Thank you for choosing QNAP produ cts! T his user manual provid es description of the
hardware of the Turbo NAS and relevant guideline of certain functions. Please read
carefully and strictly adhere to the instructions of the manual.
This user manual is applicable to the following Turbo NAS mode ls:
TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro, TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP,
• The “Turbo NAS” is hereafter referred to as “NAS”.
• The product you purchased may not support certain functions dedicated to specific
•All features, functionality, and other product specifications are subject to change
without p rior notice or obligation.
• Information presented is subject to change without notice.
• No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmit ted , in a ny form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise , without prior written permission of QNAP Systems, Inc.
•QNAP and the QNAP logo are registered trademarks of QNAP Systems, Inc. Other
products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective companies.
In no ev en t sha ll QN AP S ys tem s, Inc . (Q N AP) lia bil i ty e xce ed t he p ri ce pa id fo r the pro d uc t
from direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use
of the pr odu ct, its accompanying software, or its documentation . QNAP makes no
warr anty or repre se ntatio n, e xpres sed, imp lied, or stat utory, wit h resp ect to i ts pr od ucts or
the co n tents or us e o f this doc umentatio n and all acc o mp anying softwar e, a nd specific ally
disclaims its quality, performan ce, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
QNAP reserv e s the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation
without obligation to notify any individual or entity.
Back up your sys tem perio dica ll y to avoid any potential data loss. QNAP disclaims
any resp onsibility of all sorts of data loss or recove ry.
Should you return any components of the NAS package for refund or maintenance,
make sure they are carefully packed for shipping. Any form of damages due to
improper packaging will not be compensated.
Regulatory Notice
FCC Notice
The QNAP NAS complies w it h di ffer e n t F CC compliance c lasse s. Please refer to Appendix A
for de tai ls. Onc e the c lass o f th e d ev ice is d e ter mine d, re fe r to the f ol low ing co rre spo nd ing
FCC Class A Notice
This device complie s with P art 15 of th e FCC R ules. Opera tion is s ubjec t to the follow ing two
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commer cia l e nviron me nt. T his eq uipm en t gener a tes, uses, and ca n ra dia te r adio freq uenc y
energy, a nd if not ins tal led and used i n a cco rda n ce w it h t he ins tr uctio n ma n ual, m ay ca use
harmfu l inter fere nce to rad io comm unica tions . Op eratio n of th is equ ipmen t i n a res ide nt ial
area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to
correct the interference at his own expense.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by QNAP
Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this
FCC Class B Notice
This de vice co mplie s with P art 15 of the FCC R ules. Op eratio n is sub ject to the fo llowing two
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provi de
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interferenc e to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to corr ect the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connec t the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by QNAP
Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this
The QNAP NAS complies with different CE compliance classes. Please refer to A ppendix A
for det ail s.
Symbols in thi s d ocument
This icon indicates the instructions must be strictly followed.
failure to follow the instructions could result in data damage, disk
Failure to do so coul d result in injury to huma n body or death.
This icon indicates the action may lead to disk clearance or loss OR
Chapter 10. Use the LCD Panel ........................................................................ 40
Chapter 11. Install Power Supply Unit ............................................................. 46
Technical Supp ort ............................................................................................ 49
Appendix A. Product Compliance Class ............................................................. 50
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ....................................................................... 51
Safety Warnings
1. The NAS can operate normally in temperatures of 0ºC–40ºC (32ºF -104ºF) and
relati ve h um idi ty of 5%–95%. Please make sur e the e n vi ronm en t is w el l-ventilated.
2. The power cord and de vices co nnected to the NA S must pro vide correct supply voltage
(100W, 90–264V).
3. Do not pla ce the N AS in d irect s unligh t or ne ar che micals. Mak e sure the tem pera ture
and humidity of the environment are in optimized level.
4. Unplug the power cord and a ll con nec ted cab le s befo re c leani ng. Wipe the NAS with
a dry tow el. Do not us e c h e m ic a l or ae r o sol to clean the NAS.
5. Do not place any objects on the NAS for the server’s normal operation and to avoid
6. Use the flat head screw s in the prod uct package t o lock the hard di sks in the NAS when
installing hard disks for proper operation.
7. Do not place the NAS near any liquid.
8. Do not place the NAS on any uneven su rface to avoid falling off and damage.
9. Make sure the voltage is correct in the location where the NAS is installed. Contact
th e distributor or the local power supply company for the information.
10. Do not place any object on the power cord.
11. Do not attempt to repair the NAS in any occasions. Improper disassembly of the
product may expose the users to electric shock or other risks. For any enquiries,
please contact the distributor.
