the functional/operational interface between the GoVault cartridge and the host workstation or server operating system.
Rear viewFront view
Write-protect switch
Chapter 1 Introduction
Operational Features
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 5
The GoVault firmware:
• Implements Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Block Commands (SBC-2) device server
• Translates SATA-based ATAPI block commands/status response to SATA-based ATA commands on the SATA drive interface
• Handles the:
Write-protect feature of the GoVault cartridge
GoVault dock activity LED indicator
GoVault disk drive operating states
•Manages the:
Lock mechanism for the GoVault cartridge to prevent accidental
data loss and enhance drive longevity by assuring that an orderly cache flush and shutdown are applied to the drive before each cartridge eject operation
Timeout/standby modes for the GoVault dock electronics to
extend product life and maximize the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
Operational Features
Drive Properties Context 1
GoVault for Windows provides its own operational properties and context support under the Windows operating system. See chapter 2
for information about installing the GoVault system application software, and chapter 3
for information about using GoVault.
Backup Application Interface 1
Most backup applications that can mount removable media disk-type devices can access GoVault for Windows. For the current list of Quantum- or vendor-tested compatible backup applications, visit the Quantum website at:
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 6
Chapter 2
2Installation Procedures
This chapter provides instructions for installing the GoVault™ for Windows dock and cartridge disk drive, including:
System Requirements
on page 7
artridge Handling Precautions on page 8
Unpacking and Inspection Procedures
on page 8
Installing the Internal
GoVault Dock on page 9
nstalling the External GoVault Tabletop Dock on page 15
nstalling the GoVault System Application Software on page 16
Installing the Backup Application Software
on page 23
egistering GoVault on page 23
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
System Requirements
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 7
System Requirements
Before installing GoVault for Windows, make sure that your workstation or server system meets the following hardware and software requirements:
• Hardware:
•CPU, either:
Intel Pentium 4 or above
AMD K6 or above
CD-ROM drive
2 Mbytes of hard disk storage for the GoVault system application software
For the internal GoVault dock:
One available 3.5- or 5.25-inch internal drive bay
A SATA-compliant interface provided by either a SATA-
equipped motherboard or a SATA-compliant host bus adapter PCI card
For the external GoVault Tabletop dock, one available USB port
• One of the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 (Professional and Server), SP4 or later
Windows 2003 (32- and 64-bit, Standard and Server)
Windows XP (32- and 64-bit)
Windows Vista (all editions)
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Cartridge Handling Precautions
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 8
Cartridge Handling Precautions
Always observe the following guidelines and precautions when handling GoVault cartridges:
• Store cartridges:
Between 20° C and 30° C at 20% to 40% relative humidity (noncondensing)
Away from magnetic and electric fields
• Do not expose cartridges to:
Extreme temperature changes, such as 20° C per hour
Corrosive gases
Excessive dust and particles
• Do not stack cartridges such that the bottom cartridges are under compressive stress.
• Do not attempt to open cartridges. They are tamper-evident assemblies. Tampering with a cartridge will void the warranty and could permanently damage the hard disk drive.
• Do not drop cartridges where nonoperational specifications might be exceeded.
Unpacking and Inspection Procedures
Carefully unpack and inspect the GoVault dock as follows:
1 Visually inspect the shipping container and notify your carrier
immediately of any damage.
2 Place the shipping container on a flat, clean, stable surface, and
carefully remove the contents.
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 9
3 Visually inspect the GoVault dock and notify your Quantum
representative immediately of any damage.
4 Always save the shipping container and packing materials for any
future use.
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
To install the internal GoVault dock and cartridge disk drive, complete the following procedures in the order presented:
Installing the SATA Card
, if required
Installing the
Internal GoVault Dock
Installing the SATA Card 2
If your workstation or server system does not already have either a SATA-equipped motherboard or a SATA-compliant host bus adapter PCI card, you should follow the procedures provided by the manufacturer of the SATA card and your computer reference manual.
If the procedures presented in this subsection do not appear to be appropriate for your workstation or server system, stop the installation attempt and seek assistance from the appropriate hardware manufacturer.
1 As required:
a Save and close your open files and terminate all running
b Shut down the workstation or server system.
c Disconnect the AC power cord from the facility AC power
Note: This procedure is only necessary if your workstation or server
system does not already have a SATA-equipped motherboard or a SATA-compliant host bus adapter PCI card installed.
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 10
2 Remove the cover from the workstation or server system.
3 Install the SATA card in an available PCI slot, and secure the card to
the computer using one screw (see figure 3
Figure 3 Installing the SATA Card
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock 2
After you have installed the SATA card, or if your computer workstation or server system already has either a SATA-equipped motherboard or a SATA-compliant host bus adapter PCI card, use the following procedure to install the internal GoVault dock.
Note: See your computer manufacturer’s instructions for the
proper procedures to remove the cover.
Note: The standard configuration of the internal GoVault dock
includes side brackets and a 5.25-inch bezel for installation in a
5.25-inch drive bay. If you need to install the dock in a 3.5-inch drive bay, use the procedure in appendix A
on page 62 to remove the side brackets and change the bezel before installing the internal GoVault dock.
PCI slot
SATA card
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 11
1 If you have just installed a SATA card, then you already have shut
down the workstation or server system and removed the cover. In this case, skip to step 4 of this procedure.
