Pyronix OCTAGON II Installation Instructions Manual

MAY 1997
RDOC298D/A Issue 1
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Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix House Braithwell Way
South Yorkshire
S66 8QY
Tel: 01709 700100 / Intl: +44 1709 700100
Fax: 01709 701042 / Intl: +44 1709 701402
Helpline: 01709 703555 / Intl: +44 1709 703555
This product is sold subject to our standard warranty conditions and is warranted against defects in workmanship for a period of 2 years. In the interest of continuing improvement of quality, customer care and design, Pyronix reserve the right to amend specifications without giving prior notice.
A copy of our warranty can be obtained from the above address.
5.1 Operating Modes 6
5.2 Entry / Exit Mode 6
6. ZONES 6
6.1 Engineer Programmable Zones 6
6.2 24 Hour Zones 7
8.1 Plan View With Cover Removed 8
8.2 Mounting 9
8.3 Mains Connection 9
8.4 Battery Capacity 9
8.4.1 Battery Charging 9
8.5 Low Voltage Connections 9
8.5.1 Extension Speakers 9
8.5.2 Wiring The Bell And Strobe (UK Version) 10
8.5.3 Wiring External Sounder / Strobe 10
8.5.4 Remote Keypads 11
8.5.5 End of line resistors 12
8.5.6 Wiring to PIR and other sensors 12
8.5.7 Wiring to a door contact 12
8.5.8 Wiring To A Personal Attack Button 13
8.5.9 Wiring To RKP Remote Zone 13
8.5.10 Wiring the Keyswitch inputs A1 / A2 13
8.5.11 Wiring the communicator outputs / inputs 13
8.5.12 Wiring the latch output (C+) 13
8.5.13 Wiring the LED enable E- / shock reset output 13
8.6 Powering up your panel 13
9.1 Factory defaults 14
9.2 User and Engineer Codes 14
9.2.1 Entering and Exiting Engineer Mode 14
9.2.2 Enabling the Limited User 14
9.2.3 Enabling the Cleaner code 14
9.2.4 Changing the Engineer code 14
9.3 Timers 15
9.3.1 Exit time 15
9.3.2 Entry time 15
9.3.3 Bell delay 15
9.3.4 Bell time (External siren) 15
9.3.5 Communicator delay 15
9.3.6 Number of rearms 15
9.3.7 Part set types 15
9.4 Programming Set Modes 16
9.4.1 End of line zones 16
9.4.2 Remote Zones 17
9.5 Miscellaneous Programming Options 17
9.5.1 Tamper alarm 17
9.5.2 Tamper activation 17
9.5.3 Personal Attack (P.A.) Alarm 17
9.5.4 Continued speaker activation 18
9.5.5 User / Engineer reset 18
9.5.6 Timed exit / final set 18
9.5.7 Communicator set / unset Polarity Fault lockout 18
9.5.8 Communicator output Polarity settings 18
9.5.9 Setting the panel when mains fails 18
9.5.10 Setting the Panel With No Battery or Battery Low 18
9.5.11 Keyswitch Options 18
9.5.12 Remote LED Enable / Shock Reset 19
RDOC298D/B Issue 1
9.6 Setting the Volume control 19
9.7 Resetting the Non volatile memory (NVM) 19
9.7.1 Factory settings 19
9.8 Programme mode test facilities 19
9.8.1 Walk test 19
9.8.2 Bell test 19
9.8.3 Strobe test 19
9.8.4 Latch output test 19
9.8.5 Communicator test 19
9.8.6 Speaker Test 20
9.8.7 Event Log 20
10.1 Cleaner functions 22
10.1.1 Full setting the panel 22
10.1.2 Part setting the panel 22
10.1.3 Unsetting the panel 22
10.1.4 Activating the Personal Attack (P.A.) alarm 22
10.1.5 Turning Chime on and off 22
10.1.6 Cancelling a power failure 22
10.1.7 Communicator line failure 22
10.1.8 Duress Code 22
10.2 Limited User Functions (User 2) 23
10.2.1 Cleaner functions 23
10.2.2 Deactivating Cleaner zones 23
10.2.3 Omitting zones 23
10.2.4 Changing Limited User code 23
10.3 Master User (User 1) 23
10.3.1 Changing Cleaner code 23
10.3.2 Changing Limited User code 23
10.3.3 Changing Master User code 23
10.4 System Test Mode 23
10.4.1 Walk test 24
10.4.2 Chime Programming 24
10.4.3 Event Log 24
10.4.4 Engineer Code Arming 25
12.1 Power supply 26
12.2 Control PCB 26
12.3 Mechanical 26
12.4 Environmental 26
12.5 Cleaning 26
The Octagon II is a full featured intruder alarm control panel, based around a microprocessor with 8 fully programmable zones and 2 dedicated '24-hour' zones (Personal Attack alarm and a System-Tamper alarm.). It is operated via a 16 - key remote keypad and has an arrangement of 3 LEDs and LED display to show the status of the system.
