Thank you for purchasing the QOMO Audience Response System (ARS). The QOMO Audience
Response System is user friendly and it provides instant feedback from all of the participants (up to
1,000 persons). Working with Microsoft PowerPoint, the QClick software is easy to learn and easy to
use. Some of the student clickers display the question being asked on its own screen. Both the
questions and the answers can be easily and quickly created using built-in PowerPoint templates; or
by using existing PowerPoint presentations. Furthermore, you can use hardcopy tests and have
your students answer using QClick. The QClick’s Instant Questions setting allows instructors to add
questions during the test.
The system is composed of hardware (instructor keypad, student keypad, RF receiver, etc.) and
With multiple question type selections—Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and True/False—QOMO
ARS encourages the participants to be involved in various activities—Normal, Rush, and
Vote/Survey—and combines them in one quiz session. Generally, Normal Quiz, Elimination,
Homework, and Paper Quiz are used to conduct the tests.
The instructor keypad incorporates a remote mouse and some PC keyboard functions allowing
control of the slide selection as well as other software functions. The remote mouse functionality of
the keypad gives the instructor the freedom of not having to use a computer to conduct the tests.
The QOMO ARS allows the instructor to display instant test results in the form of a histogram and a
score board after each question is completed.
QClick software has four sections: User, Add a Question, Question Settings, and Tools.
The User section allows you to login/logout the system and to manage user profiles.
The Add a Question section allows the selection of question mode, and the creation and editing of
the PowerPoint exam slides.
The Question Setting section allows you to create and edit the slide questions, as well as the
answer selections.
The Tools section is designed for class management, quiz process settings, session management,
and the system set up.
System Requirements
Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bit), Vista (32 bit) and Windows XP (32 bit) operating system
Office 2007, Office 2010 with Office PowerPoint and Office Excel installed
Intel or AMD 600 Mhz class processor (1 GHz or higher recommended)
256 MB RAM
245 MB hard disk space (an additional 187 MB is required if you do not have Microsoft .NET
Framework 3.5 installed or higher)
1024 x 768 resolution at 32-bit color or higher
Standard USB 1.1/2.0 port (for USB-based hardware devices)
1. Place the software disk into your computer CD drive.
2. Open the disk and double click on the “QClick.exe” file in the root directory.
3. Follow the instructions displayed during the installation.
If the program has been previously installed, we suggest you remove the older version of the
program prior to installing the new program.
The default installation path is: C:\QOMO and will produce one shortcut icon on the desktop: .
1. Click the username icon then click the selection of User Management. The User
Management window will pop up.
2. All user profiles will be displayed on the table, including User Name, First Name, Last Name,
Title, and Subject.
3. To add a new user, click the User button on the top left of the window and select
Add from the option menu. Or, right click the username data and then select Adda User
from the drop-down menu.
4. To edit a selected user, click the User button on the top left of the window and select
Edit from the option menu. Or, right click the username data and select Edit the User from
the drop-down menu. The Edit User window will pop up.
5. To delete a selected user, click the User button on the top left of the window and
select Delete from the option menu. Or, right click the username data and then select
Delete the User from the drop-down menu.
Note: Only the system default username “Qomo” can be used for user management.
Note: All users can edit a personal profile by clicking the avatar icon above the
username and then the Edit User window will pop up.
Click the Multiple Choice button . An option menu popup with two question selections will
appear: Multiple Choice and Likert.
Multiple Choice: Set for two types of questions—Single Answer & Multiple Answers and
choose from 2 to 10 selections.
o Single Answer: Multiple options question with only a single correct answer choice.
o Multi Answer: Multiple options question with the option of more than one correct
Likert: Mostly used for Vote and Survey questions. There are dozens of likert templates in
the QClick system.
To add a Multiple Choice slide follow these steps:
1. Click the Multiple Choice button . The question selections menu pops up.
2. Click the question options to complete the question setup.
Note: When you click on the Multiple Choice icon a blank four option slide will be added.
1.2.2 Short Answer
This type of template is designed for text input questions.
Clicking the Short Answer button will add a blank slide to the presentation.
1.2.3 True/False:
To add a new True/False question, follow these steps:
1. Click on the True/False icon . A slide with the True/False options will be added.
2. Click the True/False button and an option menu will pop up. Click one option and a
new slide will be added.
1.3 Question Setting
Question Setting window has two parts, hidden by the button.
To set up the PowerPoint questions, go to the Question Setting section and click the Show Detail
button. The Question Setting window will be fully displayed. One is Question Setting located
on the main toolbar; the other is Question Detail located on the right of the screen next to the slide
setting window.
