QNAP TS-110, TS-112, TS-119P II, TS-120, TS-121 Software User Manual (Version: 4.0)

Software User Manual
(Version: 4.0)
This m anual is applicabl e to the following Turbo NA S models: TS- 110, TS-112, TS -119P II , TS- 120, TS-121, TS -210, TS- 212, TS-219P II, T S-220, TS -221, TS -259 Pro+, TS -269L, TS- 410, TS- 410U , T S-412, TS -412U, TS-419P II, TS- 419U II, TS- 420, TS-420U, TS- 421, TS-421U, TS-459 Pro II, T S- 459 Pro+, TS- 469 Pr o, TS- 469L, T S-509 Pro, TS-569L, TS -669L, TS- 809 Pr o, TS -869L, SS-439 Pr o and SS -839 Pro.
© 2013 QNAP System s, Inc. All Ri ghts R eserved.
Table of Contents
1. Notice
.............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Le ga l Notice a nd Disclaimer
1.2 Regulato ry Notice
.............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Symbols in this Document
.............................................................................................................. 12
1.4 Safet y Information and Prec aut ions
.............................................................................................................. 13
2. Getting Started
.............................................................................................................. 15
2.1 Hardw a re Ins tallation
................................................................................................................................ 162.1.1 Hard Disk Drive Compatibility Lis t
................................................................................................................................ 17
2.1.2 Checking System Status
.............................................................................................................. 212.2 S oftwa re Ins ta llatio n
................................................................................................................................ 222.2.1 Online Installation
................................................................................................................................ 35
2.2.2 Cloud Installation
................................................................................................................................ 44
2.2.3 CD Installation
.............................................................................................................. 452. 3 Gettin g Utilities
2.4 Connec t ing to NAS Shared Folders
.............................................................................................................. 48
................................................................................................................................ 492.4.1 Connecting to NAS shared folders in Windows
................................................................................................................................ 54
2.4.2 Connecting to NAS shared folders in Mac or Linux
.............................................................................................................. 602.5 Connecting t o NAS by We b Browser
2.6 Migrating from Old NAS
.............................................................................................................. 62
3. QTS Basics and Desktop
.............................................................................................................. 66
3.1 Introducing QT S
3.2 Using QTS Deskt o p
.............................................................................................................. 70
4. System Settings
.............................................................................................................. 87
4.1 General Settings
4.2 Storage M a na ger
.............................................................................................................. 95
................................................................................................................................ 964.2.1 Volume Management
................................................................................................................................ 100
4.2.2 RAID Management
................................................................................................................................ 123
4.2.3 Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T
................................................................................................................................ 124
4.2.4 Encrypted File System
................................................................................................................................ 135
4.2.5 iSCSI Por tal Ma nagement
........................................................................................................................ 13 6 Targ et Management
........................................................................................................................ 14 4 Advanced ACL
........................................................................................................................ 17 0 LUN Backup
........................................................................................................................ 17 3
................................................................................................................................ 2004.2.6 Virtual Disk
.............................................................................................................. 2054. 3 Netwo rk
4.4 S e curity
.............................................................................................................. 229
4.5 Hardw a re
.............................................................................................................. 232
.............................................................................................................. 238
4.6 P o w e r
.............................................................................................................. 243
4.7 Notif ica tion
4.8 Firmware Upd a te
.............................................................................................................. 246
4.9 Backup/ Resto re
.............................................................................................................. 250
.............................................................................................................. 252
4.10 Ext e rna l Device
................................................................................................................................ 2534.10.1 External Storage
................................................................................................................................ 261
4.10.2 USB Printer Setting up Printer Connection in Windows 7
........................................................................................................................ 26 5 Setting up Printer Connection in Windows XP
........................................................................................................................ 27 0 Se tting up Pr inte r Connection in Mac OS 10.6
........................................................................................................................ 27 2 Se tting up Pr inte r Connection in Mac OS 10.5
........................................................................................................................ 27 5 Se tting up Pr inte r Connection in Mac OS 10.4
........................................................................................................................ 28 0 Setting up Printer Connection in Linux (Ubuntu 10.10)
