pyroscience FireStingO2 User Manual

Document Version 3.081 Refers to Pyro Oxygen Logger Software version >3.3
The FireStingO2 is manufactured by
PyroScience GmbH
Hubertusstr. 35 52064 Aachen Germany
Phone +49 (0)241 5183 2210 Fax +49 (0)241 5183 2299 Email Internet
Registered: Aachen HRB 17329, Germany
1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 5
2 SAFETY GUIDELINES ............................................................... 7
3 INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRESTING METER ........................... 10
4 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................... 12
5 OPTICAL OXYGEN & TEMPERATURE SENSORS ..................... 13
5.1 OVERVIEW OF SENSOR TYPES .................................................... 13
5.2 CONNECTING THE SENSORS ....................................................... 14
5.3 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SENSORS........................... 15
6 THE SOFTWARE "PYRO OXYGEN LOGGER" ........................... 17
6.1 FIRESTING SETTINGS ................................................................ 18
6.1.1 Channel Tab: Optical Oxygen Sensors ................................ 19
6.1.2 Channel Tab: Optical Temperature Sensors ........................ 24
6.1.3 Temperature Tab ............................................................... 24
6.1.4 Options Tab ....................................................................... 26
6.2 MAIN WINDOW ........................................................................ 28
6.2.1 Chart Recorder .................................................................. 29
6.2.2 Warnings ........................................................................... 32
6.2.3 Measurement and Logging ................................................. 33
6.2.4 Raw Data Window .............................................................. 37
6.3 OVERVIEW PANEL .................................................................... 40
6.4 DATA FILE PANEL ..................................................................... 41
7 SENSOR CALIBRATION ......................................................... 42
7.1 OPTICAL OXYGEN SENSOR CALIBRATION ..................................... 43
7.1.1 Calibration Mode: Factory .................................................. 45
7.1.2 Calibration Mode: 1-Point in Ambient Air ............................ 46
7.1.3 Calibration Mode: 1-Point in Water or Humid Air ................. 49
7.1.4 Calibration Mode: 2-Point in Ambient Air ............................ 51
7.1.5 Calibration Mode: 2-Point in Water or Humid Air ................. 55
7.1.6 Calibration Mode: Custom Mode ........................................ 59
7.2 OPTICAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR CALIBRATION ............................ 65
8 OXYGEN CALIBRATION STANDARDS ....................................68
8.1 THE AIR CALIBRATION STANDARD .............................................. 68
8.1.1 Ambient Air ....................................................................... 70
8.1.2 Water-Vapor Saturated Air ................................................. 71
8.1.3 Air Saturated Water ............................................................ 71
8.2 THE 0% OXYGEN STANDARD ..................................................... 72
8.2.1 Water Mixed with a Strong Reductant ................................ 72
8.2.2 Water Flushed with Nitrogen Gas ........................................ 73
8.2.3 Nitrogen Gas ...................................................................... 73
9 CALIBRATION OF CONTACTLESS SENSORS .......................... 74
9.1 CALIBRATION PROCEDURE ......................................................... 74
9.2 MANUAL BACKGROUND COMPENSATION .................................... 75
10 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT ............................................ 77
10.1 EXTERNAL (PT100) TEMPERATURE SENSORS ................................ 77
10.2 INTERNAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR ............................................... 77
10.3 OPTICAL TEMPERATURE SENSORS .............................................. 78
10.4 AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION ................................ 78
11 ANALOG OUTPUT AND AUTO-MODE .................................... 81
11.1 ANALOG OUTPUT .................................................................... 81
11.2 AUTO-MODE ........................................................................... 84
11.3 ADVANCED AUTO-MODE .......................................................... 86
12 APPENDIX ............................................................................ 88
12.1 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE FIRESTINGO2 ......................................... 88
12.2 EXTENSION PORT X1 ................................................................ 90
