Quanta Computer WF2H Users manual

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Herausgegeben von/Published by
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH
Bestell-Nr./Order No.: Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany AG 1001 10/01
Important notes
Operating Manual
Preparing the workstation
for use
Working with the
Connecting external
Settings in BIOS Setup
Troubleshooting and tips
Memory expansion
August 2001 edition
Technical data
DPMS and VESA are registered trademarks of Video Electronics St andards Association.
Intel is a registered tradem ark, Pentium and Celeron are trademarks of Intel Corporation,
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft
OS/2 and PS/2 are registered tradem arks of International Busi ness Machines, Inc. Zip is a trademark of Iomega Corporati on. Bluetooth is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc., U.S.A. Macrovision is a tradem ark of Macrovision Corporation, USA. All other trademarks referenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
owners, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright ã Fujitsu Siem ens Computers GmbH 2001 All rights, includi ng ri ghts of translation, reproduc t i on by printing, copying or sim i l ar methods,
in part or in whole, are reserved.
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights creat ed by patent grant or registration of a utilit y model or design,
are reserved.
Delivery subject to availability. Right of technical modification reserved.


Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
Notational conventions ......................................................................................................................2
Important notes ...............................................................................................................................3
Notes on installing and removing boards and modules..............................................................5
Manufacturer’s notes.........................................................................................................................6
Copyright-protected technology .................................................................................................6
Energy saving............................................................................................................................6
Disposal and recycling...............................................................................................................7
CE marking........................................................................................................................................7
GS symbol......................................................................................................................................... 7
Battery storage..................................................................................................................................7
Transporting the workstation..............................................................................................................7
Before you travel .......................................................................................................................8
Transporting the workstation......................................................................................................8
Cleaning the workstation ...................................................................................................................9
Preparing the workstation for use................................................................................................11
Unpacking and checking the delivery...............................................................................................11
Switching on the workstation for the first time..........................................................................12
Connecting the power adapter and switching on the workstation.....................................13
First-time software installation..........................................................................................14
Working with the workstation.......................................................................................................15
Switching the workstation on...........................................................................................................15
Switching off the workstation...........................................................................................................16
Switching off workstation via operating system........................................................................16
Indicators......................................................................................................................................... 17
Key combinations....................................................................................................................21
Preparing the removable radio keyboard for use......................................................................23
Operating the removable radio keyboard for use .....................................................................25
Switching the keyboard on and off...................................................................................26
Operating the keyboard without a radio connection..........................................................26
Indicators on the keyboard...............................................................................................27
Touchpad and touchpad buttons..............................................................................................28
Display settings...............................................................................................................................29
Performing the battery learning cycle.......................................................................................30
Charging the battery................................................................................................................31
Monitoring charging time..........................................................................................................31
Inserting and removing the battery...........................................................................................31
Removing the battery.......................................................................................................32
Using the power-management features ...........................................................................................34
Hard disk.........................................................................................................................................38
Installing the battery.........................................................................................................33
Energy-saving modes of workstation .......................................................................................35
Operating systems with ACPI (Windows 98, Windows ME und Windows 2000)..............35
Operating systems with APM (Windows 95, Windows NT with APM extensions).............36
PHDISK (for Windows 98 and Windows NT only)....................................................................37
Additional power-management features........................................................................... 37
Inserting and removing modules ..................................................................................................... 38
Removing modules.......................................................................................................... 38
Installing modules ........................................................................................................... 39
Optical drives.................................................................................................................................. 40
Optical drive indicator.............................................................................................................. 40
Inserting or removing a CD/DVD ............................................................................................. 40
Floppy Disk Drive.............................................................................................................. .............. 41
Working with floppy disks........................................................................................................ 41
56k-Modem..................................................................................................................................... 42
Connecting workstation modem to telephone connection........................................................ 43
Connecting IEEE1394 (FireWire)....................................................................................................43
PC cards......................................................................................................................................... 44
Installing a PC card................................................................................................................. 44
Removing a PC card............................................................................................................... 45
SmartCards..................................................................................................................................... 45
Inserting a SmartCard............................................................................................................. 46
Sliding out a SmartCard..........................................................................................................47
Microphone and loudspeakers ........................................................................................................ 48
Fingerprint reader............................................................................................................................ 49
Property and data protection........................................................................................................... 50
Security functions under Windows .......................................................................................... 50
BIOS Setup security functions................................................................................................. 50
Setting passwords........................................................................................................... 51
Canceling passwords......................................................................................................52
Removable keyboard ..............................................................................................................52
Kensington Lock......................................................................................................................53
Connecting external devices........................................................................................................ 55
Connecting an external monitor....................................................................................................... 57
Connecting an external keyboard.................................................................................................... 58
Connecting an external PS/2 mouse...............................................................................................58
Connecting a serial mouse.............................................................................................................. 58
Using the parallel port.....................................................................................................................58
Using the serial port........................................................................................................................ 58
Establishing an infrared connection................................................................................................. 59
Connecting USB devices ................................................................................................................ 59
Settings in BIOS Setup................................................................................................................. 61
Start BIOS Setup............................................................................................................................61
Operating BIOS Setup .................................................................................................................... 61
Exiting BIOS Setup......................................................................................................................... 62
Troubleshooting and tips..............................................................................................................63
Installing new software ............................................................................................................63
Saving and restoring system files ............................................................................................63
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows ....................................................................63
The workstation's date or time is incorrect...............................................................................64
Battery indicator does not illuminate........................................................................................64
The LCD screen of the workstation remains blank...................................................................64
The workstation's LCD display is difficult to read.....................................................................64
The external monitor stays blank.............................................................................................65
The external monitor is blank or the image is unstable ............................................................ 65
The workstation does not start after switch on.........................................................................66
The workstation stops working.................................................................................................66
The mouse does not work........................................................................................................67
The floppy disk cannot be written.............................................................................................67
The printer does not print.........................................................................................................67
Acoustic warnings....................................................................................................................68
Error messages on the screen.................................................................................................68
Memory expansion........................................................................................................................71
Removing and installing memory extension.............................................................................71
Technical data................................................................................................................................75
Power adapter.................................................................................................................................77
Wireless Keyboard Product Specification ........................................................................................77


