Quantum DX3000, DX5000 User's Guide

Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide, 81-81493-03 B01, June 2006, Made in USA.
Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Quantum Corporation may revise this publication from time to time without notice.
Copyright 2006 by Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Quantum Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
DLT and DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation.
Quantum, the Quantum logo, and the DLTtape logo are all registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation. Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.


Preface xi
StorageCare Guardian....................................................................................xvi
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description 1
Time Required for Backup .........................................................................2
Confidence in Completing the Backup ....................................................2
Time to Restore Data...................................................................................2
Features and Benefits .........................................................................................2
DX3000 and DX5000 Systems ...........................................................................4
DX3000 System Components.....................................................................5
DX5000 System Components.....................................................................6
Hard Drive Storage ............................................................................................8
RAID Sets....................................................................................................10
Supported RAID Configurations ...................................................................10
RAID 5 Configuration...............................................................................11
Typical Configurations ....................................................................................11
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide iii
Chapter 2 Basic Operations 13
Turning on the System.....................................................................................13
Turning on the DX3000 ............................................................................14
Turning on the DX5000 ............................................................................14
DX3000/DX5000 Operations ..........................................................................15
Chassis LEDs and Buttons.......................................................................15
Hard Drive Sled LEDs..............................................................................18
Ethernet Port LEDs ...................................................................................18
Power Supply LED....................................................................................19
Relocating the DX3000 and DX5000 Systems...............................................21
Chapter 3 DX3000 and DX5000 Remote Management 22
DX3000 and DX5000 Web Pages ....................................................................23
DX3000 and DX5000 Web Page Menu Items ........................................23
Accessing DX3000 and DX5000 Web Pages ..........................................24
Using the DX3000 and DX5000 Web Pages...........................................26
Accessing Library Configuration............................................................28
Configuring the Media.............................................................................30
Configuring the Library ...........................................................................35
Configuring the Network ........................................................................44
Configuring the Date and Time ..............................................................46
Configuring the Security Options...........................................................47
Configuring System Hardware...............................................................52
System Status ....................................................................................................62
Accessing System Status ..........................................................................63
Viewing Tape Drive Details.....................................................................64
Viewing Robot Details..............................................................................66
Viewing Storage Bin Details....................................................................67
Viewing Virtual Disk Status ....................................................................69
Viewing Hardware Status........................................................................70
Viewing Media Status...............................................................................71
Remote Alerts....................................................................................................72
Accessing Remote Alerts..........................................................................72
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide iv
Accessing Utilities.....................................................................................83
Changing Library State ............................................................................84
System Log.................................................................................................84
Uploading Firmware ................................................................................86
System Configuration...............................................................................87
Downloading the System Diagnostics File............................................90
Rebooting the DX3000/DX5000 System ................................................91
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 93
Common Problems and Solutions .................................................................93
Hardware Problems..................................................................................93
Ethernet Network Problems....................................................................94
Appendix A DX3000/DX5000 System Specifications 96
Physical Characteristics...................................................................................97
Performance Characteristics ...........................................................................98
Environmental Specifications.........................................................................98
Appendix B Regulatory Statements 100
Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment ......................................105
Glossary 106
Index 109
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide v


