Standard Product Operations
27101 Airport Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33982
Tel: (941) 575-3800 Tel: (800) 333-6677
Fax: (941) 575-4085 Fax: (800) 456-4085
spotech@pulsa.com www.Pulsafeeder.com
Manufacturers of Quality Pumps,
Controls, and Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Manual Polymer Makedown Systems
72-910-MPMDS-E Rev A

Manual Polymer Makedown Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Pulsafeeder Factory Service Policy
Should you experience a problem with your Polymer Makedown System, first consult the
troubleshooting guide in this operation and maintenance manual, as well as the information in the
manual for your Pulsatron pump. If the problem is not covered or cannot be solved, please contact
your local Pulsafeeder Sales Representative or Distributor, or our Technical Services Department for
further assistance.
Trained technicians are available to diagnose your problem and arrange a solution. Solutions may
include purchase of replacement parts or returning the unit to the factory for inspection and repair. All
returns require a Return Authorization number to be issued by Pulsafeeder. Parts purchased to correct
a warranty issue may be credited after an examination of original parts by Pulsafeeder. Warranty parts
returned as defective which test good will be sent back freight collect. No credit will be issued on any
replacement electronic parts.
Any modifications or out-of-warranty repairs will be subject to bench fees and costs associated with
replacement parts.
Copyright ©2013 Pulsafeeder, Inc. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal
use without the written permission of Pulsafeeder, Inc.
72-910-MPMDS-E Rev A

Manual Polymer Makedown Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents
Topic Page
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
Safety .................................................................................................................... 5
Skid Layout and Component Descriptions ........................................................... 6
Systems Overview ................................................................................................ 7
Supply Side ..................................................................................................... 7
Process Side .................................................................................................... 8
Installation ............................................................................................................ 9
Owner Installed Piping/Tubing, & Electrical ................................................. 9
Initial System Start ............................................................................................. 10
Initial Prime .................................................................................................. 11
Polymer Makedown Process ............................................................................... 12
72-910-MPMDS-E Rev A

Manual Polymer Makedown Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Congratulations! With the Pulsafeeder Pre-Engineered Polymer Makedown System, you have the
finest polymer makedown equipment platform available. This system includes the essential elements
for successful installation and operation of your system(s). You are encouraged to:
Pulsafeeder Pre-Engineered Polymer Makedown Systems are designed to support multi-pump
installations for injection. The skid components (valves, gauges, interconnecting piping, etc.) are
furnished to meet your specified operational requirements. The Dosing Pump(s), per se, may be
furnished separately, so installation, operation and maintenance instructions for pump(s) are located
72-910-MPMDS-E Rev A
Introduction Page 4