Type: Select the question type you desire to set up from the Type drop-down list. The three question types to choose from are Multiple Choice, True/False, and Short Answer. Choices
Choices: Select the answer options you desire to set up from the Choices drop-down list. Choose
2 to 10 answer options for a multiple choice question.
Note: Short Answer questions have no choice setting and True/False questions defaults to 2
Mode: Select a question mode from the Mode drop-down list for the question setting. There are three question modes: Normal, Rush and Vote/Survey. The default setting is Normal.
Normal: A quiz file must be provided with the correct answers for each question prior to
starting the quiz.
Rush: The first student who presses any effective “Rush Quiz” button locks out the rest of
the students from answering and is the only person able to respond to this particular
Vote/Survey: The activity is used for subjective responses. The audience’s response is
either a positive or a negative with no correct or incorrect answer.
Note: ShortAnswer can only be used in Normal and Rush mode. Timer
Timer: Select a time from the drop-down list and set the time limit from 10 to 60 seconds—the
default value is set at 30 seconds. Or type a number in the Timer textbox directly—the valid time is
from 1 to 900 seconds. The session running timer copies this time limit value when each question
starts. Answer
Answer: For Short Answer questions, type in the correct answer. For Multiple Choice and
True/False questions, the correct answers are selected and edited through the Question Details screen.
Note: Answers cannot be edited when the question mode is set up for Vote/Survey. Points
Points: The point value is specified for correct answers. In the Point drop-down list, there are 5
options to choose from: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20. The valid point is from 1 to 250, and the default value is
set at 10. Users can type any valid number in the Point textbox directly.
Note: Points cannot be edited when the question mode set up for Vote/Survey.
1.3.2 Question Detail
Question Detail is designed to set up the question details and the correct answer.
1. Click the Obtain button and the question content will be displayed in the
textboxes from the current slide.
The question title will be displayed in the textbox under Text.
The answer options will be displayed in the textboxes under Answers.
Note: Obtain has two functions for question data storage: sending questions to Student
Responders (QRF900)and keeping the question title stored in the Session Record.
To edit the question content, users can also select and drag the current editing
question into the Text & Answers textboxes.
2. Set up the correct answer manually:
Set the correct answer for the Multiple Choice & True/False questionsby clicking
the check box in front of the answer options.
Type the answer in the textbox directly for Short Answer questions.
Note: You can click or not click the check box of the selections under the Answers textbox
for the text format.
Select a point value from the drop-down list for the corresponding answers for
Vote/Survey types of questions.
3. Click the Clear button to clear all changes of the current editing slide.
1. Click the Student button in the Class Setting windows menu. An option menu
will pop up.
2. To add a new student, select Add from the option menu, click the Add icon , or
right click on the student roster table.
3. To edit the selected student profile, select Edit from the option menu, click the Edit icon
, or click the needed cell on the student roster table.
4. To delete the selected student, select Delete from the option menu, click the Delete icon
, or right click on the student roster table.
5. To set up groups for the students in the class, select Group from the option menu or
click the Group icon to display the Group Management window.
There are two grouping methods displayed on the window: Order and Random. For orderly
grouping, type in the number of groups that you want and click the Order button .
The software will automatically group the students in order. Click the Random button
for the random grouping. The software will randomly select students for the
grouping. Students can be grouped manually by double clicking the cells on the student
roster table.
Note: The functions of the Student buttonare the same as the controls on the
toolbar .
Other Settings
The other settings are Import, Export, Save and Exit. You can find these controls displayed on the
toolbar and displayed in an option menu by clicking the File button .
default activity mode is Normal Quiz and will start by directly clicking the Start icon . If you
select the Start button, the activity mode window will display four choices: Normal,
Elimination, Homework, and Paper Quiz. Normal Quiz
In the Normal Quiz mode, a quiz file must be provided with the correct answer for each question
prior to starting the quiz. The instructor controls the pace of the question answering session. Quiz Setting
To set up the Quiz Settings, follow these steps:
1. Select Normal as the current activity mode and a Quiz Setting window will pop up. The
window toolbar will appear “QRF Connected” or “No Host”. If it shows “No Host” unplug
and replug the dongle back in. If there is a connection, the channel number will display on
the screen. The valid channel number is from 1 to 39. If the host is not connected, the
channel number shows 0.
2. Select a class from the Class List drop-down list.
3. The checkbox labeled Send Question Text will display the questions on the student
responders. (QRF900 only)
4. The checkbox labeled Login by Student ID only allows the students listed in the selected
class list to take the exam when it is checked, other students are not allowed. If the check
box is not selected, all the students can take the exam. (QRF700 and QRF900 only)
5. The checkbox labeled Make Roll Call at Beginning will allow teachers to take attendance
before the quiz starts.