Figure 1 DX3000 System..............................................................................4
Figure 2 DX5000 System..............................................................................4
Figure 3 DX3000 System Components ......................................................6
Figure 4 DX5000 System Components ......................................................7
Figure 5 DX3000 and DX5000 Hard Drives ..............................................8
Figure 6 RAID 5 Configuration ................................................................11
Figure 7 DX3000/DX5000 System Plus a Tape Library ........................12
Figure 8 Turning on the DX3000 ..............................................................14
Figure 9 Turning on the DX5000 ..............................................................14
Figure 10 DX3000 LED Indicators..............................................................15
Figure 11 DX5000 LED Indicators..............................................................17
Figure 12 Hard Drive Sled LEDs................................................................18
Figure 13 Ethernet Port LEDs .....................................................................19
Figure 14 Power Supply LED Indicators...................................................20
Figure 15 DX3000 and DX5000 Web Page Menu Items ..........................24
Figure 16 Login Page....................................................................................25
Figure 17 Home Page...................................................................................26
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide vi
Figure 18 Configuration Page.....................................................................29
Figure 19 Media Screen ...............................................................................30
Figure 20 Edit Volume Media Area Screen ..............................................31
Figure 21 Tape Cartridges Screen..............................................................32
Figure 22 Virtual Disks Area Screen..........................................................34
Figure 23 Partitions Page.............................................................................36
Figure 24 Adding a Partition......................................................................37
Figure 25 Editing a Partition.......................................................................39
Figure 26 Enabling/Disabling Write Protection......................................41
Figure 27 Assigning Barcode Labels..........................................................42
Figure 28 Assigning a Library Name ........................................................44
Figure 29 Network Configuration Page....................................................45
Figure 30 Date and Time Configuration...................................................47
Figure 31 Security Configuration...............................................................48
Figure 32 SSL Configuration.......................................................................50
Figure 33 Install SSL Certificate Page........................................................51
Figure 34 Device Mapping Page ................................................................53
Figure 35 iSCSI Ethernet Input Port Locations ........................................55
Figure 36 iSCSI Configuration Page ..........................................................56
Figure 37 Fibre Channel Configuration ....................................................58
Figure 38 RAID Configuration Screen (DX5000 Shown)........................60
Figure 39 Hard Drive Numbering .............................................................62
Figure 40 System Status Page .....................................................................63
Figure 41 Tape Drive Details......................................................................65
Figure 42 Robot Details ...............................................................................66
Figure 43 Storage Bin Details......................................................................68
Figure 44 Virtual Disk Status Page ............................................................69
Figure 45 Hardware Status Page................................................................70
Figure 46 Media Status Page.......................................................................71
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide vii
Figure 47 Remote Alerts Page ....................................................................73
Figure 48 Email Tab .....................................................................................74
Figure 49 SNMP Tab....................................................................................76
Figure 50 SNMP Trap Destinations...........................................................78
Figure 51 SNMP Community Management.............................................79
Figure 52 Contacts Tab ................................................................................80
Figure 53 End User Agreement Tab ..........................................................83
Figure 54 Utilities Page................................................................................84
Figure 55 System Log...................................................................................85
Figure 56 Uploading Firmware..................................................................86
Figure 57 Activating/ Removing a Firmware Image..............................87
Figure 58 Downloading Configuration Files............................................88
Figure 59 Activating the Configuration File.............................................90
Figure 60 Downloading Diagnostics Files................................................91
Figure 61 Shutting Down the DX3000/DX5000 System.........................92
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide


Table 1 DX3000/DX5000 Capacity Specifications..................................5
Table 2 DX3000 LEDs...............................................................................16
Table 3 DX5000 LEDs...............................................................................17
Table 4 Drive Sled LEDs ..........................................................................18
Table 5 Ethernet Port LEDs .....................................................................19
Table 6 Power Supply LED .....................................................................20
Table 7 Network Configuration Fields..................................................45
Table 8 Port Settings.................................................................................59
Table 9 RAID Configurations..................................................................60
Table 10 Tape Drive Details ......................................................................65
Table 11 Robot Details................................................................................67
Table 12 Storage Bin Details......................................................................68
Table 13 Logical Drive Status....................................................................69
Table 14 Email Notification.......................................................................74
Table 15 Email Server Information...........................................................75
Table 16 SNMP Trap Selections................................................................77
Table 17 Company Information................................................................81
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide ix
Table 18 Primary/Secondary Contact Information...............................81
Table 19 Hardware Problems ...................................................................94
Table 20 Ethernet Network Problems......................................................95
Table 21 Physical Characteristics .............................................................97
Table 22 Interfaces......................................................................................97
Table 23 Performance Characteristics......................................................98
Table 24 Environmental Specifications ...................................................98
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide x


