Quantum 81-81487-01 A01 User Manual

SDLT 600A Product Manual, 81-81487-01 A01, December 2005, Made in USA.
Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Quantum Corporation may revise this publication from time to time without notice.
Copyright 2005 by Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Quantum Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
Quantum, DLT, DLTtape, the Quantum logo, and DLTtape logo are all registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation. SDLT, and Super DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation.
Other trademarks may be mentioned herein which belong to other companies.


Preface xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Overview ...........................................................................................................................1
Product Features...............................................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive 4
Warranty Note.................................................................................................................. 4
Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection ..........................................................................5
Safety Precautions..................................................................................................... 5
Electrostatic Discharge Protection..........................................................................7
Pre-Installation Guidelines .............................................................................................8
Installing the Tape Drive.................................................................................................8
Secure the Rackmount Tape Drive into a Rack.....................................................8
Connect the Power to the Tabletop Tape Drive..................................................10
Connecting the SDLT 600A to the Network Port ...............................................11
SDLT 600A Product Manual iii
Tape Drive Remote Management ................................................................................12
Starting the Remote Management Web Pages.................................................... 12
Setup Menu.............................................................................................................. 14
Changing the Password .........................................................................................18
SDLT 600A Client/FTP Client ..............................................................................19
Configuring the Tape Drive.......................................................................................... 20
Windows Configuration ........................................................................................ 21
Multiuser Connection.............................................................................................24
Linux Configuration ............................................................................................... 26
Mac OS X Configuration ........................................................................................ 27
Chapter 3 Using Your Tape Drive 30
Front Panel Controls and LEDs.................................................................................... 31
Formatting Media Cartridges....................................................................................... 34
Updating the Firmware................................................................................................. 34
Updating the Tape Drive Firmware..................................................................... 34
Updating the Server................................................................................................ 35
Rebooting the Tape Drive...................................................................................... 36
Error Log ..................................................................................................................37
FTP Transfers ..................................................................................................................38
FTP Client Tool........................................................................................................38
SDLT 600A Client Tab............................................................................................39
Resume on transfer ................................................................................................. 41
Contextual Menu.....................................................................................................44
Partial restore........................................................................................................... 49
Configuration Tab................................................................................................... 57
List of Servers Management.................................................................................. 58
Multiuser Connection.............................................................................................59
System and MXF files .............................................................................................60
Supported FTP Commands ................................................................................... 61
Standard Commands (RFC959)............................................................................. 61
SITE Commands...................................................................................................... 70
Standard FTP Client................................................................................................77
Java Plug-In.............................................................................................................. 77
Acquiring the Java Plug-in ....................................................................................77
Certificate of Security ............................................................................................. 78
SDLT 600A Product Manual iv
Cleaning the Tape Mechanism.....................................................................................78
Occasional Cleaning of Tape Head ...................................................................... 78
When to Use the Cleaning Tape............................................................................ 79
Life Expectancy of the Cleaning Tape..................................................................79
Compatibility of the Cleaning Tape .....................................................................79
Loading the Cleaning Tape Into a Tabletop Tape Drive................................... 79
Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. 80
Power-On Self-Test ................................................................................................. 80
POST Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 82
Over Temperature Condition................................................................................ 83
Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................. 83
Appendix A SDLT 600A Tape Drive Specifications 84
Tape Drive Technology .................................................................................................84
Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) Interface ......................................................................... 84
Material Exchange Format (MXF) Aware............................................................84
Laser Guided Magnetic Recording.......................................................................85
Pivoting Optical Servo............................................................................................85
Magneto Resistive Cluster Heads.........................................................................85
Advanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood ...........................................85
Advanced Metal Powder Media...........................................................................85
Positive Engagement Tape Leader Buckling Mechanism................................. 86
Modular Design..............................................................................................................86
Data Control Module..............................................................................................87
Tape Control Module ............................................................................................. 88
Front Panel Module ................................................................................................89
Electronic Interface Module................................................................................... 89
Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge .........................................................................90
Product Specifications ................................................................................................... 90
Positive Engagement Tape Leader Buckling Mechanism................................. 91
Functional Specifications............................................................................................... 91
Performance Data....................................................................................................91
Shock and Vibration Specifications ......................................................................93
Current and Power Requirements........................................................................ 95
SDLT 600A Tape Drive Recording Method ........................................................ 99
Environmental Specifications.......................................................................................99
Air Flow Requirements ..........................................................................................99
Temperature and Humidity ................................................................................100
Storage and Shipment........................................................................................... 100
Altitude................................................................................................................... 101
SDLT 600A Product Manual v
Recording Media Specifications.................................................................................101
Media Structure..................................................................................................... 102
Physical Data Cartridge .......................................................................................103
Media Shipping, Operating, and Storage Specifications.................................103
Appendix B Super DLTtape II Data Cartridges 105
Recognizing Quantum Super DLTtape I and II Data Cartridges.......................... 105
Data Cartridge Handling Guidelines ........................................................................106
Data Cartridge Inspection Procedure........................................................................108
Data Cartridge Write-protect Switch.........................................................................112
Loading a Data Cartridge............................................................................................114
Unloading a Data Cartridge .......................................................................................115
Appendix C Regulatory Compliance 117
Safety Regulations........................................................................................................118
Safety Certifications..............................................................................................118
Electromagnetic Field Specifications......................................................................... 118
Electromagnetic Emissions .................................................................................. 118
Electromagnetic Interference Susceptibility...................................................... 118
Immunity and ESD Limits...................................................................................119
Acoustic Noise Emissions ........................................................................................... 120
Environmental Compliance........................................................................................121
Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment ....................................................121
Glossary 122
SDLT 600A Product Manual vi