12.2.1 Connector X1 (Power, Digital Interface, Analog In) .......... 90
12.2.2 Connector X2 (Analog Output) ....................................... 95
12.3 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................. 96
12.4 OXYGEN MEASURING PRINCIPLE ................................................ 97
12.5 OPERATING SEVERAL FIRESTINGO2 IN PARALLEL ........................... 99
12.6 DEFINITION OF OXYGEN UNITS ................................................. 100
12.7 TABLE OF OXYGEN SOLUBILITY ................................................ 102
12.8 EXPLANATION OF THE SENSOR CODE ........................................ 104
1 Overview
The compact USB-powered fiber-optic meter FireStingO2 with 1, 2, or 4 channels unifies several innovative technological improvements making it the new standard of oxygen sensing with fiber-optical oxygen sensors (optodes). The FireStingO2 utilizes a measuring principle based on red light excitation and lifetime detection in the near infrared using luminescent oxygen indicators (REDFLASH technology, see Appendix 12.4). It is a multifunctional oxygen meter working
for oxygen measurements in water as well as in gas phases,
with fiber-based sensors comprising several size classes
like microsensors, minisensors, or robust probes,
with contactless sensors for oxygen and temperature like
sensor spots, flow-through cells or respiration vials, and
with full range and trace oxygen sensors,
with optical temperature minisensors.
The FireStingO2 has integrated atmospheric pressure and humidity sensors for a precise and easy sensor calibration, but also for automatic pressure compensation of the oxygen measurements. Furthermore, the FireStingO2 offers 4 analog outputs and a built-in temperature port for an external PT100 temperature probe for automatic temperature compensation of the oxygen measurement. If independent temperature compensation for all oxygen channels is needed, a USB-powered temperature extension module TeX4 can be easily fixed below the
FireStingO2 meter with a smart docking mechanism. Or the new
optical temperature sensors can be connected to any channel of the FireStingO2 meter. By placing the same sensor type for oxygen and temperature into the sample, true temperature compensation of the oxygen measurements can be achieved.
The user-friendly Pyro Oxygen Logger software allows operation of several FireStingO2 meters in parallel as a scalable multi­channel system.
Along with the FireStingO2 we offer turnkey motorized setups for measurements of depth-profiles in semi-solid environmental samples and along micro-gradients at high temporal and spatial resolution. And several customized OEM solutions are available for application in industry and underwater.
More information concerning our products can be found at
or contact us at
Your PyroScience Team
2 Safety Guidelines
The FireStingO2 is a laboratory instrument to be used with fiber­optic oxygen and temperature sensors (optodes) from
PyroScience. In order to guarantee an optimal performance of the FireStingO2, please follow these operation instructions and safety
If any problems or damage evolve, disconnect the instrument immediately, mark it to prevent any further use and consult
PyroScience for repair or maintenance service. The FireStingO2
should not be manipulated or opened by unauthorized persons, only by PyroScience or persons advised directly from PyroScience.
Please note that opening the housing will void the warranty. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
The FireStingO2 and sensors should be kept and stored outside the reach of children in a secure place under dry and clean conditions at room temperature, avoiding moisture, dust, corrosive conditions and heating of the instrument. This device and the sensors are not intended for medical, military or other safety­relevant areas. They must not be used for applications in humans; not for in vivo examination on humans, not for human-diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The sensors must not be brought in direct contact with foods intended for consumption by humans.
The FireStingO2 should be used in the laboratory by qualified personal only, following the operation instructions and safety guidelines of this manual. Please follow the appropriate laws and guidelines for safety, like EEC directives for protective labor legislation, national protective labor legislation, safety regulations for accident prevention and safety data-sheets from manufacturers of chemicals used during the measurements.
Calibration and application of the sensors, data acquisition, data processing and data publication is on the user's authority.
When used in the field, the environmental conditions (like high humidity, dust, exposure to direct solar radiation) may cause damage or interference of the FireStingO2, which is on the user's authority.