12. The c hass is NA S mo dels sho uld o nly be i nstal led in th e ser ver roo m and ma inta ined b y
the authorized server manager or IT administrator. The server room is locked by key
or keycard access and only certified staff is allowed to enter the server room.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
equivalent type reco mme nded by the man ufac t urer. Dispose of used batteries
accord i ng to the manufac turer’s ins tructions.
Do NOT touch the fan inside the system to avoid serious injuries.
Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifications
1200 v3
1200 v3
1200 v3
Caution: Modifying the hardwa re, software, or firmware of the QNAP product s will
void the warranty . QNAP is not responsible for any form of damage or loss of data caused
by modding the QNAP products. Us ers should bear their own risks of all sorts of poss ib le
data loss o r s yst em in stab il itie s d ue to cha ng ing the hard w are p a rts, mo di fy ing the de fau lt
system f ir mwa r e or insta l ling any una ut hor ized t hird p a rty app lica tio ns o n QN AP pro duc ts.
System TS-EC880 Pro
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Flash 512MB (USB DOM) 512MB (USB DOM) 512MB (USB DOM)
CPU replaceable No No No
Number of
Number of hard
drive slots
Number of PCIe
Processor E3Family
Yes Yes Yes
4 4 4
8 10 8
1 1 2
TS-EC1080 ProTS-EC880U-RP
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Processor E3Family
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Processor E3Family
Number of internal
cache ports
2 2 2
System TS-EC1280U-RP TS-EC1680U-RP TS-EC2480U-RP
1200 v3
1200 v3
1200 v3
Quad-Core Intel Xe o
Flash 512MB (USB DOM) 512MB (USB DOM) 512MB (USB DOM)
CPU replaceable No No No
Number of
Number of hard
drive slots
Number of PCIe
Number of internal
cache ports
Processor E3Family
Yes Yes Yes
4 4 4
12 16 24
2 2 2
2 2 2
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Processor E3Family
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Processor E3Family
Chapter 2. Power Button and Reset Button Behavior
Power button: Press to turn on or turn off.
Power button
Power button
(Hardware turn
(Turn on)
Power button
(Force turn off)
All models Press once 1.5 sec 5 sec
Reset button: Press to reset the system settings.
Basic system reset
Advanced system reset
(1 beep)
(2 beeps)
All models 3 sec 10 sec
Basic system reset (3 sec)
Press the reset button for 3 seconds, a beep sound will be heard. The following sett ings
are reset to default:
System administration password: admin
TCP/IP configuration: Obtain the IP address settings automatically via DHCP
TCP/IP configuration: Disable Jumbo Frame
TCP/IP configuration: If port trunking is enabled (dual LAN models only), the port
trunking mode will be reset to “Active Backup (Failover)”.
System Port: 8080 (system service port)
Security Lev el: Low (Allow all c onnections)
LCD panel password: ( bla nk ) *
VLAN will be disabled.
Service binding: All the NAS s ervices run on all available network interfaces.
*This feature is only provided by the NAS models with LCD panels. Please for details.
Advanced syst em reset (10 sec)
Press the reset button for 10 seconds; you will hear two beeps at the third and the tenth
seconds. The NAS will reset all the system settings to default as it does by web-based
system reset in “Control Panel” > “System Settings” > “Backup / Restore” > “Restore to
Factory Default” except all the data are reserved. The settings such as the users, user
groups, and the network share folders previously created will be cleared. To retrieve the
old data after the advanced system reset, create the same network share folders on the
NAS and the data will be accessible again.
Chapter 3. USB One Touch Copy
This feature is only provided by the NAS models with a USB One Touch Copy button.
Please visit
All NAS models 0.5 sec
Data Copy by the Front USB Port
The NA S sup por ts i nstan t da ta cop y ba ckup fro m the exte rna l USB dev ice to the NA S or t he
other wa y ro und b y t he fro nt on e tou ch cop y bu tton. To u se th is fun ctio n, follo w the step s
1. Make sure a hard drive is installed and formatted on the NAS. The default network
share Qusb or Usb is created.
2. Turn on the NAS.
3. Configure the be ha vior o f the Co py b u tton o n “Backup Station” > “External Backup” >
“USB one touch copy” page. for details.
Number of seco nds (press the one touch copy button
to trigger data copy)
4. Connect the USB storage device to the front USB port of the NAS.
5. Press the Copy button. The USB LED will flash. The data will be copied to or from
the USB device according to the NAS settings.
Note: Thi s f eature adopts incr e m ental bac kup. After the first tim e d ata bac kup, the N A S
only copies the changed files since the last backup.
Chapter 4. LED and Alarm Buzzer Specifications
Online RAID leve l migr atio n is in pro cess.
