Quantum 9730 User Manual

9730 Series Pulse Generator
Operating Manual
Version 1.4
Quantum Composers, INC
212 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718
Phone: (406)582-0227
Fax: (406)582-0237

1 Table of Contents

1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 2-5
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 2-5
WARRANTY..................................................................................................................................................... 2-5
PACKAGE CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 2-5
3 SAFETY ISSUES ........................................................................................................................................... 3-6
4 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 4-7
Key Features .............................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Advanced Features/Options ........................................................................................................................ 4-7
5 PULSE GENERATOR CONCEPTS AND OPERATION ............................................................................ 5-8
System Timer Functions.............................................................................................................................. 5-8
Channel Timer Functions ........................................................................................................................... 5-8
Navigating the 9730 Front Panel ................................ ................................................................................ 5-8
6 FRONT PANEL OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 6-11
9730 DISPLAY ............................................................................................................................................... 6-11
Display Layout and Indicators .................................................................................................................. 6-11
DESCRIPTION OF FRONT PANEL AREA ............................................................................................................ 6-11
Keypads and Keys .................................................................................................................................... 6-11
Second Level Menus (Function Key) ......................................................................................................... 6-12
Channel Outputs (BNC Connectors) ......................................................................................................... 6-12
Channel Status LED Indicators................................................................................................................. 6-12
Arm Switch (Keyed) .................................................................................................................................. 6-13
System Status LED Indicators ................................................................................................ ................... 6-13
Front Sync Output .................................................................................................................................... 6-13
Front Trigger Input .................................................................................................................................. 6-13
7 REAR PANEL OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................ 7-14
DESCRIPTION OF REAR PANEL AREA .............................................................................................................. 7-14
Channel Connections (Banana Jacks) ....................................................................................................... 7-14
Rear Sync Output ..................................................................................................................................... 7-14
Rear Trigger Input ................................................................................................................................... 7-14
Interlock Short ......................................................................................................................................... 7-14
Communication Ports ............................................................................................................................... 7-14
Voltage Input (AC) ................................................................................................................................... 7-14
Cooling Fans ........................................................................................................................................... 7-14
8 MENU STRUCTURE................................................................................................................................... 8-16
MODE Menu (FUNC + 1) ........................................................................................................................ 8-16
RATE Menu (FUNC + 4) .......................................................................................................................... 8-16
Channel Menu (A, B, C, or D) .................................................................................................................. 8-17
Channel Test Menu (FUNC + A, B, C, or D) ............................................................................................. 8-18
TRIG Menu (TRIG) .................................................................................................................................. 8-20
Counter Menu (FUNC + 8) ...................................................................................................................... 8-20
SYSTEM Menu (FUNC + 3) ..................................................................................................................... 8-21
STORE Menu (FUNC + 6) ....................................................................................................................... 8-22
RECALL Menu (FUNC + 9) ..................................................................................................................... 8-22
9 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 9-23
QUICK START INTERNAL SINGLE SHOT GENERATOR OPERATION .................................................................. 9-23
Pulse Width, Delay ................................................................................................................................... 9-23
Amplitude ................................................................................................................................................. 9-23
Enable ..................................................................................................................................................... 9-23
Interlock................................................................................................................................................... 9-23
Wait for Charge ....................................................................................................................................... 9-23