........................................................................................................................ 28 4
................................................................................................................................ 2894.10.3 UPS
.............................................................................................................. 2954. 11 S y s tem Sta tus
4.12 S y s tem Logs
.............................................................................................................. 302
5. Privile ge Settings
.............................................................................................................. 309
5.1 Use rs
5.2 Use r Groups
.............................................................................................................. 325
.............................................................................................................. 327
5.3 S ha red Folde rs
5.4 Quota
.............................................................................................................. 363
5.5 Domain Se curity
.............................................................................................................. 365
................................................................................................................................ 3675.5.1 Joining NAS to Active Directory (Windows Server 2003/2008)
................................................................................................................................ 378
5.5.2 Connecting NAS to an LDAP Directory
6. Network Serv ic es
.............................................................................................................. 385
6.1 W in/Ma c/NF S
6.2 FTP
.............................................................................................................. 393
6.3 Telnet/ S S H
.............................................................................................................. 396
6.4 S NMP S e tt ings
.............................................................................................................. 397
6.5 S e rvice Disco v e ry
.............................................................................................................. 399
6.6 Network Recy cle Bin
.............................................................................................................. 401
6.7 Qs y nc
.............................................................................................................. 403
7. Applications
.............................................................................................................. 427
7.1 Station M a na ge r
7.2 iTune s S e rver
.............................................................................................................. 435
7.3 DLNA Media S erve r
.............................................................................................................. 437
7.4 Media Library
.............................................................................................................. 439
7.5 W e b S e rv e r
.............................................................................................................. 444
................................................................................................................................ 4657.5.1 Virtual Host
7.6 LDAP S e rver
.............................................................................................................. 469
.............................................................................................................. 473
7.7 V P N Se rvice
.............................................................................................................. 489
7.8 MySQL S e rv e r
7.9 S y s log Serve r
.............................................................................................................. 491
7.10 A ntiv irus
.............................................................................................................. 498
.............................................................................................................. 509
7.11 RADIUS Serve r
7.12 TFTP Serve r
.............................................................................................................. 513
8. QNAP Applications
.............................................................................................................. 516
8.1 Backup S ta tio n
................................................................................................................................ 5178.1.1 Backup Server
................................................................................................................................ 526
8.1.2 Remote Replication
................................................................................................................................ 550
8.1.3 Cloud Backup
................................................................................................................................ 557
8.1.4 External Backup
.............................................................................................................. 5768. 2 myQNAPcloud Service
8. 3 File S ta tion
.............................................................................................................. 599
8.4 P ho to S ta tion
.............................................................................................................. 623
8.5 Music S ta tion
.............................................................................................................. 638
8. 6 M u ltimedia Statio n
.............................................................................................................. 644
8.7 Downlo a d S ta tion
.............................................................................................................. 672
8.8 HD Sta tion
.............................................................................................................. 691
8. 9 S u rveilla n ce S ta tion Pro
.............................................................................................................. 713
8.10 A pp C e nte r
.............................................................................................................. 723
9. Use the LCD Panel
1. Notice
Le g al No tice an d Dis cla imer Regulatory Notice
Symbols in thi s D oc ument
Safety Information and Prec aut ions
1.1 Legal Notic e and Disclaimer
T ha nk yo u for choos ing QNAP prod uct s ! This us er manual prov ides d e ta iled instruc tions of using the Turbo NAS (network-attached storage). Please read carefully and start t o enjoy the powerful func t ions of the Turbo NAS!
Th e Turb o NA S is h ere after referred to as the NA S . T his manua l prov ides the de s cription o f a ll t he f unct ions o f the Turbo NAS. The produc t y ou purchas ed may not s upport cert ain funct ions dedica te d to s pe cific models.
Legal Notices
All the fe ature s, fu nctio nality , a n d othe r p rod uct s p ecifica tion s a re subje ct to chang e without p rior notice o r obligation. Inf o rmation conta ined herein is sub ject to chang e without notic e. QNAP and the QNAP logo are trademarks of QNAP Systems, Inc. All other brands and produc t names referred to are trademarks of their respec t ive holders. Further, the ® or ™ symbols are not used in the text.
