Quantum 27ACP-407, 27ACP2-22, 27ACP2-407, 27ACW-417, 27ACW-417B Owner's Manual

Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Including Installation Instructions and Warranty Information
27ACP-407 27ACP2-22
Document Number: QDC0046PD-6
Date of Revision: July 2009
Document Number : QDC0046PD-6 Page 1 of 20
Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Section1:APPLIANCE DETAILS................................................................................................4
1a:Owner’s Details.......................................................................................................................4
1b: Installer’s Details....................................................................................................................4
1c: Service History.......................................................................................................................4
Section 2: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................5
2a: One Of The Worlds Most Energy Efficient Methods Of Water Heating...............................5
2b: Application Note For Pool Heaters - Heat Loss.....................................................................5
Section 3: HEAT PUMP OPERATION..........................................................................................6
3a: Quantum Heat Pump Pool / Building Heater.........................................................................6
3b: Principle Of Operation...........................................................................................................6
3c: Digital Controller....................................................................................................................7
3c.1: Description.......................................................................................................................7
3c.2: Temperature Display........................................................................................................7
3c.3: The Buttons......................................................................................................................7
3c.4: Set Button.........................................................................................................................7
3c.5: Up Button.........................................................................................................................8
3c.6: Down Button....................................................................................................................8
3c.7: Restore Factory Programming.........................................................................................8
3c.8: Error Codes......................................................................................................................8
Section 4: INSTALLATION DETAILS..........................................................................................9
4a: The Four Major Installation Steps Required..........................................................................9
4b: Installation Of The System.....................................................................................................9
4b.2: Plumbing Work To The Unit...........................................................................................9
4b.3: Heat Exchanger Must Be Plumbed Up Stream From The Sanitation System.................9
4b.4: No Requirement For External By-Pass............................................................................9
4b.5: Water Flow Rate..............................................................................................................9
4b.6: Chemical Balance..........................................................................................................10
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
4b.7: Cabinet Clearances.........................................................................................................10
4b.8: Electrical Connection.....................................................................................................15
4b.9: High & Low Pressure Switch Cut Out Settings.............................................................15
4c: Commissioning.....................................................................................................................15
4c.1: Temperature Rise Across Heat Exchanger.....................................................................15
Section 5: MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE INFORMATION.................................................16
5a: Air Evaporator Coils.............................................................................................................16
5b: Special Note On Heat Exchanger.........................................................................................16
5c: Table Of Parameters.............................................................................................................17
6a: Terms Of Warranty...............................................................................................................18
6b: Items Not Covered By Warranty..........................................................................................19
6c: Before Phoning For Service.................................................................................................19
List of Figures
Figure 1: Digital Controller Panel Layout.......................................................................................7
Figure 2: Dimensional Drawing for 2.7kW Pool & Building Heater............................................11
Figure 3: Hydraulic Connections To Heater..................................................................................12
Figure 4: Schematic Of Two Pool Heaters In One Filter Circuit..................................................13
Figure 5: Schematic Of Internal By-Pass (Not On Building Heater Version)...............................14
Figure 6: Exploded View Of Internal By-Pass & Head Pressure Regulator.................................14
Figure 7: Wiring Diagram..............................................................................................................17
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Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
For future convenience, please fill in the following details and retain with your original invoice.
1a: Owner’s Details
Surname : …………………………………… Given Name(s) : ….………………………....
Address : ……………………………………………………………………………...…………
Town/Suburb : ……………………………………………………………………..……………
State/Territory : ……………………………… Postcode : ……………………………………
Date of Purchase : .….……….………………
Purchased From : ………………………………………..………………………………….……
Model : ..…………………………………….. Serial Number : ………………..…………….
Date of Manufacture : .……………………………………………………………….…………. (Details on Data Plate on water heater)
1b: Installer’s Details
Date of Installation : ………………………… Installer’s Name : ………………………..…..
Address : …………………………………….……………………………….…………….……
Installer’s Signature : …………………………………….………………….……………….….