ARM Key Switch....................................................................................................................................... 9-23
Start ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-23
QUICK START SINGLE SHOT EXTERNAL TRIGGER OPERATION ...................................................................... 9-24
Trig .......................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Level ................................................................................................................................ ........................ 9-24
Edge ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-24
Filter........................................................................................................................................................ 9-24
Source ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Pulse Width, Delay ................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Amplitude ................................................................................................................................................. 9-24
Enable ..................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Interlock................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Wait for Charge ....................................................................................................................................... 9-25
ARM Key Switch....................................................................................................................................... 9-25
Start ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-25
STANDARD OPERATION MODES ..................................................................................................................... 9-25
System Pulse Generation Overview ........................................................................................................... 9-25
Single Shot Mode (Trigger Disabled) ........................................................................................................ 9-25
Burst Mode (Trigger Disabled) ................................................................................................................. 9-25
External Input Overview ........................................................................................................................... 9-26
Single Shot Mode (Trigger Enabled) ......................................................................................................... 9-27
SPECIAL TESTING MODES .............................................................................................................................. 9-27
Pre Pulse Resistance Testing .................................................................................................................... 9-27
Post Pulse Resistance Testing ................................................................................................ ................... 9-28
Testing Mode Error/Status Conditions ...................................................................................................... 9-28
10 PROGRAMMING THE 9730 .................................................................................................................. 10-30
PERSONAL COMPUTER TO PULSE GENERATOR COMMUNICATION .................................................................. 10-30
RS232 Interface Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10-30
USB Interface Overview ......................................................................................................................... 10-31
Ethernet Interface Overview ................................................................................................................... 10-32
PROGRAMMING COMMAND TYPES AND FORMAT .......................................................................................... 10-32
Line Termination .................................................................................................................................... 10-32
IEEE 488.2 Common Command Format ................................................................................................. 10-33
SCPI Command Keywords...................................................................................................................... 10-33
SCPI Keyword Separator ....................................................................................................................... 10-33
SCPI Optional Keywords ........................................................................................................................ 10-33
SCPI Parameter Types ........................................................................................................................... 10-34
Error Codes ........................................................................................................................................... 10-34
PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES .......................................................................................................................... 10-34
Example 1: ............................................................................................................................................. 10-34
Example 2: ............................................................................................................................................. 10-35
9730 SCPI COMMAND SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 10-35
Instrument Commands ................................ ............................................................................................ 10-35
System Pulse Commands ........................................................................................................................ 10-36
Channel Commands ............................................................................................................................... 10-37
Display Commands ................................................................................................................................ 10-38
System Commands .................................................................................................................................. 10-39
IEEE 488.2 COMMON COMMANDS ............................................................................................................... 10-40
SPECIAL COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................... 10-40
APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONS....................................................................................................................A-1
APPENDIX B - SAFETY SYMBOLS.................................................................................................................. B-1
SAFETY MARKING SYMBOLS .......................................................................................................................... B-1