Before using the FireStingO2 and its sensors, read carefully the instructions and user manual for the oxygen meter FireStingO2.
In case of problems or damage, disconnect the instrument and mark it to prevent any further use! Consult PyroScience for advice! There are no serviceable parts inside the device. Please note that opening the housing will void the warranty!
The FireStingO2 is not watertight, is sensitive to corrosive conditions and to changes in temperature causing condensation. Avoid any condition (e.g. direct sun light) causing a heating of the device above 50°C (122°F) or below 0°C (32°F). Avoid any elevated humidity causing condensing conditions.
Handle the sensors with care especially after removal of the protective cap! Prevent mechanical stress to the fragile sensing tip! Avoid strong bending of the fiber cable! Prevent injuries with needle-type sensors!
Calibration and application of the sensors is on the user’s authority, as well as data acquisition, treatment and publication!
The sensors and the oxygen meter FireStingO2 are not intended for medical, diagnostic, therapeutic, or military purposes or any other safety-critical applications. The sensors must not be used for applications in humans and must not be brought in direct contact with foods intended for consumption by humans.
The FireStingO2 and sensors should be used in the laboratory by qualified personnel only, following the user instructions and the safety guidelines of the manual, as well as the appropriate laws and guidelines for safety in the laboratory!
Keep the sensors and the oxygen meter FireStingO2 out of reach of children!
3 Introduction to the FireSting Meter
The FireStingO2 is an optical oxygen meter that is compatible with a broad range of optical oxygen and temperature sensors from
microsensors and minisensors (retractable needle-type,
fixed needle-type, or bare fiber),
robust probes and contactless sensors (sensor spots, respiration vials, flow-
through cells)
Most oxygen sensors are available in versions for the full range (0­50% O2, max. range 0-100% O2) and for the trace range (0-10% O2). The optical detection technology is based on the oxygen­sensitive REDFLASH indicators which use red light excitation and lifetime detection in the near infrared (see Appendix 12.4 for more details).
The FireStingO2 is a compact USB-powered fiber-optic oxygen meter with 1, 2 or 4 channels for oxygen and temperature measurements in the laboratory. The optical temperature sensors can be used for true automatic temperature compensation of the oxygen measurements. Additionally, one external PT100 temperature probe can be connected for calibration of the optical temperature sensors and for automatic temperature compensation of the oxygen measurements. The integrated sensors for atmospheric pressure (mbar) and relative humidity (% RH) of the ambient air enable a precise and easy sensor calibration, as well as automatic pressure compensation of the oxygen measurements.
The FireStingO2 is operated via a Micro-USB connection to a PC / tablet with a Windows operation system. The included logging software Pyro Oxygen Logger provides comfortable calibration and logging functionality.
The FireStingO2 is a laboratory instrument. Use in the field is on the user´s authority and then it is recommended to protect the
FireStingO2 from heating, moisture and corrosion.
The FireStingO2 comes with 1, 2, or 4 channels (connectors 1 to 4) for up to 4 fiber-optic sensors and one connector (T) for an external PT100 temperature probe.
The Micro-USB connector on the left side panel provides the energy supply and the data exchange with the PC. Right-hand side of it, a connector X1 for power and digital interface (7-pins) and a connector X2 for analog output (5 pins) is located. The holes function as air inlet for the internal temperature, pressure and humidity sensors. Avoid covering these holes to ensure free air circulation towards the internal sensors.
4 Software Installation
IMPORTANT: Do not connect the FireStingO2 to your PC before the Pyro Oxygen Logger software has been installed. The software will install automatically the appropriate USB-drivers.
System requirements:
PC with Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (but not Windows RT) and min.
700 MB free disk space
Installation steps:
download the installer package for the newest version of
the Pyro Oxygen Logger software from the PyroScience homepage:
unzip and start the installer and follow the instructions connect the FireStingO2 with the Micro-USB cable to the
computer. The red logo will flash shortly indicating the correct startup of the FireStingO2 meter.
