Part #: 10560, 10561, 10562,10563, 10564, 10566, 10567, 10568
Prior to use, read and understand all manufacturer’s instructions provided with equipment at time
of shipment.
Compliant with all OSHA 1910, OSHA 1926 Subpart M, ANSI Z359.1-2007, and ANSI A10.32-2012 regulations.
HitchClip™ is compatible with the following applications:
Maintenance, Cleaning, and Storage
Use of equipment in unintended applications may result in serious
injury or death. Maximum 1 attachment per connection point.
Personal Fall Arrest: HitchClips™ may be used to support a MAXIMUM 1 Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) for use in Fall Arrest applications.
Structure must withstand loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least 5,000 lbs. Maximum free fall is 6‘, or up to 12’ if
used in combination with equipment explicitly certified for such use. Applicable D-ring: Dorsal.
Restraint: HitchClips™ may be used in Restraint applications. Restraint systems prevent workers from reaching the leading edge of a fall
hazard. Always account for fully deployed length of lanyard/SRL. Structure must withstand loads applied in the directions permitted by the
system of at least 1,000 lbs. No free fall is permitted. Restraint systems may only be used on surfaces with slopes up to 4/12
(vertical/horizontal). Applicable D-rings: Dorsal, Chest, Side, Shoulder.
Work Positioning: HitchClips™ may be used in Work Positioning applications. Work Positioning systems allow a worker to be supported while
in suspension and work freely with both hands. Structure must withstand loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least
3,000 lbs. Maximum allowable free fall is 2’. Applicable D-rings: Side, Shoulder.
Rescue/Confined Space: HitchClips™ may be used in Rescue/Confined Space applications. Rescue systems function to safely recover a worker
from a confined location or after exposed to a fall. There are various configurations of Rescue systems depending on the type of rescue.
Structure must withstand loads applied in the directions permitted by the system of at least 3,000 lbs. No free fall is permitted. Applicable
D-rings: Dorsal, Chest, Shoulder.
IMMEDIATELY remove from service if exposed to forces of fall arrest.
Capacity range (including all equipment): 130 - 310 lbs., or up to 420 lbs.
if used in combination with equipment explicity certified for such use.
For use by trained personnel only.
Qualcraft Industries 60 Maple St., P.O. Box 36, Mansfield, MA 02048 phone: (800) 231-5647 www.qualcraft.com
Repairs to HitchClips™ can only be made by a Guardian Fall Protection representative or an entity authorized by Guardian. Contact Guardian for all
maintenance and repair needs at: 1-800-466-6385. If a HitchClip™ fails inspection in any way, immediately remove it from service, and contact Guardian to
inquire about its return or repair.
Proper care is important for maintaining the safety and longevity of HitchClips™. Remove all dirt, corrosives, and contaminants from HitchClip™ before and
after each use. If HitchClip™ cannot be cleaned with plain water, use mild soap and water, then rinse and wipe dry. NEVER clean HitchClip™ with corrosive
substances. When not in use, store equipment where it will not be affected by heat, light, excessive moisture, chemicals, or other degrading elements.
User must inspect prior to EACH use. Competent Person other than user must complete
formal inspection at least every 6 months. Competent Person to inspect and initial.
Date of First Use: __________________. Product lifetime is indefinite as long as it
passes pre-use and Competent Person inspections.
This inspection log must be specific to one HitchClip™. Separate inspection logs must be
used for each HitchClip™. All inspection records must be made visible and available to all
users at all times.
If equipment fails inspection IMMEDIATELY REMOVE FROM SERVICE.

The below charts detail allowable working zones required to reduce risk of swing falls and improper side loading.
ALWAYS adhere to information specified by charts.
Anchor Distance
Leading Edge (Y)
Working Distance
Along Roof Edge
(Either Direction) (X)
For example, if the anchorage connector is 6’ from the leading edge (Y), the working distance (X)
is 8’ in each direction from the perpendicular, which translates to a 53° working angle.
Components and Specifications
Materials: aluminum.
Minimum breaking strength: 5,000 lbs.
9’ - 9”
11’ - 7”
13’ - 3”
14’ - 6”
17’ - 2”
18’ - 3”
19’ - 4”
19’ - 10”
21’ - 4”
22’ - 3”
Working Angle
Perpendicular (Ø)
X: Working Distance
Along Roof Edge
Y: Distance From
Leading Edge
Ø: Total Working
Fastener installation
location (6)
Connection point
Installation and Use
Prior to installation:
Ensure minimum substrate thickness requirement is met, ensure all obstructions/debris are removed from substrate, and eliminate/minimize all swing fall
hazards. HitchClip™ may be used in multiple installation applications. ALWAYS use new fasteners for each new installation application. All connections must
be selected and deemed compatible with HitchClips™ by a Competent Person. Read and understand all instructions provided with accessories to be used in
combination with HitchClip™.
Minimum substrate thickness requirements:
• Wood: 1/2” CDX plywood sheathing and 3“ support beam.
• Metal: HitchClip™ may be installed onto metal substrates, providing there is a sufficient framing member beneath, as determined by a Competent Person.
• Compatible pitch range: flat - vertical/sheer.
Recommended fasteners (Not included. Use either screws OR nails):
• (6) 2½” #10 Grip-Rite exterior screws, or equivalent, as determined by Competent Person.
• (6) 16d galvanized framing nails.
1. Installation location must be selected and deemed compatible with HitchClip™ by a Competent Person.
2. Place HitchClip™ at selected installation location and install all fasteners. HitchClip™ must lie flush
against substrate. Fasteners must be installed through roof sheathing and into truss or compatible
support beam. Minimum fastener embedment in support beam is 2”.
3. All (6) nails OR all (6) screws must be used, and must by fully embedded through sheathing and
into truss or compatible support beam.
4. Connect complete and compatible PFAS to HitchClip™ connection point OR install compatible HitchClip™
accessory according to instructions provided with accessory. When used with compatible accessory,
NEVER make any other connections to HitchClip™.
85144 (Rev. E)
Qualcraft Industries 60 Maple St., P.O. Box 36, Mansfield, MA 02048 phone: (800) 231-5647 www.qualcraft.com