2 Introduction

This manual is designed to familiarize you with the Quantum Composers 9730 series pulse generator and is arranged so that you can easily find the information for which you are looking. Generally, each topic has its own section and no section assumes that you have read anything else in the manual.

Technical Support

For questions or comments about operating the 9730 our technical staff can be reached via one of the following methods:
Phone: (406) 582-0227 Fax: (406) 582-0237 Online: www.quantumcomposers.com


In addition to a 30 day money back guarantee, the 9730 has a one-year limited warranty from the date of delivery. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship. Quantum Composers will replace any defective unit. Contact us for information on obtaining warranty service.

Package Contents

The box you receive should contain the following:
9730 Pulse Generator
o AC Power Cord o Accessories
Arm Switch Keys (qty 2) 50 Ohm Interlock Shorting Jumper (BNC)
Disc that includes
o Operating Manual o Software Drivers o Communication Software
Contact Quantum Composers at (406)582-0227 if any parts are missing.

3 Safety Issues

Normal use of equipment exposes users to a certain amount of danger from electrical shock because testing must be performed where exposed voltage is present. An electrical shock causing 10 milliamps of current to pass through the heart will stop most human heartbeats. Voltages as low as 35 V (DC or RMS AC) should also be considered dangerous and hazardous since they can produce a lethal current under certain conditions. Higher voltages pose an even greater threat because such voltage can more easily produce a lethal current. Your normal work habits should include all accepted practices that will prevent contact with exposed high voltage, and those that will steer current away from your heart in case of accidental contact with a high voltage. You will significantly reduce the risk factor if you know and observe the following safety precautions:
If possible, familiarize yourself with the equipment being tested and the location
of its high-voltage points. However, remember that high voltage may appear at unexpected points in defective equipment.
Do not expose high voltage components needlessly. Remove housings and
covers only when necessary. Turn off equipment while making test connections in high-voltage circuits. Discharge high-voltage capacitors after removing power.
Use an insulated floor material or a large, insulated floor mat to stand on, and an
insulated work surface on which to place equipment. Make certain such surfaces are not damp or wet.
Use the time-proven “one hand in the pocket” technique while handling an
instrument probe. Be particularly careful to avoid contacting a nearby metal object that could provide a good ground return path.
When testing AC powered equipment, remember that AC line voltage is usually
present on some power input circuits, such as the on-off switch, fuses, power transformer etc., and any time the equipment is connected to an AC outlet, even if the equipment is turned off.
Never work alone. Someone should always be nearby to render aid if necessary.
Training in CPR first aid is highly recommended.

4 Product Overview

The 9730 series combines industry leading QC digital delay methodologies along with high capacity charge banks to generate precisely timed adjustable amplitude current pulses. This ability to generate highly precise current pulses makes this unit ideal for applications that require a high level of accuracy and repeatability.

Key Features

Up to 4 individual outputs with fully individual programming and control.  Up to 6A output per channel (Standard Instrument).  Complete channel and system setup stored in memory. Provides 12 memory
storage slots.
Remote programmability – RS232, USB and Ethernet (optional).  Front and rear external trigger inputs.

Advanced Features/Options

Resistance measurement (4 wire) for each channel with pre and post pulse
testing features.
Current and voltage monitor outputs.  Front and rear sync outputs.  Safety features including remote interlock and removable keyed enable

5 Pulse Generator Concepts and Operation

System Timer Functions

Burst Mode
The System Timer functions as a non-retriggerable, multi-vibrator T0 pulse generator in ‘Burst’ mode. This means that once started the timer will produce pulses continuously at the specified rate until the highest channel burst count is reached. Before pulses can be generated, the timer must be armed and then receive a System Start pulse. Arming the counter is done by pressing the RUN/STOP key. With external trigger disabled, the RUN/STOP key or a software trigger command may be used to generate the System Start pulse for the counter. With external trigger enabled, the RUN/STOP key or software
trigger command arms the unit and the subsequent external trigger pulses
replace the T0 pulses.
Single Shot Mode
In ‘Single Shot’ mode, the System Timer is bypassed and the T0 pulse is
generated directly from the System Start pulse. The T0 pulses are distributed to the Channel Start input of all of the Channel

Channel Timer Functions

The Channel Timer functions as a non-retriggerable, delayed, one shot pulse generator. This means that the timer will only generate one delayed pulse for every Channel Start pulse received. Once the channel timer has started counting, additional start pulses will be ignored until the pulse has been completed (non-retriggerable). The Channel Start pulse for each channel is provided by the internal T0 pulse.
Whether or not a pulse is generated for each T0 pulse is determined by the channel enable setting. Pulses are defined by a time delay, from their sync or start pulse to the active edge, a time width over which the pulse is active, and an
amplitude during the active portion of the pulse.

