Quanta Computer WF1H User Manual

The modem can be operated in the following countries: Multifrequency (MFC ) dialling
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain.
Pulse dialling: Belgium, France, Holland and Italy.
Connecting notebook modem to telephone connection
Connect the modem cable supplied to the country-specific telephone adapter (1).
Connect the modem cable to the modem port of the notebook (2).
Connect the modem cable to your telephone wall socket (3).
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錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。
PC cards
Two PC card slots enable the notebook to operate two type II PC cards or one type III PC card (CardBus or PCMCIA) .
Installing a PC card
Consult the documentation supplied by the PC card's manufacturer and follow the instructions pr ovided.
Never use force when inserting or removing a PC card. Make sure that forei gn ob jects do not fall into the PC card slot.
Insert the PC card, contacts first, into the lower slot guide. The labelled side of the PC card must
be facing upward. Gently push the PC card into the slot until you feel it click into place.
Consult the documentation supplied with the PC card for information on how to install the necessar y device driver s.
For further information refer to the information files (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI or *.HLP) provided on the PC card driver diskette or the information in the operating system manual.
You can push the PC card slot eject buttons into the notebook casing. Press the eject buttons until they snap in.
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Removing a PC card
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Press the eject button (1). It will project further out of the notebook's case. If the eject buttons are
pushed in flush with the notebook casing, they must first be snapped out. Press the eject buttons until they snap out.
Slide the PC card out of the notebook (2).
The SmartCard slot enables the notebook to operate one SmartCard.
Consult the documentation supplied by the SmartCard's manufacturer and follow the instructions pr ovided.
Never use force when installing or removing a SmartCard. Make sure that foreign objects do not fall into the SmartCard slot.
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Inserting a SmartCard
Insert the SmartCard, contacts first, into the lower slot guide. The labelled side of the SmartCard
must be facing upward. Gently push the SmartCard into the slot until you feel it click into place.
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Consult the documentation supplied with the SmartCard for information on how to install the necessar y device driver s.
For further information refer to the information files (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI or *.HLP) provided on the SmartCard driver diskette or the information in the operating system manual.
You can push the SmartCard slot eject buttons into the notebook casing. Press the eject buttons until they snap in.
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錯誤! 尚未定義樣式。
Pulling out a SmartCard
Press the eject button (1). It will project further out of the notebook's case. If the eject buttons are
pushed in flush with the notebook casing, they must first be snapped out. Press the eject buttons until they snap out.
Slide the SmartCard out of its location (2).
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Microphone and loudspeakers
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a = built-in microphone b = built-in loudspeakers Your notebook contains a built-in microphone (a) and two loudspeakers (b).
If you attach an exte rnal microphone, the built-in microphone is disabled. The internal loudspeakers switch off when you attach headphones or external loudspeakers to the audio jack.
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The notebook is equipped with a fingerprint reader. Instead of entering a user password, you can also log on to the system with a fingerprint. Before you can use the fingerprint reader, you must install the driver provided on the CD.
Bluetooth Keyboard Product Specification
Product Bluetooth Keyboard Radio Specification [1] Frequency range: 2.402 – 2.480 GHZ
[2] RF output Power: Class 3 [3] Receiver Sensitivity: -70dBm at 0.1% BER [4] Cover distance: 3 meter (max)
Electrical Characteristics [1] Power supply: Transmitter board at keyboard site will be powered by
Li-ion 1100 mAh battery; receiver board at PC site is powered by
5Volt DC through USB connector [2] Power consumption: 80 mA max. (Transmitter board) [3] Visual indicator: LED indicators: Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock,
Battery statu s, Bluetooth connection status [4] Auto reconnecting:
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Automatically re-connect keyboard with notebook PC
[5] Batter life: 24 hour (20,000 times key press)
Intended use/purpose of the equipment
Type of modulation GFSK Channel spacing 1Mhz Designation of emission ETSI 300 328
Transmit RF power or power range
Duty cycle 625us Channel access protocol TDMA Duplex direction Duplex Antenna Type Micro Strip ANT
Reference standard or other specification
Notebook with detachable K/B which can wireless communicate Notebook
ETSI 300 826
-6 dBm ~ 0dBm
Peak Gain > 3dBi, <-5dBi Vswr<= 2 Return loss <= -10 dBm Bluetooth spec. V1.1
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Property and data protection
Your notebook enables you to protect your system and personal data in a number of ways against unauthorised access. By co mbin ing th ese o ptions, you can achieve maximum protection for your system.