Your CELSIUS Mobile H is a versatile and ergonomic workstation. Innovative t echnology and
ergonomic design make this workstation the ideal user-fri endl y and reliable travel companion.
To simplify the init i al start-up of your workstation, one or two operating systems are preinstalled on
the hard disk (dual-installation). If two operating systems are preinstalled, you can select which of the two operating systems you want to install during initial start-up.
The energy-saving processor and t he energy-saving functions t hat can be configured allow you to
make the most effec tive use of the battery capacity.
Your WORKSTATION has 128 -1024 Mbyte of main m em ory installed, depending on the upgrade lev el .
Data is stored on a hard disk dri ve. Your workstation is al so equipped with a 3 1/2-inch disk dri ve. Depending on the model, your workst at i on is delivered with a CD-RW drive, a DV D-ROM drive or a combo drive (CD-RW/DVD). A PC card slot (CardBus or PCMCIA) enabl es the notebook to operate two type II PC cards or one type III PC card. Depending on the variant, your workstation may be equipped with an internal mini-PCI board.
Your workstation has connectors for external devices such as an external moni tor, a printer, and a
mouse. The ECP capable parallel port i s designed for fast bidirectional data transfer. You can connect peripheral devices such as a scanner, loudspeak ers, gamepads, keyboard, or mouse via the two USB ports. In addit i on, your workstation is equi pped wi t h a TV-Out connector to connect to a television.
For mouse control, the works tation has a touchpad with touc hpad buttons. An audio controller, two built i n l oudspeakers, and a built in mic rophone provide your workstation
with audio functionality. You can thus incorporate voice, noise effect s and music into your workstation environment. You can also connect an external microphone and an external loudspeaker.
The system settings of the workstation can be configured via the user-friendly BIOS Setup
programme. Certain system settings (e.g. screen display, energy saving functions) can be modified via various key com binations while you are using the workstation.
Your workstation has a number of security features to ensure that no unauthorised persons can
access your data. For ex am pl e, you can activate a s creen saver with password protect i on. The security functions in the BIOS Setup also allow you to protect your data by means of passwords .
This Operating Manual tells y ou how to put your workstation int o operation and how to operate it in
daily use.
Additional information on y our workstation is contai ned i n t he following documents:
· in the "Safety and Warranty" manual
· in the "Getting Started" manual
· in the documentation of the operat i ng system
· in the information files (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI, *.HLP)
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 1
Introduction Notational conventions