Navigating the 9730 Front Panel

Selecting Menus
Parameters are grouped in menus, selectable using the function keys. To select the output channel parameters, press the letter key corresponding to the desired channel. To select other menus, including the channel test menus, press the FUNC key and then the key corresponding to the desired function.
Menus may include a number of different pages, with each page containing up to four adjustable parameters or state variables. The status block in the upper-left
corner of the display shows a vertical arrow if the current menu contains additional pages. To select the next page, press the channel button again or select the same menu pressing the FUNC key and the channel/menu key again.
Selecting Menu Items
Within a menu, the blinking cursor indicates the current menu item for editing. The NEXT key will select a different adjustable menu item.
Numeric Input Mode
When the current item is numeric, the system enters the Numeric Input Mode. In this mode data may be edited in one of two ways:
o Arrow Keypad - The Left and Right arrow keys are used to select a digit to
edit. The selected digit blinks to identify itself as the active digit. The Up and Down arrow keys are then used to increment or decrement this digit.
o Numeric Keypad - Enter the number, including decimal point using the
numeric keypad. Complete the number using the ENTER key. Errors may be corrected using the backspace key or to start over press the clear key (CLR). Pressing the CLR key a second time will exit the numeric keypad mode and restore the original number.
Entering Non-Numeric Parameters
When the current item is non-numeric, the Up and Down arrow keys are used to select among different options for the parameter.
Alphanumeric Input Mode
When the current item is alphanumeric, the system enters the Alphanumeric Input Mode. In this mode, data is entered using the alphanumeric keypad. Pressing a key will display the first letter shown on the keypad. Repeated key presses will toggle through all the letters, both upper and lower case, shown on the key cap. To enter two letters which appear on the same key cap, select the first character, then use the right arrow to shift to the next position and enter the next letter. The Left and Right arrow keys may be used to position the cursor to edit any character. When data entry is complete, the ENTER key must be pressed. The keys contain the following characters:
o 1 => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 o 2 => A B C a b c 2 o 3 => D E F d e f 3 o 4 => G H I g h i 4 o 5 => J K L j k l 5 o 6 => M N O m n o 6 o 7 => P Q R S p q r s 7 o 8 => T U V t u v 8 o 9 => W X Y Z w x y z 9 o 0 => 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o . => . , # $ % & ?
o - => - + * / space
Enabling System Output
The RUN/STOP key is used to arm the system. With external trigger disabled, the key will arm and start pulse output. With external trigger enabled, the key will arm the pulse generator. Pulse output then starts after the first valid trigger input. With external trigger enabled, pressing the RUN/STOP key a second time disables the pulse generator.

6 Front Panel Overview

9730 Display

Display Layout and Indicators

A graphical display module displays parameters and status information. The status information is located in the upper-left corner of the display, between the two brackets. There are three enunciators:
Vertical Arrow Indicates there are additional pages to
the current Menu.
Blinking Circle Indicates the unit is actively generating
pulses, or armed and waiting for an external trigger.
Musical Note Indicates the function key has been pressed
The upper-right side of the display contains the title of the currently displayed menu. The rest of the display is used for system parameters. The display brightness may be adjusted, allowing the instrument to be used under various lighting conditions.

Description of Front Panel Area

Keypads and Keys

Four keypads provide fast access to various menus and easy editing of system parameters.
Channel Keys Provides one touch access to the desired channel menu for
setting up the channel parameters. The channel menu keys are indicated with a capital letter corresponding to the channel (e.g. press the A key to display the menu corresponding to channel A). The FUNC key (solid yellow key at the bottom center of the numeric keypad) allows the channel keys to select the channel test menus.
Trigger Key Provides one touch access to the trigger menu for setting up
trigger parameters. The trigger menu key is indicated with the letters TRIG.
Arrow Keypad The up and down arrows (referred to as UP and DOWN keys
for the rest of this document) are used to increment/decrement the current parameter (indicated by the blinking cursor). The position of the cursor controls the step size for each increment. The right and left arrows (referred to as LEFT and RIGHT keys for the rest of this document) move the cursor to different positions within the current
parameter. The NEXT key selects the next parameter in the currently displayed menu.
Numeric Keypad Allows numbers and alphanumeric values to be entered.
When entering alphanumeric values, pressing a key will display the first letter shown on the key. Repeated key presses will toggle through all the letters, both upper and lower case, shown on the keycap. To enter two letters which appear on the same keycap, select the first character, then use the right arrow to shift to the next position and enter the next letter. When data entry is complete the ENTER key must be pressed. The FUNC key allows a key to select the secondary function/menu in yellow directly above the key.