After successful installation, a new program group "Pyro Oxygen Logger" is added to the start menu, and a short-cut named "Oxygen Logger" can be found on the desktop.
5 Optical Oxygen & Temperature Sensors
For an overview of available optical oxygen and temperature sensor types, please see
5.1 Overview of Sensor Types
stirred water, gas
& semi-solid
water, gas &
samples -
for profiling &
small volumes,
puncturing septa
gas & water -
gas-tight housing,
sensor insertion
through a port
gas -
gas-tight housing,
puncturing septa,
packing material
Bare Fiber
water, gas &
samples -
integration into
custom housings
approved polar
and non-polar
aqueous solutions
- microfluidics, cultures,
enzymatic react.
Sensor Spots
water & gas* ­measurements in closed containers
with transparent
water & gas -
measurements in
closed vials, of
respiration / net
Temp. &
water & gas*
pumped through
the cell
Temp. &
* Gas measurements only in combination with corresponding contactless
O2 sensor for true temperature compensation
For details on the different sensor types, please see their respective websites.
5.2 Connecting the Sensors
The fiber-optic oxygen and temperature sensors, including needle­type and bare fiber micro- and minisensors, robust probes, as well as optical fibers needed for read-out of contactless sensors (sensor
spots, flow-through cells, respiration vials) are connected to the ST-connectors of the FireStingO2 (1 to 4) with a male fiber plug.
First, remove the black caps from the plug of the sensor / fiber. Then remove the red caps from the sensor ports at the FireStingO2 (the red caps should be put on again if the FireStingO2 is not in use anymore to protect the optics). Insert the male fiber plug of the sensor cable into the ST-port (female fiber connector) of the
FireStingO2 and turn the bayonet coupling gently clockwise until
the plug is locked firmly.
5.3 Cleaning and Maintenance of the Sensors
The oxygen sensors can be sterilized with ethylene oxide (EtO) and can be cleaned with peroxide (3% H2O2), soap solution or ethanol (do not use bleach!). They can be applied in gas phases, aqueous solutions and in ethanol, methanol and isopropanol (robust probes: only short-term application in diluted ethanol, methanol or isopropanol). Other organic solvents and gaseous chlorine (Cl2) induce interferences with the sensor reading. No cross-sensitivity is found for pH 1-14, CO2, CH4, H2S and any ionic species.
For application in organic solvents, a special solvent-resistant oxygen probe (item no. OXSOLV or OXSOLV-PTS) is available.
The optical temperature sensors can be applied in water / aqueous samples and gas. If required, soap solution or 3% H2O2 can be used for cleaning, as specified on the sensor website.
A signal drift of the sensor can indicate photo-bleaching of the oxygen-sensitive REDFLASH indicator or the temperature sensitive THERMOGREEN/THERMOBLUE indicator depending on the ambient light intensity, as well as the intensity of the excitation light and the sample frequency. This can necessitate a new calibration of the sensor and possibly also a re-adjustment of the Sensor Settings (LED intensity; see also chapter 6.1). In case of sensor spots, this could require a re-positioning of the optical fiber on the sensor spot and a subsequent new calibration. If the signal intensity is getting too low, as indicated by the horizontal indicator
bar in the Pyro Oxygen Logger software and by the respective
warning (see chapter 6.2), the sensor needs to be replaced.
A reasonable optical sensor shows signal intensities well above 50.
After finalization of the measurements, the sensor tip of the needle-type and bare fiber sensors, as well as the robust probes should be rinsed carefully with demineralized water, let dry and put on the protective cap / tubing for storage in a dry, dark and secure place at room temperature. For all sensors and fibers, put the black caps on the plug of the fiber to prevent that light is entering the fiber possibly causing photo-bleaching of the indicator.
In case of retractable sensors and application in seawater / aqueous samples with dissolved salts, the sensor has to be cleaned thoroughly with demineralized water to prevent salt crystallization in the needle which can cause breaking of the sensor tip. After drying, retract the sensor tip into the needle and put on the protective cap onto the needle to protect the sensor tip and to avoid injuries.
Store the sensor in a dry, dark and secure place at room temperature.
6 The Software "Pyro Oxygen Logger"
This chapter describes all functions of the Pyro Oxygen Logger software excluding the calibration. Refer to the chapters 7-9 for a detailed description of the calibration procedure of optical oxygen and temperature sensors.
If the Pyro Oxygen Logger software is opened for the first time, the FireSting Settings window opens automatically:
Activate each connected sensor in the respective channel tab of the Settings window, corresponding to the channel number at the
FireStingO2 meter (see chapter 3). Enter the Sensor Code and all
relevant parameters (Units, Measuring Mode, Conditions in the Sample) into each channel tab before calibration and
measurements, as described in detail in chapter 6.1.
6.1 FireSting Settings
Each channel (1-4) of the connected FireStingO2 meter has its own tab (channel 1-4) in the FireSting Settings window.
For all optical sensors, enter first the sensor code of each connected optical sensor into the field Sensor Code in the corresponding channel panel of the Settings window. It includes information for optimal sensor settings and for calibration. The first letter of the sensor code defines the sensor type. A detailed explanation of the sensor code is given in chapter 12.8.
The channels can be activated independently by clicking on the button Activate. Activation is indicated by a change from dark to light green of the arrow in the button.
A text describing the connected sensor type appears on the right­hand side of this button after the Sensor Code (see label on sensor) has been entered. This description will be shown in the description display of the main window (see chapter 6.2) and also in the data file (see chapter 6.4).
Depending on the optical sensor type and analyte, there are different parameters which need to be adjusted in the respective channel tab of the Settings window (see chapter 6.1.1 for oxygen and 6.1.2 for optical temperature sensors).
If the same sensor type (with the same Sensor Code) is connected to all channels (e.g. 4 sensor spots from the same packaging unit), the settings adjusted in the active channel tab can be pasted to all other channels by clicking on Copy these Settings to all other channels.
After the first start, the dialog window FireSting Settings opens automatically. For later adjustments, it can be opened by clicking on the Settings button in the Main Window.
Settings can only be adjusted if data logging is not active (see chapter 6.2.3).
6.1.1 Channel Tab: Optical Oxygen Sensors
Enter the Sensor Code of each connected oxygen sensor (see label on sensor) and define for each channel (1) the Sensor Settings (Measuring Mode), (2) the environmental Conditions in the Sample under investigation and (3) the oxygen Units for the measurements.
(1) Sensor Settings
The Sensor Settings can be adjusted in a Basic or an Advanced mode. Ensure that the correct sensor code attached to the sensor has been entered in the field Sensor Code.
The first-time user is advised to work with the Basic Sensor Settings.
Basic Settings
For contactless sensors (sensor spots, flow-through cells, respiration vials, nanoprobes; sensor type: S, W, T, P) and for robust probes (sensor type: X, U), the Fiber Length (m) of the connected optical fiber (e.g. SPFIB) or of the connected robust probe (e.g. OXROB10) must be entered additionally (for interested users: the entered fiber length is used for automatic background compensation; refer to chapter 9.2 for more details).
The Measuring Mode can be adjusted gradually between low drift (1) and low noise (5) of the sensor signal by moving the arrow with
the mouse along the scale, thereby changing the measuring time. An intermediate mode (3) is default.
NOTE: Ensure that the correct sensor code has been entered.
Advanced Settings (for advanced users/applications only)
If Advanced Sensor Settings are chosen, more complex setting controls get visible. Ensure that the correct Sensor Code has been entered.