Notational conventions

The following symbols are us ed i n t hi s manual:
Indicates informati on whi ch is important for your health or for preventing
physical damage. Failure to follow the instructions m ay lead to loss of data, invalidate your warranty, destroy the notebook, or endanger your li fe.
Indicates important i nformation which is required to us e the system properly.
Ê Text which follows thi s symbol describes activities that m ust be performed
This font indicates screen output s.
This font indicates programme names, commands, or menu items. "Quotation marks" indicate names of chapters, data carriers, and terms that are being
in the order shown.
2 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619

Important notes

Most of the safety information is contained i n the "Getting Started" manual. Some of the most
important information is outlined below. The manufacturer's not es contain helpful informat i on on your device.


This CELSIUS Mobile Workstation complies wit h t he rel evant safety regulations for data processing equipment. If you have any questions, contact your sales outlet or our Help Desk .
Pay attention to the information provided in the manual "Safety and Warranty" and in the Observe the sections i n the manual marked with the sym bol on the left.
following security notes.
When connecting and disconnect i ng cables, observe the relevant notes in this operating
· Only use batteries designed for this notebook.
Do not store batteries for l onger peri ods in the notebook. Take care not to drop the batteries or otherwise damage their casing (f ire risk). If the rechargeable batteries are defective, they must not be used. Do not touch the contacts of the batteries. Never interconnect the posi tive and negative terminals of a battery. Used batteries must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations (special waste).
· If a lithium battery (but ton cell) is installed i n the notebook for real-time bufferi ng, pl ease note
that: The lithium battery may onl y be replaced by authorised, specially trained personnel. Incorrect handling may lead to a risk of explosion. The lithium battery may be repl aced only with an identical bat tery or with a type recommended by the manufacturer. The lithium battery must be disposed of in accordance wi th local regulations concerni ng special waste.
· All batteries contai ni ng pol l utants are marked with one of the t wo symbols below (crossed-out
garbage can).
In addition, the marking is provided with the chemical symbol of the heavy met al decisive for the classification as a pollutant.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 3
Important notes Safety
Cd Cadmium Hg Mercury Pb Lead
· During installation and before operati ng t he device, please observe the i nstructions on
environmental conditions i n the chapter entitled "Techni cal data" as well as the ins t ructions in the chapter "Preparing the works tation for use".
· When cleaning the device, pleas e observe the relevant notes in t he paragraph " Cl eani ng the
· If the workstation is brought into the installat i on site from a cold environment , condensation can
form. Before operating the workstation, wait until it is absolutely dry and has reached approximately the same t emperature as the installati on site.
· Switch off the works tation and / or the radio keyboard in hospi tals or near to an electronic
medical system. Do not take the workstation into an operating theatre with the radio keyboard switched on as the radio waves em i tted from the keyboard can adversely affect the functioning of electronic medical systems.
· Keep the workstation at a distance of at least 20 cm away from a pacemaker as its proper
functioning can be adversel y affected by radio waves otherwise.
· Switch off the works tation and / or the radio keyboard whils t driving or whilst on board a flight.
· Do not use the radio keyboard near to fl am m abl e gases as they can cause an explosion or a
The company Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH cannot be held respons i bl e f or radi o or television faults arisng from unauthori sed changes made to this device. Fujitsu Siemens i s, furthermore, not responsible for replacing and / or ex changing connector cables and dev i ces which have not been specified by Fujits u S i emens Computers GmbH. The user is solely responsible for repairing faults arising from such unauthoris ed changes made to a device and for replac i ng and / or exchanging devices.
4 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619
Safety Important notes

