Quantum 816022001A02SCSI User Manual

ATL SuperLoader™ DLT and ATL
SuperLoader™ LTO
Software Interface
81-60220-01 A02
Quantum ATL SuperLoader DLT and ATL SuperLoader LTO Software Interface Guide, 81-60220-01 A02, March 2003. Made in USA.
© 2003 Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior written authorization of Quantum Corporation is prohibited by law and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.
DLTtape, Super DLTtape, the Super DLTtape logo, and SuperLoader are trademarks, and Quantum and the Quantum logo are registered trademarks, of Quantum Corporation.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
6207947-00cN 98
Intended Audience...............................................................................xv
Purpose .................................................................................................xvi
Document Conventions.................................................................... xvii
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation 1
SuperLoader DLT...................................................................................2
SuperLoader LTO...................................................................................2
Medium Changer Elements .................................................................. 2
Medium Transport Element ...........................................................3
Data Transfer Element..................................................................... 3
Storage Elements.............................................................................. 3
Events .......................................................................................................3
Power Cycle ......................................................................................4
SuperLoader Offline ........................................................................4
Magazine Insertion/Removal........................................................4
Maximum Temperature Exceeded................................................ 5
Automatic Drive Cleaning .................................................................... 5
Element Status Information............................................................6
Automatic Cleaning Operation......................................................6
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide iii
Chapter 2 Messages 9
Message Format......................................................................................9
Supported SCSI Messages...................................................................13
Abort (06h) ......................................................................................13
Bus Device Reset (0Ch)..................................................................13
Command Complete (00h) ...........................................................14
Disconnect (04h)............................................................................14
Identify (80h-FFh) ..........................................................................15
Ignore Wide Residue (23h) ........................................................... 16
Initiator Detected Error (05h) .......................................................17
Linked Command Complete (0Ah).............................................18
Linked Command Complete, Flag (0Bh)...................................19
Message Parity Error (09h) ........................................................... 19
Message Reject (07h).....................................................................19
No Operation (08h)........................................................................20
Restore Pointers (03h)....................................................................20
Save Data Pointer (02h).................................................................20
Synchronous Data Transfer Request (01h).................................21
Wide Data Transfer Request Extended Message (03h) ............23
Chapter 3 Media Changer Commands 27
Overview of Command and Status Processing................................27
Media Changer Command Descriptions ..........................................29
Initialize Element Status Command (07h) ........................................31
Inquiry Command (12h)......................................................................32
Standard Inquiry Data Page .........................................................33
Vital Product Data Page................................................................38
Command Support Data...............................................................42
Load Unload Command (1Bh) ........................................................... 45
Log Sense Command (4Dh) ................................................................46
Supported Pages Log Page (Page 00h)........................................49
Last n Error Events Page (07h).....................................................50
TapeAlert Page (2Eh).....................................................................52
Move Statistics Page (30h) ............................................................54
Hard/Soft Error Statistics Page (31h) .........................................56
Device Wellness Page (33h)..........................................................59
Device Status Page (3Eh)...............................................................62
iv Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Mode Select (6) / (10) Command (15h / 55h).................................. 66
Mode Parameter List ..................................................................... 68
Mode Sense (6) / (10) Command (1Ah/ 5Ah) ................................. 74
Mode Sense Data Headers............................................................76
Mode Sense Mode Pages............................................................... 78
