quadral AURUM C8 User Instructions

Safety instructions 3-4 Controls fitted on the front of the unit 5 Connections on the back of the unit 6 Remote control (OPTIONAL) 7 Ambient conditions 8 Installing 9 Specifications 10
Sicherheitshinweise 11-12 Bedienelemente an der Gerätevorderseite 13 Anschlüsse auf der Geräterückseite 14 Fernbedienung 15 Umgebungsbedingungen 16 Inbetriebnahme 17 Technische Daten 18
Indications de sécurité 19-20 Éléments de commande sur l‘avant de l‘appareil 21 Connexions sur l‘arrière de l‘appareil 22 Télécommande (EN OPTION) 23 Conditions d‘environnement 24 Mise en service 25 Caractéristiques techniques 26
Instrucciones de seguridad 27-28 Elementos de control en el lado delantero del aparat 29 Conexiones en el lado posterior del aparato 30 Mando a distancia (OPCIONAL) 31 Condiciones ambientales 32 Puesta en servicio 33 Datos técnicos 34
We would like to congratulate you on your decision to purchase our AURUM C8 CD-player. We manufact ure top-quality Hi Fi equipment which we hop e will delight you each time yo u use it. Our goal in all of this is to truly satisfy the requirements of music lovers just like you. Even though you m ay already be knowledg able in using this ty pe of equipment, we ’d still like to introduce some basic rules and guidance that will enable you to get the best out of your purchase. Please do take a few moments to read this information.
Please read through these instructions carefully and follow all of the steps listed here for installing the equipment. You must abide by all of the warnings and safety instructions that are stipulated on the unit and in this instruction manual. Keep this manual close to hand so that you can consult it if you have any questions later on.
• The mains p ower cable and other connecting cables must be laid so t hat none of them are crushed or damaged by furniture, a re being trodden on, a nd / or that nobody will t rip over them.
• Take the power plu g out of the socket duri ng lightening stor ms or if the equipment w ill not be used for a long time. Always pull the plug ou t of the socket and never remove it by pulling on the cable!
• Never use t he equipment in the vi cinity of water, in humid a reas or outdoor s. Moisture can by pass the electr ical insulatio n and this will crea te a life-threate ning risk as is the c ase with all eq uipment that has not been specially designe d against the penetration of moisture.
• Protect the equipment against water being sprayed on it. You must also ensure that no vessels contain ing liquid (e.g. vases) a re placed on top of the equipment.
• Do not place the equipment in the vicinity of a heat source such as an electric fire, radiator, oven or sim ila r.
• The slits and openings in the enclosure provide the ventilation and ensure reliable operation. They must never b e misaligned or covere d.
The lightening symbol inside an equal-sided triangle is used to warn you about the pres­ence of non-insulated components carrying a dangerous, live voltage that might cause severe personal injuries.
The exclamation mark inside an equal-sided triangle indicates that there is important information available regarding the use and maintenance of your equipment.
1 2 3 4 65 7 8 9 10
Open/Close Prev Next
Stop On/Standby
1 CD drive
2 Status display: This display is blue whenever the unit is in standby mode and this indicates that the
unit can be switched on at any t ime using either the r emote control or the b utton (10).
3 Display: St atus information a nd messages that make using the CD dri ve easier are displaye d here.
4 Infrared receiver: This sensor re ceives the infrar ed signal trans mitted by your rem ote control. Alway s
point the remote control in this direction a nd ensure that the sensor is not covered up.
5 Open / Clos e button: Opens and closes the CD tray.
6 Preview button: Press ing this scans ba ckwards thr ough the title s. A backwar d search will be ru n if this
button is pressed and hel d down.
7 Nex t button: Pre ssing this sca ns forwards t hrough the tit les. A forwa rd search will b e run if this but ton
is pressed and held down.
8 Play butt on: Press once to start the playback. Repeated pressing launches t he pause functio n.
9 Stop button: Stops the playback.
10 On / Off switch: Press this but ton to switch the C 8 on. Press this but ton once
• Only our technical service should undertake the maintenance of your equipment. Maintenance will be necessa ry if any type of d amage occurs, i. e. if the power cable s or plugs are damage d, if an object fa lls on the equipment, if the equipment is dropped or if liquid seeps into it. Never open the equipment as you might touch the mains volt age (230V / 115V), which is danger ous.
