Congratulations, you’ve just purchased one of
the most effective methods available for keeping
your 12-volt lead-acid batteries charged — the
SolarPulse Industrial Solar Charging System.
Now you can charge, clean and even extend
the life of your 12-volt lead-acid batteries with
this one unique, solar-powered system. Besides
charging your battery, it also provides a constant
electronic dc pulse that removes sulfates on the
battery plates and returns them to the electrolyte.
By simply cleaning the plates, this system
extends battery life, maintains peak battery effi-
ciency, increases charge acceptance so batteries
recharge faster and last longer.
SolarPulse is ideal for all 12-volt lead-acid bat-
teries on vehicles and equipment in isolated situ-
ations where electrical power is not available.
This system will save you time, money and
effort by reducing battery-related downtime,
maintenance and replacement.
Installing SolarPulse is easy, just follow the
simple instructions to the right.
WARNING: Because of the possibility
of personal injury, always use extreme
caution when working with batteries.
I. Mounting The Circuit Box
NOTE: The SolarPulse models can be used with the
circuit box mounted or unmounted on your vehicles
or equipment because it comes with a quick-discon-
nect. If you leave it unmounted, MAKE SURE to sep-
arate the quick-disconnect on the wires BEFORE
using the vehicle. Then reconnect the wires after
storing your vehicle again.
To mount the circuit box, use the following steps.
Mount the box close to the battery so that the lugs
can reach the battery terminals. DO NOT attach it to
the battery itself. MAKE SURE the box is situated in
a location where it is protected & will not accidental-
ly be disturbed by mechanics, etc.
The circuit box can be mounted in one of two ways:
1st Method: For a permanent installation, use two
round head screws (not included) to attach the cir-
cuit box to the side of the engine wall or battery
compartment or in another area away from moving
engine parts.
2nd Method: Use an industrial adhesive by applying
it to the back of the circuit box & then gluing the box
to the side of the engine wall near the battery.
Once the circuit box has been mounted, use plastic
cable ties (not included) to secure the SolarPulse
wires to a cable or other secure area near the battery.
This will keep the wires from tangling with moving
engine parts.
Continued inside.