6. Click the “Divide groups” check box, then clickorto select the groups; or edit the
groups manually, typing a valid number from 1 to 10. Before the quiz starts, students can
choose a group freely. If the check box is not selected, it will start a quiz directly.
The students will select A, B, C, or D on their responders to join a group.
This displays the students’ logged-in register number. The number is displayed in
successive order on the left side of the screen. For the QRF700 and QRF900 models, the student
numbers are in order based on the order when they log into the system.
The register numbers can be moved around the screen by using the mouse. Click and hold
the boxes and move them to your desired location.
The register numbers can be zoomed in, zoomed out, or hidden by pressing the F2 key on
the teacher remote.
The background colors of the student register numbers have different meanings:
Login/Logout Signal:
Green – indicates that student remote is logged in.
Gray – indicates that student remote is logged out.
Response Signal:
Dark Green –indicates that students have answered the question.
Light Green –indicates that students have not responded to the question.
Orange – indicates that students have changed their answer.
Press the F1 key on the Instructor Keypad or right click the timer clock that will switch it to another
setting that shows hours/minutes/seconds. To hide the timer, you can right click the timer and
select Hide, or press the F1 key on the Instructor keypad.
This displays the response time to a question. The default value is set at 30 seconds. The session
running timer copies the time limit set in the Question Setting window. To hide the timer, press the
F1 key on instructor remote.
Click the Add button under the timer clock to increase the time. 5 seconds will be
added for each click.
Click Reduce button under the timer clock to reduce the time. 5 seconds will be
reduced for each click.
Click the Start or Pause button to start or pause the quiz, or with the Start/Pause key
on the instructor remote.
Quiz Tool Bar
Version Information: provides information about the version of your computer’s
OS, version of Microsoft Office, ARS host, QClick software, as well as the exam title, total slides,
number of logged-in students and session time.
Previous Question: Return to the previous question page.
Click the OK button to complete the settings.
Click the Cancel button to exit the editing window.
Assigning a correct answer setting for Instant Questions can be done two ways:
1. Set the correct answer in the Question Detail window after the quiz. (Click cancel when the
answer setting box pops up.)
2. Set the correct answer after each question answered; refer to 4.4.2 Exam Session for
By pressing the Report button , or through the instructor’sReport key, the instructor
can view the individual student responses. The results are displayed in a table. The table
shows the register number,student ID, student names, group number,points earned, and
the response time.
Press the F1 key to show the detail responses of the student you selected.
By pressing the Result button , or on the instructor remote, the instructor can view the
responses to the individual quiz questions. Results are displayed in graphs.
The user can change the graphs through the buttons displayed on the top of the
graph window or by pressing F1 key on the instructor remote.
The pie chart is the default chart.
The graph can be changed to a histogram by pressing the chart button .
Answer details can be viewed by pressing the grid button .
2. Clicking the Yes button will go to the next step and save the session record to
Note:If it isn’t saved, all session data will be lost.
3. Type the session name in the Session Name textbox.
4. Click the Save Class checkbox. The unlisted students who have taken the exam will be
saved in the selected class list (QRF700 and QRF900 only).
5. Save session to system by pressing “F1”OK , and exit the quiz session.
6. Click to exit current session without saving the record.
7. You can export the session record to an .xml file by clicking the Export button . Elimination
Elimination is similar to Normal but in this mode only those students who answer correctly can
move on to the next question. Those answering incorrectly are automatically eliminated.
Select the Start button in the Tools window and select Elimination from the option menu to
start the quiz. Elimination has the same quiz setting interface as a Normal quiz, but the different
background colors on the Student Register Number/Answer Status Bar indicate different information:
Blue –indicates that students have answered correctly.
Burgundy –indicates that students have answered incorrectly.
Brown – indicates that students are eliminated.
Note: A graph will display after each question to indicate the number of students that are eliminated. Homework & Paper Quiz
Homework mode allows homework questions to be sent to the student remotes so the students can
take their exams outside of the classroom. The homework answers are received from the student
remotes and the correct answers are either embedded in the PowerPoint file or from the answer
sheet. These files should be loaded prior to starting the homework session.
Note: Homework mode is only supported by the QRF700 and QRF900 models.
Paper Quiz
Using the Paper Quiz, no quiz file is necessary. The questions are displayed on hardcopy paper.
However, the answer sheet associated with the paper quiz must be loaded prior to starting the
session. Quiz Setting
Select the Start button in the Tools window and choose Homework as the current activity
mode to start the quiz.