2883 Brighton Henrietta TL Road
P.O. Box 22909
Rochester, New York, 14692-22909 USA
Manufacturers of Quality Pumps, Fax (716) 424-5619
Controls and Systems
Telephone (716) 292-8000
Table of Contents
How it Works ........................................... 2
Installation Tips ......................................... 4
Hydracone Diaphragm
Figure 2
The HYDRACONE elastomer
diaphragm Figure No. 2
isolates product pumped from
the plunger and pump
Start-Up Inspection ...................................... 6
Operation and Maintenance ............................... 9
Storage Instructions ..................................... 12
Trouble Shooting ....................................... 13
How it Works:
Figure 1
A standard foot mounted
motor drives a wormshaft at
constant speed. Through
wormgear reduction and
eccentric, a reciprocating
power stroke is transferred to
a plunger. The length of
stroke determines pump The forward movement of the
capacity and can be adjusted plunger pressurizes the
manually to provide pumping hydraulic fluid which expands
range from 0-100% of rating. the elastomer HYDRACONE
However, this plunger does diaphragm in direct relation to
not pump chemicals, but an plunger travel. As diaphragm
exceptionally stable oil having expands, chemical is forced
excellent lubricating qualities. from reagent head and out
This makes a perfect discharge check valve. When
pumping medium. plunger starts to return, the
A special property petroleum oil
tradenamed "PULSAlube" is generally
used as hydraulic fluid. Continual
reference to "oil" as hydraulic medium
implies its
general use rather than its use of
necessity. Check with your
representative or the factory if
substitute oils must be used.
Several elastomers are
offered including Viton and
Hypalon which provide a
satisfactory chemical
resistance for a wide variety of
corrosive fluids.
hydraulic pressure is released
and HYDRACONE returns to
normal shape. This
diaphragm return, which is not
affected by inlet pressure
conditions, draws in new
chemical under high suction
*Products of E.I. DuPont
Figure 1.
Any leakage past the plunger, Any excess pressure buildup Pressure Relief Valve
however slight, is replaced by within the hydraulic chamber
the make-up valve which or reagent head due to A separate process relief
permits flow of replacement accidental valve closure or valve should be installed in
oil from the oil reservoir. line stoppage is relieved the process piping to protect
Replacement is automatic through the automatic piping and sensitive process
because the oil loss allows hydraulic bypass valve. It equipment.
the diaphragm to get out of blows off oil under excess
phase with the plunger thus pressure ahead of the plunger Plastic Reagent Head
creating a vacuum ahead of back into the oil reservoir thus 3/8" Dia. Piston Design
the plunger during the suction terminating the pumping
stroke of the pump. The action and protecting the
make-up valves are factory pump mechanism. Hydraulic
set. bypass valves are factory set
at full design pressure unless
specified differently by
Figure 2.
Figure 5.
Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 6.
Installation Tips
Check The Shipment
A standard PULSA Series
shipment includes the pump,
PULSAlube oil, wrenches,
instruction and parts list
packet and replacement parts
if ordered. Unpack carefully,
check packing list and make
sure all parts are received.
Check voltage of electric
motor against the service to
be used.
NOTE: Most 680 models will
Discharge Pressure:
operate without bolting down.
However, it is important to
have a solid and level
foundation so that a minimum
of vibration is evident.
Continual vibration can
loosen gaskets and pipe
All 680 models are designed
for continuous service at the
rated discharge pressure. To
prevent liquid flow through, it
is necessary that discharge
pressure be at least 5 psi
above suction pressure.
When pumping downhill a
3. Check motor alignment back pressure valve should
and reagent head and be placed in the discharge
valve bolt tightness before line.
operation. Follow bolt
torque readings carefully.
Locating the 680C Pumps:
PULSA 680C pumps are
designed to operated under
indoor atmospheric
conditions. It is desirable to
provide a hood or covering for
outdoor service. Alternate oil
or external heating must be
arranged if ambient
temperatures will be below
o o
40 F (4.4 C). Fluid
temperatures entering the
pump must be 40 F (4.4 C) or
o o
greater. Check with factory if
concerned with the suitability
of the operating environment.
1. Check level of pump. Shim
where necessary.
2. Securely bolt to foundation.
Do not distort base.
Flooded Suction Desirable:
Installation will be simpler to
operate if the liquid will flow to
the pump by gravity.
Wherever possible the pump
should be located below the
level of storage vessel.
