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Publication Number: 81-122517-04 June 8, 2000
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REVISION RECORD.............................................................................................................. xvii
2.3 STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS..........................................................................................................................2-2
3.2 SPACE REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................3-3
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives iii
3.6.6 Installation in a 3.5-inch Bay ....................................................................................................................3-24
3.6.7 Installation in a 5.25-inch Bay..................................................................................................................3-25 SCSI Bus Connection...........................................................................................................................3-26 Power Connection...............................................................................................................................3-26
4.3 DATA TRANSFER RATES.........................................................................................................................................4-4
4.5.1 Power Sequencing.......................................................................................................................................4-6
4.5.2 Power Reset Limits.......................................................................................................................................4-6
4.5.3 Power Requirements....................................................................................................................................4-7 Power Consumption............................................................................................................................4-7 DC Voltage Tolerances.........................................................................................................................4-7 Current Requirements..........................................................................................................................4-8 Current Transients................................................................................................................................4-9 Supply Ripple Voltage and Noise.......................................................................................................4-9 DC Voltage Monitoring.......................................................................................................................4-9
4.9 SHOCK AND VIBRATION ......................................................................................................................................4-11
5.10 FORMAT UNIT Command (04h) ......................................................................................................................5-25
5.10.1 Five Forms of FORMAT UNIT Commands.............................................................................................5-27
5.10.2 FORMAT UNIT Parameter List..................................................................................................................5-27 FORMAT UNIT Defect List Header........................................................................................................5-28 FORMAT UNIT Defect Descriptor – Block Format..............................................................................5-29 FORMAT UNIT Defect Descriptor – Physical Sector and Byte From Index Format........................5-30 FORMAT UNIT Initialization Pattern Descriptor..................................................................................5-31
5.11.1 Standard Inquiry Data Page.....................................................................................................................5-35
ivQuantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
5.11.2 Vital Product Data Pages.........................................................................................................................5-37 Supported Vital Product Data Pages Page (00h)...............................................................................5-37 Unit Serial Number Page (80h)............................................................................................................5-38
5.13 LOG SENSE Command (4Dh) ...........................................................................................................................5-53
5.13.1 LOG SENSE Command Descriptor Block...............................................................................................5-55
5.13.2 LOG SENSE Log Pages..............................................................................................................................5-56 Control Mode Page (0Ah)....................................................................................................................5-76 Notch and Partition Page (0Ch)...........................................................................................................5-79 XOR Control Mode Page (10h)...........................................................................................................5-82 Power Condition Page (1Ah).............................................................................................................5-84 Information Exceptions Control Page (1Ch)...................................................................................5-87
5.16.2 Format Device Page (03h)....................................................................................................................5-105
5.16.3 Rigid Disk Geometry Page (04h).........................................................................................................5-107
5.34 REQUEST SENSE Command (03h)................................................................................................................5-171
5.34.1 Sense Data Availability..........................................................................................................................5-171
5.34.2 Clearing Sense Data...............................................................................................................................5-172
5.34.3 Status Reporting...................................................................................................................................5-172
5.34.4 Sense Data Format for Error Code 70h and Error Code 71h...........................................................5-172
5.37 REZERO UNIT Command (01h).....................................................................................................................5-197
5.50 WRITE LONG Command (3Fh)......................................................................................................................5-223
5.51 WRITE SAME Command (41h)......................................................................................................................5-225
6.4 Zero Latency READ/WRITE.....................................................................................................................................6-3
6.6 Track and Cylinder Skewing.................................................................................................................................6-3
6.7 Average Access Time .............................................................................................................................................6-3
6.8 Embedded Servo System ......................................................................................................................................6-4
6.9 Data Integrity and Security ...................................................................................................................................6-4
6.9.1 Media Error Protection...................................................................................................................................6-4