Notes on installing and removing boards and modules

Only qualified technici ans should repair the device. Unaut hori sed opening or incorrect repair may greatly endanger the user (electric shock, f i re ri sk).
Boards with electrost at i c sensitive devices (ESD) are identifiable by the label shown.
When you handle boards fitted with E SDs, you must, under all circumstances, observe the following points:
· You must static al l y discharge yourself before working with boards (e.g. by touc hi ng a grounded
· The equipment and tools you use mus t be free of static charges.
· Remove the power plug from the mains supply before inserting or removi ng boards containing
· Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges.
· Never touch pins or conduct ors on boards fitted with ESDs.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 5
Important notes Manufacturer’s notes

Manufacturer’s notes

Keep this operating manual together wi th your device. If you pass on the device to third part ies, you should include this manual.

Copyright-protected technology

This product incorporates c opyright protection technology that is protected by m ethod claims of certain U. S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporat ion and other rights owners. Use of t h i s copyright protection t echnology must be authorised by M acrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and ot her l i m i ted viewing uses only unless otherwise authorised by Macrovis i on Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.

Energy saving

If you will not be using your notebook, switch it off. Make use of the device' s energy saving functions (see "Working with the works t ation"). The
notebook uses less power when the power management f eatures are enabled. You will then be able to work for longer before having to rec harge the battery.
Energy saving under Windows If a monitor with energy saving features is connect ed to your notebook, you can use t he Screen Saver
tab to activate the energy saving features of the moni t or. Select the following item in the start menu:
Settings - Control Panel - Display - Display Properties - Screen Saver - Energy saving functions for the display. You can set additional energy saving functions in the start menu by selecti ng the following item: Settings - Control Panel - Energy - Extended.
Energy Star
The notebook from Fujitsu Siem ens Computers is designed to c onserve
electricity by droppi ng to less than 8 W when it goes into standby/suspend mode and to less than 3 W when it goes into OFF mode. With this level of power management, the notebook qualif i es for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Energy Star Computers award.
The EPA estimates that computer equipment us es 5 percent of all business electricit y and that this
is growing rapidly. If all desktop PCs and peripherals enter a low-power mode when not in use, the overall savings in electricity could amount to $ 2 milliard annually. These savings could also prevent the emission of 20 million tons of c arbon dioxide into the atmosphere - the equivalent of 5 million automobiles.
As an Energy Star Partner, Fuj i t su Siemens Computers GmbH has determined that this product
meets the Energy Star guidel i nes for energy efficiency.
6 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619
Important notes CE marking
FCC Class B Compliance Statement
The following statement applies to the products covered in this manual, unless otherwise specified herein. The statement for other products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a "Class B" digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference­Causing Equipment Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the follwoing conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may undesired operation.
The users manual or instruction manual for an international or uninternational radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorised modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting
cables and equipment other than those specified by Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH. The correction of interference caused by such unauthorised modification, substitution or attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
6a A26391-K113-Z120-1-7619
Important notes CE marking
Radio and Telecom Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC as per
- CTR21 (if fitted with a modem device)
- ETS 300 328-2 (if fitted with a 2.4 GHz band embedded wireless device)
- ETS 301 489-1 (if fitted with a 2.4 GHz band embedded wireless device)
- ETS 301 489-17 (if fitted with a 2.4 GHz band embedded wireless device) European radio approval information (for products fitted with EU-approved radio devices)
This Product is a Notebook computer; low power, Radio LAN type devices (radio frequency (RF) wireless communication devices), operating in the 2.4 GHz band, may be present (embedded) in your notebook system which is intended for home or office use. This section is only applicable if these devices are present. Refer to the system label to verify the presence of wireless devices. Wireless devices that may be in your system are only qualified for use in the European Union or associated areas if a CE mark with a Notified Body Registration Number and the Alert Symbol is on the system label. The power output of the wireless device or devices that may be embedded in you notebook is well below the RF exposure limits as set by the European Commission through the R&TTE directive European States qualified under wireless approvals: European States with restrictions on use:
EU Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France (with frequency restrictions), Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Accept EUIceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland
EU In France, the frequency range is restricted to 2446-2483.5 MHz for devices above 10 mW
