Index ....................................................................... 103
Chapter one
Chapter one
About this Guide2
System Specifications2
Installing Punch! Home Design Complete3
Installing Punch! 3D Viewers3
Registering Your software4
Punch! Technical Support4
Important System Settings4
Speed Tips5
Program Tips5
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
About this Guide
This User’s Manual is designed to familiarize you with Punch!
Home Design Complete’s various programs, tools, and their uses. You
will need to be comfortable with the Windows environment and
understand the following terms:
• Click - Press and release the left button on the mouse.
• Right-Click - Press and release the right button on the mouse.
• Double-Click - Press and release the left button on the mouse
• Click & Drag - Press the left mouse button and hold it down while
moving the mouse.
• Drag & Drop - Selecting an item or some text and then moving it
to a new location.
• Release - Taking your finger off the mouse button.
• Scrolling - Scroll bars are located at the right and bottom of the
window. You can reposition the floorplan by clicking on the arrows
at the ends of each scroll bar.
If these terms and techniques are unfamiliar to you, please take
some time to become acquainted with them before continuing.
System Specifications
• Pentium Processor• 486-DX Processor
• Windows®95, 98 or Higher• Windows®95 or Higher
• 16 MB of RAM• 8 MB of RAM
• 175 MB of Hard Disk Space• 175 MB of Hard Disk Space
before installationbefore installation
• 100 MB of usable Hard Disk Space• 100 MB of usable Hard Disk Space
after installationafter installation
• VGA Video Card set at 800x600• VGA Video Card set at 800x600
Resolution & 16 bit Color DepthResolution & 16 bit Color Depth
• Mouse or other pointing Device• Mouse or other pointing Device
Installing Punch! Home Design Complete
1. A fragmented hard drive is a common cause of installation errors
when installing new software. We recommend that you
defragment your hard drive before beginning installation.
2. Place the Punch! Home Design Complete CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive of your computer.
3. Run “Windows Explorer” from the “Start” menu and Double-Click
the “CompleteSetup.exe” program from the directory window for
your CD-ROM drive.
4. Follow the installation instructions on your screen to install
Punch! Home Design Complete.
5. When the program installation is almost complete, you will be
asked if you wish to install Adobe® Acrobat Reader. This program
will need to be installed if you wish to view the on-line PDF
User’s Guide.
Chapter 1: Introduction
6. If you have Internet access, please follow the link to the URL to
register your software online. If not, please call 1-800-365-4832
to register.
7. The installer will automatically place a short-cut to Punch!Home Design Complete inside the “Start” menu.
Installing Punch! Home Design Complete 3D Viewers
1. Place the Punch! Home Design Complete CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
drive of your computer.
2. Run “Windows Explorer” from the “Start” menu. Inside the folder
named “Viewers” you will find five subfolders. Open the folder
named “Viewer1” and Double-Click the “Viewer1.EXE” program.
3. Follow the installation instructions on your screen.
4. The installer will automatically place a short-cut to Punch!Home Design Complete 3D Viewer inside the “Start” menu.
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Registering Your Copy of Punch! Home Design Complete
It is important that you register your copy of Punch! Home Design
Software registration allows you to obtain technical support and
enables us to notify you of software updates. Registration is quick and
easy; simply call our toll-free number (please have your Punch! HomeDesign Complete serial number available when you call). The serial
number is located on the back of the jewel case.
Punch! Software toll-free registration:
If you chose not to register your software during the installation
process, you may register it on-line at any time by visiting
Punch! Technical Support
Free technical support is available by phone at 1-800-365-4832 or
Your serial
number is located
on the back of
the CD jewel case.
by email at “” for 60 days from the
date of purchase. After 60 days, phone calls are billed at $10 per call.
You must have your Punch! Home Design Complete registered serial
number available when you call.
Important System Settings
1. Set your Display Settings to 800x600 pixels and High Color (16
Bit). Go to your “Start” menu, select Settings>Control
2. If you notice that the 3D display is not clear, set back the
Graphics Acceleration. Go to your “Start” menu, select
Settings>Control Panels> System>Performance>Graphics, then set
the acceleration back one notch.