Figure 1 SDLT 600A Tape Drive ..............................................................................2
Figure 2 Install the Rackmount SDLT 600A...........................................................9
Figure 3 Connect the Power Cable .......................................................................... 9
Figure 4 Power on the Rackmount Tape Drive....................................................10
Figure 5 Powering On the Tape Drive ..................................................................11
Figure 6 Connecting to the Network Port (Tabletop Tape Drive Shown)....... 12
Figure 7 Start Window.............................................................................................13
Figure 8 Login Window ..........................................................................................14
Figure 9 SDLT 600A Main Page .............................................................................14
Figure 10 Setup Window........................................................................................... 18
Figure 11 Change Password .....................................................................................18
Figure 12 SDLT 600A/FTP Client............................................................................19
Figure 13 IP Configuration Options ........................................................................ 20
Figure 14 Local Area Connection Properties..........................................................21
Figure 15 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties...................................................22
Figure 16 Start Window.............................................................................................23
Figure 17 Login Window ..........................................................................................23
SDLT 600A Product Manual vii
Figure 18 Setup Window........................................................................................... 25
Figure 19 Mac OS X System Network .....................................................................27
Figure 20 Mac OS X System Ethernet Network.....................................................28
Figure 21 Mac OS X IP Address Settings................................................................29
Figure 22 SDLT 600A Tape Drive Front Panel.......................................................31
Figure 23 Media Formatting..................................................................................... 34
Figure 24 Tape Drive Update ...................................................................................35
Figure 25 Tape Drive Update Progress Bar............................................................ 35
Figure 26 Server Update............................................................................................ 36
Figure 27 Server Update Progress Bar ....................................................................36
Figure 28 Reboot in Progress....................................................................................36
Figure 29 Save Changes.............................................................................................37
Figure 30 Restart Confirmation................................................................................ 37
Figure 31 FTP Error Log............................................................................................ 37
Figure 32 Java Virtual Machine Plug-in..................................................................38
Figure 33 FTP Error Pop-Up..................................................................................... 38
Figure 34 SDLT 600A Client Tab..............................................................................39
Figure 35 Download Progression Progress Bar ..................................................... 40
Figure 36 Site to Site Transfer Pop-up Window ....................................................41
Figure 37 File Exist Pop-up Window....................................................................... 41
Figure 38 Transfer in progress Pop-up Window...................................................42
Figure 39 Transfer error Pop-up Window.............................................................. 42
Figure 40 MXF Files and Metadata..........................................................................43
Figure 41 Additional Metadata Columns...............................................................44
Figure 42 Audio Essence Metadata .........................................................................44
Figure 43 Contextual Menu ...................................................................................... 45
Figure 44 Renaming Files or Folders.......................................................................45
Figure 45 Delete Pop-up Window ........................................................................... 46
Figure 46 Retrieving Files from the Trash Folder..................................................46
SDLT 600A Product Manual viii
Figure 47 Moving Pop-up Window.........................................................................47
Figure 48 Moving Pop-up Window — Destination Folder..................................47
Figure 49 Create Folder Pop-up Window...............................................................48
Figure 50 MXF Information of D10 PAL Essence.................................................. 49
Figure 51 MXF Information of DV NTSC Essence ................................................49
Figure 52 Partial Restore OP1A Pop-up Window ................................................. 50
Figure 53 Partial Restore OPATOM Pop-up Window..........................................51
Figure 54 Partial Restore Successful Pop-up Window .........................................51
Figure 55 Partial File List...........................................................................................52
Figure 56 Partial File List in OPATOM................................................................... 52
Figure 57 Download Progression Dialog................................................................53
Figure 58 Create Header Pop-up Window............................................................. 54
Figure 59 Metadata Header — Virtual File ............................................................54
Figure 60 Transfer in Progress.................................................................................. 54
Figure 61 Erase Tape Pop-up Window ...................................................................55
Figure 62 Eject Tape Pop-up Window..................................................................... 55
Figure 63 Eject Tape Error Pop-up Window..........................................................55
Figure 64 Tape Pop-up Information........................................................................56
Figure 65 Information on Software Licenses Pop-up Window ........................... 57
Figure 66 Configuration Tab Display......................................................................58
Figure 67 FTP Error Pop-Up..................................................................................... 59
Figure 68 FTP Error Pop-Up Window ....................................................................59
Figure 69 Certificate of Security...............................................................................78
Figure 70 SDLT 600A Tape Drive Front Panel LEDs............................................82
Figure 71 SDLT 600A Tape Drive Modular Design ..............................................87
Figure 72 Multiple Layers Comprise Super DLTtape II Media.........................102
Figure 73 Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge......................................................... 103
Figure 74 Super DLTtape II Media Shipping Limits........................................... 103
Figure 75 Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge......................................................... 106
SDLT 600A Product Manual ix
Figure 76 Bottom View of Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge ............................109
Figure 77 Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge Reel Locks..................................... 110
Figure 78 Opening the Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge Door ........................ 110
Figure 79 Problems to Look for Inside the Data Cartridge Door...................... 111
Figure 80 Write-Protect Switch on Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge.............. 112
Figure 81 Loading a Super DLTtape II Data Cartridge ...................................... 115
SDLT 600A Product Manual x


