QHYCCD QHY8L-C Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
1. Connection and Safety Instructions .............................. 3
2. Driver Installation and Software Quick Start Guide ..... 7
3. Set the GAIN and OFFSET ........................................... 13
4. Image Calibration ....................................................... 14
5. Camera Attachment ................................................... 17
6. Camera Parameters ................................................... 20
7. Accessories and Interface Specification ..................... 22
8. QHY8L Mechanical Dimensions ................................. 24
9. Clip Installation .......................................................... 25
Chapter 1.
Connection and Safety Instructions
1. The larger surface area of the CCD chip and cooling system make it more fragile than a small or medium sized CCD. Take extra care when transporting and using the de v i ce.
2. Do not block the cooling vents.
3. Connectio n Sequence:
Connect USB cable from camera to PC
Connect 9-pin cable from camera to DC201, with EMC filter on DC201 end
Connect 12V power to DC201
4. Disconnection Sequence:
Disconnect 12V input power from DC201
Disconnect 9-pin cable from camera
Disconnect USB cable from PC
5. Ensure that the power converter is properly grounded.
DC201 Input Voltage Range and Power.
The DC201 requires a regulate d 1 2V inp u t. The normal input range is 11V-13V.
If you exceed 13V when using an external power supply, the higher voltage will reduce the life of the Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) and fan. Please limit the maximum power of your cooling settings if you have to use your camera in this case. Please check "Favorite->TEC Protect" in the EZCAP software. If you are using the ASCOM dri v e r, this has been set automati cally.
the QHY8L u se s dou ble ref rige rati n g refrigerator, and the temperature can drop
below the environment temperature by a bout 30 degrees Celsius.
Service temperature of the QHY8L is from -20°C to 40°C , Rela tive humidity
amount is from 0% to 90%.
6. QHY8L CCD Sensor Readout Mode:
The QHY8L uses a two frame readout CCD sensor. Due to the nature of the CCD readout mode, there are several things to which you need to pay attention during shooting and image processing.
The blue and half of the green pixels are read in the first frame. The red and half of the green pixels are read in the second frame. After the first frame exposure finished and CCD electron is being readout, the second frame is still being exposed. This will cause the exposure time of the two frames to be slightly different. In order to get the same
exposure time for both frames, the QHY8L uses two exposure modes: Singl e frame exposure and double fr ames exposure. When exposure time is short (high speed readout mode less than 1.4sec, slow mode le ss th an 3.47 sec), the QHY8L will select double frames exposure mode automatically. It will expose twice with the same exposure time. It will readout the first frame pixels after the first exposure, and it will readout the second frame pixels after the second exposure. But double frames exposure mode will cause two exposure times. This is not appropriate for long time exposure. So in long time exposure condition, the QH Y8L will use single frame exposure mode, so the QHY8L will expose only one time. It will keep the first frame exposure time same with the second exposure time t hro u g h a s pecial hardware process in the camera.
Note: In the long exposure tim e condition, as the first frame has alre ady sta r ted to read the data, and the second is still in exposure, the first frame will produce amplifier glow. The time is 1.45 seconds or 3.47 seconds. Because the secon d fra me is still being exposed, the amplifier glow will enter the second frame, so there will be a faint yellow amplifier glow on the top left corner of the image. The glow must be compensated through a dark frame calibration.
For 2*2, 4*4 binning modes, the QHY8L chip uses progressive scan mode, so there is no such problem.
7. About controlling for BLOOMING
The QHY8L CCD chip has -100dB anti-overflow foundation. It is possible to overflow when you are shooting a very bright target. For the overflow problem of the SONY CCD chip, you can install mechanical shutter. If you need a mechanical shutter, please consult QHYCCD or your area dealer.