Piping: shut off valves. This permits susceptible to dirt and other
easy installation of a contaminants and any
Pipe size and length are calibration tube for calibration accumulation can cause
critical to proper operation of of the pump at start up or any malfunction. Be sure to use a
any metering pump. A future date. A tee in the pipeline strainer in the suction
restricted discharge or starved discharge piping is a must on line between the suction shut
suction condition spells a good installation because it off valve and the pump
immediate failure to any permits ease of mounting a suction valve, 100 mesh
metering pump installation. A pressure gauge to check screen is preferred.
separate brochure entitled discharge pressure at the
"Designing a Successful pump and setting the Flush Piping System:
Metering Pump Installation" is hydraulic bypass valve during Whether new or old piping is
provided to assist Engineers start up and future used, all lines should be
responsible for piping system maintenance functions. To flushed with a clean liquid or
design. Copies are available prevent strain on the pump air before connecting the
upon request (Technical fittings use pipe straps and pump to carry out pipe scale
Sheet 304). Inlet piping must braces. Do not allow the or other foreign material.
be at least equal in size to weight of the piping to be Make sure flushing liquid is
pump inlet connection. supported by a pipe union, the compatible with the chemical
valve fitting or other portion of to be pumped.
Figure A shows the preferred the pump head or leaks will
piping configuration for a occur. An air leak at a union Metal Reagent Head
good metering pump or other fitting in the suction Models:
installation. A good piping piping can severely affect
installation metering accuracy and is The metal reagent head
addresses present and future extremely difficult to detect. In assembly is provided in
requirements of the metering assembly of piping, use pipe several alloys. Piping of
system. Plan for shut off thread tape or a compound similar alloy should be
valves and unions or flanges compatible with the product selected. Dissimilar materials
installed on both suction and handled. If rigid piping is used can cause galvanic corrosion.
discharge lines. This allows we suggest bolting the pump
inspection of the check valves to its foundation. Do not backweld piping to the
without draining long runs of valve housings without first
pipe. Install a tee in the Use Strainers: removing the valve housings
suction and discharge piping from the pump as excessive
between the pump and the Pump check valves are heat can damage the reagent
head and other parts. Tie
bars must be positioned on
the valve housing before
Plastic Reagent Head
Care must be exercised when
making connections on plastic
reagent head models.
Excessive tightening can
distort or break the plastic
materials. Tubing should be
rated for the highest discharge
pressure expected. DO NOT USE
Final Inspection: Priming Process Head:
Every 680C metering pump is
tested for correct capacity at
maximum pressure capability
of the hydraulic bypass valve
before shipment. The
diaphragm cavity is fully
primed and remains so for
shipment. For shipping
purposes the gear and
hydraulic reservoir oil have
been removed. Sufficient
fresh PULSAlube oil is
included with the shipment for
refilling the gear and hydraulic
1. Do not run pump without
2. Do not remove main gear
box cover while pump is
3. Do not run pump with
coupling guard removed.
4. Do not put hands or fingers
in gear box or reservoir
when pump is running.
Filling Gear and Oil
Remove the pump cover and
fill both reservoirs with
PULSAlube oil to the top of
the gear box partition. Do not
overfill. PULSAlube oil is
compounded to serve as both
gear lubricant and hydraulic
transfer fluid. Check with
factory if substitute oils must
be used.
The cover assembly
incorporates a free acting
diaphragm to allow breathing
of the reservoir and at the
same time seal the reservoir
from the atmosphere. Be
sure the diaphragm is
properly positioned when
replacing the cover so that it
will seal on the gear box.
Because of the pump's small 1. Open the suction line and
size and light weight it discharge line shut off
sometimes receives severe valves.
handling during shipment. 2. If the piping system design
Though physical damage may and the storage tank are
not occur, it is always possible such that the product flows
for parts to move slightly in by gravity to the pump, no
adjustment. This situation priming is required. If
might occur with motor or however, the discharge line
pneumatic control alignment. is under pressure, air will
A quick visual check should be trapped in the process
be made to assure that motor head and it will be
and control shafts have not necessary to remove the
shifted severely out of discharge pressure to
alignment or damage could enable the pump to prime
occur from starting the motor. itself.
If unusual vibration should 3. If the pump must handle a
occur after start up realign the suction lift, it may be
motor and coupling. necessary to manually
prime the reagent head.
Start-up: Remove the discharge
valve by unscrewing the
Since the hydraulic oil system two tie bar bolts and then
is primed at the factory, lifting the valve out. Fill the
priming the process system is head with process fluid, or
all that should be necessary a compatible liquid then
to produce flow. If the replace the valve in the
hydraulic system has same position and retighten
inadvertently been dumped the tie bar bolts.
due to starting up with 4. The pump is now ready for
restricted suction or discharge start-up.
conditions, repriming 5. Start the pump and
procedures under the increase the control setting
maintenance section may to full stroke.
have to be followed before 6. Make a brief check to
pump calibration can begin. assure that the pump is
producing the approximate
flow desired at the full
stroke setting. Calibration
should not be attempted on
any model until it has run at
least one hour to assure
the pump hydraulic and
reagent head systems have
If the pump does not produce
the approximate flow desired
at the full stroke setting refer
to the Trouble Shooting
Section for possible causes
and refer to Priming
Procedure under the
Operation and
Maintenance Section.