3. By default, all Punch! Home Design Complete measurements
display in Inches, to choose Centimeters go to Design>Unit of
Measure..., select Metric.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Speed Tips
You can “Speed Up” the program by changing some of the program’s
default settings.
1. Close the LiveView window when you are not working in 3D. No
3D calculations are performed when the LiveView window is
2. Choose the Quarter-View window size for LiveView instead of
Full-View to increase 3D rendering speed. 3D rendering speed
increases as the LiveView window becomes smaller in size.
3. Set your Display Screen Settings to 16-bit, 65,000 colors for
optimum 3D rendering speed.
4. You don’t have to wait for a 3D view to render every time. Just
click the mouse in the LiveView window to interrupt rendering.
5. Hide the floors that are not being drawn. By turning off the
inactive floors, the program will not waste resources on them.
Program Tips
1. To diagram HVAC, plumbing and electrical, use the CAD Tool. It
allows geometry to be placed on the 2D floorplan without
appearing in 3D.
2. To design a home with a basement, simply use the first floor as
the basement level and the second floor as the main floor. To
show this in LiveView, use the Topography Tool to raise the level
of the ground around the home.
3. To signify an oddly-shaped lot, use the CAD Tool to draw your
exact lot shape. While it will not show in the 3D RealView
window, it will print on all 2D plans.
Chapter two
Chapter two
Start with your lot size and shape8
Draw the exterior walls9
Draw the interior walls9
Doors & Openings10
Add a Second Floor12
Drawing Stairs13
Add a Railing13
Add a Roof14
Draw a Sidewalk15
Put in a Flowerbed and edge it16
Fence the backyard17
Add Colors and Textures18
Add Objects20
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
The Basics
This chapter contains a Quick Start Exercise which covers the basics
of Punch! Home Design Complete. In the course of this exercise you
will create a simple design and learn the function of each tool.
Once you understand the basic concepts that we will cover in this
chapter you will be able to design the home of your dreams!
Start with your lot size and shape
First enter the dimensions of your
lot. The basic shape of your lot will
appear in the window.
Although it isn’t necessary for this
tutorial, if you have an irregular lot
like a cul de sac, select the CAD Tool
and use the shapes in the preview bar to
outline your lot’s shape. If your lot has
any distinguishing features, i.e. trees, slope, etc., you will want to
indicate them at this time, too. To define a sloping lot you will need to
use the Topo Tool. To create a straighter edge (like around a
foundation) use more layers to build up the grade.
For more information on the CAD and Topo Tools, see Chapter 4.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
Draw the exterior walls
After defining your lot,
the next step will be to draw
the outside perimeter of your
Select the Wall Tool and
by drawing four walls, draw a
37’0” x 20’0” rectangle.
Draw the interior walls
Once you’ve defined the outer edge of your floorplan, you can
begin drawing interior walls. Select the Wall Tool again and divide the
floorplan into two rooms.
Now, let’s change the
ceiling height for the entire
first floor. Select FloorHeights under Design menu.
Floor Heights are measured in
inches. You may also change
individual wall heights by
Right-clicking on the wall and
The perimeter
must be intact for
Punch! Home
Design Complete
to accurately
calculate square
When you view
your design in
RealView and you
notice “grass”
growing inside
your floorplan or
you have “carpet”
spilling outside,
there are walls
which will need
to be joined.
As you’re drawing walls and rooms, you will want to label them.
Select the Text Tool, type the room name and position it where desired.
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Doors & Openings
Select the Door Tool and then choose from the
styles in the drop down menu. Place an Interior
Door between the two rooms and an Exterior
Door on an outside wall.
You can change the style of any door at any
time through the Door Options menu. This menu
is available under the Options menubar, the Doors
drop down menu and by Right-clicking the door
in the plan window.
When placing
hinged doors,
the first click
places the door
and a second
mouse click sets
the direction
and angle of
the door.
Select the Window Tool and Drag &
Drop a few into your design. It is not
critical to match the exact placement in
these examples.
