Quantum 67ACW2-134, 67ACW2-134-C, 67ACW-134, 67ACW-134-C, 67ACW-417 Owner's Manual

Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Document Number : QDC0049PD-5 Page 1 of 33
To Suit 67AC
67ACW2-134 67ACW2-134-C 67ACW-134 67ACW-134-C 67ACW-417 67ACW-417B 67ACP2-22 67ACP-407 67ACP-407-C 67ACP2-407 67ACB-407B 67ACB-417B
Document Number: QDC0049PD-5
Date of Revision: July 2009
Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Section 1: APPLIANCE DETAILS ……………………………………………………..…..….….5
1a: Owner’s Details.......................................................................................................................5
1b: Installer’s Details....................................................................................................................5
1c: Service History........................................................................................................................5
Section 2: INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………6
2a: Model Code.............................................................................................................................6
2b: General Description ................................................................................................................7
2c: Inspection on Delivery............................................................................................................7
2d: Physical Data ..........................................................................................................................7
2d.1: Physical Data Table........................................................................................................7
2d.2: Dimensions.....................................................................................................................8
Section 3: INSTALLATION ……………………………………………………………………….9
3a: Handling..................................................................................................................................9
3b: Location ................................................................................................................................10
3b.1: Unit Placement.............................................................................................................10
3b.2: Service Access.............................................................................................................. 10
3b.3: Clearances.....................................................................................................................11
3b.4: Sound Isolation.............................................................................................................11
3b.5: Vibration Isolation........................................................................................................ 11
3b. 6: Damper for Centrifugal Fan Models ...........................................................................11
3c: Refrigerant Charge................................................................................................................ 12
3d: Water System........................................................................................................................ 12
3d.1: Water Piping.................................................................................................................12
3d.2: Flow Switch.................................................................................................................. 13
3d.3: Water Connections.......................................................................................................13
3e: Condenser Water and Water Flow........................................................................................13
3e.1: Water Flow ...................................................................................................................13
3e.2: Water Heater Applications ...........................................................................................13
3e.3: Pool Heater Applications..............................................................................................13
3e.4: Building Heater Applications.......................................................................................13
3f: Pool Heater............................................................................................................................13
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
3g: Building Heating...................................................................................................................14
3g.1: System Volume..................................................................................................................14
3g.2: Schematic of the heating system........................................................................................15
3h: Field Wiring.......................................................................................................................... 16
3h.1: Wire Sizing...................................................................................................................16
3h.2: Electrical Data Table....................................................................................................16
3h.3: Wiring Diagram............................................................................................................ 17
Section 4: CONTROL LAYOUT AND OPERATION ……………………………………...…...19
4a: Control Centre.......................................................................................................................19
4b: Control Operation .................................................................................................................19
4b.1: User Adjustable Parameters ......................................................................................... 19
4b.2. The Buttons ………………………………………………………………………...…20
4b.3. SET Button ……………………………………………………………………..….….20
4b.4: UP Button ………………………………………………………………………...…...20
4b.5: Down Button ……………………………………………………………………...…..20
4b.6 Programming Menu …………………………………………………………………...20
4b.7: Adjusting ……………………………………………………………………………...20
4b.8: Operating Principle……………………………………………………………………21
4b.9: Fault Codes …………………………………………………………………………...21
Section 5: OPERATION ……………………………………………………………………….....22
5a: Pre Start Up...........................................................................................................................22
5b: Commissioning.....................................................................................................................22
5c: Sequence of Operation..........................................................................................................23
5c.1: Start Up.........................................................................................................................23
5c.2: Shut Down....................................................................................................................23
5d: Thermal Overload.................................................................................................................24
