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1. Introduction
All products
1.1 How to use this manual
This user manual provides vital information for successfully operating your GPS. Not all
sections in this manual will apply to your GPS device. Directly underneath the title for
each chapter is a line that will indicate which products or options apply to the chapter.
Please refer to your packing list to determine which options and models are applicable to
your GPS.
It is very important that you thoroughly read every section that applies to you product.
Failure to do so may result in you receiving no data. Telemetry Solutions is not
responsible for any damage your products sustain as a result of not reading this manual,
particularly the instruction on waterproofing your GPS.
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1.2 Identifying the parts you received
The components you received vary depending on your model and selected options. Your
shipment may not include all of these components and due to the highly customized
nature of GPS telemetry there may be components you received that are not on this list.
1.1a Cables
Mini USB
This cable connects your PC to a Quantum base station or your PC to a drop off
mechanism. You will only receive it if you purchased one of these two products. All
drop off mechanisms purchased after January 1, 2012 will use the Micro USB cable.
Micro USB
This is the most common cable we will ship. It connects your GPS to your PC.
BNC/SMA cable
This only ships if you purchased a UHF Yagi antenna.
BNC/BNC cable
This only ships if you purchased a VHF Yagi antenna.
1.1b Waterproofing components
USB port plugs
These blue port plugs are a vital component in the
waterproofing process. They protect the USB port
from the other waterproofing components, and make
it easy to access the USB port to retrieve your data.
This is used with all GPS products.
RTV is a gasket sealer we provide to create a waterproof seal between
the USB port plug and USB port. It is used with almost all GPS
products. If you were to run out of this sealer you may easily find a
replacement at most hardware stores. However, if you choose to
replace this material on your own please consult to verify that you are using a suitable
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Plastic Coating
Primarily used with bird GPS and other tiny GPS applications, the plastic coating creates
a water-tight seal while maintaining a very light weight. This will ship in containers that
vary in size and shape depending on the quantity of GPS purchased.
Five-minute Epoxy
This is used primarily with small to medium collars. Its function is to protect the RTV
from wear and tear after the GPS has been deployed.
1.1c Brackets
The brackets will vary in size and shape depending on the
GPS device you purchased. They are only included with
1.3 Equipment
GPS collars come in all sizes and shapes. They may (but not
always) include the following visible features.
Remote download antenna
VHF antenna
GPS antenna
Weak Link
Closure brackets
Drop off mechanism
Battery Pack
USB port (not shown in photo)
Medium GPS collar
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Note: This collar is not a representation of all of the collars Telemetry
Solutions sells. Your collar may have some visual differences that are
dependent on what options were purchased and what customizations were
GPS pods are self-contained GPS data loggers that are designed to bolt onto existing
VHF collars. This allows you to keep using the VHF collars you trust while adding GPS
positioning to your study. We provide you with the brackets and necessary equipment to
bolt them onto your collars.
GPS pod with Remote Data Download option
GPS backpacks can be fitted on anything from birds to caimans. They are designed
specifically to meet your needs. Attachment methods can include glue, zip ties, tubing, or
any other method you have experience with.
GPS backpack with Remote Data Download option
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Quantum Remote Download Base Station
This is an essential component to our remote download system. It communicates with
your GPS collars to receive the data. The Quantum Base Station requires you to have the
remote download option on your GPS devices for it to be of any use.
Quantum Base Station
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Features Features
All products
2.1 Introduction
Everything Telemetry Solutions produces is custom-made. Therefore there are only a few
standard features and many optional features. Check with your packing list to see
which features apply to your product.
2.2 Standard features
• User programmable GPS data
logger with dedicated battery
• GPS Additional Time (not available
in Always on Mode)
• Temperature sensor
• Non-volatile memory
• On/off switch
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2.2a User programmability
You may choose to program your units in one of three different ways. Those choices are
template mode, repeat mode, or always on mode. Always on Mode is not available in all
units: see available options for more information.
Template Mode
Your GPS unit will attempt to acquire locations based upon a series of unique templates
that you create and schedule into the calendar. The user has the option to create up to 26
different templates.
