You’re now connected to Verizon 4G LTE. Lightning
fast, Lightning strong. For more information, visit
REGISTER at to learn how
to use your tablet.
q Go to My Verizon
q Click Support
q Click Device
q Click Select Another Device
My Verizon allows you to manage your account, pay your
bill, purchase accessories & more.
Assistance is at your fingertips anytime at
Customer Service is at your disposal at 1-800-922-0204
or Prepaid Customer Service at 1-800-786-8419 or at any
Verizon Wireless Store.
A User Guide is available on demand—simply download at
NOTE: Not all features, apps or services may be available with your plan, tablet
operating system and software version. Please contact your wireless service
provider for more information.
Tablet Features
Front Camera
Status Panel &
Quick Settings
Recent AppsBack
TIP: From the Home screen, tap Apps then tap Help to see the user guide,
an icon glossary and more, right from your tablet.
NOTE: Devices and software are constantly evolving—the screen images and
icons you see here are for reference only.
Top Vie w
Headset Connector
Bottom View
USB/Charger Port
Back View
Rear Camera
CAUTION! Use only an approved charger to charge your tablet. Improper
handling of the charging port, as well as the use of an incompatible charger, may
cause damage to your device and void the warranty.
Tablet Side View
Power/Lock Key
Volume Keys
SIM Card Slot
MicroSD™ Card Slot
CAUTION! Your tablet is equipped with an internal rechargeable battery that is
non-removable. You should never attempt to open or disassemble this tablet.
Doing so may cause damage that voids your warranty.
Setting Up Your Tablet
Insert the SIM Card
NOTE: If not already installed, follow the instructions below to insert your
4G LTE SIM card.
1. Open t he cover to the SI M card slot and c arefully
inser t the 4G LTE SIM car d with the Veri zon logo
facing up.
2. Push the SIM c ard into the slot until it click s into
3. Replace th e SIM card slot cover.
Charge the Tablet
Before turning on your tablet, charge it fully. Be sure to
use the charger that came with your tablet.
USB Cable
Insert/Remove the Optional MicroSD Card*
To Insert the MicroSD card:
1. Open t he cover to the MicroSD card slot .
2. With the go ld contact s facing down, care fully push
the Mic roSD card into the slot (as shown) u ntil it
clicks into place.
3. Replace th e MicroSD car d cover.
To remove the MicroSD card:
1. Open t he cover to the MicroSD card slot .
2. Push the me mory car d inward to rele ase and
carefully slide the ca rd out of the MicroSD card slot .
3. Replace th e MicroSD car d cover.
*MicroSD card sold separately.
Turning Your Tablet On/Off
q To turn your tablet on, pres s and hold the
Power/Lock key for a cou ple of seconds until
the sc reen light s up.
q To turn your tablet off, press a nd hold the
Power/Lock key until t he tablet options ar e
displayed. Tap Power off > OK .
Unlocking the Screen
1. Press the Power/Lock key to tur n on your
screen. Your Lock Screen will appear.
2. From the cen ter of the scre en, swipe in any dire ction
to unlock it.
Setting Up Your Google Account
Your Gmail™, Google™ contacts, and Google calendar
events can all be loaded to your tablet automatically.
Follow the onscreen instructions to quickly set up your
Gmail account.
Record your Google account information here. Please keep
this document in a safe place.
Setting Up Other Email Accounts
To add additional email accounts, tap Apps´Settings´ + Add account. Tap one of the options
and enter your email address, password, and any other
necessary information.
q Corporate is for E xchange ser ver work email
q Email is for mo st personal email ac counts. Fo r
accou nt details, c ontact th e account pr ovider.
q Google is for adding oth er Gmail accounts.
Wi-Fi® Enhanced Connectivity
When you launch an Internet-capable app, like the
browser, your tablet scans for available Wi-Fi networks
even when Wi-Fi is turned off, and gives you the option of
connecting to an available Wi-Fi network. You can save on
your monthly data allowance by using a Wi-Fi connection
instead of the Verizon network.
Connecting Your Bluetooth® Devices
1. From the Home screen, tap Apps´
Settings´ Bluetooth.
2. Slide the Blu etooth swi tch from OFF to
3. The table t will automaticall y scan for nea rby
Bluetooth devices.
4. Tap the name of the device you want to pair with yo ur
NOTE: Depending on the type of device you are pairing with, you will be asked
to enter a passkey, confirm matching passkeys, or the device will automatically
Prepaid Tablet Service
Verizon Wireless offers month to month, pay as you go
4G LTE Mobile Broadband service that puts you in charge
of your Internet access on your tablet. Surf the web at
blazing speeds and enjoy thousands of apps with the
freedom of no long-term contract, no activation fees, and
no termination fees. Easily manage your account directly
from the Settings menu of your tablet. All of our data
plans require a credit card or select debit cards and will
automatically renew every month unless canceled.
Activating Your Prepaid Device
1. Make sure your SIM c ard is inser ted.
2. With the device pow ered on, from the Pay as you go
scree n in the Setu p wizard, select Sign up.
