Quanta Computer M3AWEB User Manual

Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN & AC’97 Modem 3A Mini PCI Adapter
Product Specification

“Trilogy 3” MPCI

Version 1.2
March 25
, 2002
Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification
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Intel Confidential – Controlled Access
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 6
TRILOGY 3 PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 6
DOCUMENT PURPOSE................................................................................................... 6
KEY FEATURES ..............................................................................................................6
WHAT’S NOT SUPPORTED ............................................................................................ 7
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 7
Device Specifications ..................................................................................................... 7
External References........................................................................................................ 7
WLAN SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................. 8
WLAN BLOCK DIAGRAM ...............................................................................................8
WLAN COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................... 9
WLAN TRANSMITTER PATH.......................................................................................... 9
WLAN RECEIVE PATH.................................................................................................... 9
WLAN MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL......................................................................... 9
WLAN FREQUENCY GENERATION............................................................................. 10
WLAN HARDWARE ENVIRONMENT ...........................................................................10
Overview ........................................................................................................................10
Card Dimensions........................................................................................................... 10
External Indicator Signaling......................................................................................... 11
WLAN Operating Channels .......................................................................................... 11
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification
WLAN Modulation and Channel Data Rates ............................................................... 12
WLAN Electrical Specifications ...................................................................................12
WLAN POWER REQUIREMENTS................................................................................. 12
MODEM SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................. 13
MODEM BLOCK DIAGRAM ..........................................................................................13
MODEM HARDWARE ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................14
Data Mode Capabilities................................................................................................. 14
FAX Mode Capabilities .................................................................................................14
Modem Configuration ...................................................................................................14
MODEM POWER REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................. 14
ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE............................................................................ 15
REGULATORY ...............................................................................................................15
ETHERNET SOFTWARE DRIVER AND FEATURE SET .............................................. 16
Software Support .......................................................................................................... 16
Ethernet Features.......................................................................................................... 16
Data Link Layers ...........................................................................................................16
Protocol Support........................................................................................................... 16
Support Software .......................................................................................................... 17
(Screen Shot)................................................................................................................. 17
Ethernet Software Matrix.............................................................................................. 18
MODEM SOFTWARE DRIVER AND FEATURE SET ...................................................19
Operating System Software Support ..........................................................................19
AC’97 Modem Driver Package File Description .........................................................19
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification
SETUP Usage ................................................................................................................21
SETUP Customization ..................................................................................................21
Multilanguage Support ................................................................................................. 24
LTHOMOL.exe (Homologation support utility)........................................................... 25
LTSMMSG.exe (User messaging & system audio support utility) ...........................26
Selection of Un-homologated Country Messaging.................................................... 26
Over Current Protection (OCP) Messaging ................................................................27
System Audio Support .................................................................................................28
QUALITY ........................................................................................................................29
Product design requirements ...................................................................................... 29
Environmental requirements .......................................................................................29
Statistical tool................................................................................................................ 29
Product manufacturing requirements......................................................................... 29
Product qualification ....................................................................................................29
Post-launch product health through end of life ......................................................... 29
Intel Confidential – Controlled Access
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification
The primary purpose of this document is to communicate the Intel PRO/Wireless LAN & AC’97 Modem MPCI Adapter features and specifications to a technical audience. Trilogy 3 is an Intel codename that references a third generation of wireless LAN products that are OEMed-in from Symbol Corporation, or based on Intersil Prism 2.5 reference designs. The WLAN and Modem sections of the adapter are completely separate – including power and interface pins, allowing a WLAN-only version via de­population of modem components.

Trilogy 3 Product Overview

Trilogy 3 products transfer data at ethernet speeds (11Mbps instantaneous data rate) over the air between two or more users or between a user and the wired network. The WLAN is not a single product; it is a digital radio system with product components that can be configured to meet a multitude of customer requirements. The Trilogy 3 Access Point (AP) links to a wired LAN via a wired ethernet connection. Wireless NICs communicate to the wired LAN through the AP. Multiple Access Points are deployed in a cellular layout plan similar in concept to the cellular telephone base station layout.

