Product Overview
The DXi2500-D disk backup and replication appliances use Quantum’s data
de-duplication technology to expand the amount of backup data users can
retain on fast-recovery RAID systems by 10 to 50 times. The result is a costeffective way for IT departments to store backup data on disk for months
instead of days, providing high speed, reliable restores, increasing available
data recovery points, and reducing media management. For disaster
recovery in distributed environments, the DXi2500-D system makes
automated WAN replication practical by dramatically reducing the
bandwidth required to move backup data securely between sites.
DXi2500-D solutions are integrated systems that are easy to install and use
with all leading backup applications. They provide best-in-class
performance and flexible, easy-to-use NAS interface and Ethernet
connectivity. DXi2500-D appliances are part of a comprehensive set of
backup solutions, serviced and supported by Quantum, the leading global
specialist in backup, recovery, and archive.
Contents 0
Product Overview....................................... 1
Included With Your DXi2500-D................... 1
Installation.................................................. 2
Rack Compatibility .................................. 2
DXi2500-D Setup and Configuration ...... 2
Network Segmentation........................... 2
Replication Firewall Port Requirements 3
Installation and Integration Services ..... 3
Service......................................................... 4
DXi2500-D Warranty ................................ 4
Service Package Upgrades ...................... 4
StorageCare™ Guardian .......................... 4
DXi2500-D Configurations ......................... 5
DXi2500-D Shipping Information .............. 5
DXi2500-D Specifications ........................... 6
Physical Characteristics........................... 6
Environmental Specifications................. 8
Included With Your DXi2500-D
The DXi2500-D is fully configured to your specifications and pre-tested in
the factory. Every DXi2500-D base system arrives with all parts included.
Each system comes with an accessory kit containing rack-mount hardware
and a Documentation CD which includes the User’s Guide.

DXi2500-D Site Planning Guide
Rack Compatibility 0
DXi2500-D Setup and
Configuration 0
Nearly all standard four-post EIA 19” server racks are compatible with the DXi2500-D
rack mount kits. Refer to the physical characteristics of the DXi2500-D system for depth
After hardware has been installed and initially configured, you are ready to use your
DXi2500-D. The remote management Web pages allow you to reconfigure your
DXi2500-D at any time.
Required Network Information 0
To utilize the remote management pages of the DXi2500-D, you must connect it to your
Note the following considerations:
• DHCP (Dynamic Host Command Protocol) is not supported.You must provide a
static IP address at the time of installation.
• The default IP Address is:
You and other administrative users can always return to the remote management pages to
modify all DXi2500-D settings, including network settings. Refer to the DXi2500-D User’s
Guide included on the Documentation CD for additional information on initially
configuring your DXi2500-D.
Network Segmentation 0
2 Installation
The DXi2500-D system allows you to configure the network settings to utilize network
segmentation. Network segmentation allows you to configure separate network settings
for each of the primary types of network traffic:
• Replication
• Management
If network segmentation is selected, each segment (replication, management, and data)
will require it’s own network information such as an IP address, network mask, and
default gateway.
The number of IP addresses required for each DXi2500-D system depends on the type of
segmentation selected. Refer to the following list:
• No Segmentation Selected
• Single bonded interface composed of both ETH0 and ETH1 - If a single bonded
interface is selected, both ETH0 and ETH1 are configured as a single port with a
single IP address. Both ports would be viewed as a single port for all traffic.
(1 IP address Required)
Note: Not segmented (Bond All) is the default configuration.

• Segmentation Selected
• Replication/Management/Data traffic share a single bonded interface composed of
ETH0 and ETH1
Management, and Data) share a single bonded interface which is composed of
both ports (ETH0 and ETH1). (
• Replication traffic is dedicated to ETH0, Management and Data traffic share ETH1 - If
this option is selected, Replication traffic is dedicated to only ETH0. No other
traffic is allowed on that port. Data and Management traffic are only allowed on
• Management traffic is dedicated to ETH0, Replication and Data traffic share ETH1 - If
this option is selected, Management traffic is only allowed on ETH0. No other
traffic is allowed on that port. Replication and Data traffic are only allowed on
ETH1. (
3 IP address Required)
• Data traffic is dedicated to ETH1, Replication and Management traffic share ETH0 - If
this option is selected, Data traffic is dedicated to only ETH1. No other traffic is
allowed on that port. Replication and Management traffic are only allowed on
ETH0. (
3 IP address Required)
- If this option is selected, all traffic types (Replication,
3 IP address Required)
Replication Firewall Port
Requirements 0
Installation and
Integration Services 0
The following firewall ports must be opened for replication to operate optimally:
•Port 80
• Port 1062
Installation and integration of the DXi2500-D system by Quantum is not required since
the DXi2500-D is customer installable. If you want to purchase installation services, please
contact your Quantum Sales representative to discuss installation services.
Phone support for the installation process is available via the Quantum support number
for your area. Customers in the U.S. and Canada may call 1-800-284-5101.
Installation 3