Table 1 System Defaults.........................................................................................15
Table 2 Front Panel Elements................................................................................32
Table 3 Standard Commands (RFC959)..............................................................62
Table 4 RFC775 Commands..................................................................................69
Table 5 SITE Commands ....................................................................................... 70
Table 6 Commands Not Normalized (Internet Draft)....................................... 76
Table 7 LED Lighting Pattern During Power-On Self-Test (POST) ................ 81
Table 8 Troubleshooting Chart.............................................................................83
Table 9 SDLT 600A Tape Drive Performance Data ...........................................91
Table 10 Non-operating Shock Specifications (Unpackaged)............................ 93
Table 11 Non-Operating Shock Specifications (Packaged, Drop) ..................... 93
Table 12 Non-Operating Vibration Specifications (Unpackaged).....................93
Table 13 Non-Operating Vibration Specifications (Packaged)..........................94
Table 14 Operating Shock and Vibration Specifications..................................... 94
Table 15 Current Requirements — SCSI Interface...............................................96
Table 16 Power Requirements — SCSI Interface .................................................98
Table 17 Temperature and Humidity Specification ..........................................100
SDLT 600A Product Manual xi
Table 18 Tape Drive Storage and Shipment Specifications.............................. 100
Table 19 Super DLTtape II Media Specifications...............................................101
Table 20 Super DLTtape II Media Operating Limits.........................................104
Table 21 Super DLTtape II Media Storage Limits.............................................. 104
Table 22 Write-Protect Switch Positions .............................................................113
Table 23 EMI Regulations and Certifications.....................................................119
Table 24 Acoustic Noise Emissions, Nominal....................................................120
SDLT 600A Product Manual xii