6.9.2 Transfer Error Protection................................................................................................................................6-4
viQuantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
6.9.4 Data Sector Reallocation Error Protection...................................................................................................6-5
6.9.5 Data Verification.............................................................................................................................................6-5
6.13 Special Functions.................................................................................................................................................6-6
6.14 Power Management............................................................................................................................................6-6
6.15.1 Power Up Self Test (POST).........................................................................................................................6-7
6.16.2 Data Read Errors.........................................................................................................................................6-8
6.16.3 Reallocation of Bad Blocks........................................................................................................................6-9
6.17 The Ultra 160/m Low Voltage Differential (LVD) SCSI Interface ....................................................................6-9
6.17.3 DT and ST Clocking..................................................................................................................................6-11
6.18 Hot Plugging/Removal Insertion of SCSI Devices..........................................................................................6-12
B.1 SCSI-2 Bus Timing..................................................................................................................................................B-1
B.2 SCSI-3 Bus Timing..................................................................................................................................................B-4
B.3 Signal States............................................................................................................................................................B-9
B.3.1 Signal Values ................................................................................................................................................B-9
B.3.2 SCSI ID Bits & Priorities ..............................................................................................................................B-10
B.5 SCSI Bus Phases....................................................................................................................................................B-12
B.5.1 BUS FREE Phase ..........................................................................................................................................B-12
B.5.5 Information Transfer Phases .....................................................................................................................B-17
B.5.5.1 Asynchronous Data Transfer .........................................................................................................B-18
B.5.5.2 Synchronous Data Transfer ...........................................................................................................B-19
B.5.5.3 Wide Data Transfer .........................................................................................................................B-21
B.5.5.4 Signal Restrictions Between Phases .............................................................................................B-21
B.5.5.5 Message Out – Attention Conditions ..........................................................................................B-21
B.6 SCSI Bus Conditions.............................................................................................................................................B-23
3-14 Brackets for 5.25-inch Bay...........................................................................................................................3-25
3-15 Drive Power Connector J2............................................................................................................................3-26
5-1Typical (6-Byte) Command Descriptor Block — Data Format...................................................................5-6
5-2Command Descriptor Block Control Field — Data Format........................................................................5-8
5-3CHANGE DEFINITION Command Descriptor Block — Data Format........................................................5-23
5-4FORMAT UNIT Command Descriptor Block — Data Format...................................................................5-26
5-5FORMAT UNIT Parameter List — Data Format...........................................................................................5-27
5-6FORMAT UNIT Defect List Header — Data Format....................................................................................5-28
5-7FORMAT UNIT Defect Descriptor — Block Format....................................................................................5-29
5-8FORMAT UNIT Defect Descriptor — Physical Sector and Bytes From Index
xviiiQuantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drivesxix
This Revision Record provides a publication history of this manual. It lists all major
revisions and their effective dates. The publication number (part number) is listed in
the Revision Level column.
Revision LevelDateSummary of Changes
81-122517-01October 8, 1999Initial Release Preliminary version of
81-122517-01December 17, 19992nd release of preliminary manual.
Addition of product specifications,
changes to INQUIRY command.
81-122517-01March 3, 20003nd release of preliminary manual.
Removal of references to Fibre
Channel. Addition of REPORT
IDENTIFIER commands. Changes to
specifications and SCSI chapter.
Added Index.
81-122517-01April 19, 20001st release of final version of manual.
Changes to specifications chapter,
SCSI Chapter.
81-122517-02April 20, 20002nd release of final version of
manual. Changes to bit count in
explanation of Byte Transfer Length
81-122517-03May 3, 20003rd release of final version of
Chapter 4: Changes to specs for
number of R/W heads (18.4 GB),
numbers supplied for User Track
Data Pitch, Servo Sample Interval,
Linear Density, Grown Defects from
Environmental Change, User Data
Blocks/Surface, Interface Transfer
Rate, User Data Rate, Average Access
to Data, Command Overhead, ECMA
seek rate statements.
Chapter 5: INQUIRY section, added
information for the Negotiated Rate
Information Page. Added Appendix
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drivesxvii
Revision Record
Revision LevelDateSummary of Changes
81-122517-04June 8, 20004rd release of final version of
Cover: Capacities corrected for 36.7
and 73.4 GB drives.
Chapter 4: Changes to specs for
formatted capacities (Section 4.2),
data transfer rates (Section 4.3),
timing specifications (Section 4.4),
power consumption (Section, current requirements
(Section, supply ripple
voltage and noise (Section,
acoustics (Section 4.6), and Table 4-
Chapter 5: Change to ARRE
definition (Table 5-33),
Reall.Uncorr.Errors definition (Table
5-43). Addition of information for
starting AIP following Table 5-43.
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
This chapter outlines the scope and contents of this manual. It contains information
about the intended audience, purpose of the manual, document organization, and
document conventions.
This manual was written for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that are
integrating a Quantum AtlasTM 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI disk drive into a system or
subsystem. Its primary audience is the OEM technical staff that makes disk drive
purchase and configuration decisions, and system integrators that are responsible
for the SCSI interface. This manual is not intended for end-users and is not a users
manual or an installation guide.
This product manual is organized into the following chapters:
• Chapter 1 – About this Manual
• Chapter 2 – General Description
Chapter 1
• Chapter 3 – Installation
• Chapter 4 – Specifications
• Chapter 5 – SCSI Descriptions
• Chapter 6 – Feature Descriptions
In the Glossary at the back of this manual, you can find definitions for many of the
terms used in this manual. In addition, the following abbreviations may be used in
this manual:
• ASICapplication-specific integrated circuit
• bpibits per inch
• dBdecibels
• dBAdecibels, A weighted
• ECCerror correcting code
• fciflux changes per inch
• Gbitgigabit
• GBgigabyte
• Hzhertz
• KBkilobytes
• LSBleast significant bit
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives1-1
About This Manual
• LVDS low voltage differential SCSI
• mAmilliamperes
• MBmegabytes (1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes when referring to disk storage and
• Mbit/S megabits per second
• MB/smegabytes per second
• msmilliseconds
• MSBmost significant bit
• mvmillivolts
• nsnanoseconds
• SCSISmall Computer System Interface
• tpitracks per inch
• µsmicroseconds
• V volts
The typographical and naming conventions used in this manual are listed below.
Conventions that are unique to a specific table appear in the notes that follow that
1,048,576 bytes in all other cases)
Typographical Conventions:
•Names of Bits: Bit names are presented in initial capitals. An example is the
Host Software Reset Bit.
•Commands: Firmware commands are listed as all capitals. An example is
•Parameters: Parameters are given as initial capitals when spelled out, and are
given as all capitals when abbreviated. Examples are Prefetch Enable (PE) and
Cache Enable (CE).
•Hexadecimal Notation: The hexadecimal notation is given as in the example
30h, with the “h” indicating hexadecimal.
• Signal Negation: A signal that is non-active or is in its non-asserted state.
• Messages: A message that is sent from the drive to the host is listed in all
capitals. An example is BUS DEVICE RESET.
Naming Conventions:
• Host: In general, the system in which the drive resides is referred to as the host.
• Computer Voice: This refers to any items that the user types at a computer
keyboard. These items appear in this manual, if applicable, in 10-point, all
capitals, Courier New font. An example is FORMAT.
1-2Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
For additional information about the SCSI Interface, refer to:
•ANSI Small Computer System Interface-2 (SCSI-2) Specification, ANSI
X3T9.2/86-109, Revision 10K II.
•ANSI Small Computer System Interface-3 (SCSI-3) Specification, ANSI
X3T10/August, 1994.
•SPI-2 Specification Revision 18.
About This Manual
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives1-3
About This Manual
1-4Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
This chapter summarizes the general functions and key features of the Quantum
10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI family of hard disk drives, and lists applicable standards
and regulations.
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI hard disk drives are part of a family of
high performance, 1-inch high (low profile) and 1.6-inch high (half-height) hard
disk drives manufactured to meet the highest product quality standards. The disk
drives are designed for high-end PC-based workstations, RAID storage systems,
digital video applications, database servers, file servers, and other storage systems
where high capacity, extraordinary performance, and reliability are critical. These
hard disk drives use nonremovable 3.5-inch hard disks and are available with the
following SCSI configurations:
18.4, and 36.7 GB drives are in the 1.0-inch, low profile form factor; the 73.4
GB drive is in the 1.6-inch, half-height form factor.
• MR heads and banded recording for higher overall bit-densities
• Hardware XOR to automatically detect and correct errors and defects in the data
stream for array applications (RAID)
•Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) Revision 2
•ORCA (Optimized Reordering Command Algorithm) and tagged command
queuing for greater throughput
• 8 MB Track-oriented segmented cache buffer with prefetch
• Automatic Power Management System with power-saving sub-states
• 10,000 rpm rotational speed yielding 3.0 ms average latency
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives2-1
General Description and Specifications
•4.7 ms second average random seek time (read) and 7.9 ms average access-todata time for the 1.0-inch drives; 5.2 ms second average random seek time (read)
and 8.4 ms average access-to-data time for the 1.6-inch versions of the drive.
• Embedded servo system for exceptional head positioning accuracy and long life
• “Zero latency” reads and writes reduce data access time
• Full SCSI– 3 compliance 1 (compatible with SCSI-2 and SCSI–1)
• Advanced Ultra 160/m-LVD, Ultra2-LVD and Ultra SE Multimode SCSI with
68-pin wide connector or 80-pin SCA-2 connector
•Superior data integrity:
› 352-bit Reed-Solomon quad-burst ECC provides fast on-the-fly correction for
small errors and robust software-based correction for larger errors
› EDC internal protection from SCSI bus to media
The Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI hard disk drives satisfy the following
standards and regulations:
•Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.): Standard 1950. Information technology
equipment including business equipment.