Second Level Menus (Function Key)

The second level menus (indicated in yellow above certain keys) are accessed through the use of the yellow FUNC key. Pressing the FUNC key once and then pressing the desired menu key will display the specified second level menu. Pressing the FUNC key twice in succession will put the unit into Function Lock mode, where the second level menus can be accessed without repeatedly pressing the FUNC key. Pressing the FUNC key a third time will exit Function Lock mode.

Channel Outputs (BNC Connectors)

Each channel has two outputs on the front panel:
1. Voltage Monitor This is an analog representation in volts of the voltage output to the load. The transfer function of this follower is 0.2 V/V, as listed directly below the monitor BNC connector.
2. Current Monitor This is an analog representation in volts of the current output to the load. The transfer function of this follower is 0.5 V/A, as listed directly above the monitor BNC connector.
The outputs of the voltage and current monitors are optically isolated and have a typical 1us delay.

Channel Status LED Indicators

Each channel has four panel LED indicators and one button led indicator to reflect the current status of the channel:
ARMED Green LED indicating the channel is armed and ready. CHARGE READY Amber LED indicating the channel capacitor bank is charged
and ready.
RESISTOR FAULT Red LED indicating the pretest error status of the current
GROUND FAULT Red LED indicating the pretest error status of the current
Channel Button Green LED back illuminating button text when the channel is

Arm Switch (Keyed)

The upper right hand corner of the front panel contains a safety Arm Switch which may
be turned to the ‘STANDBY’ position while changing parameters to ensure no pulses
are generated. This switch must be in the ‘ARM’ position in order to allow generation of pulses.
NOTE: The Arm switch keys are included with the shipped accessories.

System Status LED Indicators

The system state has two front panel LED indicators to reflect the current system state:
Power Green LED back illuminating button text when system is
powered on.
ARM Red LED indicating the system arm keyswitch is in the “Arm”
Trigger Green LED back illuminating button text when the global
system trigger is enabled.
Run Green LED back illuminating button text while system is
pulsing or ready to trigger.

Front Sync Output

The front panel sync output is user selectable to output the TTL representation of the system pulse or any of the individual channels. This output may also be disabled.

Front Trigger Input

The front panel trigger input is user selectable as the source for the global system trigger.

7 Rear Panel Overview

Description of Rear Panel Area

Channel Connections (Banana Jacks)

Each channel has two sets of banana jacks for connecting to the device under test:
OUTPUT Red and Black current jacks (labeled ‘A’ between them)
connect to the positive and negative drive terminals (respectively) of the device under test.
MEASURE Red and Black voltage sense jacks (labeled ‘V’ between
them) connect to the positive and negative measurement terminals (respectively) of the device under test. This connection is optional when pre and/or post resistance tests are not enabled.

Rear Sync Output

The rear panel sync output is user selectable to output the TTL representation of the system pulse or any of the individual channels. This output may also be disabled.

Rear Trigger Input

The rear panel trigger input is user selectable as the source for the global system trigger.

Interlock Short

This is a protection jumper required for system or channels to enable or arm. It is labeled ‘INTLK’ on the rear panel overlay. A bypass shorting jumper is included with the instrument when shipped.

Communication Ports

This instrument ships with RS232 and USB communications installed. An option to include Ethernet may be specified at the time the order is placed. The rear panel overlay labels for the communications connections are ‘RS232’, ‘USB’, and ‘ETHERNET’ respectively.

Voltage Input (AC)

A switched and fused AC input connection is located on the rear panel along with markings indicating the required voltage and maximum current draw.

Cooling Fans

The rear panel also contains one or two cooling fan outputs depending on whether the instrument has two or four channels respectively. Air is circulated in through the rear
panel and out through the side panel openings. WARNING: DO NOT BLOCK COOLING FAN INPUTS OR OUTPUT(S).
+ 35 hidden pages