Document Purpose

This document defines the functional characteristics of the Trilogy 3 MPCI Adapter. All of the basic functionality is provided by Intersil as part of their 802.11 DS implementation for the Intersil PRISM 2.5 radio using the Intersil ISL3874A microcontroller. In particular, the host interface access mechanisms, packet send, receive, queuing, timer services, and buffer management are already implemented and do not require further development. Therefore, this document primarily addresses the radio configuration and firmware enhancements required for the Trilogy 3 product.

Key Features

Direct Sequence 802.11b physical layer
802.11b High data rate capability – 11 MBPS, 5.5 MBPS, 2 and 1 MBPS
3.3 volt Mini PCI Type 3A card (3.3V Aux – Modem)
16 bit host interface using PCI IO mode for 802.11b section
In-line WEP algorithm
Enhanced power save algorithm for 802.11b section
Robust roaming and dynamic rate switching for 802.11b section
Wi-Fi certified 802.11b section
Microsoft WHQL certified
Modem Auto-configuration
Modem v.90 Compliant (software-upgradeable to v.92)
Hayes Compatible AT modem command set
Modem Wake On Ring
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification

What’s Not Supported

The 802.11b firmware does not currently support a low power mode of operation (< 20 ma). For Idle mode, it removes power to as many circuits as possible, but the current level of firmware implementation prevents the ISL3874A controller from using a 32 KHz low power oscillator for sleep mode. Since the controller and clock will always be active the driver does not require wake-up/resume operations (although the adapter will consume as little power as possible when there are no receive, transmit, internal (roam) or host activities in progress.)
Wake-On-LAN operation is not supported for the 802.11b section of this product. This is due to the fact that the Intersil chipset does not support 3.3VAUX detection.
A hardware “Radio-Disable” switch is not supported for the 802.11b section; however a software-implemented function is provided to disable radio transmissions.
There is no output pin to display 802.11b Activity status via an LED. Displaying Activity Status is not supported with the current revision of the Intersil chipset and firmware at this time. Future plans for support of this feature in Intel’s 802.11b MPCI product are TBD as of Revision 1.2 of this document.


Device Specifications

ISL 3874A Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Integrated MAC and
Baseband Processor, Intersil Semiconductor, May, 2001
HFA 3783 I/Q Modem and Synthesizer, Intersil, November, 2000
ISL 3685 RF/IF Converter and Synthesizer, Intersil, January, 2001
ISL 3984 RF Power Amplifier and Detector, Intersil, December, 2000
CY62136V - 128K by 16 Static RAM, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation,
September, 2000
SST 39VF010 128K by 8 bit CMOS FLASH, Silicon Storage Technology, Inc.,
CSP1037 AC-Link Soft Modem Data Sheet, Rev. 1, October 2001, Agere
Systems Inc.

External References

Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications, ISO/IEC 8802-11:1999(E)
Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4 GHz Band, IEEE Std
Audio Codec ’97, Rev. 2.2, September, 2000, Intel Corporation
Mini PCI Specification, Rev. 1.0, October 25, 1999, PCI Special Interest
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification

WLAN System Architecture

The WLAN section of the adapter consists of a 2.4 GHz radio with direct sequence transmit and receive circuitry using Intersil 3874A Integrated MAC and Base Band Processor and ISL3685/HFA3783 Intersil radio chipset. The controller circuitry consists of the Intersil ISL3874A MAC controller with PCI interface, Flash and SRAM.
Crystal oscillators are used to drive the controller and transmit/receive circuits. Power control circuits are used to selectively enable radio circuitry. Power on reset is accomplished via a Maxim 6326 Reset IC, and with resistors to select default configuration parameters and to put circuits into the off state until the firmware has enabled the outputs from the controller.
Mini PCI Host I/F
Micro- Controller
Prism 2.5 Based