This manual introduces the Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 enhanced data protection systems and discusses:
System operations
Web interface
Basic troubleshooting
Audience This manual is written for DX3000 and DX5000 system operators and field service
Document Organization
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xi
Following is a brief description of chapter contents.
Chapter 1, “DX3000 and DX5000 System Description,” provides an overview of the DX3000/DX5000 system.
Chapter 2, “Basic Operations,” provides basic operating instructions for the DX3000/DX5000 system.
Chapter 3, “DX3000 and DX5000 Remote Management,” discusses using the DX3000/DX5000 system management pages to control the system remotely.
Chapter 4, “Troubleshooting,” discusses problems you may encounter during the setup and operation of the DX3000/DX5000 system.
The Appendices provide system specifications, event handling, and regulatory statements.
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Caution: Caution indicates potential hazards to equipment or data.
Warning: Warning indicates potential hazards to personal safety.
Note: Note emphasizes important information related to the main
Tech Tip: Tech tip provides additional technical information that
may assist in installation and configuration.
Right side of the system — Refers to the right side as you face the component being described.
Left side of the system — Refers to the left side as you face the component being described.
b — All binary numbers are succeeded by “b.”
h — All hexadecimal numbers are succeeded by “h.”
Error or attention conditions are represented in parenthesis that translate as follows:
(SK=S ASC=AA ASCQ=QQ) where: S — hexadecimal sense key value AA — hexadecimal additional sense code QQ — hexadecimal additional sense code qualifiers
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xii
Related Documents The following Quantum document are also available for the DX3000 and DX5000
Document No. Document Title
81-81492 Quantum DX3000 and
DX5000 Quick Start Guide
81-81494 Quantum DX3000/
DX5000/DPM5500 Hard Drive Upgrade Instructions
81-81503 Quantum DX3000/
DX5000/DPM5500 Fan Replacement Instructions
81-81504 Quantum DX3000/
DX5000/DPM5500 Power Supply Replacement Instructions
81-81506 Quantum DX3000/
DX5000/DPM5500 Hard Drive Replacement Instructions
81-81507 Quantum DX3000/
DX5000/DPM5500 Chassis Replacement Instructions
Describes unpacking and installing both the DX3000 and DX5000 systems
Describes upgrading your DX3000 or DX5000 hard drives.
Describes replacing your DX3000 or DX5000 cooling fans.
Describes replacing your DX3000 or DX5000 power supplies.
Describes replacing your DX3000 or DX5000 hard drives.
Describes replacing your DX3000 or DX5000 chassis.
Supported Internet Browsers
The Internet browser software is not supplied with the DX3000/DX5000 system; you must obtain and install it independently. The DX3000/DX5000 system supports the following Internet browsers:
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xiii
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later You can download this software from
Note: If Internet Explorer is the default browser on the client system:
The latest security updates for Microsoft VM (virtual machine) must be installed on the client system.
The security settings must be set no higher than “medium”. If the settings are set to “high security”, the browser will not be able to login to the DX-Series system since the system needs write access to the client.
The “Play animations in web pages” item in the Internet Options/Advanced/Multimedia menu must be enabled.
Mozilla Suite 1.7 on Solaris 10 You can download this software from
Firefox 1.0.6 on Windows You can download this software from
Java Plug-in 1.4.2 or later You can download this software from
SCSI-2 Specification 0
The SCSI-2 communications specification is the proposed American National Standard for information systems, dated March 9, 1990. Copies may be obtained from:
Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way, East Englewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-2740
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xiv
Contacts Quantum company contacts are listed below.
Quantum 0
Quantum P.O. Box 57100 Irvine, CA 92619-7100 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
Technical Publications 0
To comment on existing documentation send e-mail to:
Visit the Quantum home page at: 0
Customer Support 0
The Quantum Customer Support Department provides a 24-hour help desk that can be reached at:
North/South America: (949) 725-2100 or
(800) 284-5101
Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code)
+61 7 3862 4834
Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code)
+44 (0) 1256 848748
Send faxes for the Customer Support Department to:
North/South America: (949) 725-2176
Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code)
+61 7 3862 4677
Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code)
+44 (0) 1256 848777
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xv

