Quantum ACL 452, ACL 2640 Operator's Guide

ACL 4/52 Automated Tape Library
for DLT Cartridges
Operator’s Guide
Ve r. 5, Rel. 0
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide, 6211222-05, Ver. 5, Rel. 0, January 2000. Printed in the USA.
ATL Products, Inc. pr ov ides th is pub lic at ion “as i s” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ATL Products, Inc. may revise this publication from time to time without notice.
Copyright 2000 by ATL Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of ATL Products, Inc. is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
Prism Library Architecture, IntelliGrip, WebAdmin, and WebLibrarian are all trademarks of ATL Products, Inc.
Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.
This equipment has been tested a nd foun d to compl y w ith th e limit s fo r a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide r easonable pr otection against harmful int erfer ence when the equipment is operated in a commercia l envir on ment. This equipmen t gene rates, uses , and can ra diate r adio fr equen cy ener gy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Any changes or modifications made to this equipment may void the user's authority to operate this equipment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be
required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Interference-Causing Equipment Standard
ICES-003 Issue 2
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Reglément sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
This is a Class A pr oduct. In a domestic en vironment this product may caus e r adio in ter ference in which case the user may be required to take adequate me asures.
Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb dieses Gerätes Rundfunkstörungen auftreten, in welchen Fällen der Benutzer für entsprechende Gegenmassnahm en ver antw ort lic h ist .
Ceci est un produit de classe A. Dans un environment domestique, ce produit peut causer des interférences radioélectriques. Il appartient alors à l'utilisateur de prendre les mesures appropriées.
6207947-06cA 34
If shipped to USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified below for 100-120 V operation. If shipped to Canada, use the CSA CERTIFIED power cord specified below for 100-120V operation.
Plug Cap Parallel blade with ground pin (NEMA 5-15P configuration)
Cord Type: SJT, three 16 AWG (1.5 mm
) or 18 AWG (1.0 mm2) wires Length Maximum 15 feet (4.5m)
Rating Minimum 10 A, 125 V
CETTE REMARQUE NE CONCERNE QUE LES ÉTATS-UNIS ET LE CANADA. En cas d'envoi aux États-Unis, utiliser le cordon d'alimentation CERTIFIÉ UL et convenant pour 100-120 V.
En cas d'envoi au Canada, utiliser le cordon d'alimentation CERTIFIÉ CSA et convenant pour 100-120 V.
Fiche Broches parallèles avec une broche de mise à la terre (configuration NEMA 5-15P)
Cordon Type: SJT, trifilaire 16 AWG (1.5 mm
) ou 18 AWG (1.0 mm2)
Longeur Maximum 15 pieds (4.5m)
Capacité Minimum 10 A, 125 V
Class 1 Laser Product
CAUTION: With all panels and enclosures in place, this product is rated as a Class I laser product. The bar code scanner inside this product, ho wev er, is a Class II laser. Avoid exposure to the la ser lig ht emi tt ed from the bar code scanner. Do not stare into the beam.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous exposure.
Laser Klasse 1
VORSICHT: Dieses Produkt Enthdlt Einen Laser Der Kategorie II. Laserstrahlen - Der Strichcode-scanner Gibt Laserstrahlen aus. VERMEIDEN SIE jeden Blickkontakt und direkten kvrperlichen Kontakt mit diesen Strahlen.
VORSICHT: Ein nicht ordnungsgemd_er (siehe hier enthaltene Anweisungen) Einsatz bzw. Dnderungen der Betriebsleistung kvnnen einen gesundheitsgefdhrdenden Kontakt zur Folge haben.
Appareil à Laser de Classe 1
ATTENTION: Ce produit émet de la classe laser II. Rayonnement laser - NE PAS fixer des yeux le rayon. Éviter les expositions - Le rayonnement laser est émis à partir du lecteur optique de code barre.
ATTENTION: L ’ut ilisation de contrôles ou d’ajustement s de performance des proc édures autr es que ceux indiqués ici peut entraîner une exposition dangereuse.
Producto Láser de Clase 1
¡ATENCIÓN! Este producto contiene laser de clase II. Luz de laser - NO mire el rayo. Evite el contacto con la luz: la luz de laser se emite desde el explorador de código de barras.
¡ATENCIÓN! El uso de los controles o ajustes para realizar procedimientos que no son especificados puede provocar una situación peligrosa.
Luokan 1 Laserlaite
ATTENZIONE: Questo prodotto emette una luce laser di Clas se II. NON g uar dar e il facsi o di luce ed e vitar e di es porsi all a fonte del laser. Il fascio di luce laser h emesso dal dispositivo di scansione del codice a barre.
ATTENZIONE: L’uso di comandi o regolazioni per eseguire le procedure che non siano quelli specificati in questa documentazione pur causare rischi all ‘incolumit’ delle persone.
The Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 component on th e ro botic contr oller bo ar d inside t his pr oduct conta ins a lith ium battery. Lithium is a hazardous material that must be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal law.
Båndbiblioteket indeholder et lithiumbatteri. Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 på robotkontroltavlen indeholder et lithiumbatteri. Lithium kan anses for at være et sundhedsfarligt materiale. Kassér dette batteri i overensstemmelse med lokale og nationale lovbestemmelser.
Nauhakirjastossa on litiumparisto. Robottiohjainkortin Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200-puolijohteessa on litiumparisto. Litium voidaan luokitella vaaralliseksi aineeksi. Pariston hävittämisessä on noudatettava viranomaisten antamia ohjeit a ja määräyksiä.
La bibliothèque de bande contient une pile au lithium. Le Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 sur la carte robotic contrôleur contient une pile au lithium. Le lithium peut être considéré comme matériau dangereux. Jeter cette pile conformément aux lois locales, d’état et fédérales.
Die Bandbibliothek enthält eine Lithiumbatterie. Der Halbleiter Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 auf dem Roboter­Controller enthält ein e Lithiumb at terie. Lithium gilt als Schadstoff. Bei der Ent sorgung dieser Batterie alle entspr ech end en kommunalen, staatlichen und bundesweiten Vorschriften beachten!
La libreria a nastro magnetico contiene una batteria al litio. Il semiconduttore Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 sulla scheda controller robotic contiene una batteria al litio. Il litio può essere considerato un materiale pericoloso. Eliminare queste batterie in conformità alle normative locali e statali vigenti.
Kassettbiblioteket inneholder et litiumbatteri. Enheten Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 på robotkontrollkortet inneholder et litiumbatteri. Litium kan anses som et farlig materiale. Batteriet skal kastes i henhold til lokal og nasjonal lovgivning.
La biblioteca de cintas contiene una pila de litio. El semiconductor Dallas Semiconductor DS1230AB-200 en el tablero controlador robotic contiene una pila de litio. El litio puede considerarse como un material peligroso. Deseche esta pila de acuerdo con las leyes municipales, estatales y federales.
Magnetbandsbibliot eket inn ehå ller ett lit iumb atter i. Dal las Sem icondu ctor D S1230 AB-20 0 på r ob otsty rkor tet inn ehå ller ett litiumbatteri. Litium kan anses vara ett farligt material. Kassera detta batteri i enlighet med lokala och statliga lagar och förordningar .
Chapter 1
Library Overview.........................................................................................1
Library Description.......................................................................................2
ACL 4/52 Library Numbering Conventions......................................3
Operator Accessible Components...............................................................4
Control Panel...........................................................................................4
Load Port..................................................................................................6
Front Door (with Interlock Switch) 7
Rear Panel ................................................................................................8
DLT Tape Drive Status/Control Panel 9
Cartridge/Tape Drive Compatibility.......................................................12
Menu Mode Structure .................................................................................13
Menu Navigation ........................................................................................14
Operator Tasks (using the Menu Mode)..................................................16
Configuration Menu Functions 16
Drive Control Menu Functions 17
Diagnostics Menu Functions 18
Chapter 2
Operating Procedures................................................................................21
Operating Procedures.................................................................................22
Applying Power to the Library 22
Placing the Library On-Line 22
Taking the Library Off-Line 22
Removing Power from the Library 23
Inserting Tape Cartridges 23
Removing Tape Cartridges 24
Manually Unloading the DLT Tape Drive 25
Turning the Interior Light On/Off...........................................................28
Operating Procedures Using the Menu Mode........................................30
Entering the Menu Mode 30
Exiting the Menu Mode .......................................................................30
Setting/Changing the Library SCSI Address 31
Setting/Changing a Tape Drive SCSI Address 32
viiACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Defining the Library Power-Up State 33 Enabling/Disabling the Auto Clean Option 34 Enabling/Disabling the Retry Option 34 Enabling/Disabling the Auto Load Feature 35
Setting/Changing the Status Display Area Language ...................36
Adjusting the Display Area Contrast 37
Unloading a Drive....................................................................... .........37
Cleaning a Drive...................................................................................38
Displaying the Library’s Actuator or Sensor Status........................39
Performing an Inventory.....................................................................40
Chapter 3
Operator Troubleshooting.......................................................................43
Operator Troubleshooting.........................................................................44
Other Problems ...........................................................................................46
viii ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Figure 1 ACL 4/52 Library......................................................................2
Figure 2 ACL 4/52 Library Numbering Conventions.........................3
Figure 3 Control Panel............................................................ ......... .........4
Figure 4 Load Port.....................................................................................7
Figure 5 Front Door.......................................................................... .........8
Figure 6 Rear Panel ................................................................. ..................9
Figure 7 DLT 2000 Tape Drvie Status/Control Panel........................10
Figure 8 DLT 4000 Tape Drive Status/Control Panel........................10
Figure 9 DLT 7000 Tape Drive Status/Control Panel........................11
Figure 10 Menu Structure ........................................................................13
Figure 11 Menu Navigation example.....................................................15
Figure 12 Inserting/Removing Tapes............................................. .......24
Figure 13 DLT 2000 and DLT 4000 Manual Unload.............................26
Figure 14 DLT 7000 Manual Unload ......................................................27
Figure 15 Turning the Interior Light On/Off........................................29
ixACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
x ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Table 1 Control Panel Functions ...........................................................5
Table 2 DLT Tape Drive Status/Control Panel Functions..............11
Table 3 Cartridge/Tape Drive Campatibility ...................................12
Table 4 Status Messages .......................................................................44
Table 5 Other Problems........................................................................46
xiACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
xii ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide


Document Organization
This document was written for operators of the ACL 4/52 Automated Tape Library (library).
This book contains a brief description of the library, discussions of the operator accessible components, operating instructions and troubleshooting procedures.
Following is a brief description of chapter contents.
Chapter 1, “Library Overview,” contains a brief description of the
library and detailed discussions of the operator accessible
Chapter 2, “Operating Procedures,”provides procedures for
applying/removing library power, inserting/removing tapes
through the load port, manually unloading a tape cartridge and
procedures for all functions associated with the Control Panel
Menu Mode.
Chapter 3, “Operator Troubleshooting,” provides explanations of
status messages shown in the Control Panel Status Display Area as
well as the associated action necessary (if any) to rectify specific
problems. This section allows you to diagnose problems and
determine the extent of repair necessary.
Notational Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions:
Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are included to prevent damage to equipment.
Notes emphasize important information related to the main topic.
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and
are included to prevent injury
This manual uses the following:
Right side of the library — Refers to the right side as you face the component being described.
Left side of the library — Refers to the left side as you face the component being described.
b — All binary numbers are succeeded by “b.”
h — All hexadecimal numbers are succeeded by “h.”
Error or attention conditions are represented in parenthesis that translate as follows:
(SK=S ASC=AA ASCQ=QQ) where:
S — hexadecimal sense key value AA — hexadecimal additional sense code
Related Documents
QQ — hexadecimal additional sense code qualifier
Documents related to the ACL 4/52 are shown below:
ACL 4/52 Documentation
6211221 ACL 4/52 Facilities
6211224 ACL 4/52 Diagnostic
6211225 ACL 4/52 Software
Document Title Document Description
This guide describes facility Planning and Installation Guide
Software User’s Manual
Interface Guide
preparation and provides the
procedures for first-time
installation of the library.
This manual provides
procedures for installing and
using the ACL 4/52
Diagnostic Sof t ware.
This guide is for software
engineers and programmers
developing applications that
control the ACL 4/52 library.
xiv ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Refer to the appropriate pr oduct manual(s) f or information about your tape drive and cartridges.
SCSI-2 Specification
The SCSI-2 communications specification is the proposed American National Standard for information systems, dated March 9, 1990. Copies may be obtained from:
Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way, East Englewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-2740
ATL Products Corporate Headquarters
To order documentation on the LANvault 200 or other products contact:
ATL Products, Inc. 101 Innovation Drive Irvine, CA 92612-5872 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
Technical Publications
To comment on existing documentation send e-mail to:
World Wide Web
Visit the ATL Products home page at:
Professional Services
The ATL Products Professional Services Department provides a 24­hour help desk that can be reached at:
Locally (949) 477-7924 North America/South America (800) 284-5101 Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
(International Code) +44 (0) 1256 848748
Send faxes for the Professional Services Department to:
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide xv
Locally (949) 477-7940 North America/South America (949) 477-7940 Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
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Send e-mail for the Professional Services Department to:
North America/South America
Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
xvi ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Library Overview

Library Overview

This section contains a brief description of the library and a discussion of each of the operator-accessible components.
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
Figure 1 ACL 4/52 Librar