As with Doors, and many
of the other tools, you can
change the style of any
window at any time by calling
the Window Options menu.
This menu is available under
the Options menubar, the
Window drop down menu and
by Right-clicking the window
in the plan window.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Add a Second Floor
Create a Second Floor that
is the same size as the FirstFloor. Select an outside wall,
then select Copy to Floor>
Punch! Home
makes it easy
to tell at a
glance on
which floor you
are working.
Each floor is
assigned a
separate color.
In addition,
you can
customize your
screen color
scheme. This
option is
located under
the Design
If you wish,
you may use
the Edit>
Select All
command to
copy all Walls,
Doors and
Windows to the
Second Floor.
Upper Floor from the Edit
menu. This step will copy all
four outside Walls and all
Doors and Windows contained
on these walls, delete the
Doors and Windows you
do not wish to retain.
Select Work on
Floor>Work on Second
Floor from the Design
menu to make the
Second Floor active.
Follow the previous
steps to add Interior
Walls, Doors and
Windows to the Second
At times you may
want to view only the floor
that you are designing; this
option is available from both
the Design menubar or the
View Floor icon.
Drawing Stairs
Drawing stairs consists of
two steps.
1. Select the Stairs Tool
and Work On First Floor.
The first click will set the
beginning of the stairway
and you will end them with a
Right-click. You will be able
to tell which way the stairs
rise by the arrow.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
2. To create the opening
in the upper floor, select
Work On Second Floor and
choose the Floor/GroundCovering Tool. With a series
of clicks define the opening.
Select the Pointer Tool and
Right-Click on the floor area.
Choose Floor Cut-Out from
the Pop-up menu to convert
Add a Railing
Select the Railing Tool
and Work On Second Floor.
With a series of clicks, define
a railing around the opening
you created in the previous
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Add a Roof
Select the Roof Tool and Work on Second Floor. Using the default
roof style, Drag & Drop it into the plan window. Move it into position
by selecting the outside edge.
Resize it by selecting a corner.
Right-click on the roof
and change the pitch to 6:12.
Although you only need
one roof section in this
exercise, many floorplans will
require several.
Draw a Sidewalk
Select the Pathway Tool and Work on First
Floor. With a series of clicks, define the sidewalk
to the front door, end the sidewalk with a Rightclick.
Double-click on the Pathway you have just
drawn and change the width to 42” in the
Custom Pathway dialogue box.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Put in a Flowerbed and edge it
Select the Fill Tool. Select the middle shape and Drag & Drop it to
the left of the sidewalk. To reshape it so that it conforms to the area’s
shape, select the individual points and move them.
Select the Edging Tool and with a series of clicks, define the
perimeter of the flowerbed, end the Edging with a Right-click.
Select the Plants Tool. Select Annuals from the Drop-Down menu
and Drag & Drop some landscape plants into the flowerbed.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
Fence the backyard
Select the Fence Tool and
with a series of clicks define
the perimeter of the area you
want to fence.
Select the Gate Tool and
drop in two gates as shown.
The gate will
always conform to
the fence style, if
you define the
fence as Privacy,
the gate will
follow suit.
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Add Colors and Textures
Activate Punch! LiveView by selecting 3D Full
View under the View menu or choosing the icon
from the top right of your window.
Select the Texture Tool. Select Siding from theTexture Drop-Down menu. Drag & Drop the desired
pattern from the Preview Bar onto each outer wall
of your design. To expedite this process, Right-click
on the color siding then Right-click on each outer
wall; end this process with a Double-click (left
mouse button).
Once you have finished the outer walls, Select
Roofing from the Texture Drop-Down menu. Drag &
Drop your choice onto the roof.
Continue this process until you are satisfied
with the outside of your design.
Chapter 2: Tutorial
Now, let’s move to the inside and decorate it.
Select Wood from the Texture Drop-Down menu.
Drag & Drop a selection from the Preview Bar onto
the floor of the first story to simulate hardwood
Select the Color Tool and choose a color that you
find attractive. Drag & Drop it onto the interior walls.