D is c la im e r
Information in this do cument is provided in connection w ith QNAP® products . No lic e ns e , express or implied, by e sto ppe ls or otherwise, to any int e llectual property rights is grante d by this document. Exc e pt a s provided in QNAP's te rms and condit ions of sa le f or such products, QNAP Assumes no liability whatsoever, and QNAP disclaims any express or implied warranty , rela ting to sale an d / or u s e of QNA P p rodu cts inclu d in g liability or wa rranties rela ting to f itne s s f o r a p a rt icular purpose , mercha ntability , o r infringement o f any pate nt, copyright or other inte llectual property right.
QNAP product s a re no t inte nd e d for use in medica l, life s a v ing, life s us taining, crit ical c ontrol or safety syst ems, or in nuclear fac ility applic ations.
In no event shall QNAP Systems, Inc . (QNAP) liability exceed t he price paid for the produc t f rom direct , indirect, s pe cial, incident a l, or co nse quential damages result ing from t he us e o f the prod uct , its a cco mpany ing s o f twa re, o r it s d ocumenta tion. QNAP makes no warrant y or represe ntation, e xpresse d, implied, or sta tutory, w it h respe ct to its
products or the conte nts o r use of this do cumenta tion a nd a ll acco mpany ing s o f twa re, an d sp ecif ically d is claims its q uality , p erfo rmance, merchan tab ility , o r fitness for a n y particular purpose. QNAP rese rves the right to rev ise o r update it s products , s of tw a re, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.
Back up t he s y s te m periodica lly t o a v oid any pote ntial dat a loss . QNAP disclaims any responsibility of all sorts of dat a loss or recovery.
Should y o u return any compone nts o f the NAS pa ckage f o r ref und o r maint enance, make sure t he y a re carefully packed f or shipping. Any f orm of da mages due to improper packaging will not be compensate d.
QNAP, QNAP logo, QT S, myQNAPc loud and VioStor are t radema rks or registered trademarks of QNAP Systems, Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be c laimed as the property of others.
1.2 Regulatory Notice
FCC Notice
QNAP NAS comply with different FCC compliance classes. Please refer the Appendix for details. Once the c lass of the device is determined, refer to the following c orresponding statement. ================================================================= FCC Class A Not ice
Th is de vice co mplies with P art 15 o f the FC C Rules. O p eration is su b ject to the fo llowing two co n d itio ns:
1. Th is d evice may not cau se h armful in te rfere n ce.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may ca us e unde s ired o pe ra tion.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digit a l dev ice, pursuant to P art 15 of the F CC Rules. Thes e limit s a re des igned to provide reasonable protect ion against harmful interferenc e when the equipment is operated in a c ommercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in ac cordanc e with the instruct ion manual, may ca us e ha rmful int erfe re nce to radio communica tions . Ope ration o f this equipment in a residential area is likely to c ause harmful interference, in whic h c ase the user will be required to correc t t he interferenc e at his own expense.
Modific a tions: A ny modific a tions made to this dev ice that a re not a pprove d by QNAP Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment.
FCC Class B Notic e
Th is de vice co mplies with P art 15 o f the FC C Rules. O p eration is su b ject to the fo llowing two co n d itio ns:
1. Th is d evice may not cau se h armful in te rfere n ce.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may ca us e unde s ired o pe ra tion.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digit a l dev ice, pursuant to P art 15 of the F CC Rules. Thes e limit s a re des igned to provide reasonable protect ion against harmful interferenc e in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and c an radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed an d u se d in acco rd a n ce with the instructions, may ca u se harmful in te rfere n ce to radio c ommunic at ions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not oc cur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference t o radio or t e levision reception, whic h can be dete rmined by t urning the e quipment o f f a nd on, the user is encouraged to try to correct t he interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reo rient o r relo ca te the re ceiving an ten n a. Inc rease the separation between the equipment and rec eiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whic h the receiver is connected. Cons ult the de a ler or a n e xperienced radio/ telev ision technic ian for he lp.
Modific a tions: A ny modific a tions made to this dev ice that a re not a pprove d by QNAP Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment.
QNAP Turbo NAS models comply with different CE compliance classes. Please refer to the t able be low for details.