The Advanced Sensor Settings comprise the LED Intensity for excitation of the REDFLASH indicator (in %) and the Amplification of the sensor signal. As a rule of thumb, the LED Intensity should be 10-30% for microsensors, minisensors and robust probes, but can be increased up to 100% for contactless sensors (sensor spots, flow-through cells, respiration vials). The Amplification is typically 200x or 400x and should not be changed. Note, that varying the LED Intensity and the Amplification has direct influence on the signal intensity and therefore on the signal-to-noise-ratio!
The Oxygen Measuring Time (default: 10 ms) defines the integration time for the acquisition of a single data point. Shorter measuring times provide low long-term drift, whereby longer measuring times assure less noise. The maximum value is 250 ms.
For background compensation of robust probes (sensor type: X), the Fiber Length (m) of the connected robust probe must be entered.
For background compensation of contactless sensors (sensor spots, flow-through cells, respiration vials, nanoprobes; sensor type: S, W, T, P), the Fiber Length (m) of the connected optical fiber must be entered. Alternatively, it is possible to select Manual Background Compensation, which is described in detail in chapter
9.2. Finally, the background compensation can be completely de­activated by selecting No Background Compensation (not recommended in general).
NOTE: Recommended is to enter the Fiber Length (m) for background compensation. The alternative options Manual Background Compensation or No Background Compensation are only intended for advanced users/applications.
If using Advanced Sensor Settings, a 2-Point calibration of the oxygen sensor must be performed. Later re-adjustments in the
Advanced Settings require new sensor calibration.
(2) Conditions in the Sample
The next step is the determination of the Conditions in the Sample during the measurements. For this, select the
SAMPLE: Water (Dissolved Oxygen) or
Gas Phase.
TEMPERATURE compensation: by
- an External Temperature Sensor (PT100) connected to the temperature port of the FireStingO2,
- a Fixed Temperature (needs to be determined, adjusted manually and kept constant), or
- an Optical Temperature sensor connected to a Channel at the FireStingO2 meter (its respective channel number needs to be entered here).
For Gas measurements, temperature could be measured in principal also by the Internal Temperature Sensor of the
FireStingO2, but this is NOT recommended!
If External Temperature Sensor, Internal Temperature Sensor (in a Gas Phase) or Optical Temperature Channel is selected, automatic compensation of temperature changes on the respective oxygen sensor readings is activated (see chapter 10.3). The Compensation Temperature will be displayed in the corresponding channel panel of the main window (see chapter 6.2).
If an External or Optical Temperature Sensor was selected, it has to be fixed in the sample container/calibration standard in which oxygen measurements/calibration with automatic temperature compensation will be performed.
If internal temperature sensor was selected (not recommended), ensure the same temperature conditions for the gas sample and the FireStingO2.
If a Fixed Temperature was selected, the temperature in the sample/calibration standard must be measured, adjusted and kept constant (needs to be controlled)! Ensure constant and defined conditions!
PRESSURE compensation: by
- the Internal Pressure Sensor (recommended as default) or
- at Fixed Pressure (mbar) (recommended for applications with different pressure conditions experienced by the oxygen sensor and FireStingO2 meter). The actual pressure at the sensor position needs to be determined with e.g. a barometer and adjusted manually (default: 1013 mbar).
If the actual atmospheric pressure cannot be determined on site, it is also possible to enter the
- Elevation (m) above sea level. For this click on Elevation and enter the actual elevation in meters. This procedure will only calculate the average atmospheric pressure for this elevation; therefore this option is less precise than measuring the actual atmospheric pressure.
If Internal Pressure Sensor is selected, the oxygen measurements are automatically compensated for pressure changes e.g. caused by weather changes.
SALINITY: The Salinity (g/L) of the environmental sample is only
relevant if a concentration unit for dissolved oxygen DO measurements was selected (e.g. mg/L or µmol/L). The sample salinity needs to be measured and entered, e.g. in case of saline water. For measurements in gas samples this value has no relevance (and is not active).
(3) Units
The oxygen unit can be selected for each channel by the selector Units. The selectable units include raw value (default), % air saturation, % O2, mL/L, µmol/L, mg/L (ppm), hPa (mbar), mmHg (Torr), dphi and µg/L (ppb).