1c: Service History
Date of Service : ............................................. Serviced By : …………….………………….
Work Carried Out : …………………….………………………………………………….…….
Signature of Service Agent : .……………………………….…………………………………..
Date of Service : ............................................. Serviced By : ……………….……………….
Work Carried Out : …………………………………………………………….……………….
Signature of Service Agent : .……………………………...……….………….………………..
Document Number : QDC0046PD-6 Page 4 of 20
Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Quantum Energy Technologies
2a: One Of The World’s Most Energy Efficient Methods Of Water Heating
Congratulations on your purchase of a Quantum Energy Technologies Pool or Floor or Water Heater. Proper installation and service of your new heating system and correct chemical maintenance of the water will ensure many years of low cost heating.
QUANTUM ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Pty Ltd designs and manufactures energy efficient Heat Pump water heaters. The simplest way to explain the advantage of this heater is that it saves energy in any weather, even at night. The system can save up to 75% of the energy typically used by conventional pool or building heating systems; greatly reducing heating costs.
As the name indicates, a Heat Pump is a machine that pumps heat from a low temperature source to a high temperature reservoir. It has a cold side to absorb heat at low temperatures and a hot side to deliver heat at high temperatures.
In the Quantum Pool or Floor or Water Heater, the cold side of the refrigeration circuit is an air conditioning coil. This coil absorbs the heat from the air that is forced through it by means of the fan.
QUANTUM water heaters can save energy in countries all around the globe. They are used in all weather conditions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications, and are regarded as one of the most energy efficient water heaters in the world. This is your assurance that you have purchased one of the highest quality water heaters available, one that will provide pool or building heating safely, economically and for many years to come.
Warranty Return Card
Enclosed you will find a warranty card - please fill in the details and return immediately. This will ensure prompt service under warranty, if required. See section 6 for terms of warranty.
2b: Application Note For Pool Heaters - Heat Loss
About 50% of all the energy lost from a pool is from the surface of the water. If the pool is enclosed or uses a pool cover / blanket then the size and cost of the pool heater, as well its running costs will be reduced. The higher the temperature that the pool water has to be heated to, the greater is the rate at which heat energy is needed to heat the pool water. This will mean higher operating costs.
Document Number : QDC0046PD-6 Page 5 of 20
Owners Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
3a: Quantum Heat Pump Pool /Floor/Water Heater
The heat pump pool heater developed by Quantum is an extremely efficient method of heating a swimming pool, floor ,water or similar application. This new technology combines the direct energy gain of an air-sourced evaporator with the constant heat acquirement of a high performance heat pump.
The main components of the Quantum heat pump pool or floor heating system are: -
High efficiency heat exchanger (as hot side condenser) Air sourced fin coil (as evaporator) Thermostatic expansion valve Efficient rotary compressor
The heat exchanger for pool heating is made with Titanium especially suitable for chlorinated pool water.
The system uses the commonly available R22 or R407C or R417A refrigerant.
The 2.7kW Quantum pool heater is designed for domestic use but can also be used on smaller commercial applications.
The Quantum heating system produces an operating sound of a similar type and level to the outdoor unit of an air conditioner.
3b: Principle Of Operation
There is a flow switch installed which detects water flow through the heat exchanger. The Digital Controller has a time delay at start, this time delay is set at 10 minutes. Once water pressure has been detected, the Digital Controller will begin its time delay period. Heat pump operation will commence after the time delay period has completed.
The time delay is also activated when any protection device restarts the system, including the Digital Controller. The unit will be turned on or off by the Digital Controller, as part of normal operation, in accordance with the water temperature and the set point of the Digital Controller. When the Digital Controller, sensing a low water temperature, calls for the unit to restart, the time delay will again be activated and the compressor will not begin operation until completion of the time delay period.
Within 5 minutes of operation, the system will stabilise and it should be possible to observe a temperature difference between the water inlet and outlet of approximately 4° C to 6° C, depending on the ambient temperature.
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