Security panel
a = Security panel The security panel enables you to protect your notebook from unauthorised use with a hardware
password. When a Security Panel password is activated, the notebook will not start without the correct insertion of a password. The password is entered before the BIOS is read out and the hardware activated.
The password is requested from all suspend and resume modes. As a result, a security level is also provided with the energy-saving mode activated.
The Security Lock function can be used when the notebook is started from the Resume mode, when switched off and from the Save-to-Disk mode.
Password protection of Save-to-RAM Mode is also supported. This func tion can be deactivated in the BIOS Setup. In the Security Panel on Resume menu the default value is set to Enable at the factory.
It is possible to assign a supervisor password and a user password.
If you have forgotten your user password, you can use the supervisor password to reset the user password, and you can then enter a new user password.
If the security panel is active and you have forgotten both passwords, please contact your our Hotline/Help Desk.
The supervisor password must be set so that the notebook can be unlocked again, and so that a new user password can be assigned when the existing one has been forgotten.
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No passwords are assigned when the notebook is delivered. The passwords can be assigned with the FJSECS.EXE (supervisor password) and FJSECU.EXE (user password) programmes. The supervisor password and the user password can be assigned with up to 4 key entries. Multiple keys (1+2) can be used together as one key entry.
The supervisor password has to be set before the user password can be assigned.
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Assigning a supervisor password
The setup programme can be found under Start - A ddO n Software.
Enter the programme name FJSECS.EXE under Start - Run.
Click on OK.
Follow the instructions of the programme.
Assigning a user password
The setup programme can be found under Start - A ddO n Software.
Enter the programme name FJSECU.EXE under Start - Run.
Click on OK.
Follow the instructions of the programme.
Examples of possible password combinations
"1" + Enter "1" + "2" + Enter "1" + "2" + "3" + Enter "1" + "2" + "3" + "4" + Enter ("1"+"2") + ("1" + "2" + "3" ) + ("1" + "2" + "3" + "4" ) + "1" + "2" + E nter
("1" + "2") means that the key "1" and "2" must be pressed simultaneously. "Enter" refers to the Enter key of the Security Panel under the LCD screen.
Password erro r alarm
If a password is entered incorrectly three times, a one-minute alarm is triggered. If the correct password is entered during the alarm, the notebook starts up normally.
After one minute the notebook stops the alarm. The user must press the Suspend/Resume key to start or enter the Resume mode.
After pressing the Suspend/Resume button, the notebook is locked again; the user must now enter the correct user password again. If the entry is correct, the notebook will start.
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Security functions under Windows
Under Windows you can activate a screen saver and protect it with a password. Only those users who know the password can deactivate the screen saver and access any open files.
BIOS Setup security functions
The Security menu in BIOS Setup offers you various options for protecting your personal data against unauthorised access. By co mbin ing th ese o ptions, you can achieve maximum protection for your system.
Preventing unauthorised BIOS Setup entry
You can activate this protection by setting a supervisor or a user password in the Security menu (Set Supervisor Password/Set User Password).
Preventing unauthorised system access
You can activate this protection by setting a password in the Security menu. In addition, you must select the entry Enabled in the Password on boot field.
Preventing unauthorised access to the hard disk drives
You activate this protection when you set a hard disk passwords in the Ha rd Disk Security submenu of the Security menu. To do this, set the entry HD D password to Enabled and assign your password.
If set, the hard disk passwords are checked at each system startup, regardless of whether Password On Boot is set to Enabled or Disabled.
Preventing unauthorised access to floppy disk drive
To activate this protection, select the value Supervisor for the D iskette access field in the Security menu.
Setting passwords
A user password can only be set if a s upervisor password has been assigned. The supervisor or user password prevents unauthorised callup of BIOS Setup. Only those who know one of the two passwords can call BIOS Setup.
With the supervisor password you have access to all functions of the BIOS Setup. With the user password you only have access to part of the functions of the BIOS Setup.
The user password also prevents unauthorised access to your notebook. With the user password you can prevent booting of the operating system. Only those who know the user password can access the system.