This document serves as an easy-to-use information source and product catalog to familiarize Quantum customers and systems professionals with the SDLT 600A tape drive. The SDLT 600A tape drive is an extension of the Digital Linear Tape (DLT
Audience The primary audience for this document consists of end users installing
and using the tape drive.
Purpose This document provides information on the SDLT 600A tape drive
) product family.
Product description
Installation instructions
Operation instructions
Tape usage and care
Regulatory compliance and statements
SDLT 600A Product Manual xiii
Document Organization This document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction
, provides an overview of the tape drive and
product features.
Chapter 2, Installing Your Tape Drive
, includes information on warranty, safety, handling, and ESD precautions, pre-installation guidelines, and installation procedures.
Chapter 3,
Using Your Tape Drive, provides information that you
need to use the tape drive, including front panel controls, loading the applet, updating the firmware and software, viewing the error log, rebooting, supported FTP commands, POST, cleaning the tape drive, and general troubleshooting guidelines.
Appendix A,
SDLT 600A Tape Drive Specifications, provides
product, functional, environmental, and recording media specifications.
Appendix B,
Super DLTtape II Data Cartridges, provides information
on recognizing, handling, inspecting, write-protecting, loading, and unloading cartridges.
Appendix C,
Regulatory Compliance, provides electromagnetic field
specifications, acoustic noise emissions, and environmental compliance
This document concludes with a glossary and a detailed index.
Notational Conventions This document uses the following conventions:
Note: Notes emphasize important information related to the main
Caution: Cautions indicate potential hazards to equipment and are
included to prevent damage to equipment.
Warning: Warnings indicate potential hazards to personal safety and
are included to prevent injury.
This document uses the following:
SDLT 600A Product Manual xiv
Right side of the tape drive — Refers to the right side as you face the component being described.
Left side of the tape drive — Refers to the left side as you face the component being described.
Power cycle — Means to turn the tape drive or system on, then turn them off (or off, then on).
Dimensions in figures — All dimensions are shown with no units specified (Inches understood unless otherwise specified).
Related Documents The following documents are related to the SDLT 600A tape drive:
Document No. Document Title Document Description
81-81488-xx SDLT 600A Quick Start
Contacts Quantum company contacts are listed below.
Quantum Corporate Headquarters
To order documentation on this or other Quantum products, contact:
Quantum Corporation 141 Innovation Irvine, CA 92617 (949) 856-7800 (800) 284-5101
Technical Publications
To comment on existing documentation send e-mail to:
Provides “quick” instructions on how to install and run the tape drive
SDLT 600A Product Manual xv
Quantum Home Page 0
Visit the Quantum home page at:
Customer Support 0
The Quantum Customer Support Department provides a 24-hour help desk that can be reached at:
North/South America: (949) 725-2100 or (800) 284-5101 Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code) + 61 7 3839 0988 Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code) + 44 (0) 1256 848748
Send faxes for the Customer Support Department to:
North/South America: (949) 725-2176 Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code) + 61 7 3839 0955 Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code) + 44 (0) 1256 848777
Send e-mail for the Customer Support Department to:
North/South America: http://www.quantum.com/am/service_support/
Asia/Pacific Rim: apachelp@quantum.com Europe/Middle East/Africa: eurohelp@quantum.com
Software License The SDLT 600A uses edtFTPj 1.4.5 Java API which is under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and hence can be freely used in commercial or non-commercial products.
It should be noted, however, that under the LGPL, edtFTPj must be used as a library and not directly incorporated into codebase.
• edtFTPj Web site: www.enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpj/
• GNU Lesser General Public License: www.gnu.org/licenses/
SDLT 600A Product Manual xvi
Chapter 1