transmitting power such as wireless LAN
Accept EU No limitations at this time.
The following section is a general overview of considerations while operating a wireless device. Additional limitations, cautions, and concerns for specific countries are listed in the specific country sections (or country group sections). The wireless devices in your system are only qualified for use in the countries identified by the Radio Approval Marks on the system rating label. If the country you will be using the wireless device in, is not listed, please contact your local Radio Approval agency for requirements. Wireless devices are closely regulated and use may not be allowed. The power output of the wireless device or devices that may be embedded in your notebook is well below the RF exposure limits as known at this time. Because the wireless devices (which may be
embedded into your notebook) emit less energy than is allowed in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, Gateway believes these devices are safe for use. Regardless of the power levels
, care should be taken to minimize human contact during normal operation. As a general guideline,
a separation of 20 cm (8 inches) between the wireless device and the body, for use of a wireless device near the body (this does not include extremities) is typical. This device should be used more than 20 cm (8 inches) from the body when wireless devices are on and transmitting. Some circumstances require restrictions on wireless devices. Examples of common restrictions are listed below:
1. Radio frequency wireless communication can interfere with equipment on commercial aircraft. Current aviationregulations require wireless devices to be turned off while traveling in an airplan.
802.11B (also known as wirelessEthernet or Wifi) and Bluetooth communication devices are examples of devices that provide wireless communication.
2. In environments where the risk of interference to other devices or services is harmful or perceived as harmful, theoption to use a wireless device may be restricted or eliminated.
Airports, Hospitals, and Oxygen or flammablegas laden atmospheres are limited examples where use of wireless devices may be restricted or eliminated. Whenin environments where you are
uncertain of the sanction to use wireless devices, ask the applicable authority forauthorizationprior to use or turning on the wireless device.
3. Every country has different restrictions on the use of wireless devices. Since your system is equipped with awireless device, when traveling between countries with your system, check with the local Radio Approvalauthorities prior to any move or trip for any restrictions on the use of a wireless device in the destination country.
6b A26391-K113-Z120-1-7619
Important notes CE marking
4. If your system came equipped with an internal embedded wireless device, do not operate the wireless device unlessall covers and shields are in place and the system is fully assembled
5. Wireless devices are not user serviceable. Do not modify them in any way. Modification to a wireless device will voidthe authorization to use it. 
6. Only use drivers approved for the country in which the device will be used. This Information Technology Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the following
European directives:
- EMC Directive 89/336/EEC with amending directives 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC as per
- EN 55022 Class B
- EN 61000-3-2
- EN 61000-3-3
- EN 55024
6c A26391-K113-Z120-1-7619

CE marking Important notes

NOTE: Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity on the last page of the manual.
Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
according to the Directive 99/5/EC (R&TTE)
Intended use: Notebook PC with Bluetooth keyboard
To be used in: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland,
Greece, Norway, Sweden UK, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland
Use may be subject to licensing
Usage may be constrained in certain countries
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 7
Important notes Transporting the workstation
Disposal and recycling
This device has been manufac t ured to the highest possible degree from m aterials which can be
recycled or disposed of in a manner that is not environmentally damaging. The devic e m ay be taken back after use to be recycled, provided that it is returned in a condition that is the result of normal use. Any components not recl aimed will be dis posed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.
Do not throw lithium batteries into the household waste. They m ust be disposed of in accordance
with local regulations c oncerning special waste.
If you have any questions on disposal, please cont act your local office, our Hotline/Help Desk, or: Fujitsu Siemens Computers Gm bH
Recyclingcenter D-33106 Paderborn
Tel: +49 5251 81 80 10 Fax: +49 5251 81 80 15
CE marking
The shipped version of this device complies with t he requi rements of the EEC directi ves
89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 73/23/EEC "Low voltage directive".
GS symbol
In normal screen mode (dark charac ters against a light back ground) the LCD panel satisfies the ergonomic requirements for the GS symbol.
Battery storage
If you do not use the batteri es for long periods, remove them from the workstation. Nev er store the batteries in the uni t.
Store the battery in a full y charged state. The battery should be stored in a dry area at a temperature between 0°C and +30°C. The lower the t em perature at which the batteries are s tored, the lower is the rate of self-discharge.
If storing for a long period of t i m e (l onger t han two months) batteries should be fully charged before storage.
To be able to use the optimum battery charging capacity, you should work in the battery m ode unt i l the battery is completely discharged, and then recharge t he battery.