Repeat Mode
Your GPS unit will attempt to acquire locations based upon a user determined fixed
interval of up to 48 hours.
2.2b GPS timeout
The GPS timeout is the user programmed period of time that the GPS will remain on.
Once this time period has been reached the GPS will turn off even if it has yet to acquire
a location. You can program the GPS timeout to 60, 90 or 120 seconds. The timeout you
set has a direct correlation to the success rate of your GPS location attempts.
2.2c GPS additional time
While the GPS receiver can turn off shortly after it acquires a satellite, programming it to
stay on longer will allow it to find more satellites and acquire a more precise fix. The
setting which allows this is called GPS Additional Time, and can be programmed by the
user to any number up to the GPS Timeout. The GPS Timeout is still the limit that the
GPS will remain on and will not be extended by GPS Additional Time.
: The maximum GPS additional time that is allowed is 120 seconds. However, after
much testing, it has been determined that any setting over 45 seconds is not needed and
will further use decrease your battery life.
2.2d Temperature Sensor
Your unit is equipped with a temperature sensor. Each time a GPS location is attempted
a temperature reading will be output from the temperature sensor into the memory.
Note: Whenever using GPS units with rechargeable batteries, please do not do anything
that may help to raise the natural temperature of the units when in the environment.
Placing the units in a hot car, on metal, in plastic bags, etc, may cause the units to
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overheat. Once a rechargeable battery gets to be above 60 degrees Celsius, major
problems may arise and your units may no longer be functional.
2.2e Non-volatile Memory
The memory in your GPS unit is non-volatile. This means that it does not require
electrical current to retain the data in the memory. If your unit has data and the battery is
completely devoid of voltage, your data are safe. The unit will not be capable of remote
download while the battery is drained, but retrieving the unit and connecting it to a PC
via the USB cable will allow you to extract your data.
2.2f On/Off Switch
The VHF transmitter is controlled by a magnetically operated on/off switch. Remove the
transmitter magnet from the unit to activate the transmitter. To turn off the transmitter
tune the frequency into your VHF receiver and replace the magnet on the VHF portion of
the device. Be sure to listen to the receiver so that you can confirm that the transmitter is
The GPS data logger is controlled by a magnetically operated on/off switch. Remove the
magnet to turn the GPS data logger on. Please note that removing the magnet from the
GPS will reset its time and it will begin attempting to acquire the time from a satellite
every 20 minutes until it succeeds. Connect the unit to a PC and click ‘Set time’ in Collar
SW to avoid this problem. If in the field when a magnet is removed, please have unit in
an open space where it may obtain satellite connection and set its time.
Color Coding and Magnet Placement
Most GPS devices built after June of 2010 include a color coordinated labeling system to
identify the correct location to replace the magnet when preparing the GPS for storage.
Note: As of May 2012, all backpack GPS units will receive a small white stripe
indicating the placement of the GPS antenna. This white stripe must be visible and
facing the sky when mounted on the animal or during testing to ensure receiving good
GPS data results.
Color Device
Green GPS only
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White VHF only
2.3 Available options
• Drop off mechanism
• Collar expandability
• Wireless, remote control data transfer
• Activity sensor
• Smart GPS sensor
• Mortality indicator
• VHF transmitter
2.3a Drop off mechanism
The key element to the drop off mechanism’s reliable operation is a very small actuator.
The actuator is securely held in the waterproof drop off housing. It is very important to
note that the drop off mechanism temperature range of operation is -40º C. to +50º C.
The drop off mechanism will not operate outside of this temperature range.
2.3b Collar expandability
For all orders that incorporate an expandable collar, the designs are customized and
should be considered experimental unless the end user has previous experience with the
2.3c User replaceable batteries
The feature is customized based on your needs. Remember the connection between your
GPS and your user replaceable battery must be thoroughly covered in RTV prior to
deployment to protect against water damage.
Warning: The user replaceable batteries have exposed connections. While handling keep
the connections away from any metal object.
2.3d Wireless remote control data transfer
With this option you may connect to your unit wirelessly using the Telemetry Solutions
base station. This system is on demand. The remote data transfer system uses the same
battery as the GPS module. There is no limit to the number of times that you may
connect by wireless, as long as the battery still has capacity. The base station uses a very
minimal amount of the GPS unit’s battery when connected.
