QIAGEN Viral RNA UM Kit User Manual

Sample to Insight__
October 2020
Quick-Start Protocol
QIAprep& Viral RNA UM Kit
The QIAprep& Viral RNA UM Kit (cat. nos. 221415 and 221417) should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The Viral RNA Master Mix and ROX Reference Dye can also be stored at 2–8°C for up to 12 months protected from light, depending on the expiration date.
Further information
QIAprep& Viral RNA UM Kit Handbook
Safety Data Sheets: www.qiagen.com/safety
Technical assistance: support.qiagen.com
Notes before starting
The QIAprep& Viral RNA UM Kit is an innovative liquid-based method optimized for
the preparation and detection of viral RNA targets from samples such as nasal, nasopharyngeal, or oropharyngeal swabs that are stored in non-fixation transport media such as UTM, VTM, PBS, ESwabs
Samples can be kept at room temperature during preparation steps and reaction setup.
Sample preparation can conveniently be performed directly in the PCR vessel prior to the addition of the PCR reaction.
The Viral RNA UM Prep Buffer prepares the samples for the detection step but is not a
virus inactivation solution.
The RT-qPCR protocol uses TaqMan probes in a multiplex reaction that works with any real-time
cyclers. For fluorescence normalization, ROX dye might be required at the following concentrations:
Low concentration of ROX dye: Applied Biosystems 7500, ViiA7, and QuantStudio
Real-Time PCR Systems.
High concentration of ROX dye: ABI PRISM 7000, Applied Biosystems 7300, 7900,
and StepOne Real-Time PCR Systems.
No requirement for ROX dye: Rotor-Gene, QIAquant, Bio-Rad CFX,
Roche LightCycler 480, and Agilent Technologies Mx instruments. The
, Virocult™, or 0.9% NaCl.
: www.qiagen.com/HB-2830
QuantiNova ROX Reference Dye should be used as a 20x concentrated solution for a 1x reaction when using an instrument requiring a high-ROX dye concentration. For instruments requiring a low-ROX dye concentration, use the dye as a 200x concentrate.
Important: Always start with the cycling conditions specified in this protocol.The PCR section of the RT-qPCR protocol must start with an initial incubation step of 2 min
at 95°C to activate the DNA Polymerase.
The RNA IC Template + Assay (Internal Control) is an inhibition control using a synthetic
RNA template. It is a 200 bp IC template detected in the red channel on the
Rotor-Gene Q or in the Cy5
The Human Sampling IC Assay (Sampling Control) is intended to report that the primary
channel on other real-time PCR instruments.
sample tube contains intact human genetic material. For this purpose, two different human targets are both detected in the yellow channel on the Rotor-Gene Q or in the
/HEX dye channel on other real-time PCR instruments. The pre-mixed formulation
VIC (20x) contains forward and reverse primers and TaqMan probes.
For viral targets, it is recommended to prepare a 20x primer–probe mix containing
target-specific primers and probes. Viral sequences can be detected in the green channel on the Rotor-Gene Q or in the FAM dye channel on other real-time PCR instruments. We recommend to use 0.8 µM primers (forward/reverse) and 0.25 µM probe concentrations in the reaction. For further information, or to download the handbook or supplementary protocols, please visit the product page (www.qiagen.com/qiaprepandamp-resources).
Before use, thaw the Viral RNA UM Prep Buffer, Viral RNA Master Mix, RNA IC
Template + Assay, Human Sampling IC Assay, ROX Reference Dye (if required), and RNase-Free Water. Mix the individual solutions.
1. Prepare a reaction mix according to Table 1 and mix thoroughly.
2. Vortex the swab containing the sample vigorously.
3. Dispense 2 µl of Viral RNA UM Prep Buffer into each PCR tube or a well of a PCR plate.
4. Add 8 µl of the sample to the same PCR tube or well containing the Viral RNA UM Prep Buffer. Mix by pipetting up and down at least twice.
5. Incubate at room temperature for 2 min.
Note: Incubation time starts after adding the last sample to the Viral RNA UM Prep Buffer.
6. Add 10 µl of the reaction mix prepared in step 1.
QIAprep& Viral RNA UM Kit 10/2020
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