Quadrox Count-Guard User Manual

Let’s make things safer!
Count!Guard Manual 2


1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST.............................................................................................................................................6
1.3 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................................6
2 INSTALLATION...........................................................................................................................................................7
3 WEB APPLICATION.................................................................................................................................................11
3.1 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Servers ............................................................................................................................................................13
3.2.2 Cameras..........................................................................................................................................................15
3.2.3 Recordings......................................................................................................................................................22
3.3 USING COUNT!GUARD ............................................................................................................................................23
3.3.1 Live..................................................................................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Analysis........................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.3 Info..................................................................................................................................................................30
4 LOCAL APPLICATION............................................................................................................................................31
4.1 CONFIGURATION .....................................................................................................................................................32
4.1.1 Servers ............................................................................................................................................................32
4.1.2 Cameras..........................................................................................................................................................34
4.1.3 Recordings......................................................................................................................................................40
4.2 USING COUNT!GUARD ............................................................................................................................................41
4.2.1 Live..................................................................................................................................................................41
4.2.2 Analysis........................................................................................................................................................... 42
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This document
This manual is intended for administrators and operators of Count!Guard and is applicable for version or higher in combination with WebCCTV or higher.
WebCCTV can be replaced by GuardNVR or IQR in this manual.
Safety Notices
Please observe all safety notes and instructions carefully when using this product.
The information in this publication is believed to be accurate in all respects. Quadrox assumes no responsibility for incidental or consequential damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this manual. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions or new editions to this publication may be issued to incorporate such changes. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, no part of this manual can be reproduced in any form without written permission of Quadrox.
Legal considerations
Please check your local regional laws and regulations before using Count!Guard and WebCCTV for surveillance purposes. Camera surveillance maybe prohibited by laws, which may vary from country to country.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Quadrox, WebCCTV, Internet Explorer, Windows are registered trademarks of the respective holders.
Support Services
Should you require any technical assistance, please contact your installer. If your questions cannot be answered immediately, your installer will forward your queries through the appropriate channels to ensure a fast response.
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1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

Count!Guard is a video solution which uses network cameras to detect and count people crossing a narrow region in two directions: entering and leaving. Count!Guard creates a database recording the number of people coming in or out for each time period. Based on the stored data, reports can be created.
Count!Guard Scheme Screen
Count!Guard is an add-on product to WebCCTV which is a unique digital video surveillance solution. WebCCTV combines three major functions in one Network Video Recorder (NVR): local digital recording, multiplexing and simultaneous transmission of the video via existing networks (TCP/IP). Count!Guard can be used in combination with all standard security features present in WebCCTV.
Count!Guard is capable of handling a wide range of situations:
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Persons passing by each other
Multiple persons passing together
Person(s) lingering in the counting zone
Person(s) lingering + passing persons
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1.2 Equipment checklist

The following items are located on the Count!Guard installation CD:
Count!Guard software suite installation Adobe Acrobat Reader installation Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 Run-time library .Net 2.0 (SP1) Framework installation Java Version 6 Update 11 Framework installation Microsoft ASP .NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0 Video Client Component installation Count!Guard manual in PDF format Count!Guard quick start guide in PDF format

1.3 Minimum system requirements

The following system components are the minimum requirements for proper Count!Guard operation:
Intel Pentium 4 512 MB RAM 16 MB RAM on the video card
Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 Microsoft Vista
WebCCTV server version DirectX 9.0c .Net 2.0 Framework Java Version 6 Update 11 Framework Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 Run-time library Microsoft ASP .NET AJAX Extension 1.0 Video Client Component or higher
Count!Guard has to be installed on the WebCCTV server.
To open exported files, you need a program that is able to open .xls files (e.g Microsoft Office Excel, Open Office…)
Camera & Positioning
The camera is positioned higher than 2.50 meters (8.2 feet). The camera is mounted vertically (horizontal and vertical deviation angle = 0°). This means
it is looking straight down.
The camera delivers +/-25 fps to the WebCCTV server.
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The image resolution has to be at least QVGA (320x240). Lighting conditions: daylight or similar lighting. The camera streams in JPEG
The working of Count!Guard cannot be supported if all conditions are not completely fulfilled. Not meeting these requirements may lead to inaccurate counts and abnormal behavior of the Count!Guard application.