WLAN Block Diagram

The ISL3874A microcontroller section executes under firmware control to process radio, timer and host events/operations. This chip executes RISC-type instructions in one clock using a 3-stage pipeline. The chip supports up to 8 active contexts. Context switching occurs when higher priority events cause an “instant” switch to the appropriate higher priority context. Contexts can be configured as “foreground” or “background”, where foreground contexts always have priority, and background contexts operate in a round­robin fashion. When there are no eligible contexts, the device consumes very little power. Up to 64 K words of control store and 8 M bytes of RAM buffers are accessible by the CPU address registers.
All firmware executes from the control store address space in the SRAM in order to provide the required throughput for 11 MBPS data rates. The 256 KB SRAM supports low memory variables and host interface, as well as a linked list of send/receive buffers and host configuration buffers. The upper half of SRAM is used to store the executable control store code.
The Host PCI interface accesses memory/registers via the ISL3874A controller; Command/Status registers and Buffer Access Paths are provided to support a simple, fast interface mechanism. The radio card includes the Direct Sequence send/receive circuitry, RF synthesizers, reference oscillator, and power switching circuits.
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification

WLAN Component Descriptions

The Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN Mini PCI uses the Intersil Corp. Prism 2.5 Chipset to implement the spreading, modulation, demodulation and de-spreading. The RF up- and down-conversion approach is the common superhetrodyne architecture with integrated chip set (ISL3685/HFA3783) manufactured by Intersil. The channel frequency, fc, is created (transmit) or converted (receive) by mixing with a low side LO frequency, flo, to the 374 MHz IF (fc= flo + 374 MHz). The 374 MHz IF is converted to/from baseband using the Intersil I/Q modulator demodulator HFA3783 IC.

WLAN Transmitter Path

The Intersil ISL3874A baseband processor section creates the transmit waveform and outputs the signal on the TX I/Q lines. The Intersil HFA3783 up-converts the transmit baseband signal to 374 MHz. To control the side lobes the transmit signal is passed through a SAW filter (374 MHz center, 22 MHz BW). The signal is then amplified and mixed up to the channel frequency using Intersil ISL3685 IC. The LO frequency is lowside (fc – 374M). The signal is then band-pass filtered, amplified, and low-pass filtered (2.4 to 2.5 GHz passband) to create the required output power while keeping spurious and harmonic emissions in spec. Two switches are incorporated at the output to provide for antenna diversity and receive/transmit switching.

WLAN Receive Path

The receive signal passes through the front-end diversity and transmit/receive switches. The signal is band-pass filtered and then amplified by Intersil ISL3685 and then down­converted to 374 MHz. The LO frequency is lowside (fc – 374M). The receive signal is passed through the SAW to provide adjacent channel selectivity. The Intersil HFA3783 creates the baseband I/Q signals and the signal is de-spread and demodulated in the Intersil ISL3874A.

WLAN Microprocessor Control

The Intersil ISL3874A micro-controller section along with flash and SRAM memory control the transmitter and receiver. The micro-controller section is derived from the Intersil HFA3842 and is clocked at 14.67 MHz by a PLL-divided 44 MHz crystal. The micro-controller along with the embedded firmware runs the 802.11 Media Access Control (MAC) layer control. The MAC control sends and receives packets and transfers data to and from the PCI interface to the host computer. The host computer in which the Mini-PCI is embedded can be a handheld, notebook or fixed computer.
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Trilogy 3 MPCI
Product Specification

WLAN Frequency Generation

The first and second LO are generated by two external VCOs. The first LO feeds the Intersil ISL3685 to generate the channel frequency minus 374 MHz. The second LO which feeds the Intersil HFA3783 is 2 times 374 MHz (748 MHz). A 44 MHz crystal is the reference for the synthesizers. The synthesizers are controlled by the ISL3874A micro­controller section.

WLAN Hardware Environment


The Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN Mini PCI Adapter can be used in handheld, notebook or fixed computers to provide wireless network access. The Adapter communicates over the air between two or more users or between a user and the wired network.

Card Dimensions

The Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN Mini PCI Adapter complies with the dimensional specifications of a Mini PCI Type 3A card. The maximum dimensions are: height 50.95 mm (2.006 inches,) width 59.75 mm (2.352 inches,) and thickness 4.9 mm (0.193 inches.)
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