If your computer workstation or server system already had either a SATA-equipped motherboard or a SATA-compliant host bus adapter PCI card, then proceed to step 2 of this procedure.
2 As required:
a Save and close your open files and terminate all running
b Shut down the workstation or server system.
c Disconnect the AC power cord from the facility AC power
3 Remove the cover from the workstation or server system.
4 Select an available internal drive bay and, if required, remove the bay
5 Slide the internal GoVault dock into the bay and secure it to the
computer chassis with two mounting screws on each side (see
figure 4
Figure 4 Installing and Securing the Internal GoVault Dock
Note: See your computer manufacturer’s instructions for the
proper procedures to remove the cover.
Internal GoVault dock
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 12
6 Connect one end of the SATA data cable to the SATA data connector
on the back of the internal GoVault dock (see figure 5
Figure 5 Connecting the SATA Data Cable to the Dock
7 Carefully route the SATA data cable from the internal GoVault dock
and connect the other end to either the SATA-equipped motherboard or the SATA card (see figure 6
Figure 6 Connecting the SATA Data Cable to the SATA Card
8 Connect the drive end of the SATA power supply conversion adapter
cable to the SATA power connector on the back of the internal GoVault dock (see figure 7
Caution: Do not force SATA connections. SATA connectors are
designed to fit one way only. If you encounter any difficulty in making the SATA cable connection, rotate the cable and try again.
SATA data connector SATA data cable
SATA card data connector
SATA data cable
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 13
Figure 7 Connecting the SATA Power Cable to the Dock
9 Connect the power supply end of the of the SATA power supply
conversion adapter cable to the computer power harness connector (see figure 8
Figure 8 Connecting the SATA Power Cable to the PC
10 Reinstall the system cover and reconnect the AC power cord to the
facility AC power receptacle.
11 Restart the workstation or server system.
12 Verify that the LED on the front panel of the GoVault dock
illuminates when the system starts.
13 Insert a GoVault cartridge into the dock and verify that the front
panel activity LED indicator signifies a successful cartridge load operation (see Inserting Cartridges
on page 21).
SATA power connector
SATA power supply conversion adapter cable
SATA power supply conversion adapter cable
Computer power harness connector
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the Internal GoVault Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 14
14 Use Windows My Computer to verify successful GoVault installation
and configuration (see figure 9
15 Perform a number of file copy operations to and from the GoVault
cartridge to verify the disk write/read functions.
16 If you are going to install both the GoVault system application
software and the backup application software, then proceed to
nstalling the GoVault System Application Software in the next
If you are not going to install the GoVault system application software, then skip to Installing the Backup Application Software
page 23.
Figure 9 Successful Configuration Display
Note: If you do not install the GoVault system application
software, the Windows operating system might assign the low-speed Programmed I/O (PIO) mode for GoVault data transfer operations. Use the procedures in appendix B,
Configuring Windows for DMA Data Transfer Mode, on
page 66 to determine if this is the case and, if necessary, configure the operating system to use the high-speed Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode for GoVault data transfer operations.
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the External GoVault Tabletop Dock
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 15
Installing the External GoVault Tabletop Dock
Install the external GoVault Tabletop dock and cartridge as follows:
1 Connect the drive-end (Mini-B) connector of the USB interface cable
to the Mini-B USB port on the rear panel of the GoVault Tabletop dock (see figure 10
2 Connect the DC power output plug of the power adapter/converter
to the DC power jack on the rear panel of the dock.
3 Carefully position the dock in a secure location that provides
adequate circulation for the rear panel air vents (see figure 10
4 Plug the power adapter/converter into a 115/230 VAC facility power
receptacle and verify that the LED on the front panel of the GoVault Tabletop dock illuminates.
Figure 10 GoVault Tabletop Rear Panel
5 Connect the system-end (standard) connector of the USB interface
cable to an available USB port on your workstation or server system and verify that the system launches the
Found New Hardware wizard
that finds and configures the device driver, assigns a drive letter, and enables read/write access.
6 Use Windows
My Computer to verify successful GoVault Tabletop
configuration (see figure 9
Air vents Mini-B USB port DC power jack
Chapter 2 Installation Procedures
Installing the GoVault System Application Software
GoVault™ for Windows User’s Guide 16
7 Insert a GoVault cartridge into the dock and verify that the front
panel activity LED indicator signifies a successful cartridge load operation (see Inserting Cartridges
on page 21).
8 Perform a number of file copy operations to and from the GoVault
cartridge to verify the disk write/read functions.
9 If you are going to install both the GoVault system application
software and the backup application software, then proceed to
nstalling the GoVault System Application Software in the next
If you are not going to install the GoVault system application software, then skip to Installing the Backup Application Software
page 23..
Installing the GoVault System Application Software
After installing the GoVault dock and cartridge disk drive and verifying that your operating system recognizes the drive, use one of the three system application applets on the GoVault Resource CD to install the GoVault system application software.
Each applet provides an installation package that corresponds to one of the three types of supported operating systems:
Note: If you do not install the GoVault system application
software, the Windows operating system might assign the low-speed Programmed I/O (PIO) mode for GoVault data transfer operations. Use the procedures in appendix B,
Configuring Windows for DMA Data Transfer Mode, on
page 66 to determine if this is the case and, if necessary, configure the operating system to use the high-speed Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode for GoVault data transfer operations.
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