TapeAlert Page (1Ch) .................................................................... 79
Element Address Assignment Page............................................82
Transport Geometry Parameters Page........................................85
Device Capabilities Page...............................................................86
Move Medium Command (A5h)........................................................89
Persistent Reserve In Command (5Eh)..............................................91
Persistent Reserve Out Command (5Fh)......................................... 101
Position to Element Command (2Bh) .............................................. 116
Prevent/Allow Medium Removal (1Eh) ........................................ 118
Read Buffer Command (3Ch) ...........................................................120
Combined Header and Data Mode (000b) ...............................122
Data Mode (0010b)....................................................................... 123
Descriptor Mode (0011b)............................................................. 123
Read Data from Echo Buffer (1010b).........................................123
Echo Buffer Descriptor Mode (1011b).......................................124
Read Element Status Command (B8h) ............................................126
Element Status Data..................................................................... 128
Element Status Page ....................................................................130
Medium Transport Element Descriptor ................................... 131
Storage Element Descriptor........................................................ 134
Import/Export Element Descriptor ..........................................135
Data Transfer Element Descriptor.............................................137
Release Element (10) Command (57h).............................................140
Release Unit (6) Command (17h) .....................................................143
Report Device Identifier Command (A3h) ..................................... 145
Report LUNS Command (A0h)........................................................148
Request Sense Command (03h)........................................................151
Reserve Element (10) Command (56h)............................................160
Reserve Element (6) Command (16h)..............................................163
Send Diagnostic Command (1Dh) ...................................................166
Set Device Identifier Command (A4h)............................................ 168
Test Unit Ready Command (00h).....................................................170
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide v
Write Buffer Command (3Bh)...........................................................171
Write Combined Header and Data Mode (0000b) .................. 172
Write Data Mode (0010b)............................................................172
Download Microcode Mode (0100b).........................................173
Download Microcode and Save Mode (0101b)........................173
Write Data to Echo Buffer (1010b).............................................173
vi Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Figure 1 Extended Message ............................................................ 12
Figure 2 Identify Message...............................................................15
Figure 3 Ignore Wide Residue Message........................................17
Figure 4 Synchronous Data Transfer Request Message .............21
Figure 5 Wide Data Transfer Request Message ...........................24
Figure 6 Initialize Element Status Command ..............................31
Figure 7 Inquiry Command ............................................................ 32
Figure 8 Inquiry Command ............................................................ 33
Figure 9 Standard Inquiry Data (LTO)..........................................34
Figure 10 Standard Inquiry Data (DLT)..........................................35
Figure 11 Supported Vital Product Data.........................................39
Figure 12 Unit Serial Number Page (80h).......................................39
Figure 13 Device Identification Page (83h).....................................40
Figure 14 Identifier Descriptor .........................................................41
Figure 15 Command Support Data Page ........................................ 43
Figure 16 Load Unload Command Descriptor Block....................45
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide vii
Figure 17 LOG SENSE Command Descriptor Block ..................... 46
Figure 18 Supported Pages Page......................................................49
Figure 19 Last n Error Events Log Sense Header ..........................50
Figure 20 Format for Last n Error Events Log Sense.....................51
Figure 21 TapeAlert Log Sense Header Format.............................52
Figure 22 TapeAlert Page Log Parameters Format .......................53
Figure 23 Move Statistics Format.....................................................54
Figure 24 Hard/Soft Move Error Statistics Format.......................57
Figure 25 Device Wellness Log Sense Header ...............................59
Figure 26 Device Wellness Log Sense (0000h-000Fh)....................60
Figure 27 Log Parameters for Device Wellness Log Sense...........61
Figure 28 Device Status Log Sense Header ....................................62
Figure 29 Parameters for Device Status Log Sense Page.............. 63
Figure 30 Device Status Log Sense Page (0001h) ........................... 64
Figure 31 Mode Select (6) Command Descriptor...........................67
Figure 32 Mode Select (10) Command Descriptor.........................67