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2.3e Always on Mode
Depending upon your programming, your GPS unit will attempt to acquire locations
every 5, 10 or 20 seconds. These attempts may be programmed to begin at some time and
date in the future. This feature is not available in conjunction with the activity senor
2.3f Activity Sensor
The activity sensor operates independently of the GPS and will record data based on your
desired specifications. It is user programmable to meet your needs. To learn more,
please see section 6.3. This feature is available by itself or in conjunction with the Smart
GPS feature. It is not available in conjunction with the always on programming mode
2.3g Smart GPS Sensor
The smart GPS feature influences the operation of the GPS based upon the study animals’
activity level. The purpose of the smart GPS feature is twofold. First, it may
dramatically increase the number of successful GPS location attempts output from the
unit. Second, it may dramatically increase the battery life of the unit. This is especially
important for very small GPS collars and backpacks. This feature is available as a stand
alone option or in conjunction with the standard activity sensor. It is not compatible with
the always on programming mode option.
2.3h Mortality Indicator
Your VHF transmitter is equipped with a motion detector. This will detect movement.
After a specific period of time (pre-determined by the user during the ordering process)
has elapsed without any motion detected, the VHF pulse rate will double, indicating
mortality. The mortality event is not stamped in the memory. Only available by request
for GPS units that include a VHF transmitter.
2.3i VHF Transmitter
Your unit contains a VHF transmitter that will be on from the moment you remove the
magnet from the transmitter from the white dot on the GPS unit. Consult your packing
list for the battery life of this transmitter. The VHF transmitter will help you locate the
unit and, via its motion detector, whether the animal is alive or dead.
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2.3j Solar Power
Solar powered GPS comes in two forms: with a rechargeable battery and without.
•Solar with rechargeable battery: With this configuration, ultra-light weight
solar GPS devices are possible. It uses a solar panel to charge a battery that in turn
allows you to get GPS positions during the night while relying on solar power.
There are two primary programming settings: day mode and night mode. With
this configuration, you can set your GPS to acquire fixes at a different interval
depending on the time of day.
•Solar without a rechargeable battery: With this option, it is not possible to
control the time or multitude of your GPS fix attempts. Every time when there is
enough solar power to do so, the GPS will attempt a fix. Because of the rapid
charging, it is cable of getting more than three times the amount of fixes as the
rechargeable battery option. Over the course of one day, in good sun, you may be
able to log over 250 positions.
2.3k Collar Auto
Collar Auto is an additional program that is not part of the standard GPS with remote
download package. This program is designed to automatically download the GPS data
from your Quantum GPS devices without the user being present. It will follow the
download schedule you create and retrieve the GPS data when a collar is within range.
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3. Collar SW
Collar SW
Collar SWCollar SW
All products
3.1 Introduction
Collar SW is the user’s interface with a Telemetry Solutions’ GPS. This software allows
you to program your GPS positioning schedule and retrieve your data.
With the user software you may easily set up your collars, backpacks or pods, create a
GPS program, edit the unit, upload program files, download data and determine estimated
battery life.
Note: If you are running a Chinese or Japanese version of Windows, you may need to
swap the operating system to English to allow the Collar SW software work correctly.
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3.2 Installation
3.2a Windows XP
1. On a web browser navigate to
2. Enter in your order number in the box and press Enter.
3. Download the user software.
4. Run setup.
5. Plug the USB cable into the computer and your Quantum GPS.
6. A dialogue balloon will appear in the bottom right corner of your computer. Click
on new hardware found and the new hardware wizard will appear.
If the balloon doesn’t appear, you can
access the hardware wizard by following
this path: start/control panel/add
7. Click No, not this time, then next.
8. A new dialog box will appear reading,
"What would you like the wizard to do?"
Click install from a list or specific location
then next.
9. The third dialog box will read, Please
choose your search and installation options. Choose don’t, search, I will choose the driver to install.