This chapter describes the features of the Quantum SDLT 600A tape drive and covers the following topics:


Product Features
describes a basic overview of the tape drive.
lists product features of the tape drive.
Overview 1
The Quantum SDLT 600A is an extension to the family of DLT products with video professionals in mind. Using the built-in FTP client in conjunction with a standard Web browser, Material Exchange Format (MXF) files can be stored and retrieved. A Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface allows this drive to be quickly connected and accessed on your network.
The SDLT 600A is ideal for serving a full range of video applications; from hand-carrying video content out to a truck for live production to facility-wide, long-term, secure archive.
The tape drive provides 300 Gigabyte (GB) of storage capacity with a transfer speed of 36 Megabyte per second (MB/sec) native. This allows for over 6 hours of HD (high definition) and over 25 hours of SD (standard definition) storage on a single cartridge.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 1
Figure 1 SDLT 600A Tape Drive
Chapter 1 Introduction
The SDLT 600A is available in either a tabletop (as shown in figure 1) or rackmount unit.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 2
Chapter 1 Introduction

Product Features

Product Features 1
The SDLT 600A tape drive offers the following product features:
• Convergent technology — the benefits of file-based data tape storage and the accessibility of video tape
• Built-in Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) interface
• Access to metadata and clip content by timecode-indexed in and out points through a web-based interface.
• The tape drive provides 300 Gigabyte (GB) of storage capacity with a transfer speed of 36 Megabyte per second (MB/sec) native. This allows for over 6 hours of HD (high definition) and over 25 hours of SD (standard definition) storage on a single cartridge.
• A streaming tape drive that uses half-inch wide Super Digital Linear Tape (Super DLTtape II) media.
• A standard 5.25-inch full-height form factor to simplify integration into system and tape library solutions.
• iTalk (and Pocket DLTSage iTalk)—Infrared (wireless) interface that provides a remote testing base allowing customers and integrators to access system diagnostic information from the front of the tape drive.
• For more information on the SDLT tape products and other product information, go to www.dlttape.com/Home.htm
This Web page provides information that is constantly updated as needed. Refer to this Web site often to obtain the most current information.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 3
Chapter 2

2Installing Your Tape Drive

This chapter describes how to install the SDLT 600A tape drive. This includes installation instructions, power and signal cabling descriptions, and operating instructions. This chapter also includes information on configuring and connecting the tape drive into a system.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Warranty Note follow so that you do not void your warranty.

Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection safeguards to use when working with the tape drive.
Pre-Installation Guidelines installing the tape drive.
provides a general reminder of certain precautions to
describes appropriate
describes proper steps to take before
W arranty Note 2
See the warranty before installing your tape drive. Certain actions taken during installation could void the warranty if not properly conducted.
Generally, the Limited Product and Limited Repair Warranties are contingent upon proper use in the application for which the product is intended; and do not cover the product if you perform any of the following actions:
SDLT 600A Product Manual 4
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive

Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection

• Modify the product without the manufacturer’s written approval.
• Subject the product to unusual physical, environmental, or electrical stress, including damage caused by handling or shipping in unapproved containers or packaging.
• Disturb any warranty labels, or the integrity of the product in any other way.
• Remove or damage the serial number label to the extent that warranty status of the product cannot be determined.
Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection 2
Inappropriate or careless handling of SDLT 600A tape drives may result in damage to the product. Follow the precautions and directions to prevent damaging the tape drive. In addition, follow the steps in Pre-
Installation Guidelines to ensure that you have the correct hardware for
your system configuration.