NAS Mode ls FCC CE
TS-EC1679U-RP Class A Class A
TS-EC1279U-RP Class A Class A
TS-EC879U-RP Class A Class A
TS-1679U-RP Class A Class A
TS-1279U-RP Class A Class A
TS-879U-RP Class A Class A
TS-1270U-RP Class A Class A
TS-879U-RP Class A Class A
TS-1269U-RP Class A Class A
TS-869U-RP Class A Class A
TS-469U-RP/SP Class A Class A
T S -419U II Class A Class A
TS-412U Class A Class A
TS-420U Class A Class A
TS-421U Class A Class A
T S -1079 Pro Class A Class A
T S -879 Pro Class A Class A
T S -869 Pro Class B Class B
T S -669 Pro Class B Class B
T S -569 Pro Class B Class B
T S -469 Pro Class B Class B
T S -269 Pro Class B Class B
TS-869L Class B Class B
TS-669L Class B Class B
TS-569L Class B Class B
TS-469L Class B Class B
TS-269L Class B Class B
T S -419P II Class B Class B
T S -219P II Class B Class B
T S -119P II Class B Class B
TS-412 Class B Class B
TS-212 Class B Class B
TS-112 Class B Class B
TS-120 Class B Class B
TS-220 Class B Class B
TS-420 Class B Class B
TS-121 Class B Class B
TS-221 Class B Class B
TS-421 Class B Class B
1.3 Symbols in this Document
Th is icon in d icates the in structions must be strictly follo wed .
Im portant
Fa ilure to do so could result in injury to human body or dea th.
Th is icon in d icates the action may lea d to d isk cle ara n ce o r loss O R f ailu re to follo w the in structions co u ld result in d ata damage, disk damage, or product damage.
Th is icon in d icates the in formation p rovided is importa nt o r relate d to lega l regulations.
1.4 Safety Information and Precautions
1. The NAS can o pe rate normally in the tempera ture o f 0ºC–40º C a nd relative humidity of 0%–95%. Pleas e make sure the en v ironment is w e ll-v e ntilat e d.
2. T he pow e r cord and dev ice s connecte d to the NAS must prov ide co rrect supply vo ltag e ( 100W , 90–264V ) .
3. Do not p lace the NAS in direct sunlight or ne a r che mica ls. M a ke s ure the temperature and humidity of t he environment are in optimized level.
4. Unplug t he po w e r cord and all the co nnect e d cables be f ore cleaning. Wipe t he NAS with a dry towel. Do not use c hemic al or aerosol to clean the NAS.
5. Do not place any object s on the NAS during normal system operations and to avoid overheat.
6. Use the flat head screws in the produc t pac kage to loc k the hard disk drives in the NAS when installing the hard drives for proper operation.
7. Do not place the NAS near any liquid.
8. Do not place the NAS on any uneven surface t o avoid falling off and damage.
9. Make sure the voltage is correct in your location when using the NAS. If unsure, please contact the distributo r or the loca l powe r supply co mpany.
10. Do not place any objec t on the power c ord.
11. Do not attempt to repair the NAS in any occasions. Improper disassembly of the produc t may expose you to elect ric shoc k or other risks. For any enquiries, please contact the distributor.
12. Th e chas sis ( als o known as ra ck mount) NAS models s h ould only b e in stalled in the server ro o m and maintain ed b y the a u tho rized serve r manag er o r IT a d ministra tor. T he se rve r room is locked by key or keyca rd acc e s s a nd only ce rt ified s ta f f is allowed to enter the server room.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrec tly replac ed. Replac e only with the same or equiva lent t y p e recomme nde d b y the manufa ct urer. Dispose o f us e d ba tteries acco rd in g to the manufacture r’s instruction s . Do NOT touc h t he fan inside the system to avoid serious injuries.
2. Getting Started
New NAS users are advised to follow the st eps below one by one to c omplete t heir NAS installation. For users who already own a QNAP NAS and would like to move the data t o a
new QNAP NAS, pleas e ref e r t o M igrat ing from Old NAS
For New NAS Users:
f o r d eta iled in structions.
Ha rdware Install ation Soft w are Installation Getting Utilities Connecting to t he Shared Folders
Connecting t o the NAS by W e b Browser
F o r E x is ting NAS Use rs :
Migrating from Old NAS
2.1 Hardware Installation
After unpacking the NAS from the package, please first follow the instruc t ions below to inst a ll yo ur hardw a re:
1. Install the hard drives. Please also make sure that the hard drives (HDDs) that you use are compatible with the NAS. Go t o t he Hard Disk Drive Compatibility List
section fo r more d eta ils .