5e: Equipment Protection Alarms (not available for all models)................................................24
5f: De-icing.................................................................................................................................24
Section 6: MAINTENANCE……………………………………………………………………...25
6a: General..................................................................................................................................25
6b: Compressor...........................................................................................................................25
6b.1: Lubrication Oil .............................................................................................................25
6b.2: Operational Noise.........................................................................................................25
6b.3: Frost on Sump ..............................................................................................................25
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6c: Refrigerant Sight Glass.........................................................................................................25
6d: Evaporator Fan......................................................................................................................26
6e: Electrical Terminals..............................................................................................................26
6f: Evaporator Coils.................................................................................................................... 26
6g: Operating Parameters............................................................................................................26
6h: Service Warnings..................................................................................................................27
6i: Thermostatic Expansion Valve..............................................................................................27
6j: Filter Drier .............................................................................................................................27
6k: Liquid Line Solenoid ............................................................................................................27
6l: Optional Controls...................................................................................................................28
6l.1: Hot Gas Bypass (for 67ACW- 417 etc).........................................................................28
6m: Trouble Shooting .................................................................................................................28
6m.1: Trouble Shooting Chart...............................................................................................29
Section 7: WARRANTY DETAILS FOR 67AC HEATER UNITS……………………………...30
7a: Terms of Warranty................................................................................................................30
7b: Items Not Covered By Warranty ..........................................................................................31
7c: Before Phoning For Service.................................................................................................. 31
List of Figures
Figure 1: Suggested Pushing Arrangement........................................................................................9
Figure 2: Suggested Lifting Arrangement .........................................................................................9
Figure 3: Clearance Requirements...................................................................................................10
Figure 4: Typical in Field Condenser Water Piping........................................................................12
Figure 5: Hydraulic Connection To Pool Heater ………………………………………………….13
Figure 6: The Schematic of the Heating System..............................................................................15
Figure 7a: Typical Field Wiring Diagram for Axial Fan.................................................................17
Figure 7b: Typical Field Wiring Diagram for Centrifugal Fan .......................................................17
Figure 8: The Control Components on the Left and Front Panel.....................................................19
Figure 9: Control Components In The Enclosure............................................................................19
Figure 10: Contactor Reset Button...................................................................................................24
Figure 11: Sight Glass Moisture Indicator.......................................................................................26
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
For future convenience, please fill in the following details and retain with your original invoice.
1a: Owner’s Details
Surname : …………………………………… Given Name(s) : ….………………………....
Address : ……………………………………………………………………………...…………
Town/Suburb : ……………………………………………………………………..……………
State/Territory : ……………………………… Postcode : ……………………………………
Date of Purchase : .….……….………………
Purchased From : ………………………………………..………………………………….……
Model : ..…………………………………….. Serial Number : ………………..…………….
Date of Manufacture: .……………………………………………………………….…………. (Details on Data Plate on water heater)
1b: Installer’s Details
Date of Installation : ………………………… Installer’s Name : ………………………..…..
Address : …………………………………….……………………………….…………….……
Installer’s Signature : …………………………………….………………….……………….….
1c: Service History
Date of Service : ............................................. Serviced By : …………….………………….
Work Carried Out : …………………….………………………………………………….…….
Signature of Service Agent : .……………………………….…………………………………..
Date of Service : ............................................. Serviced By : ……………….……………….
Work Carried Out : …………………………………………………………….……………….
Signature of Service Agent : .……………………………...……….………….………………..
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Quantum Energy Technologies
One of the World’s Most Energy Efficient Water Heating Methods
We thank you for your decision to purchase a Quantum Energy Technologies Heat Pump Water Heaters, one of the most energy efficient water heaters available, which will reward you with many years of low energy hot water production.
QUANTUM ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Pty Ltd designs and manufactures energy efficient Heat Pump water heaters. The simple way to explain the advantage of this heater is that it saves energy in any weather, even at night.
The heater may use 7kW of electrical energy; however, it is able to put up to 21kW of heat energy into the water @ 20°C ambient. The system can save up to 75% of conventional hot water energy utilisation; greatly assisting in the worldwide greenhouse gas reduction campaign.
As the name indicates, a Heat Pump is a machine that pumps heat from a low temperature source to a high temperature reservoir. It has a cold side to absorb heat at low temperatures and a hot side to deliver heat at high temperatures.
