L - I T E 5 . 1 S P E A K E R S Y S T E M
. . .t h e c l o s es t a p p r o a c h t o t h e o r ig i n al s o u n d

-i t e
Q u a d
Quad, makers of high quality audio for over 70 years,
introduce the Quad L-ite a new Home Theatre experience
that has bridged the gap between high-end and affordable
quality audio.
“The L-ite is superbly built, and
the quality of the performance
reaches far beyond its
d i m e n s i o n s”
While ‘sub/satellite’ systems are nothing new, most models
have been developed using a sci-fi aesthetic - futuristic
shapes created from mass produced moulded casings - which
is all well and good, but it’s not the kind of hand crafted
product expected by the most discerning enthusiasts
The L-ite’s classic styling, superior build, and hand-finished
piano-gloss make the system a proud addition to any home
with a passion for quality audio.
Ac o u s t i c a l l y, the L-ite system boasts a fine heritage:- derived
from Quad’s multiple-award-winning L-series range of
s p e a kers, it’s a performance that leaves other brands in the
s h a d e .
Technological advances, combined with skill, experience and
unique production methods have created a Home Theatre
system with an acoustic performance that is a rare find.

-i t e
I n t r o d u c t i o n
The Quad L-ite is the first compact cinema system from Quad
- a classic 5.1 channel configuration, which can be expanded
to 7.1 with the addition of extra satellite speake r s .
Using the same unique technology and styling that has made
the Quad L-series one of the most popular audiophile
l o u d s p e a kers in the market today; the L-ite offers a sparkling
performance exceeding that of most full-size systems.
Combined with a subwoofer that offers microprocessor
controlled filter circuitry, and remote control operation, the
satellites blend seamlessly to create a full audio spectrum
without any of the loss through the crossover region which
plagues other models on the market.
“The Quad L-ite is articulate
and musical, providing the
listener with a thoroughly
enjoyable experience”
The Quad L-ite is a system you can really be proud of. The
clean styling and dazzling piano-gloss lacquer adds a real
touch of class. Each of the seven layers of gloss are applied
by hand and polished to a high sheen before the next layer
is added. The quality of the finish gives the system an
exquisite style to match the incredible performance, making
the L-ite system one of the most desirable in its class.