Release Notes
Product: ADIC Management Console 4.3.2 with Library Management Console 1.3.1
Date: June 2005
Page Topic
1 Purpose of this Release
3 Known Issues
3 Resolved Issues
4 Documentation
Purpose of this Release
System Requirements
Compatibility Matrix
This release adds several new features and enhancements that extend the capabilities of the ADIC
Management Console (AMC). These release notes list corrections to problems that were encountered in
previous releases of the AMC. Visit www.adic.com for additional information about the AMC and previous
New Features
These features and enhancements are new to this release of the AMC software:
• The ability to retrieve the drive dump through the SNC
• LTO-3 support
• Ability to download the command flow logs on the SNC 5100
• SDLT 600 support
• i3.1 i2000 LMC Support (AMC 4.3.2 with LMC 1.3.1 only)
© June 2005, ADIC
ADIC, SNC, and Scalar are registered trademarks of Advanced Digital Information
Corporation. All other product, compan y, or service names menti oned herein are th e property
of their respective owners.
6-00274-13 Rev A

System Requirements
The operating systems identified here are able to support the installation of AMC 4.3.2 server and SAN
manager remote client.
Operating Systems
Microsoft® Windows® Windows 2000 (SP4 or later), Windows 2003, Window
XP (SP2 or later)
HP-UX® HP-UX 11i or later
Linux RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 or Advanced Server 2.1
Solaris™ Solaris 9.0
AIX® AIX 5.3
Compatibility Matrix
The AMC 4.3.2 is compatible with the latest firmware versions of the ADIC Storage Network Controller
(SNC) and storage products listed below.
ADIC Product SNC
Scalar 24 SNC 4000
Scalar 100 SNC 6101
Scalar 1000 SNC 5100
Scalar 10K SNC 5100
Scalar i2000 (AMC 4.3.2 with
LMC 1.3.1 only)
Pathlight VX SNC 6404
SNC 6404
2 © June 2005, ADIC