8. Chip moisture problems.
In certain relative humidity conditions, when the temperature is lower than the dew point, dew or frost will appear on the surface; this is a law of nature. Ice or dew may form on the surface of the CCD chip or optical window, and they will impact your images. If dew or ice forms on the surface of the CCD chip, water can flow onto the electric board, leading to a short circuit or dat a co rrup tio n. You should not let this happen.
Chip surface moistu re
The internal space of CCD camera is relatively airtight. If dew forms on the surface of CCD chip, this indicates that there is higher relative humidity in the CCD chamber. You must dry the cha mber using the foll o wing method:
Open the QHY8L in dry place. And put the QHY8L in a dry and airtight
environme n t for24 hours to make it completely dry.
Install the QHY8L in the dry envir onment and seal it.
Infrared cut-off glass window moisture
If the cooling temperature is too low in a high humidity environment, the infrared cut­off glass window m ay col lect de w. This is due to the temperature of the window being too low. Please use the following method if you encounter this problem.
Install M42 to M4 2 he a te r wh i ch produced by the QHYCCD. The heater can raise
the glass window's temperature to avoid dew forming.
Reduce the cooling power, the best temperature range for the QHY8L is from -
5°C to -15°C. Please adjust the co o lin g te mp e rat u re acco r di ng to th e ambie nt temperature.
Do not put the glass window upside down, as the cold air may collect on
the glass window
Note: You should shut off all power after you finish using your camera. If the camera is still on, any ice crystals around CCD chip will melt which can corrupt or short-circuit the PCB board.
9. Notes about Long term use camera and Remote O bservatory
If you have to keep the camera working for a long time or the camera is work ing in a remote observatory, please follow the following procedures, and we recommend that you consult your area dealer for more details.
Before using the camera, always check that the CCD cha mber is sea le d and dr y.
If there are many ice crystals around the chip-this indicates high rel ati ve humidity in the CCD cham be r. You must dry the CCD chamber.
Check the air tightness of CCD sealed chamber. You can check this by
increasing the internal pressure of the CCD sealed chamber with a hand pump (do not exceed 1. 01MP). Then watch if the p re ss u re dro ps . If the pressure drops quickly, this indicates a lack of air tightness. You need to check if the front cover is screwed on well.
Put effective desiccant in the dry tube and connect continually with CCD for a
long term drying.
Don’t supply power to the CCD for several days or even weeks if possible. Use a
power controller to control 12V input or AC input.
10. Protection of Cooler
The double cooler of the QHY8L can reach to 33-35 C difference in environmental temperature. So it is necessary to avoid thermal shock to the cooler. Thermal shock means internal stress o f cool er ch an ge s due to expansion or contraction caused by the rapid changes in the temperature of the cooler. Strong thermal shock will shorten the life of the cooler or even cause irreparable cooler damage.
This is the method of avoiding thermal shock: to avoid reaching maximum cooler power when booting camera, take care to gradually increase power of cooler. When stopping
work, please reduce the power gradually if the cooler power is high, and turn off the power of the camera.
12. Clean the surface o f CCD
If dust particles impact your images, you can open the front of the camera to clean the surface of the CCD. We suggest using the fla t field cali bra tio n me t ho d to pro ce ss the images for small dust particles so as to avoid the need to open the front cover. To open the front cover, proceed as follows:
Screw the front cover of CCD counterclockwise.
Clean the surface of CCD with a manual air pump. You can use len s pape r or a
commercial available SLR camera cleaning kit to clean the di rt which cannot be cleaned up by the man ual air pu m p.
The correct cleaning method using lens paper:
Wash your hands with soa p.
Take a piece of lens paper and fold it once or twice (Do not fold too many times
as the lens paper will get very sha rp an d the e dges m ay scra tch the CCD glass surface).
Blow on CCD and use lens paper to clea n the C CD surface. Make sure to
maintain an appropriate pressure for CCD with your hand.
Finish cleaning and reinstall the front cover of CCD. If there is high humidity in
your environment, it is necessary to dry the inside of the CCD sealed chamber.