All features are fully programmable and there are three levels of access to the system : Master User (user 1) factory default (1 2 3 4) Limited User (user 2) factory default (5 6 7 8) (if enabled) Cleaner Code factory default (7 8 9 0) (if enabled) Engineer factory default (9 9 9 9)
The Master User code gives access to all settings and unsetting facilities and also allows the changing of code numbers and testing of the system. The Limited User code gives access to the basic functions needed for everyday setting and unsetting the system. The Cleaner code can only set and unset the panel in programmed areas. The Engineer code gives total access to the system programming during day mode.
Mains: The mains supply to the control panel is connected via a 3 way terminal block. **This equipment is not suitable for location in bathrooms or damp conditions. Always remove / isolate mains before carrying out work on the panel. The mains installation should be carried out in accordance with current IEE regulations by a technically competent person**.
Master User (user 1) enables: Limited User (user 2) enables:
1. Chime programming. 1. Panel setting and unsetting with a unique pass code.
2. Alteration of all access codes except engineers. 2. Changing user code 2.
3. Test mode. 3. Omitting zones.
4. All user code 2 facilities. 4. Setting and unsetting of the door chime facility. Cleaner level enables: Engineer level enables:
1. Panel setting. 1. Changing engineers code.
2. Unset panel except programmed cleaner zones. 2. All system programming.
3. Panel setting and unsetting providing panel is in daY
- 2 User-Level Codes, cleaner code and engineers code, all programmable .
- Fast-set facility.
- 8 Programmable alarm zones.
- 8 Zone Tampers.
- 4 Full set / Part set configurations.
- Personal Attack alarm zone.
- 16 key backlit keypad.
- 3 LEDs and LED display on RKP for immediate indication of panel status.
- 8 LEDs on the new RKP II.
- Walk Test facility.
- System Test Function.
- Extension speaker volume control with alarm override.
- Separate Bell and Strobe outputs.
- Zone omit facility on exit.
- Part sets programmable as silent, time or instant.
- Digital Communicator outputs.
- Optional communicator delay / activation polarity.
- Customer / engineer reset.
- Two individual keyswitch inputs.
- Soak zones, Fire zones and 24 Hour zones.
- Non omitable zones.
- Up to four remote keypads.
- Additional zone on each keypad.
- Duress code.
- 100 event memory.
- Push to set input.
- Final door exit option.
RDOC298D/C Issue 1
5.1 Operating modes.
Day Mode This is the state of the panel when unset (not armed). Personal Attack and Tamper inputs, however,
remain active 24 hours a day. (These are referred to as 24 hour zones). Day mode is identified by the U (unset) on the LED display.
Set Modes When the panel is set (armed) an activation of any Access, Immediate or 24 hour zone will cause an
alarm condition. When an alarm is generated the internal and external sounders will operate for the length of time programmed. The strobe will also be activated and will continue to operate after the bell time hasexpired, until the panel is reset.
Fullset / Partset At the time of setting the control panel, any one of four set modes can be selected. i.e.
Full set: Whole system armed; nobody on premises. Part set A: All Part sets may be. Part set B: configured as fast set. Part set C: timed exit or night set.
5.2 Entry/Exit modes.
Entry When the panel is set and an entry zone is triggered the entry timer will begin to count down.
During this period an entry tone (single repeated bleep) will be produced by the internal sounder. The tone will change to a dual repeated bleep when half the entry time has been reached. (two ply). Any zones which are programmed as Access zones will be ignored. If the user code is entered before the end of the count down period the panel will return to day mode. If the timer is allowed to elapse before the user code is entered the panel will go into an alarm state. In this case the system needs to be Unset then reset.