•Canadian Standards Assocation (CSA): Standard C.22.2 No. 950-M89.
Information technology equipment including business equipment
•European Standards (TÜV): Standard EN 60 950. Information technology
equipment including business equipment
•Federal Communications Commission (FCC): FCC Rules for Radiated and
Conducted Emissions, Part 15, Sub Part J, For Class B equipment
•CISPR: CISPR 22 Rules for Radiated and Conducted Emissions, for Class B
•Tested to comply with Australian requirements to carry C-Tick logo
The Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI hard disk drives are completely
compatible with host computers and controllers that provide a 68-pin Wide or 80-pin
SCA-2 interface. A 50-pin to 68-pin adapter is required to use the 68-pin Wide drive
in a 50-pin cabling configuration.
1The drives are in compliance with the SCSI-3 draft proposed ANSI standards as
they exist at the time of product release; SCSI-3 features may not be enabled on
drives when shipped.
2-2Quantum Atlas 10K II 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
Chapter 3
This chapter explains how to unpack, configure, mount, and connect the Quantum
Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI hard disk drive prior to operation.
For your safety, follow all safety procedures described here and in other sections of
the manual.
•Remove power from the computer system (or expansion unit) before installing or
removing the drive to prevent the possibility of electrical shock or damage to the
drive. Unplug the unit containing the drive to provide an added measure of
•Read, understand, and observe all label warnings.
3.1.2 Handling
Damage to the drive can occur as the result of careless handling, vibration, shock,
or electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always handle the drive with care to avoid damage
to the precision internal components.
A 1/4-inch drop onto a hard surface can damage the drive
Follow these guidelines to avoid damage to the drive:
•Always observe prescribed ESD precautions.
•Keep the drive in its anti-static bag until ready to install.
•Always use a properly fitted wrist strap or other suitable ESD protection when
handling the drive.
•Hold drive only by its sides. Do not touch any components on the PCBA.
•Always handle the drive carefully and gently. A drop of 1/4 inch onto a bench or
desktop can damage a drive.
•Do not bump, jar, or drop the drive. Use care when transporting the drive.
•Always gently place the drive flat, PCB side down, on an appropriate ESDprotected work surface to avoid the drive being accidentally knocked over.
•Do not pack other materials with the drive in its shielded bag.
•Place the drive in the anti-static bag before placing in shipping container.
•Do not stack objects on the drive.
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives3−1
•Never force the drive or the mounting brackets into the drive bay.
•Do not expose the drive to moisture.
•Do not damage any seals on the drive; doing so may void the warranty.
3.1.3 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection
Various electrical components within the disk drive are sensitive to static electricity
and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Even a static buildup or discharge that is too
slight to feel can be sufficient to destroy or degrade a component's operation.
To minimize the possibility of ESD-related damage to the drive, we strongly
recommend using both a properly installed workstation anti-static mat and a
properly installed ESD wrist strap. When correctly installed, these devices reduce the
buildup of static electricity which might harm the drive.
Observe the following precautions to avoid ESD-related problems:
•Use a properly installed anti-static pad on your work surface.
•Always use a properly fitted and grounded wrist strap or other suitable ESD
protection when handling the drive and observe proper ESD grounding
•Hold the drive only by its sides. Do not touch any components on the PCBA.
•Leave the drive in its anti-static bag until you are ready to install it in the
•Place the drive on a properly grounded anti-static work surface pad when it is
out of its protective anti-static bag.
•Do not use the bag as a substitute for the work surface anti-static pad. The
outside of the bag may not have the same anti-static properties as the inside. It
could actually increase the possibility of ESD problems.
•Do not use any test equipment to check components on the electronics module.
There are no user-serviceable components on the drive.
3−2Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
The Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI disk drive is shipped without a
faceplate (or bezel) and comes in the following SCSI interface configurations:
• 68-pin Wide SCSI
• 80-pin SCA-2 SCSI
Figures 3-1 and 3-2 show the mechanical dimensions of disk drives of these two
interface types.
26.1 mm
(1.02 in.)
147.0 mm
(5.78 in.)
101.6 mm
(4.00 in.)
Figure 3-1 Mechanical Dimensions for the 68-pin Wide SCSI Quantum Atlas 10K II
Ultra 160/m Hard Disk Drive (Low Profile Form Factor)
Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives3−3
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