Application Note
Installing a DLTtape or Super DLTtape
Drive into an AIX Sy stem
September 2004 6464181-01
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose and Scope.............................................................................................3
2. Installation ............................................................................................4
2.1 Before You Begin................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Installing the Tape Drive ......................................................................................5
3. Optional Attribute Settings..................................................................8
4. S pecial De vice Files.................................. .........................................10
5. Tape Cartridge Compatibility.............................................................11
6. Using a DLTtape Mini-Library............................................................12
Copyright © 2004 by Quantum Corporation. All right s reserved.
Quantum, the Quant um log o, and the DLTtape logo a re trad emark s of Quant um Corporat ion, r egist ered in the U.S.A.
and other countr ies. DLT, DLTtape, and Super DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corpora tion.
Other company and product names used in this document are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks
of their respective owners.
This application note is to be used only as a guideline for the titled subject. The user assumes all respo nsibility for
understandi ng the interrelati onships of this informat ion with other affect ed software or system products. Quantum
Corporation provides this infor m ation as a service o nly, and assumes no responsibility for any damages which could
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The information in this application note is subject to change without notice and is not to be construed as a
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appear in this docum ent.

Installing a DLTtape o r S uper DL Ttape Dr ive into an AIX Syst em
Revision History
Revisions made to this document are listed below in chronological order.
Document Release Date Summary of Changes
A February 2, 2004 Initial Release on ECO C009135.
B September 9, 2004 Changed title to include SDLT.
Added SDLT 600. ECO C011191.
2 September 2004 6464181-01 Rev B

Installing a DLTtape or Super DLTtape
Drive into an AIX System
1. Introduction
This document provides instructions for integrating a Quantum® DLTtape™ or
Super DLTtape™ drive into an IBM® RISC System/6000 running AIX® 3.2, 4, or 5L.
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This document pertains to the following products:
• Tape drives: DLT 2000, DLT 2000XT, DLT 4000, DLT 7000, DLT 8000, SDLT 220,
SDLT 320, and SDLT 600. (The SDLT 220 tape drive was formerly known as the
Super DLT1.)
Note: The instructions in this document do not apply to DLT 7000 and DLT
8000 series tape drives and all Super DLTtape products, if being used
on AIX 3.2. In this case, you need to obtain a specific patch from IBM
in order install the tape drives. The patch will allow you to attach wide
SCSI devices such as the DLT 7000 and the DLT 8000 to narrow host
adapters on RS/6000. T o obt ain the patch (PTF U429285), go to IBM’s
Tech Support web site: http://service.software.ibm.com.
• Mini-libraries: DLT 2500, DLT 2500XT, DLT 2700, DLT 2700XT, DLT 4500,
and DLT 4700.
6464181-01 Rev B September 2004 3

Installing a DLTtape o r S uper DL Ttape Dr ive into an AIX Syst em
Note: Some of these library products are no longer supported by Quantum.
Information on such products is included for historical purposes only.
This document includes the following sections:
• “Installation” on page 4 describes how to install a DLTtape drive in an IBM RS/6000
running AIX 3.2, 4, or 5L.
• “Optional Attribute Settings” on page 8 provides information about setting the
DLTtape device attributes.
• “Special Device Files” on page 10 provides a list of special device files that can be
used to select tape drive options (re-tensioning, rewinding, and density settings).
• “Tape Cartridge Compatibility” on page 11 provides information about SDLT and
DLTtape cartridge and tape drive compatibility.
• “Using a DLTtape Mini-Library” on page 12 provides information about using a
DLTtape mini-library.
2. Installation
This section describes how to install the tape drive and how to configure the AIX
operating system to recognize and communicate with the tape drive.
2.1 Before You Begin
Before you install the tape drive, follow these steps:
1. If you have a DLT 2000, DLT 2500, or DLT 2700 product, make sure it uses version
V10 (or high e r) controller firmw a re .
4 September 2004 6464181-01 Rev B