Qualitrol AKM OTIWTI, AKM 345 Gen2, AKM 35/Gen2 WTI, AKM 34/Gen2 OTI Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Oil Temperature Indicator AKM OTI Type 34
Winding Temperature Indicator AKM WTI Type 35
Document ID: IST-103-1-EN
©2010 QUALITROL® Company LLC, an ISO 9001 system certified company. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice.
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Contents i
1. General................................................................................................... 1
2. Installation ............................................................................................. 1
3. Calibration Check.................................................................................. 1
4. Switch Setting ....................................................................................... 1
4.1. (Optional) Adjustable Switch Differential Setting Instructions..................2
5. Technical Data – Matching Resistance TD50/TD76............................ 3
5.1. Instructions for Adjusting Matching resistance .........................................4
5.2. Temperature Gradient Graph for WTI with External 1A and 5A Matching
5.3. Wiring the AKM345 Double Gradient Option............................................... 6
5.3.1. Background ........................................................................................................... 6
5.3.2. Wiring Recommendations..................................................................................... 6
5.4. Using the 5 Amp Internal CT Option ............................................................6
5.5. Setting the Matching Resistance .................................................................7
5.5.1. Method A............................................................................................................... 7
5.5.2. Method B............................................................................................................... 7
6. Mounting Styles and Dimensions........................................................ 9
6.1. Seismic Mount ............................................................................................... 9
6.2. Universal Mount.............................................................................................9
6.3. Anti-Vibration (Standard) Mount ................................................................10
7. Front Cover Removal.......................................................................... 11
8. Contact Rating / Breaking capacity................................................... 12
9. Terminal Block Arrangements ........................................................... 13
10. Pocket/Well Installation ...................................................................... 15
11. Probe Types......................................................................................... 16
12. Maintenance ........................................................................................ 17
12.1. Protection Class IP 65.................................................................................17
12.2. Mountings with Rubber Dampers - Seismic Type and Universal Type...17
Contents ii
13. Gen2 With Transmitter........................................................................ 18
13.1. Technical Data .............................................................................................18
13.2. Installation Instructions ..............................................................................18
Figure 1 – Switch Setting Scale .........................................................................................2
Figure 2 – TD Adjusting Schematic................................................................................... 3
Figure 3 – Temperature Gradient Graph ........................................................................... 4
Figure 4 – Guideline for Adjustment of Heating Current .................................................5
Figure 4.1 – Guideline for wiring Double Gradient Option ..............................................6
Figure 4.2 – TD50 / 5 Amp Wiring Example....................................................................... 8
Figure 5 – Siesmic Mount...................................................................................................9
Figure 6 – Universal Mount ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 7 – Anti-Vibration (Standard) Mount....................................................................10
Figure 8 – Cover Hinge Side View ...................................................................................11
Figure 9 – Front Cover Removal......................................................................................11
Figure 10 – Switch Selection............................................................................................12
Figure 11 – 2 to 4 Switches w/Optional Heater and Remotes .......................................13
Figure 11.1 – 2 to 4 Switches w/Optional Heater and Remotes ....................................13
(TD50 5 Amp)..................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11.2 – 2 to 4 Switches w/Optional Heater and Remotes ....................................13
(Double Gradient)..............................................................................................................13
Figure 12 – 5 to 6 Switches only......................................................................................14
Figure 13 – 5 to 6 Switches w/Optional heater and Remotes........................................ 14
Figure 14 – Pocket/Well Installation ................................................................................ 15
Figure 15 – 4-20mA Suggested Wiring TD111 ................................................................19
Figure 15.1 – 0-1mA Suggested Wiring TD119-1............................................................ 20
Figure 15.2 – 0-5mA Suggested Wiring TD119-2............................................................ 21
Figure 15.3 – 0-10mA Suggested Wiring TD119-3.......................................................... 22
Figure 15.4 – 0-20mA Suggested Wiring TD119-4.......................................................... 23
Contents iii
Figure 15.5 – 4-20mA & 0-5V DC Suggested Wiring TD119-5........................................ 24
Figure 15.6 – 4-20mA & 0-10V DC Suggested Wiring TD119-5...................................... 25
Figure 15.7 – Suggested Wiring TD66 CU10/PT100 ....................................................... 26
AKM 345 Gen2 Instruction Manual (Rev No. ECN-27992)
1. General
The AKM345 next generation, GEN2 for short, is a world class, robust CE approved fully weather proofed temperature indicator, used globally for electricity transformers. It is designed and manufactured for long and trouble free outdoor operation under all conditions.
To secure maintenance-free operation, the installation on the transformer must be made with care.