2. Conne ct the QNAP NAS to the s a me net work as y o ur PC a nd po w e r it o n. During your insta llat ion proc e s s , pleas e pay a tte ntion t o LEDs and alarm buzzers t o make sure that the NAS functions properly. Go to the Checking System Stat us
sec t ion for details.
Note :
The st eps above are also illustrated in the Quick Installation Guide (QIG) that
can be f ound in t he product pa ckage or QNAP w e bs it e (http:/ /s ta rt . qnap. com).
2.1.1 Hard Disk Drive Compatibility List
H a rd D isk D r iv e C o m p a tib ility L is t
T his product wo rks wit h 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch SATA hard disk drives and/o r solid- s tate drive s ( SS D) from major hard drive brands. F o r t he compat ible hard disks, please check t he compat ibilit y list on QNAP we bs it e (http: // w w w . qnap. com/compatibility ) .
Impo rta nt : QNAP disclaims any respo nsibilit y f or product damage/malfunc tion or data loss/recovery due to misuse or improper installation of hard disks in any oc casions for any reasons.
Caution: Note that if you install a hard drive (ne w or us e d) w hich has ne ve r been inst a lled on t he NAS bef o re, the ha rd drive w ill be formatte d a nd partitioned automatically and all the disk data w ill be c leared.
2.1.2 Checking System Status
LED Display & System Status Overview
LED Colour LED Status Desc ription
1)T he hard disk drive on the NAS is being formatt ed.
2)Th e NA S is b eing in itia lize d .
System Status
Red/ Green
Flashes green and red alternately every
0.5 s e c
3) The sy s te m firmware is being updat ed.
4) RAID rebuilding is in proce s s .
5)Online RAID cap a city e xpans ion is in process.
6)Onlin e RAID le vel migration is in process.
1)Th e hard d isk drive is invalid .
2)Th e disk vo lu me has reached its full capacity.
3)Th e disk vo lu me is g oing to b e full.
4)The system fan is out of func tion (TS­119 doe s no t s up po rt s mart f a n) .
5)An error occurs when accessing (read/ write) the disk dat a.
6) A ba d s e ctor is dete ct e d o n t he hard disk drive.
7) The NAS is in degraded read-only mode (2 member hard drives fail in a RAID 5 or RAID 6 c o nfiguration, the d isk data can still b e read).
8)(Hardware self- test error).
Flashes red every
0.5 s e c
Flashes green every
0.5 s e c
Green The NAS is ready.
T he NAS is in degraded mode (one member hard drive fails in RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 6 c o nfiguration).
1)The NAS is s ta rting up.
2)The NAS is no t conf igured .
3) The hard disk drive is not f ormat te d.
LED Colour LED Status Desc ription
LAN Orange
All the hard disk drives on the NAS are in st a ndby mode.
T he disk dat a is be ing access e d f rom t he
network and a read/write error occurs during t he proce s s .
Flashes orange The NAS is connected t o t he network.
T he 10GbE network expans ion card is
installed. No 10GbE netwo rk expansion card is
installed. T he NAS is being access ed from the
Flashes red
network. Red A h a rd drive rea d /write erro r occurs. Flashes green T he disk dat a is be ing access e d.
USB Blue
Green The hard drive c an be acce ssed.
1)A USB device (connected to front USB port) is being detect e d.
2)A USB device (connected to front USB
Flas hes b lue e v e ry
0.5 s e c
port) is being removed f rom t he NAS.
3)The USB device (connected to the front USB port) is being acc e s s e d.
4) The data is be ing c o pied to o r from t he external USB or eSAT A dev ic e.
A front USB device is detect ed (after the
dev ice is mounte d ).
1) No USB device is de te cte d.
2)T he NAS has finished copying the data
to or from the USB device connected to the front USB port of the NAS.
Flashes T he eS ATA dev ice is be ing access e d.
Off No eSATA de v ice can be de te ct e d.