Figure 33 Mode Select (6) Mode Parameter List............................68
Figure 34 Mode Select (10) Mode Parameter List.......................... 69
Figure 35 Mode Select (6) Parameter Header.................................70
Figure 36 Mode Select (10) Parameter Header...............................70
Figure 37 Mode Select Parameter.....................................................71
Figure 38 Mode Select Page Descriptor...........................................72
Figure 39 Mode Sense (6) Command Descriptor Block ................74
Figure 40 Mode Sense (10) Command Descriptor Block ..............75
Figure 41 Mode Sense (6) Data Header...........................................77
Figure 42 Mode Sense (10) Data Header.........................................77
Figure 43 Mode Sense Page Descriptor...........................................78
viii Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Figure 44 TapeAlert Page Format Descriptor ................................ 79
Figure 45 Element Address Assignment Page...............................83
Figure 46 Transport Geometry Parameters Page...........................85
Figure 47 Transport Geometry Descriptor ..................................... 86
Figure 48 Device Capabilities Page..................................................87
Figure 49 Move Medium Descriptor Block .................................... 89
Figure 50 Persistent Reserve In Descriptor Block..........................91
Figure 51 Read Keys Parameters......................................................93
Figure 52 Read Reservations Parameters........................................95
Figure 53 Persistent Reserve In Read Reservations.......................97
Figure 54 Persistent Reserve Out Descriptor ...............................102
Figure 55 Persistent Reserve Out Command ............................... 102
Figure 56 Persistent Reserve Out Parameter List ........................ 112
Figure 57 Position to Element Descriptor..................................... 116
Figure 58 Prevent/Allow Medium Removal ...............................118
Figure 59 Read Buffer Command Descriptor Block.................... 120
Figure 60 Read Buffer Header ........................................................ 122
Figure 61 Read Buffer Descriptor...................................................123
Figure 62 Echo Buffer Descriptor...................................................124
Figure 63 Read Element Status Descriptor ................................... 126
Figure 64 Element Status Data Header .........................................128
Figure 65 Element Status Page .......................................................130
Figure 66 Data................................................................................... 131
Figure 67 Medium Transport Element Descriptor ......................132
Figure 68 Storage Element Descriptor...........................................134
Figure 69 Import/Export Element Descriptor .............................136
Figure 70 Data Transfer Element Descriptor................................138
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide ix
Figure 71 Release (10) Descriptor Block........................................140
Figure 72 Release (10) ID Only Parameter List ............................142
Figure 73 Release Unit (6) Descriptor Block (LTO) .....................143
Figure 74 Release Unit (6) Descriptor Block (DLT) .....................144
Figure 75 Report Device Identifier Descriptor .............................145
Figure 76 Report Device Identifier.................................................146
Figure 77 Report LUNS Descriptor................................................148
Figure 78 LUN Reporting Parameter List.....................................149
Figure 79 Request Sense Command Descriptor Block................151
Figure 80 Request Sense Command Data .....................................151
Figure 81 Request Sense ..................................................................152
Figure 82 Reserve Element (10) Descriptor ..................................160
Figure 83 Reserve (10) ID Only Parameter List............................162
Figure 84 Reserve Element (6) Descriptor (LTO).........................163
Figure 85 Reserve Element (6) Descriptor (DLT).........................164
Figure 86 Send Diagnostic Descriptor...........................................166
Figure 87 Set Device Identifier Descriptor....................................168
Figure 88 Set Device Identifier Parameter List.............................169
Figure 89 Test Unit Ready Descriptor ........................................... 170
Figure 90 Write Buffer Descriptor..................................................171
x Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Table 1 Message Format ................................................................ 10
Table 2 Supported Messages.........................................................10
Table 3 Extended Message ............................................................ 12
Table 4 Response to Disconnect Message ...................................15
Table 5 Identify Message...............................................................16
Table 6 Ignore Wide Residue........................................................17
Table 7 Response to Initiator Detected Error..............................18
Table 8 Transfer Rates.................................................................... 23
Table 9 Supported Media Changer Commands ........................28
Table 10 Standard Inquiry Data (LTO and DLT)......................... 36
Table 11 Unit Serial Number Page Field Descriptions................ 40
Table 12 Identifier Descriptor Field Descriptions ........................ 41
Table 13 Supported Identifiers ....................................................... 42