2. Installation
Before installation check for possible damage from transport handling.
Do not carry the instrument by the capillary. Do not twist the capillary when unwinding
it, or bend too sharply – min radius 25 mm. Clamp it along its entire length at approx 400 mm intervals. Excess capillary can be wound in a spiral with min diam.100 mm.
Leave at least 15% thermal expansion space in oil filled pockets.
The non-vibration mountings included must be used to prevent mechanical wear out
caused by transformer vibrations.
Installation shall prevent instrument casing temperatures over +70°C for standard
3. Calibration Check
Each instrument is factory calibrated and no further calibration is required.
Check calibration put the bulb in boiling water (+100°C) or in a well stirred bath (min
water or oil volume 5 litres) with a control thermometer. Read the thermometer after 15 minutes. If indication error is larger than 5°C we recommend contacting local agent or manufacturer for further assistance.
4. Switch Setting
Switches are factory calibrated.
Each switch is individually adjustable and provided with a scale.
Open instrument front cover by loosening the two lower retaining bolts.
Loosen the knurled-head screw on the red pointer.
Hold the screw in position and rotate the scale drum until the red pointer under the
knurled screw points at the desired contact point on the scale.
AKM 345 Gen2 Instruction Manual (Rev No. ECN-27992)
Tighten the screw in this position.
• Check that contact is obtained by slowly turning the shaft of the drum so that the
pointer of the temperature gauge moves towards higher values on the scale. The shaft of the drum must not be turned in the other direction since the calibration of the instrument may change. When checking the instrument must be in a vertical position.
4.1. (Optional) Adjustable Switch Differential Setting Instructions
Adjust alarm set point as described above.
Adjust the multi-turn adjusting screw located beneath the switch scale plate fully
clockwise. At this point the differential will be set at 5°C. (When turned fully anti­clockwise the differential is set at 25°C)
Pull down the brass test lever (located on the right hand side) slowly to verify correct
alarm and differential setting. For example if the alarm is set at 50°C and the adjusting screw is set fully anti-clockwise, the switch will energize at 50°C on rising temperature. It will de-energize on lowering temperature at 25°C.
Never force the test lever upwards.
Fine-tune differential setting by gradually turning the adjusting screw.
Figure 1 – Switch Setting Scale
Adjusting Screw
AKM 345 Gen2 Instruction Manual (Rev No. ECN-27992)
5. Technical Data – Matching Resistance TD50/TD76
TD50 TD76 TD50/5 Amp Max Cont. Input at 100% Load
2.2 A from CT 2.65 A from CT 5.0 A from CT
Adj. Range
0 - 80% of Input
Current from CT
45 - 85% of Input Current from CT
0 - 35% of Input Current from CT
2kV, 50Hz, 60s to
2kV, 50Hz, 60s to Earth
2kV, 50Hz, 60s to Earth
0 - 11 1.75 - 13 0 - 11
Figure 2 – TD Adjusting Schematic
AKM 345 Gen2 Instruction Manual (Rev No. ECN-27992)
5.1. Instructions for Adjusting Matching Resistance
1. Check or calculate current in A from Your Current Transformer (at bushing) at 100 % transformer load.
2. Check the required Winding Temperature gradient in °C or K.
3. Use the graph in Fig.3 for the CT current and gradient to determine the required resistance setting in Ohms. Take note of this value.
4. Connect a multi meter, (Example: Fluke) set for resistance measurement to the terminals 5-5 inside the WTI.
5. Adjust the matching resistance TD50 or TD76 until you reach the required resistance value. For TD50/5A see section 5.4.
6. Secure the lock nut on the matching resistance for this setting.
7. Check operation and make final adjustments if necessary.
8. Please consult Customer Service for additional information.
Figure 3 – Temperature Gradient Graph
2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6
Temperature Gradient –Adjustment Graph-
Resistance, Ohms
AKM 345 Gen2 Instruction Manual (Rev No. ECN-27992)
5.2. Temperature Gradient Graph for WTI with External 1A and 5A Matching Unit
S (VA)4,520,5
Heating Curr ent
I (A)1,510,5
dT °C
Figure 4 – Guideline for Adjustment of Heating Current
Keep cover mounted, feed a stable current and wait 45 min, before reading winding temperature.
Gradient °C for bulb type 11, 12, 15 and 18
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Oil temp. 30°C
0,72 0,79 0,86 0,92 0,99 1,04 1,1 1,15 1,21 1,26 1,31
Heating Current Amp. I2 ±5%
Bulb in filled well. Approximate temperature rise above oil temperature.
= 2,3 A continuously
= 10 A, for 5 s Thermal time constant (63,2% value) approx. 9 min.
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