2 Installation

This chapter provides information how to install the Count!Guard software. As previously stated, Count!Guard is an add-on product to WebCCTV and can be used in combination with all standard security features present in WebCCTV.
Before installing, carefully the Count!Guard requirements and make sure all the required preinstalled software is present. If a required software or component is missing, you can
To install Count!Guard, follow the steps below:
install it from the installation CD during the Count!Guard installation.
By default, some of the settings are already selected. It is advisable to keep these default settings to ensure the best performance.
1. Insert the Count!Guard installation CD into your CD/DVD-drive.
2. You will get the following screen. If Autorun is disabled, go to My Computer and double-
click on the drive icon that corresponds to your CD/DVD-drive. Click the Count!Guard installation button.
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3. If not all required software is installed, you will get the next screen (or a comparable one).
Click Yes. If all required software is installed, this step will be skipped.
4. The first installation screen appears. Click Next.
4. Carefully read the License Agreement, accept it and click Next.
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5. Select the default measurement system
6. Select the installation directory of your choice and click Next.
7. Click Install.
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8. Click Finish.
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3 Web Application

There are two applications that can be used to configure and use Count!Guard:
Web Application: The web application is the default application that should be used. It is
reachable at all times; meaning from every computer in the network and from Internet if the network was configured properly. Both local and remote usages are possible with the web application.
Local Application: This application is for local use only whereas the web application also
can be used for remote connection. The local application should be used only in exceptional cases as difficult parameterization or problems with the web application.
The following icons on the desktop can be used:
Count!Guard Desktop Icons
Opens the Count!Guard
Web Application.
Opens the Count!Guard
Local Application.
Starts the Count!Guard server.
Only useful if the Count!Guard server was stopped manually!
Stops the Count!Guard server.
The Count!Guard server is started automatically when the computer has started up and runs as a service in the background.
Be careful. Stopping the server stops the counting and doesn’t resume automatically till you click the Start Count!Guard Server icon on the desktop or have restarted the computer.
If you chose not to install shortcut icons during the installation, you always can performs the actions described above through Start Program Files Count!Guard.
The following sections explain how to configure and use the web application and how to configure your camera in the web application.
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3.1 Getting started

To open the web application, click the Count!Guard Web Application icon on your desktop:
The login page will be opened. To log in, please enter the following parameters:
Login: User name Password: Password of the user Domain: This field is not required when the computer is not part of a domain.
You can login with the same credentials as for WebCCTV. Count!Guard uses the WebCCTV user management for its authentication.
Login Screen
Click the Log in button. The Web Application will open in the Live menu.
Select the Remember me option when you want to be logged in automatically in the future.
Live Screen
To log off from the current account, click Log off button. To access Count!Guard Help documentation, click Help button.
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3.2 Configuration

To configure Count!Guard, click the Configuration button in the left panel of the web application. The following topics are configured in the Configuration menu:
Servers Cameras Recordings (General Settings)
Configuration Screen

3.2.1 Servers

There must be a connection to a WebCCTV server to be able to receive streaming video and be able to get counts. Configuring a server is done in the Servers & Cameras screen of the Configuration menu and allows to:
Add server Edit server Delete server
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Servers & Cameras Screen
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To add a server, click the Add Server button in the Servers & Cameras screen and
Server – If you are going to add a local WebCCTV server, this becomes local host
(= Otherwise this is the IP-address of the WebCCTV server.
Port – By default 1518. This is the communication port with the WebCCTV server. Username – User who has access rights for the WebCCTV server. Password – Password of user above. Domain – Not required if the WebCCTV is not part of a domain.
enter the following
Add Server Screen
Click Finish. To cancel your changes, click Cancel button. Edit server
To edit a server, execute the following steps:
Click the Edit Server link on the Servers & Cameras page. Change the desired settings and click Finish. Your server has been edited.
To go back to the Servers and Cameras page without making changes, click Cancel button. Delete server
To delete a server, execute the following step:
Click the Delete Server link on the Servers & Cameras page.
Your server has been deleted.
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3.2.2 Cameras

In order to have streaming video and get counts, a camera from an added WebCCTV server has to be selected and configured. Selecting and configuring a camera is done in the Servers & Cameras page of the Configuration tab and allows to:
Add camera Delete camera Edit & Configure camera (Counting Algorithm)
The camera configuration (algorithm) is the core of the Count!Guard application. The counting accuracy depends mainly on this configuration!
Servers & Cameras Screen Add camera
To add a camera that is connected to a server that is added in the Count!Guard application, execute the following steps:
Select the server in the Servers & Cameras page and click the Edit Server link. Select the Cameras tab and use drop down list to choose a camera. Click Add. Click Finish. Your camera has been added.
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