Reverse osmosi s w as originally designe d to mak e sea w ater drinkable for the
nav y. It is ide al for anyone on a low sodium diet. An R .O. membrane ha s a pore
size mu ch s maller than b acteria v irus , or th e crypto spor idium parasite. When
fun ctio ning proper ly it wi ll remove all micro organisms from tap water and produce
sterile wa ter. Reverse osmosis is th e rev ersa l of th e natu ral f low o f osmosis. In a
water purification s ystem , the goal is not to dilute the sal t solution, b ut to
sep arate the pur e water f rom the salt and other contaminants. W hen the natural
osm otic f low is reversed, wa ter fro m the salt solution is forced t o pass through the
mem brane i n th e o pposite di rection by a ppli cati on of pressure-thus the t erm
REV ERSE OSM OSIS . Through thi s pr oces s, we are able to pro duce pure wat er
by sc reening out t he salts and other co ntaminant s.
13 02
What is reverse o smosis
Reverse Osmosis
Mem brane
Water flow
Q: What is the maintenance schedule for t he Pure-Pro System ?
The three pre-filter cartridges should be changed every 6 months. The 5 micron
sediment cartridge filter is the first one; th e second is a carbon cartridge filter,
and the third one is a 1 micron sediment filters. (some systems comes with the
Extruded carbon filter.) Failure to change the cartridge every 6 months may
cause chlorine to d estroy the membrane.
1. Take out the UV ste rilizer fro m the bo x as sho wn in the pictu re.
2. Connec t the wire to both end s of UV la mp.
3. Tig ht up th e UV cap .
Ins tall UV lamp :
S800- UV Reverse Os mosis Drink ing Water Syste ms S800- UV Reverse Os mosis Drink ing Water Syste ms