BBlluueettooootthh UUSSBB AAddaapptteerr BBDD--QQ338822AA
QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee ::
1. Plug BT4.0 USB dongle into a PC or a laptop
2. Install CSR Harmony Stack. (ex: WinXP)
Insert CSR BT Stack Harmony CD into DVD driver.
Run setup.exe.
Start installation process.
Select language
Install Microsoft .NET Framework

BBlluueettooootthh UUSSBB AAddaapptteerr BBDD--QQ338822AA
Start to install CSR Harmony Stack

BBlluueettooootthh UUSSBB AAddaapptteerr BBDD--QQ338822AA
Press Next for continuous setup
Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement”