Congratulations on the purchase of your state-of-the-art remote start
and security system. Reading this Owner’s Guide prior to using your
system will help maximize the use of your system and its many features.
Please visit: – For general and additional
guide information. For any additional questions please contact your
authorized Directed dealer or contact Directed at 1-800-753-0600.
What you get
Welcome to the best generation of security with remote start. Your
system contains everything you need.
sResponder LE remote control
s1-way Companion remote control
sOwner’s guide and Warranty card
Important information
Government Regulations and Safety information
Read the Government Regulations and Warning! Safety
First sections of this manual prior to operating this system.
Warning! Failure to heed this information can result in
death, personal injury or property damage and may also
result in the illegal use of the system beyond its intended
Your Warranty
Your Responder LE system comes with a warranty. Please make sure
you receive the warranty registration card and proof of purchase from
your dealer indicating the product was installed by an authorized
Directed dealer. Please validate it online at or complete and return the warranty registration card.
Replacement remote controls
If additional remote controls are desired, please see your authorized
dealer or visit us at to order. Part numbers
are: 7251P for Responder LE 2-way remote control and 7152P for
the companion remote control.
Getting Started .................................................................................................... 4
Keys to using this manual ...................................................................... 4
Responder LE 2-Way ........................................................................................... 5
Using your System ............................................................................................... 7
Commands and Confirmations .............................................................. 7
during related operations. These LED’s are labeled respectively as:
Arm LED, Disarm LED, Remote Start LED, Aux LED, and
Control Center
Control button
Status LED
The Control Center, typically located on the upper part of the front
windshield sends and receives commands or messages to and from
your system. It consists of:
sThe In-vehicle system antenna, for 2 way communication.
sThe Status LED, as a visual indicator of the system’s status.
sThe Control button, for placing the system into Valet Mode* and
to perform the Emergency Override** operation.
* See Remote and System Operations section for details.
** See
Commands, Basic or Advanced, are used to activate system features
and are performed by pressing one of the Command buttons. Basic
commands control the most often used security and remote start features while Advanced commands control more specialized features
and request reports.
Confirmations for Basic or Advanced commands are indicated
first by siren chirps and parking light flashes, and then by illuminated
Ghost LED’s and beeps or tones on the remote control. A description
of each feature confirmation is found in the following Basic command
and Advanced command sections.
Performing Commands
Perform Basic commands by pressing a Command button (Ghost LED’s
are off).
Perform Advanced Commands by first accessing Levels 1-4 using the
button and then by pressing a Command button while within a
Level (Levels are indicated by illuminated ghost LED’s after pressing
Advanced command example: Silent Arm
1. Press the
LED turns on.
2. Press the
Silent Arm command.
button once to access Function Level 1, the
button while the LED is still on to perform the
3. The Arm LED will illuminate to confirm when the Silent Arm message from the system is received.
If, when performing a command, a condition exists that does not allow activation of an Alarm feature* or Remote Start feature**, the
LED and a fault tone plays to alert of the fault condition.
* Alarm feature not available when the system status is incorrect
upon receiving the command. (Example: Sensor bypass command is received when disarmed).
Refer to the notes included in the following command descriptions
that address these faults or go to Feature not Available under the
Remote and System Operations section for more details.
** Remote Start feature not available when the Remote Start status is
incorrect upon receiving the command. (Example: Runtime reset
command received when remote start is off).
Refer to the notes included in the command descriptions that address these faults or go to Remote Start Faults under the Remote Start Features section for more details.
The alarm arms, doors lock (if connected), and the siren chirps and
parking lights flash once. The Arm LED and beeps play to confirm. If
Valet mode* is On, the doors lock and the Arm LED,
fault tone plays. Exit Valet mode to arm the alarm normally.
If a trigger zone fault is detected the siren chirps once again and the
remote will emit a Trigger Zone Fault Report**, the Arm LED,
and a fault tone plays.
To Arm and Panic
Press and hold
The alarm Arms (or Locks in Valet) and, after 2 seconds, sounds
the siren and flashes the parking lights. The ghost LED’s flash and
siren tones play to confirm. Press the
or button to stop the
LED and a
Press and release
The alarm disarms, doors unlock (if connected), and the siren chirps
and parking lights flash twice. The Disarm LED and beeps play to
confirm. If Valet mode* is On, the doors unlock and the Disarm LED,
LED and fault tones play.
An Alarm Report** will replace the disarm output if the alarm was
triggered; the siren will chirp 4 or 5 times, and the Disarm LED,
LED and 4 or 5 fault tones play to alert of the report.
Remote Start
Press and release
Activates (or if On, deactivates) the remote starter. The engine and
parking lights turn On and the Remote start LED and On tones play,
or the engine and parking lights turn Off and the Remote start LED
and Off tones play to confirm. If a Remote start configuration issue
prevents the engine from starting, the
LED and a fault tone will play
while the parking lights flash a Remote Start fault report*** to identify
the fault.
Press and holdAUX
The Trunk opens (if connected) when this button is pressed for 2 seconds. The Aux LED and tones play to confirm.
* See Remote and System Operations for details.
** See
*** See
For Manual transmission vehicles see
Alarm Features for details.
Remote Start Faults (under Remote Start Features) for details.
Press and release the button 1 time. The LED illuminates indicat-
ing Level 1
Silent Arm
Press and release
The alarm arms, doors lock (if connected), and the parking lights flash
once. The Arm LED turns on to confirm. Valet mode* or Trigger Zone
Fault Report** messages may be received.
Silent Disarm
Press and release
The alarm disarms, doors unlock (if connected), and the parking lights
flash twice. The Disarm LED turns on to confirm. The Silent Disarm
output may be replaced by the Alarm Report**
Runtime Reset
Press and release
If more time is needed while remote start is active, runtime reset will
reset the runtime counter to the pre-programmed setting. The green
ghost LED’s show the runtime and the Remote start On tones play to
confirm runtime reset.
Press and release the button 2 times. The and Aux LED’s illumi-
nate indicating Level 2
Sensor Bypass
Press and release
Performing the Sensor Bypass command will incrementally bypass sensor operations and be confirmed as follows:
sWarn-away bypass: The Parking lights flash 2 times. The Arm
LED, 1 beep and 1 fault tone play to confirm. Sensors will be
activated for Full Trigger levels of impact only.
sWarn-away & Full trigger bypass: The Parking lights flash 3
times. The Arm LED, 1 beep and 2 fault tones play to confirm.
Sensors will not be activated for any level of impact.
sSensor Bypass off: The Parking lights flash 1 time. The Arm LED
and 1 beep play to confirm. Sensors are fully operational.
System needs to be armed to perform Sensor Bypass.
Perform arm command any time to turn Sensor Bypass Off.
Remote Valet
Press and release
Enters (or if On, exits) Valet Mode. The Control Center LED turns on
and off accordingly. The Disarm LED and Valet beeps play (1 for on,
2 for off) to confirm.
Activates (or if On, deactivates) Timer Start. The parking lights flash
quickly four times for On and slowly four times for Off. The Remote
Start LED and beeps play (1 for on, 2 for off) to confirm..
System needs to be armed or Timer Start will not start the
Press and release AUX
Activates (or if On, deactivates) the Aux 2 output. The Aux LED and
On tones or Off tones play to confirm.
Arm Status
Press and hold the button
The remote will generate an output using the LED’s and beeps/tones
to display the systems Arm Status since its last update message or command operation. It will report status via ghost LED’s, beeps, and tones
as described in this section for Arm, Disarm, Valet mode arm, Valet
mode disarm, Sensor Silent arm, Full Silent arm.
* See Advance Start under Remote Start Features for details.
Press and release the button 3 times. The , Aux and Remote
Start LED’s illuminate indicating Level 3
Sensor Silent Arm*
Press and release
The alarm arms, doors lock, and the siren chirps and parking lights
flash 3 times. The Arm LED, 1 beep and 3 fault tones play to confirm.
Car finder
Press and release
The siren emits one long chirp and the parking lights flash for 10 seconds. The Disarm LED and 1 beep play to confirm. The parking light
flashes stop if armed or disarmed while Car Finder is in progress.
Smart Start**
Press and release
Activates (or if On, deactivates) Smart Start. The parking lights flash
quickly five times for On and slowly five times for Off. The Remote
Start LED and beeps play (1 for on, 2 for off) to confirm.
System needs to be armed or Smart Start will not start the