Library Description

The ACL 4/52 library (figure 1) is the automated storage and retrieval component of an automated tape library system. It accommodates either four DLT 2000, four DLT 4000, or four DLT 7000 tape drives and is capable of storing a maximum of 48 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges in a Fixed Storage Array (FSA). An operator-accessible load port at the front of the library can hold an additional four tape cartridges for a total of 52. A host computer communicates with the library through a SCSI interface using the SCSI-2 medium changer command set. In a typical operation, the host commands the robotics to transfer tape cartridges between storage bins (in the FSA), tape drives, and the load port. Each time a tape cartridge is transferred, a gripping mechanism is moved to the tape cartridge location wher e it “picks” the tape cartridge, then moves to and “places” the cartridge in the new location.
Fixed Storage Array (FSA) (48 Cartridge Bins)
Vertical Carriage
Horizontal Carriage
(Left Side Cosmetic Panel Removed)
Load Port
Control Panel
Tape Drives (4) (DLT 7000 shown)
Front Door
Chapter 1 Library Overview
Library Description

ACL 4/52 Library Numbering Conventions

Figure 2 ACL 4/52 Library Numbering Conventions
FSA Bins
Bin 0
Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7
Bin 8 Bin 9 Bin 10 Bin 11 Bin 12 Bin 13 Bin 14 Bin 15
Figure 2 is a view from the left si de of the library with the lef t cosmetic panel removed. Figure 2 depicts the numbering convention for the library's Fixed Storage Array bins, load port bins, and tape driv es. This numbering convention is used in the diagnostic software and the library menu mode, which is viewed in the status display area of the control panel.
Load Port Bins
Bin 16
Bin 17 Bin 18 Bin 19 Bin 20 Bin 21 Bin 22 Bin 23
Bin 24 Bin 25 Bin 26 Bin 27 Bin 28 Bin 29 Bin 30 Bin 31
Bin 32 Bin 33 Bin 34 Bin 35 Bin 36 Bin 37 Bin 38 Bin 39
Bin 40 Bin 41 Bin 42 Bin 43 Bin 44 Bin 45 Bin 46 Bin 47
Bin 0 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3
Drive 0
Drive 1
Drive 2
Drive 3
DLT Tape Drives (DLT 7000 shown)
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide 3
Chapter 1 Library Overview Operator Accessible Components

Control Panel

Operator Accessible Components

The operator of the ACL 4/52 library will need access t o the fol lowing:
Control panel
Load port
Front door
Rear panel
DLT tape drive status/control panel Additionally, the control panel allows you to perform several types of
functions (operational and diagnostic) using the menu mode. The menu mode functions and the items listed above are discussed in the following paragraphs.
The control panel (figure 3) is located on the right front of the library. Its features are described in table 2 on page 11.
Figure 3 Control Panel
Control Panel
Status Display Area
(16 Characters/2 Lines)
Scrolling Buttons (Up
4 ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide
and Down
Table 1 Control Panel Functions
Feature Function
Chapter 1 Library Overview
Operator Accessible Components
(load port)
(load port)
The (load port) inserting or removing tape cartridges. Pressing the
park the robotics (the green indicator blinks until the robotics are parked)
unlock and open the load port door (the indicator is steadily lit), and then
re-lock the load port door in the open position (the indicator is off).
(Once the door is opened, you can insert/remove tape cartridges into/out of the four bins).
When the load port door is in the open position, the (load port) used to unlock the door before closing it. Pressing the
park the robotics (the green indicator blinks until the robotics are parked), then
unlock the door (the indicator is steadily lit).
(Once the indicator is steadily lit, you can close the door. The library will lock it in the closed position.)
You can set the state of the library (on-line or off-line) with this button. With the library in the on-line mode, pressing this button toggles the library to the off-line state (green indicator on). While in control panel menu mode is available and the diagnostic port on the rear panel
) is active. Pressing the button again toggles the library to the on-line state. The
green indicator functions as follows:
Off (solid) -
On (solid) -
Blinking - Waiting for the current on-line operation to complete.
button is used to unlock the load port door for the purpose o f
button causes the library to:
button causes the library to:
is not selected. The library is on-line. is selected. The library is off-line.
, host communications are disabled, the
button is
You can stop the robotic equipment by pressing the removes power to the robotic equipment and illuminates the (green) indicator. Pressing the button again restores the power to the robotics and extinguishes the indicator.
ACL 4/52 Operator’s Guide 5
button. When pressed, it
+ 47 hidden pages