Guardian Tool Lanyards
Instruction Manual
Do not throw away these instructions!
Read and understand these instructions before using equipment!
w/ Twist Locking Carabiner
Product item #: 10725
Length (including carabiner): 32”
Web Diameter: 1/2”.
Materials: polyester, nylon, and aluminum.
MAXIMUM capacity: 20 pounds.
ONLY attach carabiner to harness web strap. NEVER tie knots in Guardian Tool Lanyards.
NEVER connect multiple Guardian Tool Lanyards to each other.
NEVER remove product labeling.
ALWAYS take extreme caution when operating or working near active machinery.
Guardian Tool Lanyards MUST NEVER be
used for Fall Protection of any kind.
w/ Mini Carabiner
Product item #: 10726
Maintenance, Cleaning, and Storage:
Proper care is important for maintaining the safety and longevity of Guardian Tool Lanyards. Before and after each use,
remove all dirt, corrosives, and other contaminants from Guardian Tool Lanyards. If Guardian Tool Lanyards cannot be
cleaned with plain water, use mild soap and water, then rinse and wipe dry, or allow to dry in an environment absent of
excessive heat and light. When not in use, store equipment where it will not be affected by heat, light, excessive moisture,
chemicals, or other corrosive elements.
Guardian Fall Protection 6305 S. 231st St., Kent, WA 98032 phone: (800) 466-6385 fax: (800) 670-7892 www.guardianfall.com

Record the Date of First Use in this instruction manual and on the inspection grid label on equipment. The lifetime
expectation of Guardian Tool Lanyards is a maximum 5 years. Remove Guardian Tool Lanyards from service 5 years after Date
of First Use, or, if Date of First Use is not recorded, from Manufacturing Date.
Prior to EACH use, inspect Guardian Tool Lanyards for deficiencies including, but not limited to, corrosion, fraying, broken
stitching, bird-caging, pits, burrs, rough surfaces, sharp edges, rust, paint buildup, excessive heating, alteration, and missing
or illegible labels. Ensure carabiner gate fully opens and closes; gate must hold in closed position until compressed, or for
#10725, until unscrewed and compressed. IMMEDIATELY remove from service if defects or damage are found.
Every 6 months, a Competent Person other than the user must inspect Guardian Tool Lanyards. Competent Person
inspections must be recorded in inspection log in these instructions and on equipment inspection grid label. The Competent
Person must sign their initials in the box corresponding to the month and year of inspection.
Date of First Use: ___ /___ / 20___
Inspection Log
Guardian Fall Protection 6305 S. 231st St., Kent, WA 98032 phone: (800) 466-6385 fax: (800) 670-7892 www.guardianfall.com
Installation and Use:
1. Pull rope loop end through applicable tool.
2. Pull carabiner end through rope loop, and cinch lanyard tight around
tool. NEVER attach tools in any other fashion. NEVER tie knots with
Guardian Tool Lanyards.
3. Attach carabiner to compatible harness web strap. Carabiner gate must
be fully closed.
4. Ensure no risk exists for carabiner to disconnect from harness, or for
tool to disconnect from lanyard.
85020 (Rev. E)