The Quantum system has an air coil as the cold side of the refrigeration circuit. This coil absorbs the heat from air that is forced through it by means of the fan.
This is your assurance that you have purchased one of the highest quality water heaters on the market, one that will provide continuous hot water for all your needs - safely, economically, and for many years to come.
Warranty Return Card
Enclosed you will find a warranty card - please fill in the details and return immediately. This will ensure prompt service under warranty, if required. See section 7 for terms of warranty.
2a: Model Code
With Booster Fan type. Default for axial fan, and C for Centrifugal fan Refrigerant, e.g. R134a, R22, R407C and R417A, etc
Heater and Heat exchanger type, e.g. W and W2 for Single and Double wall heat exchanger Water heaters respectively; P and P2 for Pool heaters without and with regulating valve, respectively; and B for Building heater
Compressor Nominal kW x 10
Air Compact i.e. all in one – no split evaporato
67 AC X -X-X B
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
2b: General Description
Quantum air compact water heaters are complete, self-contained automatic heat pump units. The units are completely assembled, factory wired, charged, and tested prior to delivery. Each unit consists of an air sourced fin coil evaporator, Copeland or equivalent scroll compressor, copper or Titanium condenser, and complete refrigeration piping. Liquid line components include filter/drier, sight-glass/moisture indicator, solenoid valve, and thermostatic or electronic expansion valve. Other features include de-icing device, compressor heater and liquid injection device(s) for overheat protection.
The electrical control centre includes all equipment protection and operating controls necessary for automatic operation. Evaporator fan motors are started by their own contactors. They also have inherent overload protection. The compressor also has solid-state motor protection for inherent thermal overload protection.
Protection: IPX4.
2c: Inspection on Delivery
Check all items carefully against the bill of lading. Inspect all units for damage upon arrival. Report shipping damage or submit a claim to the carrier. Check the unit nameplate to be sure it agrees with the power supply available. Units are shipped FOB factory and Quantum is not responsible for physical damage after the unit leaves the factory. For unit shipping weights see section 2d.1: Physical Data Table.
2d: Physical Data
2d.1: Physical Data Table
67ACW2-134 67ACW2-134-C 67ACW-134 67ACW-134-C 67ACW-417 67ACW-417-C
Compressor Copeland ZR108KCE-TFD or ZR108KC-TFD with oil recharge
Nominal (kW) 6.7 kW Oil, Drain/Recharge (Litre) ICI EMKARATE RL 46H, 3.1/3.4
R134a R417A
Refrigerant Charge (kg) 5.8 kg 4.6 kg 5.8 kg
Dimensions, WxDxH (mm) 1250 x 1200 x 1510 mm Unit Shipping Weight (kg) 416 kg 442 kg 392 kg 408kg 392 kg 402 kg
Optimal Water Flow (LPM)
70-90 70-90 80-100 80-100 80-120 80-120
Inlet/outlet Connections DN40 Copper DN40 Copper DN40 Copper DN40 Copper DN40 Copper DN40 Copper Max Water Pressure (kPa) 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa Duct Connection, WxD (mm) 600X500 mm 600X500 mm 600X500 mm
67ACP2-22 67ACP-407 67ACP-407-C 67ACP2-407 67ACB-407B 67ACB-417B
Compressor ZR108KC-TFD Copeland ZR108KCE-TFD or ZR108KC-TFD with oil recharge
Nominal (kW) 6.7 kW Oil Drain/Recharge (Litre) ICI EMKARATE RL 32H, 3.1/3.4
Refrigerant R22 R407C R407C R417A
Refrigerant Charge (kg) 4.6 kg 4.6 kg 5.8 kg 5.8 kg
Dimensions, WxDxH (mm) 1250 x 1200 x 1510 mm
Unit Shipping Weight (kg)
382 kg 380 kg 397 kg 382 kg 397 kg 397 kg
Optimal Water Flow (LPM) 90-120 90-120 90-120 90-120 Inlet/outlet Connections DN40 PVC DN40 PVC DN40 PVC DN40 PVC Max Water Pressure (kPa) 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa 1725 kPa Duct Connection, WxD (mm) 600X500 mm
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
2d.2: Dimensions
Model No67ACW2-134-C Serial No SUZ0027 Date of MfgDec 2006 Hot Water Generating Rate542 l/h Heating Capacit y22.10 kW Power Input (total)7.36 kW Typical Operating Amps15 Amps Max Amps20 Amps Voltage/Hz/Phase 380-420V / 50Hz / 3Ph Compressor6.70 kW ScrollCompressor OilICI EMKARATE RL 32H RefrigerantR134a Dimension (LengthxDepthxHeight, mm) 1125x1120x1510mm Weight415 kgNote: Rated at 25oC ambient,60oC.