• Only use furniture and other units for attaching and putting the equipment on that can be obtained from or are recommended by the manufacturer. You must ensure that moveable tabletop units or shelves on which the equipment will be placed are always moved very carefully in order to prevent damage or injuries from being caused if the equipment tips over.
• Only use a dr y, soft cloth to clea n your equipment.
• Keep the packing for possible transportation use later on and keep the plastic bag well away from children, due to the risk of asp hyxiation.
CD operation
1 SE LECT button 2 ON / OFF button 3 MUTE 4 Stop 5 Repeat / Pause 6 S earch backwar ds 7 S earch forwards 8 S can backward t hrough
the titles 9 S can forward through
the titles 10 File down 11 File forward 12 Repeat (ti tle / all) 13 Shuffle 15 Display brilliance 16 Unassigned (optional)
Amplifier operation
1 SE LECT button 2 ON / OFF button 3 MUTE 4 Volume - minus 5 Volume - plus 6 L eft balance 7 B alance plus 8 Signal source downwards 9 Signal source upwa rds 14 Level set ting (for each
input using buttons 4 & 5)
15 Display brilliance
11 13 14
Digital OUT
Fuse 115V:T 250 mAL250V 230V:T 125mA L 250V
110-120 V ~ 50 -60 Hz 220-240 V ~ 50 -60 Hz
max. Power Consumption:
Analog OUT
quadral GmbH & Co. KG - Am Herrenhäuser Bahnhof 26-28 - D-30419 Hannover
Handmade in Germany
Class 1 Laser Product
1 2 3 4
The AURUM amplifiers A10S / P10S / M10 / A8 / P8 / M8 / A5 / A3 and the AURUM CD players C8 / C3 / C5 / C5 DA may be individually cont rolled using the RC-2 System Remote Cont rol.
Important note:
If you want to remotely control the amplifier or CD player functions, you must use the SELECT button to select t he relevant operat ing mode beforehan d.
1 Digita l co-axial outpu t (SPDIF)
2 Cinch (RCA) analog tone outputs
3 Power switch (disconnects the unit from the mains supply)
4 Power socket
1. Use t he power cable suppli ed in the package t o connect the equi pment up to the mains s upply.
2. Check that t he unit is switche d off.
3. Connect u p the CD player to the am plifier inputs .
(CD-Ou tput) right cha nnel = red / left cha nnel = white
4. Now switch yo ur CD player on. Switch t he mains switch (3) in to the ON positio n on the back. The st andby LED on the fr ont will come on.
7. Now press the On / Standby button (10) on the front or the button (2) on the remote control to start
your equipment.
As your C8 uses a special power-saving standby circuit, you can always switch on / off during normal operat ion using the On / Stan dby button on the u nit or the RC-2 r emote control.
Mute (button 3) Balance s etting (butt ons 6 & 7) Multileve l display brilliance setting (butt on 15) Input level s etting for all inpu ts (button 14)
Example: Input level setting Use buttons 8 (-) or 9 (+) to select the signal source and then press button 14 (Prog.) and use the volume buttons (4 & 5) to set up the input volume to suit yourself. Press button 14 (Prog.) once again to save the settings.
The remot e control has a range of up to 6 m and works wi thout any problems f rom a radiating ang le of up to 30° in relati on to the front of th e equipment. Dust o n the transmit ter or dirt on the r eceiving sensor a nd operating it in the vicinit y of fluorescent lights might reduce the range. A direct line-of-sight connection betwee n the transmitter and the receiver is needed.
Notes about the removal a nd the correct environmentally-f riendly disposal of old batterie s The symbol shown here can be found on the equipment‘s enclosure, the packaging a s well as in the doc­uments or the operating manual. It tells you that batteries provided with the equipment as well as those supplied w ith or fitte d in other units m ust never be dispos ed of in household w aste. They mus t be disposed of in an environmentally-friendly way (in compliance with the local regulations or European Directives 2002/96/EU and 2006/66/EU).