Storag e C are Guardian

To contact the Customer Support Department use the following web/ E-mail addresses:
North/South America: www.quantum.com/askaquestion
Asia/Pacific Rim: apachelp@quantum.com
Europe/Middle East/Africa: eurohelp@quantum.com
StorageCare Guardian 0
StorageCare Guardian is a remote monitoring and diagnostic solution that enables
Quantum to proactively monitor the health of Quantum products, use diagnostic data to predict possible failures, and determine whether or not the problem involves a Quantum product or other critical component in the environment.
Benefits StorageCare Guardian gives the customer added assurance that Quantum will
make sure its products are running optimally to ensure maximum operational efficiency. Deploying this solution is easy and enables customers to minimize the costs associated with system downtime and service issues should a problem arise.
More Reliable Backups
Faster Resolution Time
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xvi
Through continuous 24x7x365 monitoring, StorageCare Guardian proactively checks Quantum systems for common errors and alerts the customer when a Quantum product is underperforming. By proactively identifying red flags, the risk of failed backups and machine downtime can be mitigated.
When the system is down, StorageCare Guardian provides the necessary diagnostics data that enables Quantum to identify the root cause and expedite the problem resolution process. Problems that used to take days to fix can now be fixed in minutes. When problems require onsite support, field engineers will have better information along with the right parts necessary to fix the problem.
StorageCare Guardian allows Quantum to 0
Monitor diagnostic data related to Quantum products
Receive alarms that notify Quantum of issues at the customer site
StorageCare Guardian
Run diagnostic utilities to more quickly determine the root cause of issues
Initiate remote connection to remote management interface to get more in­depth information about the health of your Quantum product.
Distribute software/firmware upgrades - this will be available as a future enhancement
Product Features 0
Continuous Monitoring - Proactive 7x24x365 monitoring of Quantum products enabling Quantum Support to be alerted on events such as errors or marginal conditions that are defined by the user.
Root Cause Diagnosis - Allows Quantum to quickly isolate and identify the root cause of a problem.
Rapid Problem Resolution- Quantum can rapidly recommend and/or implement the corrective actions needed to resolve a problem ensuring minimal impact to the IT environment.
Quantum Remote Software Update - Distributed software update capability allows fast updates to agent software and Quantum hardware installed at customer sites
Real-time Data Collection - Instant on-demand or scheduled diagnostic data collection from Quantum products as well as the ability to run user-defined data collection scripts from agent.
Access Management - Customer has full control over Quantum's access rights and privileges.
Audit Logging - Audit logs are kept for all communications to and from the agent.
How it works: 0
1 Customers can download the StorageCare Guardian agent software from
2 Customer installs the StorageCare Guardian agent on any Windows 2000/
2003/XP or Solaris 8/9 server located at the customer’s site.
3 The StorageCare Gu ar dian agent monitors Quantum products, and provides
information and updates to the Quantum Enterprise Server that resides at Quantum Support.
4 If an error or problem is detected, Quantum queues a request to the
StorageCare Guardian agent for data collection or real-time access to the
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xvii
Storag e C are Guardian
5 The StorageCare Gu ar dian agent checks access policy settings to determine if
access is allowed.
6 If approved, the information is transferred to Quantum, or a remote
connection is initiated.
7 Quantum Support will diagnose the problem and, if necessary, send the
needed parts and/or field personnel to resolve the issue.
Quantum can identify if the backup problem is not associated with the Quantum device and then direct the customer to resolve the issue with appropriate third­party vendor.
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide xviii
Chapter 1
1DX3000 and DX5000 System
This chapter describes the DX3000 and DX5000 system and its components. The chapter consists of:


Features and Benefits
DX3000 and DX5000 Systems
Hard Drive Storage
Supported RAID Configurations
Typical Configurations
Overview 1
The DX3000 and DX5000 Enhanced Backup Solution utilizes a disk-based backup system to complement a tape library. This solution addresses the most important problems facing Information Technology professionals:
Time Required for Backup
Confidence in Completing the Backup
Time to Restore Data
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 1
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description

Features and Benefits

Time Required for Backup 1 Not only is the amount of data that needs to be backed up growing, but

the time window for performing the backup is shrinking due to the impact of global operational expansion. Adding more tape drives is no longer an efficient way to reduce the time required for backup.

Confidence in Completing the Backup

Time to Restore Data 1 The time required to restore data from a tape library is determined by

Confidence in completing the backup job within the backup window can be very low because of time constraints or “hang ups” during the backup
process due to errors generated by mechanical problems. If these types of errors could be eliminated by removing issues that are inherent in any mechanical device, confidence in the backup job completing would improve greatly.
how long it takes to mount a cartridge in a tape drive and find the proper position on the tape. This can take several minutes and then the restore time is also reduced by the tape drive transfer speed. Restoring data from hard drives (emulating tape cartridges) improves restore time by eliminating the time required to load a cartridge and transfer speed restrictions.
Features and Benefits 1
Both the DX3000 and DX5000 systems provides the following features and benefits:
• High availability features:
•RAID 5 file system
Event monitoring and logging
Redundant cooling, power supplies, and disk parity protection
Global spare (DX5000 Only) and hot-swappable hard drives
Flexible alert notification including e-mail and SNMP traps
• Serial ATA II drive technology
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 2
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
Features and Benefits
• Restore latency under 10 seconds
• Two iSCSI interfaces
• 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet interface for auxiliary management functionality (web based management)
• Browser based remote management system that provides status and configuration options
• Rack space requirements:
DX3000 - 2U per chassis
DX5000 - 5U per chassis
•Virtual disk creation
• Tape Drives Emulated:
Quantum DLT7000
• Libraries Emulated:
ATL P1000
Quantum P7000
• Supported by every major backup software vendor
• Installs in a standard rack with a minimum depth of 30 in (76.2 cm)
Note: The DX3000/DX5000 must be installed in a restricted access
location per specification EN69050-1. This system must only be installed by qualified IT service personnel. This is required to prevent untrained personnel from allowing body parts or electrically conductive items to penetrate into the interior of the system when replacing or installing drives, fans, and power supplies.
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 3
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description