13. Using the center and angle adjustment ring
There is M42/0.75 thread on the QHY8L, which can connect with the telescope
directly. You can use the center and angle adjustment ring if you need adjust the center or the angle of CCD. But you should know that if you use this ring, the QHY8L offset (focal plane distance) will increase by about 3mm.
Center adjustment—Loosen the three screws around the ring. The
adjustment ring will fit into the dove ta il slo t o f the QHY8L. By adjusting the position of the three screws, you can achieve about 1 mm center adjustment.
Angle adjustment--Unscrew the three screws on the ring slightly. There is s mall
screw on the slide side of the ring that adjusts the size of the inclination angle. If you rotate the QHY8L relative to the adjustment ring, you can obtain the correct angle.
After finishing the adjustment you should tig h te n the three screws on the ring.
Chapter 2.
Driver Installation and Software Quick Start
Quick Start and D riv e r Ins tallation
Please download the latest version driver for the QH Y8L, double click the driver
installation program, and wait for it complete.
Using USB cable to connect the camera and your computer (do not connect the
9-pin cable), w aiting patiently for a system report to pro mpt yo u co mple te the installation of new ha r dw a re .
If the driver installation is successful, the camera's LED light will flash.
Use the 9-pin cable to connect DC201 and the QHY8L. Please note: the 9-pin
cable has one end with EMC filter. This end should be connec te d to the DC 201 power supply and not to the camera.
DC201 requires a regular 12V input. When powered the LEDs OF +15, -15, +5
on the DC201 power supply will be on. Download the EZCAP software from download page. Run EZCAP.exe, select "scan camera" in camera menu, then it should show the QHY8L camera. Select the QHY8L.
Make sure that the DC201 FAN and TEC LED are on and the fan of the QHY8L is
Software Quick Start Guide
Run EZCAP.exe.
Select "scan camera" in camera menu, then EZCAP will show QHY8L, click it,
and the preview column which is locat ed on the left of EZCAP will be opened automatically.
Set GAIN to 0. Set OFFSET to 125 (reference value, the specific value should be
set by the user).
Set exposure time, click preview button, the camera will start to exposu re an d
show the image. T o s t retch the histogra m a n d sele c t t he appropriate range, you can adjust the B and W ba rs' po si tio n by observing the histogram intensity. Make them include the area which is the main histogram intensity section.
Click the live button; this will let you achieve a continuous preview. You can
select a shorter exposure time (100 ms-500 ms) for obtaining a faster preview speed.
Adjust the lens or the telescope focus to get clear images, then stop l iv e
preview. Choose a target or a star point throug h click the are a by yo ur mo use. Open the FOCUS column, click the focus button to get a focus image and adjust an appropriate histo g ram r an ge .
Click live button, Click the area of the image to get a more precise target. At
this point, it will show the analytic curve in the screen view column and a 5X zoom focus image. While it is exposing, the FWHM column will show the width of star and the peak inte ns i ty of the st ar . Generally, the smaller FWHM and the larger the peak inten sity the better the focus.
When you finish focusing, open the capture column and start to shooting. Set
the appropriate value of GAIN, OFFSET and exposure ti me . Set 1*1 Binning mode, select low readout mode. Click capture button to shoot.
MaxIm DL (Note: only MaxIM DL Pro or highe r ve rsi ons will operate this camera; lower
versions such as MaximD L Ba sic wi ll no t wor k. The lower ver sio n s will read FITS images from the camera, however)
Please download the latest version of the ASCOM platform. If it has the latest
UPDATE, please download it together. Install ASCOM and UPDATE.
Download and install the ASCOM driver of the QHY8L.