Table 14 Command Support Data Page ........................................43
Table 15 Unload Command Descriptor Block..............................45
Table 16 Log Sense Command Descriptor Block ......................... 47
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide xi
Table 17 Last n Error Events Log Sense Header ..........................50
Table 18 Parameters Last n Error Events Log Sense....................51
Table 19 TapeAlert Log Sense Header Field Descriptions .........53
Table 20 TapeAlert Page Log Parameters.....................................54
Table 21 Move Statistics................................................................... 56
Table 22 Hard/Soft Error ................................................................58
Table 23 Device Wellness Log Sense Header ...............................59
Table 24 Device Status Log Sense Header ....................................63
Table 25 Parameters for Device Status Log Sense Page ..............63
Table 26 Device Status Log Sense (0001h)..................................... 65
Table 27 Mode Select (6)/(10) Command Descriptor.................. 68
Table 28 Mode Select Parameter List .............................................69
Table 29 Mode Select Parameter Header ......................................71
Table 30 Mode Select Parameter Block..........................................72
Table 31 Mode Select Page Descriptor...........................................73
Table 32 Mode Sense Command Descriptor Block......................75
Table 33 Mode Sense Data Heade ..................................................78
Table 34 Mode Sense Page Descriptor...........................................79
Table 35 TapeAlert Page Format Descriptor ................................80
Table 36 Element Address Assignment Page ...............................84
Table 37 Transport Geometry Parameters Page...........................86
Table 38 Device Capabilities Page.................................................. 88
Table 39 Move Medium Command ...............................................90
Table 40 Persistent Reserve In Command..................................... 92
Table 41 Read Keys Parameters...................................................... 94
Table 42 Read Reservations Parameters........................................96
Table 43 Persistent Reserve In Read Reservations Descriptor ...97
xii Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Table 44 Persistent Reservation Type Codes................................ 99
Table 45 Persistent Reserve Out Command Service Action.....105
Table 46 Persistent Reservation Type Codes.............................. 110
Table 47 Persistent Reserve Out Parameter List ........................113
Table 48 Device Server Interpretation of Service and Scope
Table 49 Position to Element Command ..................................... 117
Table 50 Prevent/Allow Medium Removal Command
Descriptor Block..............................................................119
Table 51 Read Buffer Command Descriptor Block.................... 121
Table 52 Read Buffer Header........................................................122
Table 53 Echo Buffer Descriptor...................................................125
Table 54 Read Element Status Command Descriptor Block.....127
Table 55 Element Status Data .......................................................129
Table 56 Medium Transport Element Descriptor ......................133
Table 57 Storage Element Descriptor...........................................135
Table 58 Import/Export Element Descriptor ............................. 137
Table 59 Data Transfer Element Descriptor................................139
Table 60 Release (10) Command...................................................141
Table 61 Report Device Identifier Command Descriptor
Block.................................................................................. 146
Table 62 Report Device Identifier Parameter Data....................147
Table 63 Report LUNS Command Descriptor Block................. 149
Table 64 Request Sense Data.........................................................153
Table 65 Supported Sense Keys for Request Sense....................155
Table 66 Supported ASC / ASCQ (Hex) for Request Sense..... 156
Table 67 Reserve Element (10) Command.................................. 161
Table 68 Send Diagnostic Command Data .................................166
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide xiii
Table 69 Set Device Identifier Command Descriptor Block.....169
Table 70 Set Device Identifier Parameter List.............................169
Table 71 Write Buffer Command Data........................................172
xiv Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
This section outlines the scope and contents of the Quantum ATL SuperLoader™ Software Interface Guide. It contains information about the intended audience, purpose, organization, and document conventions.
Intended Audience 0
This interface guide is a written for the following audiences:
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that integrate the
Quantum ATL SuperLoader into a system or subsystem
System integrators that are responsible for the SCSI interface
End users that operate and troubleshoot the SuperLoader
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide xv
Preface Purpose
Purpose 0
This interface guide describes the procedures and issues involved in the development of software applications and utilities to communicate with the Quantum ATL SuperLoader.
SCSI interfaces
SCSI Messages
Media Changer Commands
Organization 0
This reference manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Theory of Operation the SuperLoader models, media changer elements, events, and automatic drive cleaning.
Chapter 2, Messages the SuperLoader.