You’re in no way limited to the
Colors in the Preview Window. If you
Double-click on any color you will be
presented with the Color Palatte. With
this palatte you are able to duplicate
any color scheme you wish.
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Add Objects
Select the Object Tool, choose Office from the
Drop-Down menu.
Activate the Split Plan View Window. Drag &
Drop the desired Objects into the Plan View window.
Chapter three
Chapter three
Pointer Tool22
Rotate Tool22
Dimension Tool22
Text Tool22
Pan Tool23
Zoom Tool23
Viewpoint Tool23
Virtual Ruler24
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Pointer Tool
Use this tool to select, move or resize objects. You may select multiple
objects by holding the “Shift” key down while clicking the desired
Only objects
encompassed by
the Click & Drag
method will be
objects or you can Click & Drag around several objects.
Rotate Tool
The Rotate Tool allows you to rotate objects. Select the Rotate Tool,
then click on what you wish to Rotate, using your mouse Rotate the
Object (Wall, Stairway, Roof, etc.) until it is in the position you
require. You may also specify a precise degree of rotation in the pop-up
menu activated by a right-click or by selecting Rotate under the Edit
Hold down the
Shift key to
release the Rotate
45 degree
Dimension Tool
The Dimension Tool is used to add dimensions to areas where you
would like them to appear. To use, Click & Drag between the objects
that are to be measured.
Text Tool
The Text Tool allows you to add labels to your floorplan. You may
change the typeface of your labeling by highlighting the text to be
changed and selecting Type from the Options menu or simply double-
click on any piece of text with the Pointer Tool.
Chapter 3: Program Tools
Pan Tool
The Pan Tool makes it easy to reposition your floorplan in the 2D plan
view. When the Pan Tool is selected your cursor changes to a hand.
Place the Hand anywhere on your floorplan, then Click & Drag your
floorplan to reposition it within the viewing window.
Zoom Tool
The Zoom Tool allows you to get a close-up view of your drawing or
zoom out to view the complete floorplan. To enlarge your floorplan,
hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse up. To
reduce it, hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse
down. The floorplan will be centered in the window on the spot where
you click.
Viewpoint Tool
The Viewpoint Tool is a unique 2D/3D navigational aid. It allows you
to view your drawing from a spot on the 2D plan. When you select the
Viewpoint Tool and click in your drawing, Punch! Home Design
Complete will automatically open a half-screen Punch! LiveView
window where you will see a 3D rendering of your floorplan.
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Virtual Ruler
Use the Virtual Ruler when you wish to figure measurements that
are not automatically generated. Toggle the Virtual Ruler on and off
with the icon at the bottom left of your screen.
made with the
Virtual Ruler will
be more accurate
if you turn off
Snap to Grid.
position it so it reaches the span that
you wish to measure. The measurement
will appear in the middle of the
Virtual Ruler.
On Off
When the Virtual Ruler is active,
Chapter four
Chapter four
Wall Tool26
Door Tool28
Window Tool30
Roof Tool32
Stairs Tool34
Railing Tool37
Flooring/Ground Covering Tool38
Pathway Tool40
Fill Region Tool42
Edging Tool43
Fence Tool44
Gate Tool46
Topography Tool48
CAD Tool49
Landscaping Tool50
Objects Tool52
Punch! Home Design Complete User’s Guide
Wall Tool
When the Wall Tool is selected, previews of the
available options will appear in the Preview Bar. To change
the default settings, click on the word Walls above the
You can Drag & Drop room selections from the Preview
Bar or you can manually draw a wall by placing the cursor
where you want the wall to begin, then Click & Drag until
you reach the length you desire.
A double click on any wall will cause the Custom Wall
menu to be displayed. Automatic Flooring is the default
setting. By deselecting it when you draw an upper floor,
you can extend a room up for two or three stories.
While you are
drawing each
floor, bear in
mind that the
perimeter must be
intact for Punch!
Home Design
Complete to
calculate square
feet. If you view
your design in
Punch! LiveView
and you notice
“grass” growing
inside your
floorplan or you
have “carpet”
spilling outside,
there are walls
which will need
to be joined.
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