1 Output
19" Power Supply, 96 to 120 Watt
◆ High efficiency: 88% (@ 24V)
◆ ACin 115/230V manual switch
◆ 8 HP plug in width
◆ H15 standard pinout
◆ Parallel mode automatic load
sharing (@ AP155.133)
◆ Meets EMC standards
EN 50081-1 (EN 55022/B), EN 50082-2,
EN 61000-4, VDE 0160/2 and NAMUR
Data Sheet
This power supply is designed to m eet a wide ra nge of
applications. Output voltage is stab le with ripple and
noise below 60mVpp over the total range of up to
120W. The high-efficiency flyback converter provides
for greater reliability and economy.
Multiple supplies can be used in parallel to increase system power without extra control wiring, as the current is automatically shared between units (AP1 55.133
The design ensures immunity to disturbances according to EN 61000-4, and VDE 0160 pulses (class 2 for
total range!). The unit is also protected against overvoltage and short-circuits. Construction and design
meet all relevant safety standards such as EN 60 950,
VDE 805 and VBG 804.
48V and 60V versions are available for telecommunica-
tions and motor control applications.
See the web for current data sheet version:
Vout Iout Pout Features Order-No.
12V 8A
12V 8A
15V 7A
15V 7A
24V 5A
24V 5A
24V 5A
27.6V 4A
48V 2.5A
60V 2A
"F" appended to Order-No. means: 8HP front panel included and fitted.
Accessories: H15 connector, 6.3mm flat contacts:
Warranty: 2 years from date of delivery.
105W OVP
105W OVP, PF, PG, SD
120W OVP
120W OVP, PF, PG, SD
120W OVP, parallel mode
110W OVP, Vout adjustable
120W OVP
120W OVP
H15 connector with soldering pins:
Voltage Vout fixed All except AP155.141.
Vout adjustable min. ± 5% AP155.141.
Accuracy max. ± 2% Includes: production-adjustment,
AP155.133 max. ± 5% line regulation,
AP155.141 max. ± 0.5% and load regulation.
Sense lines None Not available.
Minimum load None Not necessary.
Output power Pout max. 120W Mounting side by side possible.
AP155.133 max. 96W Per unit @ parallel operation.
Noise, Ripple max. 60mVpp 20Hz...200kHz (@ 24V DC).
including spikes max. 80mVpp 20Hz...20MHz (@ 24V DC).
Over-voltage protection typ. 1.2 x Vout Threshold accuracy ± 4%.
Derating 2W/K +55°C to +70°C Ta.
Operating indicator 1 green LED On the front.
Isolation Vout to Vin SELV EN 60 950, VDE 0805.
The output is protected against open-circuit, short-circuit, and overload.
Mechanical: 8HP/3U board (DIN 41494),
Weight: App. 510g
Connector: H15 (DIN 41612), coding opti on,
PULS Munich
Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 92 78-2 44
/ AP155_
Page 1
Al/Mg alloy cover for component side,
plastic cover for bottom side,
LxWxH = 171.93 x 40.64 x 110mm (100),
the length includes the connector, see page 4.
max. load per pin 11A @70° C.
Arabellastraße 15
D- 81925 München
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 92 78-1 99
Line input AC 1 100...120V AC Switch position 115V.
Range 88...132V AC Full spec.
80...150V AC Derated, see page 2.
Line input AC 2 220...240V AC Switch position 230V.
Range 187...264V AC Full spec.
150...300V AC Derated, see page 2.
Line frequency 47...63Hz DC or 400Hz, see page 2.
Input current rms. max. 3.0Aeff. / 1.4Aeff. @ 115/230V AC.
Noise suppression EN 55 022/B 10kHz...30MHz, conducted.
Specifications are valid at 230V AC, unless otherwise stated. They are subject to change without prior

1 Output ◆ 19" Power Supply ◆ 96 to 120 Watt
.111 .131 .151
Output (continued) AP155. .122 .132 .133 .141 .161
Voltage regulation:
Line regulation max. %
Load regulation stat.
Load regulation dyn.