Chapter 3, Media Changer Commands protocol features implemented in the media changer.
describes the SCSI messages supported by
describes differences between
describes the SCSI
xvi Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Document Conventions
Document Conventions 0
This manual uses the following conventions to designate specific elements:
Element Convention Example
Abbreviations Lowercase, except where standard usage
requires uppercase
Acronyms Uppercase SCSI
Binary Notation Number followed by lowercase b 101b
Commands Uppercase (unless case-sensitive) FORMAT UNIT
Decimal Notation Number followed without suffix 101
Field Initial Caps (unless case-sensitive) Application Data
Hexadecimal Notation Number followed by h 101h
Sense Key Uppercase (unless case-sensitive) ILLEGAL REQUEST
Mb (megabits) MB (megabytes)
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide xvii
Preface Document Conventions
xviii Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Chapter 1
1Theory of Operation
The SuperLoader products are an integration of two separate devices, a tape drive and a media changer. The media changer consists of all the mechanics and electronics required to store and move tape cartridges while the tape drive provides the read/write functionality.
Each device has a separate interface for communication to the host. The SCSI command set supported by the tape drive is documented separately. The SCSI command set supported by the media changer device is detailed in xxx.
The SuperLoader is fully compliant with the ANSI SCSI-2 standard for tape drive and media changer devices and implements many optional features.
The SuperLoader does not act as an initiator on the SCSI bus. Therefore, it does not generate unsolicited interrupts to the bus, initiate its own SCSI commands, or assert bus reset.
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 1
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation SuperLoader DLT
SuperLoader DLT 1
The SuperLoader DLT family of products utilize a single SCSI ID and two logical units. The tape drive always resides at logical unit 0 and the media changer resides at logical unit 1. The SuperLoader supports narrow and wide, synchronous and asynchronous data transfers. Both LVD and single-ended versions are available.
SuperLoader LTO 1
The SuperLoader LTO family of products utilize two separate SCSI IDs. The tape drive and media changer each reside on a unique ID. The media changer device supports narrow and wide, asynchronous data transfers only. The tape drive device supports narrow and wide, synchronous and asynchronous data transfers.
Medium Changer Elements 1
The medium changer command set accesses the address space for the set of physical locations and mechanisms with the SuperLoader. This guide uses the SCSI-2 term element to refer to one member of the SuperLoader address space. Each element is a discrete physical entity that can hold a single tape cartridge. Each element within a SuperLoader is represented by a unique 16-bit element address. The SuperLoader consists of the following medium changer elements.
Medium transport element
Storage elements
Data transfer elements
2 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
You can issue the Mode Sense command to determine the SuperLoader configuration. You can also use this command to determine the first address and the number of elements of each type.
Although the SuperLoader does have a mailslot, it is not reported as an Import/Export element for use by the host system. It is strictly to allow users to access tape cartridges using the front panel or On-board Remote Management tool.
Medium Transport Element
Data Transfer Element
Storage Elements1
This mechanism can hold a single cartridge and is considered a
single medium transport element. It is used to move media between elements within the SuperLoader.
The SuperLoader is configured with a single tape drive.
All of the storage elements within the SuperLoader are contained within removable magazines. There are two magazines which hold eight tape cartridges each, for a total of 16 storage elements. Since the magazines are removable, a user may insert or remove a magazine at any time. Because of this, the SuperLoader always reports 16 storage elements, regardless of how many magazines are currently installed. When a magazine is removed, the corresponding storage elements are reported as inaccessible. This is done via the Read Element Status–Storage Element Descriptor on page 134–byte 2, bit 3.
Events 1
Events are system conditions created y operator actions or system failures. These events are recorded in sense data for the SCSI host to retrieve via the Request Sense command.
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 3
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation Events
Power Cycle 1
SuperLoader Offline
When the SuperLoader is powered-on, it goes through an initialization sequence, during which it:
Resets and initializes all hardware
Responds to SCSI commands which do not require movement
Responds to Test Unit Read and all movement type comands with a not ready, initialization in progress check condition (SK=02 ASC=29 ASCQ=02).