Safety Precautions 2 For your safety, follow all safety procedures described here and in other

sections of the manual.
1 Power off the system before installing or removing the tape drive to
prevent the possibility of electrical shock or damage to the tape drive. Unplug the unit that contains—or is to contain—the tape drive from AC power to provide an added measure of safety.
2 Read, understand, and observe all label warnings. 3 The Pivoting Optical Servo (POS) uses a Class I laser product. This
laser product complies with 29 CFR 1200 and 29 CFR 1910 as applicable on the date of manufacture.
Warning: If you open the tape drive chassis, you may become
exposed to invisible laser emission which could be harmful if you are directly exposed to the beam.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 5
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection

Handling 2 Damage to the tape drive can occur as the result of careless handling,

vibration, shock, or electrostatic discharge (ESD). For more details about ESD, see Electrostatic Discharge Protection
Caution: Always handle the SDLT 600A tape drive with care to
avoid damage to the precision internal components. Hold the rackmount tape drive the sides or the tabletop tape drive by the bottom. Never hold either tape drive by inserting fingers into the receiver area on the front of the tape drive. Damage to the receiver area may occur if you lift or carry it in this manner.
Follow these guidelines to avoid damage to the tape drive:
• Always observe prescribed ESD precautions.
• Keep the external tape drive in its anti-static bag until ready to install.
• Always use a properly fitted wrist strap or other suitable ESD protection when handling the tape drive.
• Hold the tape drive only by its sides.
• Do not bump, jar, or drop the tape drive. Use care when transporting the tape drive.
• Always handle the tape drive carefully and gently. A drop of ¼ inch onto a bench or desktop may damage a tape drive.
• Never place the tape drive so that it rests on its front bezel. Always gently place the tape drive flat, bottom side down, on an appropriate ESD-protected work surface to avoid the tape drive being accidentally knocked over.
• Do not pack other materials with the tape drive in its anti-static bag.
• Place the tape drive in the anti-static bag before placing it in a shipping container.
• Do not stack objects on the tape drive.
• Do not expose the tape drive to moisture.
• Do not place foreign objects inside the tape drive’s receiver area.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 6
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Safety, Handling, and ESD Protection

Electrostatic Discharge Protection

Several electrical components of the SDLT 600A tape drive are sensitive
to static electricity and electrostatic discharge (ESD). Even a static buildup or discharge that is too slight to feel can be sufficient to destroy or degrade a component’s operation.
To minimize the possibility of ESD-related damage to the system, the drive’s manufacturer strongly recommends using both a workstation anti-static mat and an ESD wrist strap. When correctly installed and properly used, these devices reduce the buildup of static electricity that might harm the system.
Observe the following precautions to avoid ESD-related problems:
• Leave the tape drive in its anti-static bag until you are ready to install it in the system.
• Always use a properly fitted and grounded wrist strap or other suitable ESD protection when handling the tape drive and observe proper ESD grounding techniques.
• Hold the tape drive only by its sides.
• Place the tape drive on a properly grounded anti-static work surface pad when it is out of its protective anti-static bag.
• Do not use the bag as a substitute for the work surface anti-static pad. The outside surface of the bag may not have the same anti-static properties as the inside surface. It could actually increase the possibility of ESD problems.
• Do not remove covers to use any test equipment to check components on the PCBAs. There are no user-serviceable components on the tape drive.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 7
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive

Pre-Installation Guidelines

Pre-Installation Guidelines 2
Before you begin, check the contents of the box and record the applicable numbers and confirm software and operating system compatibility. Check the tape drive to be certain it is operating properly before installing it in a system.
1 Unpack and review the contents of the box for any physical damage.
If you find damaged items, contact your tape drive provider.
2 Record the model and serial number of the tape drive. These
numbers provide specific information about the tape drive and will be very helpful if you must contact technical support. You can find these numbers on the bottom of the tape drive enclosure.
The Model Number/Serial Number:
3 Make sure that the host computer is functioning properly and is
prepared for a network.