For measurements in a Gas Phase only the units raw value, % O2, hPa (mbar), mmHg (Torr) and dphi can be selected, whereas for measurements of dissolved oxygen in a Water sample (DO) all units except % O2 can be selected. For detailed information please refer to chapter 12.6.
6.1.2 Channel Tab: Optical Temperature Sensors
To enter the Settings for an optical temperature sensor connected to a FireStingO2 channel, open the respective channel tab in the FireSting Settings window of the Oxygen
Logger software.
Enter the Sensor Code of the connected optical temperature sensor (see label on sensor).
The Unit for the temperature readings is °C.
The Measuring Mode for the optical temperature sensor can be adjusted gradually between low drift (1) and low noise (5) of the sensor signal by moving the arrow with the mouse along the scale, thereby changing the measuring time. An intermediate mode (4) is default.
Ensure that the sensor code of a sensor connected to a specific channel (e.g. 2) of the FireStingO2 meter is entered in the same channel panel (e.g. 2) in the window FireSting Settings.
6.1.3 Temperature Tab
An External Temperature Sensor (PT100) connected to the temperature port T of the
FireStingO2 meter (see
chapter 3) and the Internal Temperature Sensor (within instrument) can be activated
in the FireSting Settings tab Temperature.
Both temperature sensors can be activated independently even if Fixed Temperature or Optical Temperature Sensor was selected for temperature compensation of all connected oxygen sensors (in this case the oxygen measurements are not affected by these temperature sensor measurements). The measured temperature is then displayed in the Overview panel (see chapter 6.3) of the main window and saved into the data file (see chapter 6.4).
After activation of an external PT100 / internal temperature sensor in an oxygen sensor channel tab of the Settings (see 6.1.1), the temperature measured by these temperature sensors is then displayed in the respective channel tab and the Overview tab of the Main Window in units of degree Celsius (y-axis on the right­hand side) and is saved into the data file (see chapter 6.4).
The Temperature Measuring Time (only multiples of 100 ms possible) of the External Temperature Sensor (PT100) can be optionally (a) increased in order to reduce the noise of the temperature measurement or (b) decreased in order to achieve higher sampling rates.
A Manual Offset of the External Temperature Sensor (PT100) might be entered for a 1-point calibration of the temperature sensor (default: 0). It is recommended to check the reading of the external temperature PT100 probe periodically in stirred water/ water bath/incubator of known temperature at steady state. This is especially important if a concentration unit (like µmol/L or mg/L) was selected for the oxygen measurements in the Settings.
Changing the temperature offset will lead to a loss of the oxygen sensor calibration.
To check for a temperature offset it is also possible to prepare a water-ice-mixture giving 0°C, where at least 50 mm of the PT100 temperature probe tip is submerged. Wait for steady state, read the measured temperature, and enter it as a negative
Temperature Offset. Then perform a new calibration of the connected optical sensor.
Please note that each FireStingO2 meter provides only a single port for an external PT100 temperature probe. For Automatic Temperature Compensation (see chapter 6.1.1) of >1 oxygen sensor with an external PT100 temperature probe, all oxygen sensors with automatic temperature compensation have to measure at the same temperature condition. Alternatively, optical temperature sensors can be connected to optical sensor channels or the temperature extension module TeX4 can be coupled to the
FireStingO2, offering 4 ports for PT100 temperature probes.
6.1.4 Options Tab
In the Settings tab Options, several internal sensors and an Analog In can be activated. The Internal Pressure Sensor and the Internal Humidity Sensor inside the FireStingO2 meter can be
independently activated by clicking on the respective buttons and are displayed in the Overview panel of the main window and saved into the data file. If the Internal Pressure Sensor of the
FireStingO2 was activated in one of the oxygen channel tabs (see
6.1.1), it is automatically activated in the Options panel.