Passwords can be up to eight characters long. All alphanumerical characters can be used; no differentiation is made between upper-case and lower-case.
Passwords are not displayed as they are entered. If you have forgotten a password, contact your system administrator or con t ac t our customer service centre.
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To set or change a password, proceed as follows:
Call BIOS Setup and select the Security menu (see chapter "Settings in BIOS Setup"). You must
additionally change into the Hard Disk Security submenu for the hard disk passwords. Mark the Set Supervisor Password or Set User Password field and press the Enter key.
You are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
Enter the password and press the Enter key.
You are asked to confirm the password:
Re-enter new Password:
Enter the password again and press the Enter key.
The new password is saved.
Notice: Changes have been saved [continue]
To prevent booting of the operating system, mark the Password on boot field and select the value
If you do not want to make any other settings, you can exit BIOS Setup.
Select the option Exit Saving Changes in the Exit menu.
The notebook is rebooted and the new password is effective.
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Cancelling passwords
Supervisor / User password
If you cancel the supervisor password, you automatically deactivate the user password.
To cancel a password (without setting a new password):
Call BIOS Setup and select the Security menu (see chapter "Settings in BIOS Setup").
Mark the Set Supervisor Password or Set User Password field and press the Enter key.
You are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
Press the Enter key twice.
Select the option Exit Saving Changes in the Exit menu.
The notebook is rebooted and the password is cancelled.
Hard disk password
To cancel a password (without setting a new password):
Call BIOS Setup and select the Security menu (see chapter "Settings in BIOS Setup").
Change into the submenu Hard Disk Security.
Set the entry HDD password to Disabled in the Hard Disk Security submenu.
You are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
Press the Enter key twice.
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Select the option Exit Saving Changes in the Exit menu.
The notebook is rebooted and the password is cancelled.
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Access protection with SICRYPT PC Lock
With SICRYPT PC Lock you can protect your system from unauthorised booting. Then a system can only be booted when the user inserts a valid SmartCard in the SmartCard reader and enters his/her personal code number (PIN). To use PC Lock you require the following components:
External or internal SmartCard reader
PC Lock installed (see manual "BIOS Setup")
There are two d i ffe r ent S ma rt Ca rds - th e A d min SmartCard and the User SmartCar d . These differ in their memory capacity. In addition to the access p ermissions, you can also save
other safety options on the Admin SmartCard (e.g. fingerprints with the Smarty 2 software).
PC Lock controls access to your PC. When a SmartCard is initialised, permissions are assigned for system access (system, setup, system+ setup, admin) . You can config ure se veral SmartCard s for one system and initialise them with different permissions.
In this way users can be divided into user groups. Users of a user group use SmartCards with the same permissions.
Additional instructions for PC Lock
Do not use PC Lock on systems controlled by tele-maintenance. If a SmartCard is inserted and the User PIN must be entered, an automatic system boot is blocked. For
example, this is the case with "Wake On LAN", or when software is to be installed via the network that requires a system reboot.
After you have initialised the first SmartCard, the entry PC-Lock can no longer be deactivated (Disabled) in the BIOS Setup.
If you also want to use other security software in addition to PC Lock (e.g. SmartGuard Pro), please read the documentation on your security software beforehand.
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PC Lock permissions
You can initialise a SmartCard with one of the following permissions: System The syst em sta rts following ent ry of the user PIN. You can change the user PIN. Setup You can open and change the BIOS Setup and change the user PIN. System +Setup The syst em sta rts following ent ry of the user PIN. You can open and change the
Admin The syst em sta rts following ent ry of the user PIN. You can change the user PIN
For instructions on how to install and operate SICRYPT PC Lock, and how to initialise SmartCards, see the "BIOS Setup" manual.
Operating the SmartCard reader
Operating the internal SmartCard reader
You can switch on the PC by inserting your SmartCard. If the SmartCard reader has been released, the SmartCard reader indicator on the front of the PC flashes green.
BIOS Setup and change the user PIN.
an the administrator PIN, unlock locked SmartCards, open and change the BIOS Setup and generate additional SmartCards for this system.
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Operating the ext e r n a l S m artC ard reader
After the PC is switched on, you will be prompted to insert your SICRYPT SmartCard.
Kensington Lock
a = Kensington Lock
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