When the power on initialization is complete, it:
Generates a Power On/Reset Occurred event (SK=6 ASC=29 ASCQ=02)
If initialization is sucessful, it generates a note ready to ready transition (SK=6 ASC=28 ASCQ=00), otherwise, failure sense data is set accordingly.
When a user accesses the SuperLoader via the front panel or On-
board Remote Management in such a way that would cause conflict with a SCSI command, the SuperLoader is put into an offline state. If a SCSI command is received while in this offline state, a not ready check condition is reported (SK=01 ASC=04 ASCQ=07).
Magazine Insertion/ Removal
The SuperLoader must be powered-on with at least one magazine, otherwise a check condition is reported (SK=-2 ASC=04
While the system is online, the user may remove a magazine blank and replace it with a magazine. The SuperLoader will calibrate the newly installed magazine and check the presence of tape cartridges in each of the storage elements. While this inventory is in progress, the SuperLoader LTO will report a not ready check condition (SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=01). The SuperLoader DLT does not provide any indication that the operation is in progress. Once the inventory is complete, all SuperLoaders report a unit attention (SK=06 ASC=3B ASCQ=13).
4 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
Automatic Drive Cleaning
Similarly, while a magazine is in the process of being removed, a not ready check condition is reported (SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=07). Once the operation is complete, by replacing the magazine with a blank, a unit attention is reported (SK=06 ASC=3B ASCQ=12).
While one or both of the magazine bays are open, a not ready check condition is reported (SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=03).
Maximum Temperature Exceeded
The SuperLoader monitors the ambient temperature within the system. If the temperature exceeds the maximum safe temperature
for the media, the SuperLoader will disable all movement until the temperature decreases below a safe threshold. While the temperature remains excessive, SCSI commands that require movement will fail (SK=04 ASC=0B ASCQ=01).
Automatic Drive Cleaning 1
There are two modes of automatic drive cleaning support available:
Host-initiated cleaning
SuperLoader managed cleaning
Both modes provide automatic cleaning of the drive, but the first is managed by the host and the second is managed by the SuperLoader. These two modes are configured separately, and only one should be enabled at any given time.
When automatic drive cleaning of the drive is enabled, either the host of the SuperLoader is responsible for all cleaning functions such as:
Detecting when a drive requires cleaning
Tracking and selecting cleaning cartridges
Moving a cleaning cartridge to the drive
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 5
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation Automatic Drive Cleaning
Determining when a cleaning cartridge has used all of its
By default, the SuperLoader is configured to allow for host­initiated cleaning. If automatic cleaning is disabled from the host, the SuperLoader can be configured to manage the automatic cleaning of the drive. This is done by enabling the “Auto Clean” function. Please refer to the Quantum ATL SuperLoader Automated Tape Library User Manual for information on how this is done.
Note: There is no way for the host and SuperLoader to know
In host-initiated cleaning mode, the host tracks all cleaning cartridges and their use. When the SuperLoader Auto Clean feature is enabled, a “cleaning slot” is allocated and the cleaning cartridge is stored in this storage element. The SuperLoader assumes that any cartridge stored in this location is a cleaning cartridge and will attempt to use it as such.
available cleaning cycles
how the other is configured with respect to automatic drive cleaning. It is up to the user to make sure only one is enabled.
The SuperLoader does not keep track of the number of times a cleaning tape is used. Instead, it relies on the tape drive to report when the tape has expired. When this happens, the superLoader will notify the user via the front panel. The Auto Clean function is automatically disabled until the user inserts a new cleaning tape and re-enables the feature.
Element Status Information
When the SuperLoader Auto Clean feature is enabled, the
allocated storage element is reported as inaccessible to the host. This is done by setting the access bit to 0 in the Read Element Status Storage Element Descriptor page.
Automatic Cleaning Operation
when the SuperLoader Auto Clean feature is enabled, the SuperLoader checks if the drive needs cleaning after each
successful move from the drive. Therefore, each time the drive is unloaded, it is checked.