It is possible to designate a specific name to the connected FireStingO2 in
Device Name e.g. “Water Container Nr.42”. This device name is then
indicated in the top line of the main window. This option is especially useful if several FireStingO2 devices are operated in parallel in order to distinguish the opened logger windows.
The activation of the Analog In button allows to read in a voltage signal at the extension port, e.g. from third-party sensors. The
measuring range is 0-2.5V and the display and output of the signal is in mV. For details refer to chapter 11.
The maximum number of data points kept in the graphs can be changed by the selector Max. Data Points in Graphs (default:
10800). A change of the number will clear the graphs and high values (>>10000) might decrease the maximum sample rate.
The FireStingO2 offers four analog outputs (0-2.5V) at the extension port which can be configured by pressing the Analog
Output button. For details refer to chapter 11.
Only for advanced users:
The USB communication speed can be adjusted e.g. for
improving the maximum sampling rate (default: 57600).
Activation of the button Enable High-Speed Sampling will enable the adjustment of a Sample Interval <0.25 s in the main window (and disable Max. Data Points in Graph). Details on request!
The Advanced Auto-Mode button allows advanced configuration options for the Auto-Mode. For details refer to chapter 11.
6.2 Main Window
After adjusting the Settings for all connected sensors after start of the Oxygen Logger software, the following main window is shown:
The four panels Channel 1-4 correspond to the fiber-optic sensors connected to the ports 1-4 at the FireStingO2 (see chapter 3). For the 1- or 2-channel version of the FireStingO2, only the respective panels will be visible.
The default sensor readings show uncalibrated sensor readings (in raw value). For oxygen sensors this gives only qualitative information of the actual oxygen level.
After activation of the respective channels in the Settings (see chapter 6.1), the sensor readings of each channel are displayed in its corresponding panel in a numeric display (D) and in a chart recorder (C) in the chosen unit (UD).
The description of the sensor type, as defined in the Settings by the Sensor Code, is shown in the description display (DD). The
Signal intensity (SI) of each oxygen sensor is shown in its channel
tab as horizontal indicator bar underneath the numeric display (D).
If a sensor was not yet calibrated or its Settings were changed, a
warning Not Calibrated is displayed in the Warning Display.
6.2.1 Chart Recorder
The color and appearance of each graph can be changed by clicking on the color-control (CC), opening a pop-up menu. With
Common Plots, Color, Line Style, Line Width, Interpolation, and Point Style the chart appearance can be changed. Clicking on the
small rectangular button allows hiding / showing the respective graph.
The visible time frame of the chart recorder (C) can be changed by moving the bar along the scroll bar (SCB). Switching off the Autoscroll button will allow inspection of older data which are not visible anymore in the time frame, e.g. during longtime measurements.
The display of the data in the charts can be changed by different chart tools arranged underneath the chart recorder. The button with the magnifying glass offers different zoom options. After clicking the button with the hand, the user can click onto the chart and move the whole area while keeping the mouse button pressed.
Note that placing the mouse on many elements of the window will show a short description ("tool tip"). By clicking on the right mouse button and selecting "Description and Tip" a more detailed description might be available additionally.
Clear Graph
The button Clear Graph offers the options to clear only the graph of one channel (Clear Single Graph), or to Clear Graphs of all Channels & Zero Time Scale (i.e. the graphs in all other panels will be also cleared). Note, that this will not affect the saved data in the data file.
Adjust Scales
The unit of the x-axis (Time) can be changed with the selector Time Scale (using the arrows or clicking onto the field). The time scale can be displayed in Seconds (s), Minutes (min), Hours (h), Relative Time (HH:MM:SS), Absolute Time (HH:MM:SS), Absolute Time & Date and in Data Points.
For a channel tab with connected optical oxygen sensor and external temperature PT100 sensor, the y-axes can be Oxygen (left) and Temperature (right). For a channel tab with connected optical temperature sensor the y-axis is optical Temperature (left; opt. Temp.).
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