DX3000 and DX5000 Systems

DX3000 and DX5000 Systems 1
The system takes advantage of high speed hard drives to greatly reduce the time required for backup/restore functions and also improve confidence in completing the backup in the time allowed.
The DX3000 and DX5000 systems are both backup devices based upon high speed disk drives instead of tape drives. Refer to the following figures:
DX3000 System
DX5000 System
Figure 1 DX3000 System
Figure 2 DX5000 System
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 4
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
DX3000 and DX5000 Systems
Table 1 DX3000/DX5000 Capacity Specifications

DX3000 System Components

DX Model (with Drive Size)
DX3000 (500 GB drives)
DX5000 (500 GB drives)
Number of Tape Drives
Up to 32 virtual tape drives
Up to 64 virtual tape drives
Number of Cartridges
400 cartridges per LUN (800 max)
400 cartridges per LUN (1600 max)
Usable Capacity
1.3 TB to 3.5 TB
4.5 TB to
10.0 TB
Both the DX3000 and the DX5000 use the same hard drive sleds, however, the chassis and other system components differ between the two systems. Refer to the following sections:
DX3000 System Components
DX5000 System Components
The DX3000 system houses the following components:
• Drive sleds (four or eight drive sleds per storage array) (qualified IT
personnel serviceable)
• Two redundant power supplies (qualified IT personnel serviceable)
• Redundant fan modules located internally (qualified IT personnel
• Motherboard, CPU, and memory (Quantum Field Service Only)
• RAID controller (Quantum Field Service Only)
• Optional Optyon™ Fibre Channel/compression board (Quantum Field
Service Only)
The qualified IT personnel serviceable components are removed and replaced either through the front or back of the system (see
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 5
figure 3).
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
DX3000 and DX5000 Systems
Figure 3 DX3000 System Components

DX5000 System Components

Power and reset buttonsDrive sleds
Fibre Channel ports (optional Optyon™ card)
Power supplies Ethernet ports
Keyboard, VGA, parallel and COM ports (service only)
The DX5000 system houses the following components:
• Drive sleds (twelve or twenty four drive sleds per storage array) (qualified IT personnel serviceable))
Note: The DX5000 system with 24 hard drives requires two Optyon
Fibre Channel compression cards if Fibre Channel compression is enabled.
• Four redundant power supplies (qualified IT personnel qualified)
• Redundant fan modules located at the back of the unit (trained IT
personnel serviceable)
• Motherboard, CPU, and memory (Quantum Field Service Only)
• RAID controllers (Quantum Field Service Only)
• Optional Optyon™ Fibre Channel/compression board (Quantum Field
Service Only)
The qualified IT personnel serviceable components are removed and replaced either through the front/back of the system or by removing the top cover (see figure 4
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 6
Figure 4 DX5000 System Components
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
DX3000 and DX5000 Systems
Drive sleds
Center fans
Ethernet ports
Keyboard, VGA, parallel and COM ports (service only)
Power and reset buttons
Power suppliesLeft-hand blower Right-hand blower
Fibre Channel ports (optional Optyon™ cards)
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 7
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description