Exit With the panel in day mode if a user code is entered the exit timer will begin. If all the Immediate
zones are clear, then the exit tone will be heard. Leave the protected area by the predetermined exit route. As you trigger access and entry / exit zones the tone will change to a high tone. When all the zones are clear, the exit tone will continue again until the end of the time-out period and the panel will arm. If the exit time is reached before all access and entry / exit zones are clear a warbling tone will be heard. The panel will arm when the entry / exit zone is clear.
6.1 Engineer programming zones.
Entry / Exit This is a zone which allows limited-time access to the premises in order to set or unset the
Access This is a zone which, on setting the panel, allows access to the Entry / Exit zone. However, if
the panel is set and an Access zone is triggered before an Entry / Exit zone then an alarm will be generated immediately.
Immediate This is a zone which will create an immediate alarm when the panel is set.
Omitted If a zone is programmed as an Omitted zone by the Engineer, then it is ignored by the panel.
Zone 9 omits the RKP remote zone. It also allows the user to continue to use the alarm system even if a fault has been discovered on one or more zones. Omitted zones are only programmable for part set modes.
Non Omitable Zone This is a zone that is programmed by the engineer. A zone programmed as a non omittable
zone may not be omitted by the user. This enables vital areas to be protected at all times.
Soak Zone A soak zone is a zone which will not cause an alarm if triggered. However the activation will
be recorded in the event log.
Fire Zone If activated this will cause a pulsed bell and speaker activation in day or set modes. The fire
LED will illuminate on RKPII.
24 Hour Zone Will cause an instant alarm when the panel is in day or set modes.
Cleaner Zone If the panel is disarmed using the cleaner code these zones will remain active and cause an
alarm if violated. The cleaner cannot reset the system after an alarm activation.
Push to set. A push to set zone will force the entry / exit timer to terminate to prevent the user from having
to wait for the entry / exit period to finish.
6.2 24 Hour zones.
Personal Attack Triggering of the Personal Attack (P.A.) zone will always cause a full alarm activation regardless of whether or not the panel is set. If silent P.A. is programmed, only the communicator will be activated.
Tamper (Day Mode)If a tamper fault is present in day mode a high tone will be heard. When a user code is entered the
tamper LED will illuminate and the zone causing the tamper will be shown on the LED display If the tamper was caused by activation of the universal tamper zone then only the tamper LED will illuminate. If a user code is not entered before the bell time expires the internal speaker and bell will turn off and the system will rearm.
Tamper (Set Mode) If the panel has been set and a tamper fault occurs the system will go into full alarm condition. When
a user code is entered the tamper LED will illuminate and the zone violated will be displayed . After the bell time has expired any further tamper faults will also cause alarm activation. The strobe will remain on until the panel is unset. A tamper alarm will also occur if the correct user code is not entered after three attempts.
Tamper If the code is not entered successfully after the third attempt, the keypad will not accept anymore entries
for 3.5 mins and a tamper will be generated.
Tamper LED Reset The tamper LED will remain on after a zone tamper, or system tamper. This can only be reset by entering
engineer mode.
Volume Control This is only accessible when the front cover has been removed and will only affect the volume of any
extension speakers. In an alarm condition the volume control will be overridden and full volume will be heard. The remote keypads also have their own separate volume controls.
Latch C+ The latch facility is designed to be used with intruder detectors fitted with a latch memory. This feature
is very useful when more than one detector has to be wired to a particular zone as it will show which detectors were triggered if an alarm has occurred. If there has been an alarm and latch memory was used, then when the panel is unset an LED indication will be given at the detectors which were triggered. Resetting of latch memory requires the panel to be unset.
Auto Rearm After an alarm the panel will automatically reset itself when the bell timer has expired. Any zones which
are still not clear after the bell time has expired will be omitted automatically.
Walk test The walk test function verifies that all the intruder detectors on the alarm system are functioning correctly.
When the walk test mode is enabled any activated zone will cause a chime and the LED display will indicate the relevant zone. In engineer walk test the alarm zones, tamper zones and personal attack zone activations will be recorded in the event log.