3. You will a utomatic ally be direc ted to My Verizon.
4. Selec t a data plan an d follow the ins tructio ns to
create and activate your account.
5. You will receive a c onfirmat ion email whe n
registrat ion is complete and your data plan is active.
NOTE: Subject to specific terms of use. For coverage details,
Apps & More
Play it up with music, videos, wallpapers, apps and games.
Keep up with Twitter™ and Facebook.
Installing Apps
Hundreds of thousands of apps are available to download
from Google Play.
From the Home Screen, tap Play Store .
Web Browsing
Take the Internet with you on the go. You can reach the
latest news, get the weather and follow your stocks.
From the Home Screen, tap Chrome.
Location Based Services
This tablet can determine its location, which is useful for
services such as navigation, shopping and weather.
To use Location Based Services:
From the Home Screen, tap Apps´ Settings ´Location access.
Your wireless device can determine its (and your) physical, geographical location
(“Location Information”) and can associate Location Information with other
data. Additionally, certain applications, services and programs are capable of
accessing, collecting, storing and using Location Information and disclosing
Location Information to others. You should use caution when determining
whether or not Location Information should be made available to others and
you should review any applicable third party policies before providing access.
To limit potential unauthorized access to your Location Information, Verizon
Wireless offers various mechanisms and settings to manage access to location
data. By enabling location settings you are permitting third party access to
Location Information through software, widgets or peripheral components
you choose to download, add or attach to your wireless device or through web
access, messaging capabilities or other means and you are authorizing Verizon
Wireless to collect, use and disclose your Location Information as appropriate to
provide you with any location services that you enabled.
VZ Navigator®
Get premium GPS voice navigation and 3D
maps with spoken real-time traffic alerts. Find
movie times, event info and gas stations. Go to
Customer Information
Your Wireless Device and Third Party Services
Verizon Wireless is the mobile carrier associated with
this wireless device, but many services and features
offered through this wireless device are provided by or
in conjunction with third parties. Verizon Wireless is not
responsible for your use of this wireless device or any
non-Verizon Wireless applications, services and products
including any personal information you choose to use,
submit or share with others. Specific third party terms and
conditions, terms of use, and privacy policies shall apply.
Please review carefully all applicable terms and conditions
and policies prior to using this wireless device and any
associated application, product or service.
About Radio
Emissions &
Consumer Information
Are Wi reless Phon es and Device s Safe?
Scientific research on the subject of wireless
devices and radio freq uency (“ RF”) ene rgy has
been co nducted w orldwide fo r many years , and
continues . In the United States, t he Food and
Drug Adminis tration (“FDA”) an d the Federal
Communications Commission (“FCC”) set policies and
proce dures for wi reless device s. The FDA issu ed a
website public ation on health issu es related to cell
phon e usage where it states that , while resea rch is
ongoing, “available scientific evidence—including
World He alth Organ ization [ “WHO” ] findings [in t he
Inter phone study] released Ma y 17, 2010—shows
no increased h ealth risk d ue to radiofrequen cy (RF)
ener gy, a form of electromagne tic radiation that
is emit ted by cell pho nes.” The FDA al so cites a
separate National Cancer Institute program finding
that , despite the drama tic increase in cell pho ne
use, occurre nces of brain c ancer did not i ncrease
bet ween 1987 and 2 005. You can access t he FDA
website at
ConsumerUpdates/ucm212273.htm. You can also
conta ct the FDA toll-f ree at (888) 463-6332 or (888)
INFO-FDA. T he FCC has its ow n website publicatio n
stating tha t “[t]here i s no scientific evidence that
proves that wi reless phon e usage can lea d to cancer
or other problems, including headaches, dizziness
or memory loss.” This publication is available at or t hrough
the FCC at (8 88) 225- 5322 or (88 8) CALL-FCC.
The Na tional Cancer Institute ( “NCI”) s tates that
conce rns about t he potential healt h effect s
of using cellular phone s—“and specifically the
sug gestion that using a cell phon e may increas e a
pers on’s risk of developing brain ca ncer —are not
supported by a grow ing body of research on the
subject.” You can access NCI’s review of the research
NCI_Cancer_Bulletin_092308/page7. The WHO’s
Inter phone study is th e largest study of c ell phone
use and brain tu mors ever under taken. WHO
summarized its conclusions concerning Interphone
as follows: “O verall, no in crease in ris k of glioma or
menin gioma was observed with u se of mobile pho nes.
Ther e were suggestion s of an increased risk of
glioma at the hi ghest exposure levels, b ut biases and
erro r prevent a causal interpre tation. T he possible
effects of long-term heav y use of mobile phone s
requi re furth er investigation .” The WHO’s commen ts
on Inte rphone ar e available at : http://www.iarc.
What D oes Specif ic Absorpt ion Rate (SAR) Me an?
In 1996, the FCC, working with th e FDA, the U.S . Environmental Prote ction Agency (EPA) an d other agen cies,
established RF exposure safet y guidelines for wire less
devices in the U nited States. Before a wireless device
model i s available for sale to th e public, it must be tes ted by
the ma nufacturer an d certified t o the FCC that it does not
exceed limits established by the FCC.