Hard Drive Storage

Hard Drive Storage 1
Serial ATA hard drives (see figure 5) are the heart of both the DX3000 and DX5000 systems.
Figure 5 DX3000 and DX5000 Hard Drives
Hard drive sled
Caution: Removing hard drives during system operation may cause
loss of data or degraded system performance. Contact Quantum customer support (see to report any hard drive failure.
The hard storage area can be used in the following ways:
Virtual Tape Storage
Virtual Disk Storage
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 8
“Contacts” on page xv)
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
Hard Drive Storage
Virtual Tape Storage 1
Virtual tape storage allows the storage space on these hard drives to appear to the backup application as tape cartridges (DLT or LTO). Data is stored on the hard drives through an interface that appears as a DX3000 or DX5000 system. This allows backup applications to recognize and integrate a DX3000/DX5000 system into a data center environment just like a typical tape library.
The area dedicated to virtual tape storage is set during the initial configuration of the system and cannot be changed without losing existing data on the virtual tape cartridges.
Virtu al Disk Storage 1
Virtual disk storage allows you to dedicate a certain amount of hard drive capacity for disk storage. Once the virtual disks are configured and mapped to either a iSCSI or Fibre Channel port, the virtual disks appear to the host as a SCSI disk device. This disk device is assigned a drive letter (example C:) and must be formatted like a standard hard drive. Data can then be stored and read.
The area dedicated to virtual disk storage is set during the initial configuration of the system and cannot be changed without losing existing data on the virtual disk drives.
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 9
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description

Supported RAID Configurations

RAID Sets 1 The DX3000/DX5000 system is divided into RAID sets. The number of

RAID sets differs depending on the system:
• DX3000 can contain two RAID sets:
The first RAID set is made up of either the first four drive sleds
(drive sleds 1-4) in a four drive system or eight drive sleds (drive sleds 1-8) in an eight drive system.
If the original system was upgraded from four to eight drives, the
second RAID set is made up of the last four drive sleds (drive sleds 5-8).
• DX5000 can contain four RAID sets:
The first RAID set is made up of the first six drive sleds (drive
sleds 1-6).
The second RAID set is made up of the next six drive sleds (drive
sleds 7-11 with drive 12 as a hot spare).
The third RAID set is made up of the next six drive sleds (drive
sleds 13-18 if installed).
The fourth RAID set is made up of the next six drive sleds (drive
sleds 19-23 with drive 24 as a hot spare).
Each RAID set can sustain a single hard drive failure and can hold a maximum of 160 virtual tape cartridges (80 cartridges per LUN).
Supported RAID Configurations 1
RAID is short for Redundant Array of Independent (or Inexpensive) Disks, which is a category of hard disk drives that employ two or more drives in combination for fault tolerance and performance. There are a number of RAID levels in use today such as 0, 1, 3, 5, and 10.
The DX3000 and DX5000 systems support RAID 5 with hot spare configurations (Only DX5000 systems can be configured with a hot spare).
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 10
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description

Typical Configurations

RAID 5 Configuration 1 The RAID 5 configuration is the most common RAID level in use today.

RAID 5 minimizes the write bottlenecks of other RAID levels by distributing parity stripes over a series of hard drives. In doing so it provides relief to the concentration of write activity on a single drive, which in turn enhances overall system performance. Instead of allowing any one drive in the array to assume the risk of a bottleneck, all of the drives in the array assume write activity responsibilities. The distribution frees up the concentration on a single drive, improving overall subsystem throughput.
The RAID 5 parity encoding scheme maintains the system’s ability to recover any lost data should a single drive fail. This can happen as long as no parity stripe on an individual drive stores the information of a data stripe on the same drive. In other words, the parity information for any data stripe must always be located on a drive other than the one on which the data resides (see figure 8
Figure 6 RAID 5 Configuration
Data stripe
Data stripe A
Data stripe B
Data stripe C
Data stripe D
Data stripe E
A0 A1 A2 A3
B0 B1 B2
C0 C1 3 parity C3 C4
1 parity Drive 0 Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4
2 parity
E1 E2 E3 E4
D2 D3 D4
4 parity
0 parity
Typical Configurations 1
The DX3000/DX5000 system has many advantages over typical tape cartridge based systems such as faster data transfer, instant availability, and greater reliability.
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 11
Figure 7 DX3000/DX5000 System Plus a Tape Library
Chapter 1 DX3000 and DX5000 System Description
Typical Configurations
To take advantage of the DX3000/DX5000 system speed and reliability and still have the safety of off-site storage, Quantum recommends exporting the data from the DX3000/DX5000 system to an automated tape library (see figure 9
). This configuration still allows fast backup and restores as well as the saftey of off-site backups on tape cartridges. Storage management software applications often refer to this operation as “cloning” or “vaulting.” Check with your software supplier for information on enabling this feature.
Tape Library (ex. Quantum P4000)
Quantum DX3000 and DX5000 User’s Guide 12
+ 100 hidden pages