You should find out where the near est collection po int for electronic s crap is or where the re cycling site is. Correc t disposal of the equ ipment and the bat teries will help to pre serve our resour ces and prevent phys­ical and environmental damage. The bat tery (CR2032) supplied with the remote control contains lithium and it must be disposed of in an environmentall y-friendly way as described above.
Proceed a s described in t he following sect ion to replace or remo ve the batter y fitted in the r emote control.
1. U ndo the screw in the cover underneath th e remote control and t hen remove the cover.
2. Remove the battery by sliding it out of its h older.
3. You must ensure that the new battery‘s polarity is correct when you fit the new one! The side of the
battery marked with (+) must point upwards so that it makes contact with the part of the holder marked with (+).
4. Refit t he cover and use the screw to secure it in place.
Non-symmetric 0dBr analog outputs 2,0V
Output impedance 600 Ohm
Unweighted signal-to-noise ratio: -90dB
Harmonic distortion <0,005%
Frequency response 1Hz-22kHz(-3dB)
Cinch digital output , SPDIF
Output voltage 0,5Vss
Output impedance 300 Ohm
Mains power connection 115V / 230V, switch
Power consumption in normal mode 12W
Power consumption in stan dby mode <0.5W
Outputs 1 x pair of Cinch a nalog outputs
1 x digita l co-axial outpu t
Width including wooden side s 453 mm
Height including feet 82 mm
Depth including connections 305 mm
Weight 6,6 kg
Wir gratulieren Ihnen, dass Sie sich für unsere AURUM-CD-Player C8 entschieden haben. Es sind Musikliebhaber wie Sie, für deren Ansprüche wir HiFi-Geräte in einer Güteklasse fertigen, die weit über dem Durchschnitt liegen. Auch wenn Sie vieles vielleicht schon wissen, führen wir im folgenden einige Grundregeln auf, die es Ihnen ermögli chen, Ihre Produkte optimal zu nutzen.
Lesen Sie diese Anleitung bitte sorgfältig durch und befolgen Sie alle Schritte, die für die Inbetriebnahme angegeben sind. Beachten und befolgen Sie weiterhin alle Warnungen und Sicherheitshinweise, die auf dem Gerät und in der Bedienungsanleitung angegeben sind. Deponieren Sie diese Anleitung so, dass Sie bei später en Fragen schnell zur Ha nd ist.
• Das Netzkabel und andere Anschlusskabel müssen so verlegt werden, dass keine Quetschung oder Beschädigung durch Möbel oder durch Trittbelastung auftreten kann und Stolperfallen vermieden werden.
• En tfernen Sie den N etzstecke r bei Gewitte r oder bei längere r Nichtverwe ndung aus der Steckd ose. Das Netzkabel darf aus der Steckdose nur durch ziehen des Netzsteckers, nicht aber an dem Kabel selbst erfolgen.
• Verwenden Sie das Gerät niemals in der Nähe von Wasser, in Feuchträumen oder im Freien. Wie bei allen nicht speziell hierfür konstruierten Geräten, kann Nässe die elektrische Isolierung überbrücken und somit ei n lebensgefährliches Risiko darst ellen.
• Schützen Sie dieses Gerät vor Spritzwasser. Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass keine Gefäße, die Flüssigkeiten enthalten (z.B. Vasen), auf d em Gerät abgestellt werden.
• Stellen Sie das Produkt nicht in der Nähe von Wärmequellen wie Heizstrahler, Heizkörper, Öfen oder anderen Geräten auf.
• Schlitze und Ö ffnungen im Geh äuse dienen der Ent lüftung und so rgen für zuverlä ssigen Betri eb. Daher dürfen sie nicht verstellt oder abgedeckt werden.
Das Blitzsymbol in einem gleichschenkligen Dreieck warnt vor nicht isolierten Kompo­nenten mit gefährlicher Spannung, die zu ernsthaften Personenschäden führen kann.
Das Ausrufungszeichen in einem gleich­schenkligen Dreieck kennzeichnet wichtige Hinweise für die Nutzung und Wartung Ihres Gerätes.
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