Run MaxIm DL software. Select the camera icon in the toolbar (ctrl+w). There
will be a Camera Control window. Click Setup Camera button inside setup window. Then it will pop up "Setup ASCOM" window. Select ASCOM from the menu of Camera Model. Click Advanced button. Select the type of QHY8LS StarSenScie from the window of ASCOM Camera Choose, and then click Properties button to set some usual value of parameters, like the value of GAIN, OFFSET and the speed of readout. Then click OK button and go back to the Camera Control window, click Connect button to connect the camera.
Select Expose column in the Camera Control wind ow. Select "Find Star" from the
Exposure menu. Then set the exposure time. Select "No Calibration" from the pop up menu of "Op ti o n" . Set the merge mode with X and Y (Set 1*1 mode if you want to capture or 4*4 mode if you want to preview). Click Start button to exposure and shoot.
The image will be shown when the camera finishes shooting. You can use the
Screen Stretch tool to adjust the stretching of the image.
Please download the latest version of the ASCOM platform. If it has the latest
UPDATE, please download it together, Install ASCOM and UPDATE.
Download and install the ASCOM driver if the QHY8L.
Install AART and put the AART CCD link libraries (you can download piccdgui.dll
in AART web page) into AART installation directory. Install AART ASCOM driver.
Run the AstroRT software, select CCDcamera from plug-in menu, then there will
appear a CCD control panel window. Select ASCOM from imaging/behind camera menu in the setup column. Click setup, choose QHY8 StarSenseScei, set the appropriate GAIN and OFFSET in "properties". Then click OK button.
AART will show temperature control window if the QHY8L connection is
successful; please set the target to your required temperature value.
Set the binnin g mo de l in se tti ng c ol u m n.
Set exposure time at the bottom of the CCD control window, click START button
to shoot one picture.
Please download the latest version of the ASCOM platform. If it has the latest
UPDATE, please download it together. Install ASCOM and UPDATE.
Download and install the ASCOM driver of the QHY8L.
Start Nebulosity program. In the drop-down box under “Capture Control”, select
Set gain, offset as usual (0, 125).
Click EDIT on top bar, then “Preferences”. Scroll down to “Processing”, and look
for “Manually Override Color Reconstruction”. Tick the box then click “Done/Save”.
Temperature and bin mode can be set by clicking the “Advanced” tab. Note:
there is no temperature monitoring window.
Click “Frame and Focus” to frame and focus image. When done click “Abort”.
Click “Preview” to expose and download an image. Note that image will appear
in greyscale; to convert to color, click “Image” on top bar. In the drop-down menu, click the first item, “De-mo sai c RA W” . In the pop-up menu, change the Matrix Offset value to X=1, Y=0. To improve color, in the table set Red to 1.1, Green to 0.9, and Blue to 1.1. Then click DONE. (Note: values should only need to be set once, but “De-mosaic RAW” butto n must be pre sse d fo r eve ry new image for color conversion. Images can be save d as FIT S fil es w it h out De ­mosaicing; they can be converted to color later).
For finer focus control, click “Fine Focus”, and then move the cross to the area
on the image where you would like to do finer focusing , press the left mouse button, and focus on that small area. When done, click “Abort” and then make another exposure to check that all is satisfactory.
When exposu re is satis f ac tory, on top bar click “File”, then the option you prefer
for saving the image. Defa ul t is FITS , b ut you may cho ose BMP, JPG, or TIFF.
To expose a sequence, set the number of exposures desired in the Capture
Control window, then click “Capture Seri es”.
Astrophotography Tool (APT)
Please download the latest version of the ASCOM platform. If it has the latest
UPDATE, please download it together. Install ASCOM and UPDATE.
Download and install the ASCOM driver of the QHY8L.
Start APT program. Click Shift Connect and choose CCD ASCOM camera. Click
“Render FITS as Color” and choose Bayer Filter GBRG. Then click OK. In the ASCOM box, select QHY8L.
Click “Cooling Aid” to get the cooler dial og box. Click START to start the cooler.
CCD Temperature is displayed in the box as well as in the Status box on the left hand side of the main scree n.
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