* The 10 GbE net work expans ion funct ion is on ly s up po rte d by the TS -470 Pro, TS-670
Pro, TS-870 P ro, TS -870U- RP, TS -879 Pro, TS-1079 Pro, TS -879U-RP, TS-1270U-RP, T S -1279U-RP, TS -EC879U-RP, a nd TS-EC 1279U-RP. * *TS-210, TS-212, TS -219, TS-439U-SP/ RP, TS-809 Pro, TS-809U-RP do no t s up po rt eSAT A port.
Alarm Buzzer
T he alarm buzzer can be disabled in “Cont rol Panel” > “Sys te m Settings” > “Hardware” > “Buzzer”.
Beep sound No. of Tim es Desc ription
Short beep
(0.5 sec)
Short beep
(0.5 sec)
Short beep (0.5 sec ), long beep (1.5 sec)
Long beep (1.5 sec)
1 1)The NAS is s ta rting up.
2) The NAS is being shut dow n ( so f tw a re shutdow n) .
3)The user presses the reset button to reset the NAS.
4)T he system firmware has been updated.
3 The NAS data cannot be copied to t he external
storage device from t he front USB port.
3, every 5
2 1) The disk volume is going to be full.
T he sy s te m fan is o ut o f funct ion ( TS-119 d oes no t
support smart fan).
2)T he disk volume has reac hed its f ull capac ity.
3)T he hard disk drives on the NAS are in degraded mode.
4)T he user starts hard drive rebuilding.
1 1)The NAS is turned off by force shutdown (hardware
2)T he NAS has been turned on and is ready.
2.2 Software Installation
After installing the NAS hardware, proceed to soft w are installation. There are three ap p roa ch es for so ftw are in stallation :
1. Onlin e In s ta llation
2. Cloud Ins tallation
3. CD Ins ta llation
Onlin e insta lla tio n is ava ilab le fo r all h o me and SOHO models , and cloud in stallation is o n ly for se lecte d home and SOHO models. CD installat ion is designed only f or SMB models. To verify if yo u r NA S sup p orts cloud in stallation , p lea se check if there is a sticker o n the NAS, as shown in the figure below:
To confirm if your NAS is a home and SOHO model or SMB model, please check the QNAP website (go t o ht tp://www .qnap.com/ > Products > Storage.) All home a nd SOHO users are enc ouraged to use cloud and online installation. For all problems encountered in the insta llat ion proc e s s , plea s e contact our t e chnica l support de partment ( go to http:/ / www.qnap.com/ > Support > Customer Service.)
2.2.1 Online Installation
F ollo w the ste p s in this s ection to complete o n lin e insta lla tio n fo r your NAS .
1. Go to htt p://st art.qnap.com and c lick “St art Now”.
2. Choose the number of HDD bays and the model of your NAS and click “Next”.
3. Connect the network and power c ables of your NAS, turn on the Turbo NAS and click “ Next”.
4. Clic k the o pe rating sys tem yo ur co mpute r is running on.
5. Click “Ge t Qfin d er” to d ownloa d the Q NA P Q fin d er u tility ( For M ac users , p lea se skip to Step 19
6. Launch the QNAP Qfinder insta ller fro m yo ur co mpute r and click “Next ” .
7. Read the lic ense agreement, chec k “I ac cept t he t erms of t he Lic ense Agreement,” and click “Next”.
8. Click “Next”.
9. Click “I nsta ll” .
10. Click “Finis h ” .
11. Launch t he QNAP Qf inde r f rom your des kt o p.
12. Th e Qu ick S etup Wiz ard will b e la u n ched auto matically . Plea se co nfirm t h at the IP addres s show n up o n the dialog w indow matches the Turbo NAS y o u a re trying t o c onfigure (please c hec k the MAC address from the QNAP Qfinder and its corres po nding IP a d dres s . ) C lic k “Yes” to conf igure y o ur Turbo NAS .
13. Clic k “Quick Se tup ”.
14. Install a ha rd drive on your Turbo NAS if y o u ha v e no t a lrea dy done so a nd click “Detect Again”.
15. Conf irm the se tup de ta ils and click “Next”.
16. The wizard will proc eed t o finish the installation process.
17. Click “Finis h ” to co mplete the insta lla tio n p ro cess an d o p en the NAS login p ag e.
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