6 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
Automatic Drive Cleaning
The movement of the cleaning tape is handled differently depending on the SuperLoader model.
SuperLoader DLT 1
If the move command, that unloaded the drive, was initiated from SCSI, the cleaning tape is moved from its storage slot, to the drive, the cleaning is performed and the cleaning tpae is returned to its storage slot, before command complete status is returned to the SCSI host. If an unrecoverable error occrus when moving a cleaning cartridge that prevents a subsequent host initiated command from completing, a check condition will be set in the returned status byte and sense data is set appropriately.
SuperLoader LTO 1
If the move command that unloaded the drive was initiated from SCSI, command complete is returned to the host when the move completes. The cleaning tape is then moved from its storage slot to the drive. The cleaning is performed and once complete, the cleaning tape is returned to its stoage location. If a SCSI command is received during this cleaning process, a not ready check condition is reported (SK=-2 ASC=30 ASCQ=03).
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 7
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation Automatic Drive Cleaning
8 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Chapter 2
The SCSI message system allows communication between an initiator and the SuperLoader for interface management and command qualification. Messages can be originated by either the initiator or the SuperLoader. This section contains a detailed description of the messages supported by the SuperLoader.
Message Format 2
A message can be one or more bytes in length. One or more messages can be sent during a single MESSAGE phase, but a message cannot be split over MESSAGE phases. The initiator is required to end the MESSAGE OUT phase (by negating ATN) when it sends certain messages that are identified in table 1
When a connection to the SuperLoader is established, for example the SuperLoader is selected with ATN asserted, the first message byte passed by the initiator must be either an IDENTIFY, ABORT, or BUS DEVICE RESET message. If not, the SuperLoader discards the message, saves no status information, and goes to the BUS FREE phase.
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 9
Chapter 2 Messages Message Format
If an initiator supplies an unsupported message, for example, COMMAND COMPLETE or a reserved or undefined message code, the SuperLoader returns a MESSAGE REJECT message and continues where it left off, possibly returning to MESSAGE OUT if ATN is raised.
Table 1 Message Format
The first byte of the message, as defined in table 1
, determines the
format of the message.
Message Code Message
00h One-byte message (COMMAND COMPLETE)
01h Extended message
02h – 1Fh One-byte message
20h – 2Fh Two-byte message
40h – 7Fh Reserved
80h – FFh One-byte message (IDENTIFY)
The SuperLoader supports the messages listed in table 2. The message code and the direction of the message flow is also included in the table (In = target to initiator, Out = initiator to target).
Table 2 Supported Messages
10 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
Message Message Code Direction
ABORT 06h Out
Chapter 2 Messages
Message Format
Message Message Code Direction
EXTENDED MESSAGE (Synchronous Data and Wide Data Transfer Requests)
IDENTIFY 80h – FFh In Out
01h In Out
05h Out
0Ah In
0Bh In
Extended message (figure 1).
Two-byte messages consist of two consecutive bytes. The value of the first byte, as defined in table 1
, determines which message is to be transmitted. The second byte is a parameter byte that is used as defined in the message description.
A value of 1 in the first byte indicates the beginning of a multiple­byte extended message. The minimum number of bytes sent for an extended message is three. The extended message format is shown in figure 1
Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide 11
and the data fields are described in table 3.
Chapter 2 Messages Message Format
Figure 1 Extended Message
Bit Byte76543210
3 to n-1
Table 3 Extended Message
Field Description
Extended Message Length
This field specifies the length, in bytes, of the Extended Message Code plus the Extended Message Arguments that follow. Therefore, the total length of the message is equal to the Extended Message Length plus 2.
A value of 0 for the Extended Message Length indicates that 256 bytes follow.
Extended Message (01h)
Extended Message Length
Extended Message Code
Extended Message Arguments
Extended Message Code The SuperLoader supports the following Extended Messages:
12 Quantum ATL SuperLoader Software Interface Guide
+ 68 hidden pages