One of t hese limits i s expresse d as a Specific Ab sorption
Rate, o r “SAR.” SA R is a measure of the rate of absorption of
RF ene rgy in the b ody. Tests f or SAR are conducted with t he
wireless device trans mitting a t its highest power level in all
teste d frequenc y bands. Since 1996 , the FCC has requ ired
that t he SAR of hand held wireles s devices not e xceed 1.6
wat ts per kilogr am, averaged over on e gram of tiss ue.
Although the SAR is determined at t he highes t power level,
the ac tual SAR val ue of a wireless device w hile operating
can be le ss than the re ported SA R value. This is because the
SAR val ue may vary f rom call to call , dependin g on factor s
such as p roximity to a cell site, t he proximit y of the wireless
device to the body while i n use, and the u se of hands-fr ee
For mor e information abo ut SARs, se e the FCC’s
OET Bu lletins 56 (
oet56e4.pdf) and 65 (
oet65.pdf). You may al so wish to contact th e manufac turer
of your w ireless device.
Can I Min imize My RF E xposure W hile Using My Phone or
If you ar e concerne d about RF, there ar e several simple
steps y ou can take to minimize y our RF expo sure. You
can, o f course, re duce your tal k time. You can place m ore
dista nce betwe en your body a nd the source of the R F, as
the exposure level drops off dramatically with distance.
The FDA /FCC website s tates that “ [h]ands-fr ee kits can be
used with wire less devices f or convenience and co mfort.
Thes e systems reduce absorpt ion of RF ener gy in the he ad
because the p hone, which is a sour ce of the RF emi ssions,
will not be placed agains t the head. O n the other hand, if
the ph one is moun ted against t he waist or ot her part of
the bo dy during use, then that pa rt of the body will absorb
more R F energy. Wi reless phones marke ted in the U.S .
are required to meet safety requirements regardless of
whet her they are used aga inst the hea d or against t he body.
Either confi guration s hould resul t in compliance with t he
safety limi t.” Also, if you u se your wireless device while in
a car, you can use a wire less device wi th an antenna on the
outs ide of the vehic le. You shou ld also read an d follow your
wireless device manu facture r’s instr uc t ions for the s afe
operation of your wire less device.
Do Wireless Phones Pose Any Special Ris ks to Childre n?
The FDA website states that “[t ]he scientific evidence
does not show a da nger to any users of cell phone s from
RF exposure, including children an d teenager s.” The FDA
website fur ther state s that “[s]o me groups sponsored by
other national governments have advised that children
be dis cour aged from usi ng cell phones at all. Fo r example,
the Stew art Repor t from the U nited Kingdom [“U K”] made
such a re com men dation in De cember 2000. In this report
a grou p of indepen dent expe rts noted t hat no evide nce
exis ts that using a cell phon e causes bra in tumors o r other
ill effects. [The U K’s] recomme ndation to limit cell ph one use
by child ren was stric tly preca utionar y; it was not ba sed on
scien tific evidence that a ny health ha zard exist s.” A copy of
the UK ’s leaflet is available at (search
“mobile”), or you can write to: NRPB, Chilto n, Didcot, O xon
OX11 0RQ , United Kingdom. Co pies of UK’s annual rep orts
on mobile phones and RF a re available o nline at http://www. and (search
“mobile”). Parents who wish to red uce their children’s RF
exposure may choose to restrict their children’s wireless
device use.
Wher e Can I Get Further In formatio n about RF Emissions?
For furthe r information, see the following a dditional
resou rces (websites curr ent as of August 2012).
U.S. Food and Dr ug Administration
FDA Consumer Magazine,
November–December 2000
Telephone: 1-888-INFO-FDA (Under “c” i n the subjec t index, se lect
Cell Phones > Current Research Results.)
American National Standards Institute
1819 L Street , N.W., Suite 600,
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: 1-202-29 3-8020
Drive Responsibly
When b ehind the wheel, s afe drivin g is your respo n sibility
and it should always be yo ur first prio rity.
Scien tific resear ch on the subject of wireless p hone use
and driving has been conducted worldwide for several
years. According to th e National Hi ghway Traffic S afety
Administration (NHTSA), the available research indicates
that using a wir eless phone w hile drivin g degrades a driver ’s
performance, whether it is a hands-free or hand-held
wireless phon e. NHTSA advises t hat the “saf est course o f
action is to refrain from using a cell phone while d riving.”
NHTSA’s policy on “ Cell Phone Use While Dr iving,” as well as
Frequ ently Asked Q uestions o n the subjec t, are availa ble
at (click on “Driving Safety” then on
“Distracted Driving”).
For your well bein g and the well be ing of those a round you,
you sho uld consider t urning you r phone off and allow ing
calls to go to Voice Mail while you ar e driving .
If you ch oose to use you r wireless ph one while dri ving,
several juris dictions have adop ted “hands-f ree” and other
rest rictions on the use of wireless device s while driving. It
is your r esponsibility to k now and to comply with the law in
your area.