MODEL #2601, #2602
Model #2601
This economical and por ta ble wall
jack is con struct ed of heavy duty,
malleable iron castings. Use for
rais ing walls, beams, or to tighten
and true oor ing. Designed for
use with 1-1/2” x 3-1/2” (2 x 4) r
poles. The wall jack has a ca pac i ty of
1000lbs. when used in conjunction
with poles made of clear, straight
grained fir wood, free from all
knots or de fects.
Wind Hook
Model #2602
Quick, economical and
easy to use wall lifting
system. I ncludes ba se
plate a nd w ind hook
cable assembly.
Product Speci cations
Model # 2601 260
Description: Wall Jack Wind Hook
Accessory Kit
Unit Pack: 1 1
Weight per Pack: 17 Pounds 7 Pounds
Cu. Ft. per Pack: .8 cu. ft. .17 cu. ft.
Customer Support and Ordering In for ma tion
781-344-1000 • www.qualcraft.com

MODEL #2601, #2602
Model 2601 Wall Jack - Instructions
Capacity: The wall jack when used in conjunction
with poles made of 2”x 4”s measuring 1 ”x 3 ”
clear straight grained r wood, free from all knots or
defects has the capacity to lift 100 pounds.
Step #1: Select proper length pole: To determine
length of 2”x 4”pole use the following chart:
Wall Size: Minimum length pole
8 ‘ 12 ‘
8’6” 13’
9’ 13’6”
9’6” 14’6”
10’ 15’6”
10’6” 16’
Step #2: Mount wall jack onto the 2”x 4” fur pole by
sliding the wall jack up from the bottom of the pole
sliding the 2 x 4 through the rst spring mechanism,
then continuing through the second spring mechanism and resting behind the pin & roller at the bottom of the wall jack.
Step #3: Place the wall hook under the top of the
wall section to be lifted.
Step #4: With the 2 x 4 pointing upwards, secure a
small piece of 2 x 4 behind the bottom of the pole to
prevent pole from kicking out.
Step #5: Place a second wall jack at the opposite
end of the wall as outlined in steps 1 through 4.
Step #6: Insert a ” or 1” pipe into the handle receptacle and elevate the wall by moving the pump
mechanism up and down. Raise both jacks together.
Step #7: After securing upright wall, remove wall
jack and pole.
Customer Support and Ordering Information
781-344-1000 • www.qualcraft.com