Installing the Tape Drive 2

The SDLT 600A tape drive is available in a rackmount version or a tabletop version; for rackmount installation procedures, see Secure the
Rackmount Tape Drive into a Rack and for tabletop installation
procedures, see Connect the Power to the Tabletop Tape Drive

Secure the Rackmount Tape Drive into a Rack

SDLT 600A Product Manual 8
This section describes how to secure the rackmount tape drive into a rack.
Note: If you are installing a tabletop tape drive, proceed to Connect
the Power to the Tabletop Tape Drive.
1 Slide the rackmount tape drive into the equipment rack. 2 Secure the unit to the rack with the thumbscrews. See figure 2
Figure 2 Install the Rackmount SDLT 600A
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Installing the Tape Drive
3 Connect one end of the power cord to the power cord connector on
the rear of the rackmount tape drive and the other end of the power cord to an AC outlet. See figure 3
Figure 3 Connect the Power Cable
Power cord connector
Network port
SDLT 600A Product Manual 9
Figure 4 Power on the Rackmount Tape Drive
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Installing the Tape Drive
4 Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the network port located on
the rear of the tape drive and connect the other end to a network switch or router (see Connecting the SDLT 600A to the Network
Note: The GigE network port is backward compatible with
100BaseT and 10BaseT networks. To get the full performance of the drive, use GigE networks.
5 Power on the tape drive using the switch on the front panel (see
figure 4
Power button

Connect the Power to the Tabletop Tape Drive

The tabletop tape drive power supply has an auto-sensing feature; it
requires no adjustment or switch setting changes for different AC sources.
1 Attach the power cable to the tape drive. 2 Connect one end of the AC cord into the power connector on the rear
of the tape drive; connect the other end of the cord to the AC outlet.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 10
Figure 5 Powering On the Tape Drive
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Installing the Tape Drive
3 Power on the tape drive using the switch on the rear panel (see
figure 5
4 Upon completion, proceed to the next section to confirm the
Caution: Quantum recommends the use of an uninterruptible
power supply (UPS). If power is interrupted while the drive is operating, all changes to an inserted cartridge will be lost.
Power connector
On/off switch

Connecting the SDLT 600A to the Network Port

To connect to the network port:
1 Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the network port located on
the rear of the SDLT 600A tape drive and connect the other end to a network switch or router (see figure 6
The drive may be connected directly to a computer host network port; no external network is necessary.
Note: The GigE network port is backward compatible with
100BaseT and 10BaseT networks. To get the full performance of the drive, use GigE networks.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 11
Figure 6 Connecting to the Network Port (Tabletop Tape Drive Shown)
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive

Tape Drive Remote Management

Host network port
The GigE network port is backward compatible with 100BaseT and 10BaseT networks. To get the full performance of the drive, use gigabit Ethernet networks.
Optionally, the tape drive may be directly connected to the host network port.
Ethernet cables
Network port
Tape Drive Remote Management 2
The SDLT 600A utilizes a Web-based interface which allows you to configure and manage the system from a remote workstation on the same network. The tape drive is managed through the Web pages (accessible using Internet browser software installed on the host computer) and can be used to do the following operations:
• Set and configure IP addresses
• Change password
• Update tape drive and server firmware.

Starting the Remote Management Web Pages

SDLT 600A Product Manual 12
The SDLT 600A main page is available by entering the drive’s product IP
address (or URL) in the address bar of a Web browser.
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Tape Drive Remote Management
1 Type in the IP address of the drive ( in the address
line of the browser.
Figure 7 Start Window
2 From the Start window, select
Login (see figure 16).
Select Login
3 When prompted for a password (see figure 17), enter admin.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 13
Figure 8 Login Window
Figure 9 SDLT 600A Main Page
Chapter 2 Installing Your Tape Drive
Tape Drive Remote Management
Enter password
Once the correct password is entered the SDLT 600A Management menu options are fully populated as shown in figure 9
Save all changes — saves any setup modification information.
Restore all previous values — restores the previous setup

Setup Menu 2 From the SDLT 600A main page, you can access to the Setup menu (on the

left side of the desktop) to manage the network options. These options are described below.
Note: The values shown in the figures that follow are samples and
may not represent the current values set in the SDLT 600A.
SDLT 600A Product Manual 14
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