Transporting the workstation

Please observe the points l i sted below when transporting your workstation.
8 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619
Important notes Transporting the workstation
Before you travel
As the removable keyboard is operated by a radio connection ,your workstation may not be switched on during a flight.
Switch off the key board al so (see chapter " Switching the keyboard on and off").
· Copy important data from the hard di sk onto a floppy disk.
· If you are travelling abroad, ensure that the power adapter can be operated with t he l ocal
mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate power adapter for your workstation. Do not use any other voltage converter!
If you travel in another c ount ry, check whether the loc al power supply and the specifications of the power cable are compatible. If this is not the case, buy a power cable
that matches the loc al conditions. Do not use a connec tion adapter for electrical dev i ces to connect the workst ation.
If you use a modem, incompatibilities wit h t he loc al t elec ommunications system may result.
Transporting the workstation
· Remove all data carriers (e.g. floppy disk, CD) from t he dri ves.
· Switch off the works tation.
· Unplug the power adapter and all peripheral devices from the mains outlet.
· Disconnect the power adapter cabl e and the data cables of all peripheral devices.
· Close the LCD display of the workstation so that it locks into place.
· If the notebook needs to be shi pped, use the original packaging or other s ui table packaging to
protect it from damage caused by mishandling.
· To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a carrying case to transport your
· Protect the workstation from severe shocks and extreme temperatures (e.g., direc t sunlight in a
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 9
Cleaning the workstation Important notes
Cleaning the workstation
Ê Switch off the workstation. Ê Pull the power plug of the network adapter out of the mains outlet. Ê Remove the battery.
How to remove the battery is described in the section "Inserting and removing the battery".
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this j ob to a service technici an.
Do not use any cleaning agents t hat contain abrasives or may corrode plastic. Ensure that no liquid enters t he workstation.
Wipe the casing with a dry c l ot h. If particularly dirt y, use a cloth that has been m oi stened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
To clean the keyboard and the touchpad, you can use disinfectant wipes. Wipe the LCD screen with a soft, moistened cloth.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 10

Preparing the workstation for use

Please read the chapter "Important notes".
Before you can work with your workstation, you need to charge the battery and install and c onf i gure the delivered software. The operati ng system and drivers required are preinstalled.
Upon delivery, the battery can be found in the battery compart m ent and is not charged. You need to charge the battery if you want to operate your workstation wi th a rechargeable battery.
If you use the workst at i on i n a normal office situati on, run i t off the mains using the power adapter.

Unpacking and checking the delivery

Ê Unpack all the individual parts. Ê Check the delivery for damage incurred during transportation. Ê Check whether the delivery agrees with the detail s in the delivery note.
Should you discover that the delivery does not correspond t o the delivery note, notify you local sales outlet im mediately.
Do not discard the original pack i ng material of the devices. Keep the original packing material in case you need to ship the equipment again.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 11
Preparing the workstation for use Unpacking and checking the delivery