(2 membe r drives fa il in a RAID 5 or RAID
All the hard drives on the NAS are in standby
The disk data is being accessed from the
network and a read/write error occurs during
the process.
The LED ind ica to rs o f t he N AS i ndic at e the sys te m s tat us a nd inf orma tio n. When the NAS
is turne d on, c h e ck the follow ing items to make sure the s ystem stat us is normal. Note
that th e fo llowi ng L ED in forma tio n is a ppl icab le o nly w hen u sers hav e pro perly ins talle d th e
hard drive, and connected the NAS to the network and the power supply.
LED Color LED Status Description
1. The hard drive on the NAS is being
2. The NAS is be i ng in itialized .
3. The system firmware is being updated.
4. RAID rebuilding is in process.
5. Online RAID capacity expansion is in
1. The hard drive is invalid.
2. The disk volume has reached its full
3. The disk volume is goin g to b e full.
4. The system fan is out of function.
5. An error occurs when accessing
(read/write) the disk data.
6. A bad sector is detected on the hard
7. The NAS is in degraded read-only mode
6 configuration, the disk data can still be
8. Hardware self-test error.
Flashes green
and red
every 0.5 sec
Flashes red
every 0.5 sec
Flashes green
every 0.5 sec
Green The NAS is ready.
Deep flashes
of orange
LAN Orange Orange
The NAS is in degraded mode (one member
drive fails in RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 6
1. The NAS is sta r ting up.
2. The NAS is not configured.
3. A hard disk drive is not fo rm atted.
The NAS is in sleep mode.
LED Color LED Status Description
No 10Gb E netwo rk expa nsio n card is i nsta lled.
The NAS ha s fi nis hed cop ying the da ta to
10 GbE Green
USB Blue
The NAS is connec ted to the ne two rk.
The 10GbE network expansion card is
Flashes red The NAS is being accessed from the network.
Red A hard drive read/write error occurs.
Flashes green The disk data is being accessed.
Green The hard drive can be accessed.
1. A USB device (connected to the front USB
port) is being detected.
2. A USB device (connected to the front USB
Flashes blue
every 0.5 sec
port) is being removed from the NAS.
3. The USB device (connected to the front
USB port of the NAS) is being accessed.
4. The data is being copied to or from the
external USB or eSATA device.
A front USB device is detected (after the
device is mounted).
eSATA Orange
1. No USB device is detected.
or from the USB d ev ice connected to th e
front USB port.
The eSATA device is being accessed.
Off No eSATA device can be detected.
Off No expansion enclosures are detected.
Orange Expansion enclosures are detected.
The sto r age exp ansio n port st atu s LED i s onl y s up por te d by the TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP,
TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP.
Beep alarm: All NAS models
1. The NAS is sta r ting up.
The disk volume has reached its full
The NAS has been turned on and is
The beep alarm can be disabled in “Control Panel” > “System Settings” > “Hardware”.
Beep sound Number of Times Description
2. The NAS is being shut down
(softw are shutdown).
Short beep (0.5 sec) 1
Short beep (0.5 sec) 3
Long beep (1.5 sec) 3, every 5 min The system fan is out of function.
Long beep (1.5 sec)
3. The user presses the reset butto n to
reset the NAS.
4. The system firmware has been
The NAS data cannot be copied to the
external storage device from the front
USB po rt.
1. The disk volume is goin g to b e full.
3. T he hard driv es on th e NAS are in
degraded mode.
4. The user starts the hard drive
rebuilding process.
5. A hard drive is plugged in or out.
1. The NAS is turned off by force
shutdown (hardware shutdown).
Chapter 5. Upgrade Memory on QNAP Turbo NAS (RAM Module
The following instructions should only be performed by an authorized and trained
Strictly adhere to the instructions to install a RAM module on the NAS. Failure to do
so could r es ult in injury to human body or death.
QNAP provi des RAM module (optional purchase) for users to upgrade the memory of the
NAS. Insert an extra RAM mo dule on the mother board of the NAS to upgr ade the memory .
The total memory will be shown in “System Information” of the administration page.
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from the NAS.
2. Be fore installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be connected to the ground.
3. Loosen the 2 screws on the rear of the NAS as shown in the illustration.
4. Hold the handle pulled backwards to remove the Motherboard Drawer.
5. Release the ejector clips gently by pulling them out of the sides of the RAM slot.
6. Grasp the edge of the RAM module. A lign the notch on the gold edge of the RAM
module with the notch in the RAM slot. Insert the RAM module to the RAM slot until
it cannot go any further.
7. Insert the Motherboard Drawer, push the handle, locking NAS rear two screws.
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