10. Direct the installation to the following path: C:\Program files\Collar sw\Serial
11. Click next
12. A box with flying folders will appear indicating driver installation. A dialog box
opens that reads, has not passed Windows Logo. Click continue anyway.
3.2b Windows Vista
1. Open the Control Panel
2. In the search field at the top right corner of
the window type UAC
3. Click on the link reading Turn User
Account Control (UAC) on or off
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4. Uncheck the box next to Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your
5. Click OK and restart your computer.
6. On a web browser navigate to
7. Enter in your order number in the box and press Enter
8. Click on the Collar SW user software and press Run setup.
9. Plug the USB cable into the computer and your Quantum GPS.
10. A dialogue balloon will appear in the bottom right corner of your computer. Click
on new hardware found and the new hardware wizard will appear.
If the balloon doesn’t appear, you can access the hardware wizard by
following this path: start/control panel/add hardware.
11. Click No, not this time, then next.
12. A new dialog box will appear reading, "What would you like the wizard to
do?" Click install from a list or specific location then next.
13. The third dialog box will read, Please choose your search and installation options.
Choose don’t, search, I will choose the driver to install.
14. Direct the installation to the following path: C:\Program files\Collar sw\Serial
15. Click next
16. A box with flying folders will appear indicating driver installation. A dialog box
opens that reads, has not passed Windows Logo. Click continue anyway.
3.2c Windows 7
1. Open the Start menu
2. In the search field type UAC
3. Click on the link reading Change User Account
Control Settings
4. Adjust the slider to the lowest possible setting
4. Then the following menu options appear: Refresh your PC, Reset your PC, &
Advanced Options. Choose Advanced Options.
5. Then the following menu options appear: System Restore, System Image
Recovery, Automatic Repair, Command Prompt & Windows Startup settings.
Choose Windows Startup Settings, then Click Restart.
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6. Now the computer will restart and the boot menu appears. Choose “Disable
Driver signature Enforcement” from the menu. Now windows will start and you
can do the installation.
7. On a web browser navigate to
8. Enter in your order number in the box and press Enter
9. Click on the Collar SW 2.09 link to download the installation file.
10. Once downloaded, run setup V209 and follow the onscreen directions.
11. Once complete, plug the USB cable into the computer and your Quantum GPS
unit. In a moment the Collar SW software should recognize the GPS unit is
Note: If the software does not immediately recognize the GPS unit, this is a very easy fix.
1. Click on the Start button on the lower left of the desktop. In the Search
Programs and Files box, type in Device Manager.
2. Once the Device Manager appears, click on it to open it.
3. Under Universal Serial Bus Controllers or Ports and Hubs, you may see
something that says it is an Unknown Device. Right click on this and select
Update Driver Software.
4. Click Browse my computer for driver software.
5. Direct the installation to the following path: C:\Program files (x86)\Collar
SW209\Serial drivers
6. Click next
7. A dialog box sometimes opens that reads, has not passed Windows Logo. Click
continue anyway.
3.3 Key terms
TSD files
These files are the saved data from your GPS. You can preview them or export them into
different formats using Collar SW. You may also open these files in notepad to preview
the data without having to run Collar SW
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TSC files
These files are the saved programming and configuration of your GPS. It is highly
recommended to save your programming before you deploy your GPS. You may only
view these files using Collar SW.
GPS timeout
The timeout is the time limit that you set for the GPS to remain on while it attempts to
acquire a location. Longer timeout settings will reduce the GPS battery life but increase
the percentage of successful fixes. Telemetry Solutions tests have shown that in open sky
there is no reason to ever program the GPS past 90 seconds. Forested habitat or extreme
terrain may warrant a 120 second setting. We advise you to test the unit in your habitat
prior to deployment to confirm this. If you have any questions please contact
NOTE: If the GPS has acquired a location prior to the preset GPS timeout, the unit will
shut down within five seconds. If you have set the GPS additional time to more than fice
seconds, the unit will continue to run either until the additional time has been met or the
GPS timeout has been reached.
3.4 User interface and functions
Collar SW offers many features, and not all necessarily apply to your product.