Model No67ACW2-134-C Serial No SUZ0027 Date of MfgDec 2006 Hot Water Generating Rate542 l/h Heating Capacity22.10 kW Power Input (total)7.36 kW Typical Operating Amps15 Amps Max Amps20 Amps Voltage/Hz/Phase 380-420V / 50Hz / 3Ph Compressor6.70 kW ScrollCompressor OilICI EMKARATE RL 32H RefrigerantR134a Dimension (LengthxDepthxHeight, mm) 1125x1120x1510mm Weight415 kgNote: Rated at 25oC ambient,60oC.
Clod Air Out Clod Air Out
Models with Centrifugal Fan
Models with Axial Fan
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Trained, experienced personnel, who are familiar with local codes and regulations, especially concerning refrigerant release to the atmosphere, must perform installation.
Sharp edges and coil surfaces can cause personal injury.
Avoid contact with them.
3a: Handling
Be careful to avoid rough handling of the unit. Do not push or pull the unit by anything other than the base. Block the pushing vehicle away from the unit to prevent damage to the sheet-metal cabinet and end frame (see Figure 1).
To lift the unit, lifting slots are provided in the base of the unit. Arrange spreader bars and cables to prevent damage to the evaporator coils or cabinet (see Figure 2).
Figure 1: Suggested Pushing Arrangement
Blocking required across full width, 300mm
Figure 2: Suggested Lifting Arrangement
Pipe Slung Through Openings in Legs (2)
Spreader Bar (2)
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
3b: Location
3b.1: Unit Placement
Units are for outdoor applications and can be mounted on a roof or at ground level.
The location shall be dry and not subject to flooding at time.
Set the unit on a solid and level foundation. For roof-mounted applications, install the unit on a steel channel or I-beam frame to support the unit above the roof. For ground level applications, install the unit on a substantial base that will not settle. A one­piece concrete slab with footings extending below the frost line is recommended. Additionally, the slab should not be tied to the main building foundations. Be sure the foundation is level (within 9 mm over its length and width). The foundation must support the weights listed in section 2d.1 Physical Data Table.
It is preferable that the foundation has a 0.01 slope downward along the depth of the unit.
Since its operation is affected by wind, the unit should be located so that its length is parallel with the prevailing wind. If this is not practical, use field fabricated wind deflectors.
3b.2: Service Access
Each end of the unit must be accessible after installation for periodic service. Compressor, filter drier, and liquid line solenoid valve are accessible from the side of the unit. Compressor, high-pressure, and low-pressure controls are from the front of the unit, and motor protector controls are on the compressor. Most operating, equipment protection, and starting controls are located in the unit control box.
The fan deck with the evaporator fans and motors can be removed from the top of the unit.
Figure 3: Clearance Requirements
The recommended minimum side clearance between two units is 2000mm.
Unit must not be installed in a pit or enclosure that is deeper or taller than the height of the unit unless extra space is provided. The minimum clearance on each side of the unit is 1200mm when installed in a pit. The pit cannot be deeper than the unit.
The minimum clearance to a side wall or building taller than the unit is 2000mm provid ed no solid wall above 1800mm tall is closer than 3600mm to the opposite side of the unit.
for Service
Clearance for
Air Inlet
for Service
for Air Inlet
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+ 23 hidden pages