Response time t
Temperature coefficient typ. %/K
Ripple max. mVpp 25 25 25 25 60
incl. spikes max. mVpp 30 50 50 50 80
Current limitation
Threshold min/max. A 105% ... 120% of Iout
Characteristic See graph on page 3
Short-circuit max. A 220% of Iout
Start delay t
Vout rise-up time t
On and off characteristic
Power back immunity U
max. %
max. %
typ. ms 100
typ. ms 30
max. V 1.2 x Vout
0.2± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2± 0.2
0.75± 0.75± 4.0± 0.75± 0.75
0.5± 0.5± 2.5 ± 0.5± 0.5
s 800 800 1500 800 800
0.01± 0.01± 0.01± 0.01± 0.01
Input (continued)
AC input range 1 / 2 V AC 88...132 / 187...264
DC input range V DC 250...300
Derated AC range 1 / 2 V AC 80...88 / 150...187, 150 / 300 for 0.5s
Derated DC range V DC 176...250
V DC 300...370
Frequency range Hz 47...63
Derated frequency range Hz 63...400
In-rush current max. A 16
Hold-up time min. ms 23 20 20 22 20
min. ms 31 27 27 30 27
Power factor
Internal fuse 5x20mm T5A/250V
Input range selection Manual (230V AC set at factory)
typ. 0.63
88...132V AC / 187...264V AC, Iout = 100%.
Iout = 50%, ∆ Iout = ± 50%.
Iout = 10%...90%...10%,
rise time dt = typ. 20µs.
Till ∆Vout is within < 0.5% of final value.
20Hz...200kHz, @ACnom, Iout = 100%.
20Hz...20MHz, @ACnom, Iout = 100%.
After switch on.
Approximately monotonic.
Unit off/on.
AP155.151 and .161 are not power back immune!
Full spec.
Full spec. (Voltage selector at ’230V’!)
Power loss typ. 10% (no start below 196V).
Full spec, but air- and leakage distances not longer than
stated in VDE 0805.
Full spec.
Increase leakage currents.
Wait min. 30s before switching on again (cold-start).
@88V AC, Iout = 100%.
@187V AC, Iout = 100%.
@88V AC, Iout = 100%.
To replace, see page 4.
115/230V AC switch, position see page 4.
Logic Functions
Power Fail signal PF Power fail
PF high if ACin > 74/155V AC
Hold-up time
from Power failure to PF-signal min. ms 21 17 17 20 17
from PF-signal min. ms 5 5 5 5 5
PG-signal Output voltage within tolerance
PG high if 0.95 x Vnom
SD remote switch off Unit off
Parallel operation for AP155.133 units — —
Current distribution — —
Connection No additional wiring needed.
Vout adjustment for AP155.141 min. % — — —
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Emissions according to EN 50081-1
Radio interference, EN 55011, EN 55022 Class B
Immunity according to EN 50082-2
Electrostatic discharge ESD, EN 61000-4-2 8kV direct discharge (level 4)
15kV air discharge (level 4)
Radiated fields, EN 61000-4-3 10V/m (level 3)
Fast transients, EN 61000-4-4 4kV (level 4)
2kV (level 3)
2kV (level 4) cap. coupling
Surge transients, EN 61000-4-5 4kV (Isolation class 4)
2kV (Isolation class 4)
Transient voltage, IEC 255 5kV
NAMUR-prescription Satisfied
Transient resistance, VDE 0160 § 750V / 1.3ms (class 2)
Over-voltage resistance (PULS standard) 150/300V AC / 0.5s
PULS Munich
Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 92 78-2 44
/ AP155_
Page 2
Open-collector signal (I
@187V ACin, Iout = 100%, Vout ≥ 0.95 x Vrated.
SD+ and SD- connected.
No limit of number of AP155.133.
Characteristics see page 3.
Use equal-length output cables.
Position of trimmer see page 4.
EN 50081-2 is also satisfied
Conducted 10kHz...30MHz.
EN 50082-1 is also satisfied
To ACin, Vout and signal lines: length = 1m.
Coupled to ACin line.
Coupled to DCout line.
Coupled to Vout and signal lines.
Common mode, unit on.
Differential mode, unit on.
Common mode, unit off.
Valid for total load range.
Switch position 115 / 230V AC.
= 5mA), see figure page 3.