Switching on the workstation for the first time

When you switch on your workstation for the first ti me the supplied software is i nstalled and configured. You should plan som e time for this, as thi s process must not be interrupted.
Do not place the workstati on on a soft surface (e.g., a carpet or soft furnishings ). The space between the workstat i on' s feet must be clear.. P l ace the workstation on a flat ,
stable, nonslippery surface. Do not place the power adapter on heat-sensi tive material. The workstation and the power adapter should be at least 200 mm apart. Keep other objects 100 mm away from the workstation and its power adapter to ensure
adequate ventilation. Never cover the fan intake or exhaust openings of the works tation or the power adapter. The power cable supplied conforms to the requirements of the country in which you
purchased your workstation. Make sure that the power cable i s approved for use in the country in which you int end t o use it.
The power adapter's AC cord should only be connected to a mains outlet i f the workstation is already connected to the power adapter.
Do not expose the workstat i on t o extreme environmental condit i ons. Protect it from dust, humidity and heat.
Upon delivery, the battery can be found in the battery compart m ent and is not charged.
Ê Place the workstation on a flat, stable, nonslippery surface.
Ê Press the release button (1) and open the LED display panel (2).
12 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619
Unpacking and checking the delivery Preparing the workstation for use
Connecting the power adapter and switching on the workstation
Use only the the power adapter provided.
Ê Plug the DC output connector on the power adapter into the DC input connector (DC IN) on the
workstation (1).
Ê Connect the power cable to the power adapter (2). Ê Plug the power cable into the mains supply (3).
The power indicator
Ê Press the Suspend/Resume button (4), and releas e i t again.
The Suspend/Resume button functions like an ON/OFF switch.
The power-on indicator
on the workstation should illuminate. The batt ery will charge.
on the workstation lights up.
After switch-on a self -test (POST, Power On Self Test) is automatically carried out. Never
switch the workstation off during the self-test.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 13
Preparing the workstation for use Unpacking and checking the delivery
First-time software installation
Leave the external power adapter connected to your workstation during t he i ni tial installation.
Once the installation has been started the workstation m ust not be switched off! During installation the workstation may only be rebooted when y ou are requested to do
Ê During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
Consult the operating system manual if there is anything unclear about the requested input data.
You will find further information about the system, drivers, utilities, updates, manuals etc. on the "CELSIUS Mobile Driver CD" supplied.
14 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619

Working with the workstation

This chapter describes t he basics for operating your workstation. The chapter on "Connecting external devices" has instruc tions on how to connect external devices
(e.g. mouse, printer) to t he workstation.
Please take note of the information in the chapter "Im port ant notes".

Switching the workstation on

Ê Press the release button (1) and open the LED display panel (2). Ê Press the Suspend/Resume button to swi tch on the workstation (3).
The power-on indicator
on the workstation lights up.
You can configure the Suspend/ Resume button under Start - Settings - Control Panel -
Power Options - Power Options Properties.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 15
If you have assigned a password, you must enter this when requested to do so, in order
to start the operating system password.
Working with the workstation Switching off the workstation

Switching off the workstation

Ê Shut down the operating system properly.
If the workstation is not switched off autom atically, press the Suspend/Resume button (1) and release it again.
Ê Immediately press the Suspend/Resum e button again once, and hold it down for approxi m ately
four seconds until you hear an ac oustic signal.
The workstation is swit ched off.
Ê Close the LCD display of the workstation (2) so that it locks into place.

Switching off workstation via operating system

How you can switch off your workstation via the operat ing system is dependent on the settings of the power-management feature. Addit i onal i nformation is contained in the section "Removing the battery" in this chapter.
Save all open files before s wi t ching the workstation into the Standby mode to avoid data loss when the workstati on rem ai n s switched off for a longer ti m e .
16 A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619
Indicators Working with the workstation


The following icons appear in the dis play field of your workst ation:
The meanings of the symbols are as follows:
Power-on indicator
· The indicator lights up:The workstation is on.
· The indicator flashes (1 second on / 1 second off):
The workstation is in energy-saving mode.
· The indicator is dark:
The workstation is swit ched off.
Power indicator
The power adapter is supplying power to the workstation.
A26391-K115-Z120-2-7619 17
Battery indicator
The battery charge state is indicated in the status i ndi cator panel.
Indicator PC card 1
The indicator lights up when a PC card di sk in slot 1 is being accessed. You must not remove the P C c ard from the slot when this indi cator is lit.
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