Understanding the user interface is a vital component to correctly programming your
GPS. This section will guide you through the interface and explain the uses of some basic
3.4a Home Screen
The home screen is the default page that opens when you run Collar SW. If you connect a
device to your PC while Collar SW the software will automatically direct you away from
this page.
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1. Connect to Collar or Remote Station: This icon will take you to the connect to
collar window. The connect to collar window is your interface with the
Quantum Base Station.
2. Open file: Click on this icon to open an existing TSC file for editing or
3. Create new file for Collar: This icon is used to create a new TSC file without
having a GPS connected.
4. Browse data: This icon takes you to the data screen where you can export or
preview data that you have already downloaded.
3.4b Menu Bar
The menu bar gives you quick access to vital features of the user software
Menu bar
File Menu
New Collar: This option will only be usable if you do not have any
Telemetry Solutions’ products connected to your PC. It allows you
to create a new TSC file for later use
Open: Use this to open a TSC file that you have previously created
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Open With All Parameters: This will open a TSC file with all parameters including
serial number, collar address, and other settings. If you use this option and save the
information to a different GPS then some vital settings may be changed. It is not
recommended to use this feature
Import Calendar: This will import a programming schedule from a TSC file and apply it
to the collar that is currently connected to the PC.
Close: Will return you to the home screen.
Edit Collar: This will open the edit collar window where you may modify temperature settings, GMT offset, and GPS additional time.
Exit: closes the program.
View Menu
Calendar (X): This will open the calendar page and display
only the requested information
Data From Collar: Will take you to the data page.
Settings: Directs you to the settings page
Graph In Calendar: This does nothing.
Collar Menu
The collar menu has two functions Upload and Download. The Upload
function will upload your programming into your GPS device, and the
Download function will download your programming from your GPS
Preferences Menu
This menu enables you to make changes to the sounds and appearance of Collar SW.
Help Menu
This menu directs you to our online support. Almost all common
issues will be solved by following these links.
3.4c Status Bar
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Black Bar
The black bar will display the status of the equipment that you have connected to your
PC. This table will explain what each status message means.
Status Meaning
A GPS or a Base Station is connected
Demonstrates a good USB connection
Will flash green when connected
Connected to a collar by USB
Connected to a Base Station by USB
Displays Base Station battery status
Will always look like this if a Base Station is not connected
Notification Window
The notification will display errors and warnings that apply to your GPS positioning
schedule settings. The errors will prevent you from uploading your programming into the
GPS, and the warnings will notify of potential problems but will still allow you to upload
your programming.
Not set template
Nickname not fill
Drop off is early
Calendar too short
Drop off not set
Battery life/ Schedule conflict
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3.4d Calendar Page
There are two main features of the Calendar Page:
1. Programming Window: This window is where you configure your
programming for both Repeat Mode and Template Mode
2. Calendar Window: This window displays a calendar where you can apply
the start date for repeat mode or apply the templates you have created to
specific dates. If you apply a start date to repeat mode it will not control the
actual start date of the schedule. It is only used for battery life estimations.
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3.4e Data Page
The Data Page allows you to download and export your data. It consists of:
1. Display Window: All of the data you have downloaded will be displayed in
this window. It includes a few basic descriptions to help you correctly identify
each data file.
2. Export Options: This feature enables you to choose several different formats
that you can export your data to. The formats consist of:
• LAT/LON ddd.dddddd
• KML: For quick viewing on Google Earth
3. Data Download Bar: Here you are able download the data directly from your
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3.4f Settings Page
The Settings Page includes advanced programming and configuration settings that may
be essential to your project. There also very useful troubleshooting features built into this
page. However it is very important to note that changing some of these values may result
in a malfunctioning GPS. It is only recommended to use this page in ways that are
outlined in this manual.
1. Collar options: This window displays battery gauges, current voltage,
charging progress if applicable, current time settings, and drop off trigger.
2. Service options: This window should be used with extreme caution. It is used
for troubleshooting only. There are useful functions for the user in this
section, but in general it is a good idea to avoid this section unless the manual
guides you through the correct processes.
3. Configuration window: In this window you may manually enter in certain
programming features. Every option in this window can be entered through
other means. It is only recommended to use any of these settings if the other
methods are not working.
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