PYLE Audio PS-WDV60 Operating Guide

74 . 0 m m
10 7 . 0 mm
10 7 . 0 mm
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1.0 Introduc tion
Thank you for purchasing this Watch.
The Watch provides some vital f during diving. The Watch will provide you with the Current Water Depth, the Maximum Reached Water Depth, the Water Temperature, the Dive Status Indicator and the Elapsed Dive Time.
These diving facts will be stored into the Watch. You can recall them in a later day, and it can be stored up to ten dive records. Dive Mode also includes a automatic light function for divers convenience, which will turn ON the back light automatically when the user tilts his/her wrist.
In addition to dive , your watch includes 4 more functional modes, they are the Normal Time Mode, Alarm Mode, Timer Mode
Your watch is carefully designed and produced, in order to utilize this features of your watch, it is advisable to use the watch in conformity with the notes mentioned below:
Read this manual carefully before you use the Watch, and keep it in a safe place for your further reference.
! DO NOT press any key after going into water.
! Avoid exposing the Watch to extreme conditions for
an unreasonable time, and avoid rough uses or severe impacts on the Watch.
unctions for diver
and Chronograph Mode.
It is re com men ded t o com ple te th e bat ter y
re pl ac em ent by a ce rt if ie d se rvic e ag ency becau se
this prac tice ensu res the water proo f
stand ard la st on you r watc h.
Clean the Watch, part icul ar the water sensor on
the ba ck of t he Watc h with a soft cloth .
DO NOT expose the Watch to str ong chemi cals
such a s gas olin e and alco hol, as th ey wi ll da mage your wa tch.
! S tore the Watch in a d ry place when it is not in
! Diving is one of the higher risk sports, comm it an
error in diving may l ead to s erious injury or de ath, hence , a lways put y our safe ty fi rst, a nd alway s remem ber th at you a re res ponsi ble fo r your o wn safet y.
! The Watch is an assisting device for prop er train ed
and qualified divers in di ves. It is NO T a su bstitute for div e train ing.
! Always get pro per d ive tra ining, in struc tion an d
quali ficat ion prior to sta rt a dive.
Make sure that you full y underst and the functi ons
and limitati ons of the Watch, and devic e in divi ng.
! DO NO T u se t he Wat ch f or co mmer cial or
profe ssion al diving.
occas iona lly
you us e back-up
3.0 Funct ional Modes
reache d to the water depth ap proximate to 1.5 m (4. 92 ft)
return ed to the water
Normal Ti me Mode
Alarm Mo de
Chrono graph Mode
Functi onal Mode Sele ction Sequen ce
NOTE: This diagram illustrates the connections between different functional
displays only, hence, the numbers of these displays DO NOT conform to fact in all instances.
depth ap proximate to 1.5 m (4. 92 ft)
Dive Rec ord Recall Mod e
Timer Mod e
Dive Mod e
Funct iona l Modes
! The watch incl udes 6 functi onal mode s, they are
Norma l Time Mod e, Alarm Mo de, Ch rono graph Mode, Timer M ode, Dive Reco rd Reca ll Mode an d Dive Mo de.
! Each funct iona l mode include s one or more than
one f uncti onal displays. The f uncti onal disp lay p r o vi d es s up pl em en ta ry f ea tu re s t o t he corre spon ding fu ncti onal m ode.
! Check the coming secti ons for the details of how
these functiona l mo des and func tiona l di spla ys a re worki ng.
To Switch am ong Fu ncti onal Mo de
! Press th e [MODE] but ton to sele ct among th e
Norma l Time Mode , A larm M ode, Ch ronog raph Mode, Tim er Mod e and Div e Reco rd Rec all Mod e.
To Switch to D ive Mo de
The Wat ch ca nnot swit ch to or ex it fr om Di ve Mo de
by key op erat ions.
! The Di ve Mod e wil l appe ar au tomat ical ly if t he us er
su bm erg e, a nd r ea ch ed t he wa te r d ept h appro xima te to 1 .5 m ( 4.92 ft). If the use r e merg e, and r eturn ed to the water depth appr oxim ate t o 1.5 m (4 .92 ft), the Nor mal Time Mode restarts. Check the com ing ' 8. 0 Dive M ode ' Se ctio n for mo re det ail of how to s witc h to Dive M ode.
2.0 Key Layout and Batt ery Low Indicator
[LIGHT ] button
[MODE] button
battery lo w
indicato r
Key Layo ut
Batter y Low
Indica tion
[START/STO P] button
LCD disp lay
[LAP/R ESET] button
Key Lay out
! The Wat ch inc lude s 4 keys . They are the [ MODE ],
[LIGH T], [START/ STOP] and [LAP /RESE T]. Most of the o pera tions , ex cept the Dive Mode can b e perfo rmed b y these k ey.
To Replace B atte ry
! When the battery is low, indica tor ' ' w ill appea r.
Repla ce the b atter y by a cer tifie d agen t.
4.0 Norm al Time Mode - Normal Time Mode
Norma l Time Mo de Disp lay
! To sele ct Nor mal Time M ode, p ress t he [MO DE] bu tton
follo wing the p revio us '3.0 Functio nal Mode S elect ion Seq uen ce'. N or mal Tim e Mod e funct iona l dis play s. Th ey a re t he Year Disp lay a nd t he Temperatu re Dis play.
! Year Displ ay and Temper atur e
To sel ect between the Displ ay, pres s the [S TART/STO P] but ton i n Norm al Time Mod e.
Year Disp lay
! The date and month app ear on t he 1 st r ow, th e day of
week and y ear appea r on the 2nd r ow, an d the normal time (hours, minutes and sec ond) appears on the 3rd row of th e disp lay.
Temperat ure Di splay
! The date and month app ear on t he 1 st r ow, th e da y of
week, and the air tempe ratu re ( Dive Mode) app ear on the 2nd row, and the norm al t ime (hou rs, minu tes and secon d) app ears on t he 3rd r ow of the d ispl ay.
IMPOR TANT: If u ser i ntend s t o ge t th e ac cura te a ir tempe ratu re, th e use r must t aken o ff the w atch f rom his /her wr ist f or 2 0 to 30 m inute s pr ior to th e me as ur em en t. T hat p ra ct ic e a llo ws N O bo dy tempe ratu re effe ct on the Wat ch.
NOTE: To sele ct th e temp eratu re uni t betw een 8 C and 8F, check the comi ng ' 8.5 To Set t he D ive Mode ' Se ction for more de tail .
day of wee k
hour, minu te and seco nd
Normal T ime Mode
(Year Disp lay)
Normal T ime Mode
(Tempera ture Display)
Normal T ime Mode
date and m onth year
temper ature
The i ncl udes 2
+ 5 hidden pages