Quantum 6331121V3R2 User Manual

Quantum ATL P-Series
User’s Guide Addendum -
Prism FC230 Router
Introduction 3
Fibre Channel Description ...........................................................................3
FC230 Router Operation...............................................................................3
Key to Successful Configuration of the FC230..........................................4
Connect a Service PC to the Library...........................................................4
Start the FC230 Services Software...............................................................6
Upgrade the FC230 Firmware .....................................................................7
Scan the SCSI Buses.......................................................................................8
CLI Command Types 9
CLI Command Syntax 10
Number and String Entry...........................................................................10
Command Entry ..........................................................................................10
List of Abbreviations...................................................................................10
Fibre Channel Services Command List 11
6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2, August 2002 1
ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide Addendum - Prism FC230 Router 6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2 August 2002
2 6207947-04aN 10
ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide Addendum - Prism FC230 Router
6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2
August 2002

Introduction 0

In default configuration, the Quantum ATL P-Series tape library is controlled by a host computer through a SCSI differential bus that uses the SCSI-2 medium changer command set. There is also an RS-232 diagnostic port interface.
Through the installation of the FC230 Router with Prism Architecture™, you can easily convert the ATL P-Series library from a SCSI host interface to Fibre Channel. This document describes the FC230 router, including configuration procedures common to ATL P­Series libraries.
Note: The term “ATL P-Series” refers to the following ATL Tape
Library™ models: P2000, P3000, P4000, and P7000.

Fibre Channel Description

For a complete description of ATL P-Series library operating procedures, refer to the appropriate ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide.
Fibre Channel is a serial data transfer architecture for use with
computers and mass storage devices. Fibre Channel is rapidly emerging to challenge SCSI as the interface of choice for host-to­storage applications.
Fibre Channel advantages include:
Up to 500-meter connection range
1 GB/S data transfer rate
Support of up to 126 devices on a loop
Support of 24-bit addressing for over 16 million devices in point­to-point mode or fabric
Operating system independence
Interconnect flexibility
Full direct connectivity between all ports on a network, increasing the total throughput of all devices on a network

FC230 Router Operation

Once the FC230 router is installed and tested, the library operates exactly the same as a ATL P-Series library with a SCSI host interface.
Introduction 3
ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide Addendum - Prism FC230 Router 6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2 August 2002
The look, feel, and operation of the library’s graphical user interface (GUI) panel remains unchanged.

Key to Successful Configuration of the FC230

The FC230 must be configured using the on-board FC230 router Services software. The key to successfully configuring the FC230 Option is to know how many:
SCSI buses are present in the library
SCSI devices are connected to each bus

FC230 Router Configuration 0

The FC230 router configuration includes the following steps:
Connect a Service PC to the Library
Start the FC230 Services Software
Upgrade the FC230 Firmware
Scan the SCSI Buses
Caution: If there is more than one FC230 board in the library, be
sure to repeat this procedure for each board.

Connect a Service PC to the Library

Figure 1 Opening the Rear Access Panel (ATL P2000 library shown)
4 FC230 Router Configuration
To connect a service PC to the library:
1 Open the library back access panel (see figure 1).
Rear access panel
ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide Addendum - Prism FC230 Router
6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2
August 2002
2 Locate the RJ-45 connector on the top of the first FC230 board in
the library (see figure 2
3 Connect a 9-pin serial cable (PN 6312122) to the RJ-45 connector.
Figure 2 FC230 Board RJ-45 Connector
Serial cable (PN 6312122)
4 Route the serial cable down through the cable slot in the base of the
library cabinet.
5 Close the library back access panel.
Caution: If the panel is left open with the library power on, the
electronics will overheat and generate an error.
6 Connect the opposite end of the serial cable to the com port on a
service PC.
7 Turn on the PC.
8 Bring up a terminal emulation program on the PC such as
HyperTerminal or ProComm.
9 Set the PC com port operation as follows:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
•Parity: none
Flow control: none
Properties/Setting/Function,...keys act as: Windows keys
FC230 Router Configuration 5
ATL P-Series Library User’s Guide Addendum - Prism FC230 Router 6331121-03, Ver. 3, Rel. 2 August 2002

Start the FC230 Services Software

Figure 3 POST Output Screen
To start FC230 services software:
1 Turn on the library or cycle the library power.
2 Upon power-up, the POST output scrolls past the PC screen,
shown in figure 3
, and the services software is immediately
3 If the initial screen is not displayed, check the PC COM port
settings then power cycle the library.
4 Press <Enter> when POST completes and Ready displays. The PC is
now in command line mode.
If this is an initial installation, or a replacement FC230 board has been installed, the HyperTerminal screen may not display characters that are entered at the keyboard.
Note: Firmware version 2.11 or higher automatically enables
echo mode.
5 Enter the following commands to enable echo mode:
a Type set serialportecho enabled, then press <Enter>.
b Type saveconfiguration, then press <Enter>.
Wait for the Ready prompt before proceeding.
c Type firmwarerestart, then press <Enter>.
The POST screen displays and the FC230 services software is now ready for use.
6 FC230 Router Configuration
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