Event log The Octagon II panel incorporates a memory log of the last 100 events and is accessible in engineer
and user mode. It will record panel setting personal attack alarms and will show which tamper and alarm zones have been triggered. Soak zones, user omitted zones and zones activated by the engineer walk test will also be displayed. The event log may be cleared in by the User if he is permitted to do so by the engineer. All zone activations after an alarm are recorded in the log.
Digital Communicator The Octagon II has four communicator outputs. These are set / unset, P.A. fire and alarm. The outputs
can be configured in engineer mode to activate from 12V to 0V or 0V to 12 V. A line fail input gives a visual indication to the status of the communicator on the remote keypad.
Keyswitch inputs Two Keyswitch inputs are available and these may be used for full setting and part setting the system.
LED Enable E­Shock Reset This is a dual purpose output which may be programmed as detector test LED enable or shock reset.
If configured as LED enable, during walk test the LED's will operate even if it has been disabled in the sensor. If configured as shock reset, after an alarm activation the power will be momentarily switched off to reset shock / smoke detectors.
RDOC298D/D Issue 1
Before beginning any installation work read through this section carefully. Plan out the various areas and degrees of protection required from each zone. It is important to decide which type each zone should be if part sets are to be used. Work out the cable routes avoiding mains cabling and consider the chosen position for the control panel and its main supply.
8.1 Plan View With Cover Removed.
8.2 Mounting.
1 Remove front cover. 2 Hang the control panel base onto the wall with the central mounting hole using one of the screws and plugs
3 If possible use a spirit level or some other means to position the control panel squarely then drill the remaining
holes into the wall to locate the screws and plugs.
8.3 Mains connection.
1 The mains supply connector should be carefully wired to an ac mains supply using a suitably rated 3 core cable
with a current carrying capacity of not less than 5 Amps. It should be connected to a fused spur with a fuse rating of not more than 2 Amps.
2 The mains connections at the power supply terminal block are coded as follows:
8.4 Battery capacity.
It is recommended that the rechargeable battery used with the Octagon II control panel should be capable of powering the alarm system for a minimum of 8 hours, and that this time period include 20 minutes of bell/strobe operation. The minimum battery capacity should be calculated from the current consumption of the individual system components.
A typical example is shown below:
Non alarm current for control panel ( 7 hrs 40 min) : 174mA (0.174 A) Steady state current for detectors : 120mA (0.12 A) (e.g. 8 x 15mA for 8 hours -Pyronix PIRS) Typical stand-by current for external sounder : 50mA (0.05 A) (e.g. Self Actuating Bell for 8 hours) Typical on state current for external : 350mA (0.35 A) sounder (20 mins) Alarm state current for control panel (20 mins) : 140mA (0.140 A) Typical current for external strobe (8 hours) : 150mA (0.150 A)
Total battery capacity = (Panel stand-by current x 7hrs 40min)
For example it is recommended that you use a battery of not less than 4.1 Ah, the nearest size above this being 6Ah.
8.4.1 Battery Charging. This Octagon II has a fast battery charge circuit capable of recharging a 6Ah battery in 12 hours
NB: 1) Do not allow any cables or wiring to touch the battery charge resistor ( See diagram on Page 9 ) High resistor temperature during battery charging will damage insulation to wires touching this resistor, resulting in incorrect operation of the control panel.
NB: 2) Do not use a battery of less than 2.8Ah capacity
8.5 Low Voltage Connections.
8.5.1 Extension Loudspeakers. Extension loudspeaker (SPK). External Sounder/Bell.
RDOC298D/E Issue 1
+ (Detectors, SAB and strobe current x 8hrs) + (Panel in alarm with external sounder x 20mins)
i.e. 0.174 X 7.67HRS
+ (0.12 + 0.05 + 0.15) X 8HRS + (0.40 + 0.35) X 0.33HRS ~ 4.1 Amp Hours
S+ : 12 volts dc supply
-B : 0 volts 1 BNO : Bell Normally Open 2 BNC : Bell Normally Closed 3 BC : Bell Common 4 SNO : Strobe Normally Open 5 SNC : Strobe Normally Closed 6 SC : Strobe Common
8.5.2 Wiring The Bell And Strobe (UK Version).
STB : Negative Trigger
BA : Negative Trigger
S+ : 12V dc Supply
-B : 0v dc Supply
BT : Bell Tamper (negative return)
8.5.3 Wiring the External Siren (Export Version). Wiring the Strobe.
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